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University of Palestine

Nursing Diploma program

Final Exam
Nutrition For Health Profession

________/‫ ________________________________ شعبة رقم‬/ ‫ـة‬/‫اسم الطالبـ ـ ـ‬

Answer sheet

1) a b c d 2) a b c d 3) a b c d

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37) a b c d 38) a b c d 39) a b c d

40) a b c d 41) a b c d 42) a b c d

43) a b c d 44) a b c d 45) a b c d

Course No: DNUR 2210 University of Palestine Lecturer Name: Mr. Mohamed Kuhail
Course Title: Nutrition Student No.: _________________
Date:18/05/2013 Student Name: _______________
No. of Questions: (2) Final Exam College Name: _______________
Time: 2hours 2012/2013 Dep. / Specialist: ______________
Using Calculator (No) Total Grade: Using Dictionary (No)

Question One: Circle the one most appropriate answer. And refilling it in the answer sheet.
“Each question 1 mark”

1. Which of the following nutrients is needed to build and maintain the structural components
of the body?
a. Carbohydrates
b. Protein
c. Fat
d. Fiber
2. Which of these nutrients is the preferred energy source for the body?
a. Fiber
b. B Complex Vitamins
c. Carbohydrates
d. Fats
3. Fat soluble vitamins include:
a. A, D, C, F
b. A, D, E, K
c. C, B, K, E
d. B, A, D, K
4. In children a Vitamin D deficiency leads to a disease called ...
a. Hypothyroidism
b. Osteomalacia
c. Rickets
d. Celiac disease
5. Collagen is the cementing material that glues the body’s cells together. Which vitamin is
required for collagen synthesis?
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin D
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin K
6. This mineral is essential for healthy red blood cells and a deficiency might cause anemia.
a. Chromium
b. Magnesium
c. Iodine
d. Iron
7. This vitamin is needed to prevent a birth defect called Spina Bifida
a. Vitamin D
b. Vitamin A
c. Folate
d. Vitamin E
8. This nutrient is most important for healthy vision:
a. Vitamin K
b. Iron
c. Calcium
d. Vitamin A

Course No: DNUR 2210 University of Palestine Lecturer Name: Mr. Mohamed Kuhail
Course Title: Nutrition Student No.: _________________
Date:18/05/2013 Student Name: _______________
No. of Questions: (2) Final Exam College Name: _______________
Time: 2hours 2012/2013 Dep. / Specialist: ______________
Using Calculator (No) Total Grade: Using Dictionary (No)

9. Which mineral is most important for sugar metabolism?

a. Chloride
b. Chromium
c. Potassium
d. Fluoride
10. All of following enhance the absorption of iron, except:
a. Vitamin C
b. Citric/lactic acid
c. Calcium and phosphorus
d. HCL
11. If you have high blood pressure you may be told to restrict which of the following?
a. Sodium
b. Magnesium
c. Chromium
d. Zinc
12. All of the following sources of vitamin k , except:
a. large intestine synthesis.
b. Liver.
c. Milk.
d. leafy greens.
13. The deficiency disorder associated with low levels of vitamin B1 is
a. Dryness of the skin.
b. Beri-beri.
c. Night blindness.
d. Scurvy.
14. Pernicious anemia is caused by a deficiency of:
a. Vitamin B2
b. Folic acid
c. Vitamin B12
d. Vitamin D
15. Pellegra is common in people whose diet consists primarily of corn. Corn is deficient in
a. Tryptophan
b. Niacin
c. Vitamin B12
d. a and b
16. Goiter is enlargement of thyroid due to deficiency of ---- :
a. Iodine
b. Zinc
c. Copper
d. Calcium
17. Which of the following source of Zinc:
a. Phytates and fiber
b. Legumes and whole grains
c. Vegetarians beware
d. Meat and fish

