Black Panther Worksheet

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Compreensão da Língua Oral 1

Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution (2015) – Director: Stanley Nelson

1) According to Jamal Joseph, what is the main difference between a black and a
white person living in America in the late 1960s?

2) Huey Newton created the Black Panthers as he found out about a specific
legislation in California. What was the content of this legislation?

a) Any person could carry a firearm in public, if they did not have any convictions of
felony, and if the firearm was exposed so that other people could see it.
b) Any person could carry a firearm in public, no matter what their criminal
background was.
c) Any person could carry a firearm in public, if they did not have any convictions of
felony, and as long as they concealed it from the crowd.
d) A person could only carry a firearm in public if they had a license that granted
them this right.

3) Name at least three political and social advancements that the Black Panthers

4) What was the “breakfast program” that the Black Panthers created?

5) What was the overall effect of Martin Luther King’s death on the Black Panthers?

6) What was Eldridge Cleaver’s idea to revenge Martin Luther King’s death?
7) Mark “T” for true and “F” for false.
( ) In Oakland, black people were treated worse than they were treated in
( ) The Black Panthers were in favor of radical change, but they supported the
continuation of capitalism as a system of production.
( ) The Black Panther Party grew too fast and they were unable to control who
was joining the party.
( ) Most of the members of the Black Panthers were in their 20s.
( ) The Panthers did not know how to communicate with the media.
( ) One of the strategies of the FBI was to infiltrate the Panthers and make them
turn against each other.
( ) Many members of the party moved with their families to houses rented by the
Black Panthers as a means to strengthen the movement’s sense of community.
( ) By the end of the 1960s, most members of the Black Panther Party were

8) Homework: write a sentence with each of the words below:

a) stand out (v.)

b) catch on (v.)

c) bulk (n.) of something

d) endeavor (n.)

e) disrupt (v.)

f) gurney (n.)

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