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February 11, 2019

The Honorable Bill Rabon

16 West Jones Street, Rm. 2010
Raleigh, NC 27601

Dear Senator Rabon:

The legislation addressing child abuse laws is of supreme interest to me because I am a student
working on her bachelor’s of social work degree. This issue directly affects the communities and
the population of individuals I will be serving. I am primarily concerned about misdemeanor
child abuse because this crime does not get enough penalties, being it is a misdemeanor. The
state of North Carolina charges individuals with misdemeanor child abuse, and Child Protective
Services is then called and involved.
For example, parents can get caught in a car with drugs, get arrested, and get charged with the
drug charges and misdemeanor child abuse, and the drug charges hold more weight than the
child abuse charge. In my opinion, this is not right. Another aspect of this same issue that affects
children are that they are not getting the justice they deserve. Parents should be held to the
highest extent possible for exposing children to this unacceptable neglect and abuse. Children’s
safety and well-being should be placed above all other parties’ needs.
My recommendation is to consider adjusting the laws pertaining to child abuse, being this is a
very serious act and can potentially bruise the child forever. Child abuse charges should be equal
or more serious than drug and other felony charges. This will not only benefit children but
parents as well. Parents will realize how important it is to take care of and meet the basic needs
of their children.
Thank you for your consideration of my viewpoint on this matter. I believe this is an important
matter and would like to see legislators pass laws to ensure the safety of children against child
abuse. I look forward to your reply expressing your opinions and current stance on this issue.


Jonaysha Douglas
PO Box 255
Bolivia, NC 28422
(910) 471-8049

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