Course No: DNUR 2210 University of Palestine Lecturer Name: Mr. Mohamed Kuhail
Course Title: Nutrition Student No.: _________________
Date:18/05/2013 Student Name: _______________
No. of Questions: (2) Final Exam College Name: _______________
Time: 2hours 2012/2013 Dep. / Specialist: ______________
Using Calculator (No) Total Grade: Using Dictionary (No)

18. Pyridoxine is also known as

a. Vitamin B3
b. Vitamin B4
c. Vitamin B5
d. Vitamin B6
19. The deficiency disorder associated with low levels of vitamin C lead to:
a. Avitaminosis.
b. Beri-beri.
c. Night blindness.
d. Scurvy.
20. Which of the following play an important role in calcium homeostasis
a. Calcitonin
b. Metallothionein
c. Parathyroid hormone
d. A and c
21. Principal cation in the extracellular fluids of the body, filtered by the kidneys and make fluid
balance, nerve transmissions, muscle contractions
a. Na
b. Ca
c. K
d. Capper
22. Head circumference measurement used in nutritional assessment; it reflect :
a. Growth in children and under-nutrition and over-nutrition in adults.
b. Brain growth and malnutrition in children up to three years of age.
c. Measured in infants and children up to age four to five.
d. Measured in older children and adults.
23. Normal body mass index for adult is:
a. < 18.5
b. 18.5-24.9
c. 25-29.9
d. >30
24. Which of following NOT correct, when measured the waist or hip:
a. Waist circumference is measured at the level of the umbilicus to the nearest 0.5 cm.
b. The subject stands erect with relaxed abdominal muscles.
c. arms at the side, and feet together.
d. The measurement should be taken at the end of a normal inspiration.
25. Which of the following NOT consider the risk factor for under-nutrition:
a. Chronic disease, acute illness or injury.
b. Poor dental health
c. Sedentary lifestyle
d. Multiple medications.
26. Recommended weight gain for woman has a normal weight during pregnancy is:
a. 13-18 kg.
b. 11-16 kg.
c. 7-11.5 kg
d. 18-20kg
Course No: DNUR 2210 University of Palestine Lecturer Name: Mr. Mohamed Kuhail
Course Title: Nutrition Student No.: _________________
Date:18/05/2013 Student Name: _______________
No. of Questions: (2) Final Exam College Name: _______________
Time: 2hours 2012/2013 Dep. / Specialist: ______________
Using Calculator (No) Total Grade: Using Dictionary (No)

27. Malnutrition during the first trimester of early stage of pregnancy lead to:
a. Irreversible damage to vital organs of the fetus.
b. Still birth
c. Low birth weight
d. Failure to thrive
28. Which of following nutrient NOT adequate for pregnant mother:
a. Additional 350 kcals/day during 1st trimester
b. Additional 450 kcals during 2nd & 3rd trimester
c. Protein - additional 25 gms/day
d. Iron - 10 mg/day
29. During pregnancy, woman recommended to increase of vitamin A not more:
a. 700 mcg b. 770 mcg c. 1300 mcg d. 1500 mcg
30. Folic acid :
a. Fat-soluble vitamin.
b. Is important for lipid synthesis.
c. Deficiency in pregnancy has been linked with maternal megaloblastic anemia
d. Deficiency in pregnancy has been linked with maternal microcytic anemia
31. If the mother has a prior child affected by a neural tube defect, supplementation in the
subsequent pregnancy should be increased to
a. 0.4 mg/d
b. 4 mg/d.
c. 40 mcg/d
d. 400 mcg/d
32. Nutritional requirements for infants are:
a. Energy 100 kcals/kg, protein 2.0 g/kg/day in the first weeks
b. Energy 35 kcals/kg, protein 0.8 g/kg/day in the 4 to 6 months
c. Energy 100 kcals/kg, protein 2.0 g/kg/day in the 4 to 6 months
d. Energy 35 kcals/kg, protein 0.8 g/kg/day in the in the first weeks
33. Exclusive breastfeeding for _____ months. Then breastfeeding with complementary foods
through _____ months.
a. 8 – 14
b. 6 – 12
c. 4 – 10
d. 2 – 8
34. Which of following condition contraindicated for breast-milk for infant ?
a. Severe asthmatic episodes.
b. Active tuberculosis .
c. HIV infection
d. Cleft palate
35. Cow’s milk is NOT recommended for infant, because:
a. Protein is highly digested in newborns.
b. low in sodium.
c. Very high in iron and vit C.
d. Can cause failure to thrive .

