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edTPA-Style Technology & Literacy Lesson Plan (Modified for EDU 276)

Name(s): Erin Henry and Allison Corno Date:2/19/19

Lesson Title: Comprehending “A Bad Case of Stripes” By David Shannon Subject: ELA
Age or Grade Level: 3rd Grade Number of Students: 25 Length of Lesson: 55 minutes
Central Focus The central focus of this lesson is comprehension. It is expected that the
students fully understand the theme of the book, and that they are able to apply
Essential Strategy it towards a character analysis as the final activity.

Essential Strategy: An essential strategy for students to use throughout this

lesson would be to make connections and determine importance. The students
will be given some tools to help them with these strategies.

Prior Academic Before the lesson the students should know the vocab that is included in the
Knowledge book. We will be doing a kahoot activity to get the students familiar with
What knowledge, skills, and the new vocab. It is also expected that the students already have prior
concepts must students already
know to be successful with this knowledge on elements of literature. For example, they should already
lesson? understand character traits, setting, mood, tone, etc.
Common Core State CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.7
Standards or New York Explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is
State Standards conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of
Include # and text a character or setting) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.3
Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings)
and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events

Learning Objectives Students will be able to: make connections between themselves and the
characters in the book.
Instructional Materials In order to teach this lesson we will need a computer/screen to project the
What do you need in order to story and the kahoot and handouts printed off for each student.
teach this lesson? Be sure to
provide citations to anything that
you did not create.
Assessments To assess how much the students have learned we will be giving each
Describe how you plan to monitor student a list of questions to consider thinking about while reading. They
student learning (formally and/or
informally) will then be asked to answer these questions after the story is over. This will
allow us to see whether or not the student can apply the theme and think
about the story more in depth.
Technology Technology is being incorporated into this lesson through the kahoot and
Describe how technology is used through We are using these resources because these
on both teaching and learning.
are the kinds of things that get students excited to learn. The kahoot will be
used prior to the lesson as a vocabulary introduction and storybook online
will be used to read the story while they follow along.

Template designed by Sturm (2018)

Introduction to Lesson
Description of What Teacher and Students Do:
Write short descriptions -Introduce the book to the students and read the ​synopsis.
here -Have students raise their hands and answer what literary elements such
as​ character traits, setting, moods, tone, etc. are.
[Example: -Introduce the vocabulary through the Kahoot.
Introduction to Key
Vocabulary Words]

Instructional Activity
Description of What Teacher and Students Do:
Write short descriptions The students will then participate in a Kahoot activity that involves the important
here vocab words included in the book for the students to learn. Next, the guided
questions will be introduced so the students can think about them as they listen
to the audiobook, and we will introduce the strategy to the students. The strategy
for this lesson is comparing and contrasting. So first, we will ask the students
who knows what that means. After that, we will have a gauge of who will need
extra help in the following steps. We will introduce the topic and remind them that
while they listen to the story, they should be looking out for ways to describe the
main character, and also how that contrasts to their own personality. Next, “A
Bad Case of Stripes” will then be played to the students on

Extension/Closure Activity
Description of What Teacher and Students Do:
Write short descriptions The students will work on a Venn diagram that is comparing their individual selves
here to the characters in the story. If students need more assistance there will be a
time for students to be in groups of two and compare what they wrote on their
worksheets to the other student. After time is given for comparing, there will be an
opportunity for students to raise their hands and share their similarities and
differences to the entire class. In order to see if they have met their learning
objective, we will collect all of the venn diagrams and give them a grade. Also
while the students are discussing, we will be walking around listening to the
conversations. Based off of whether or not they are having flowing conversation
that is related to the story, we will be able to assess if they comprehended the

Template designed by Sturm (2018)


Vocab Kahoot:

Reading Comprehension Questions:

● What is Camilla always worried about?

● What is Camilla's favorite food?
● What happens to Camilla each time someone suggests a pattern?
● What do her parents do to help?
● What happens when Camilla takes medicine from the Specialists?
● What do the various cures do to Camilla?
● What finally cures Camilla?
● What is making Camilla sick?
● What is the overall message or lesson of this book?
● How do Camilla's feelings about lima beans change over the course of the story?

Class Activity: Discuss how the things some people might think are a little strange about us are often
the things that make us special. Have each student make a list of three things that make them

Link to “A Bad Case of Stripes” audiobook:

Venn Diagram PDF (going to be a handout):


Template designed by Sturm (2018)

EDU 276 Lesson Plan Commentary

Group Member Names: Erin Henry and Allison Corno

EDU 276
Instructor: Ms. Carrie Davenport
Due date: 2/19/19

Central Focus

The central focus for this lesson is comprehension. It is important that after this lesson, the
students will have increased their reading skills in a way that helps them understand
deeper/underlying meanings. The main reason we chose this book, was to make sure the students
can comprehend at a deeper level. It is important that after reading this story they are able to make
connections from the book to their real lives. This is a great book to ensure they are able to make
connections because it is very relatable to some things they may be going through in their own lives.

Essential Strategy

One essential strategy for this lesson is comparing and contrasting. After reading the story,
the students are going to be comparing and contrasting some of their own traits to the traits of the
character. When they are actively thinking about the character in terms of their own lives, their
comprehension skills will definitely increase.
a. Comparing and contrasting is used to look for differences and similarities within a
topic. This strategy helps students learn the central focus of comprehension because
to comprehend the story they need to illustrate that they know the similarities and
differences within the story.
b. Literacy is connected in this lesson because the students are reading the vocab
words as they participate in the Kahoot, also they are writing down their answers as
they fill in the venn diagram.

Instructional Methods

a. Instructional methods we plan on using are class discussion of their venn diagram
answers, direct instruction as the students participate in the Kahoot activity, and read
alouds when the students sit and listen to the audiobook.

b. Instructional methods we plan to use teaching are Kahoot for vocab, so the students can listen to the audiobook, and finally we will be
passing around handout to the students so they can write their answers in the venn

Technology Incorporation
We have incorporated technology into this lesson by using different websites to engage the students
throughout the lesson. We have made a kahoot to introduce the students to the vocabulary words,
and we are also using That website will be used to read the story to the
students, using exciting animations to tell the story. The use of the technology that we incorporated
into this lesson will enhance the lesson by adding an element of exciting into the lesson. When

Template designed by Sturm (2018)

students are more excited to participate in a lesson, then they are more likely to retain the

Supporting Student Learning

This lesson plan is perfect for all learners because it there is no pressure on participation. The great
thing about using kahoot is that it allows all students to participate, without the fear of their peers
knowing if they got it wrong. It rewards the top students, but no one besides the teachers knows who
is getting them wrong. In our closing activity, where the students are going to be making their venn
diagram, we will be going around to help students with anything they don’t understand. We will
provide a long list of character traits to the students so they can have an idea if they are struggling
coming up with some that describe them. We will also be sure to show an example so there is no
confusion on what the finished product is expected to look like.


In order to see how much the students have learned, we will have them answer the guided reading
questions. These are directly related to the story, and have varying levels of difficulty. The questions
start off as easily findable answers, and then they the answers become to need more in depth
answers and deeper thought to answer. The varying level of difficulty will give us a gauge of where
each student is with their comprehension level.

Template designed by Sturm (2018)


A Bad Case of Stripes read by Sean Astin. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Preparing America's students for success. (n.d.). Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from

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