Course No: DNUR 2210 University of Palestine Lecturer Name: Mr. Mohamed Kuhail
Course Title: Nutrition Student No.: _________________
Date:18/05/2013 Student Name: _______________
No. of Questions: (2) Final Exam College Name: _______________
Time: 2hours 2012/2013 Dep. / Specialist: ______________
Using Calculator (No) Total Grade: Using Dictionary (No)

36. The mother able to stop bottle feeding and practice eating from a spoon for her baby at:
a. 8-9 mos b. 10-12 mos c. 12-18 mos d. 2-3 yrs
37. The mother can give her baby rice and cereal with iron at:
a. 4-6 mos b. 6-7 mos c. 8-9 mos d. 10-12 mos
38. Weaning from Brest-Feeding:
a. Started at the age of 4-6 months.
b. Should be rapid, because slowly weaning may lead to gastrointestinal troubles
c. Energy density should less that of breast milk
d. All of the above true
39. Infancy is critical period due to rapid of growth and development; during of this period:
a. Infants lose ~ 6% body weight during first few days of life
b. Birth weight doubles by the age of 4 to 6 months
c. Birth weight triples toward the end of the first year.
d. All of the above true
40. The following nutrition-related concerns for “Preschoolers age”, except:
a. Iron deficiency anemia
b. Diarrhea
c. Dental caries
d. Childhood food insecurity
41. The following nutrients are true recommended for adolescents period, except:
a. Protein 2 gram/ kg body weight.
b. Calcium intakes must be sufficient for achieving peak bone density: 1300 mg/day.
c. Iron needs are relatively high: 11 mg/day for boys, 15 mg/day for girls
d. Vitamin A is critical for supporting rapid growth and development.
42. The following nutrition- related Concerns for “Adolescents period”, except:
a. Disordered eating and eating disorders can begin in these years.
b. Acne and diet
c. Cigarette smoking, alcohol, and illegal drugs can have an impact on nutrition.
d. All of the following true.
43. Bulimia Nervosa is:
a. Purposely starve yourself because of low self-esteem or depression.
b. Eating lots of food and then starving yourself or vomiting to punish your body.
c. Frequent binge episodes, disturbed body, image or self esteem.
d. Non- of the above
44. All of the following are health risk for eating disorders during adults young age, except:
a. Low vitamin and mineral intake.
b. Increased basal metabolic rate.
c. Increased ability to exercise.
d. All of the following true
45. What of following statement NOT true about dietary counseling
a. Counseling means choice and not force or advice.
b. The individual is the person who takes the decision and not the counselor.
c. Solutions are selected and chosen by the individual concerned and not by the counselor.
d. All of the following true.

Course No: DNUR 2210 University of Palestine Lecturer Name: Mr. Mohamed Kuhail
Course Title: Nutrition Student No.: _________________
Date:18/05/2013 Student Name: _______________
No. of Questions: (2) Final Exam College Name: _______________
Time: 2hours 2012/2013 Dep. / Specialist: ______________
Using Calculator (No) Total Grade: Using Dictionary (No)

Question Two: Answer the following questions. “Each question 5 marks”.

1. What are the function of water for human body?
2. Nausea, Constipation, Heartburn are the most common nutrition-related concerns
of pregnancy. Select one problem and list how you alleviate or prevent it ?

Course No: DNUR 2210 University of Palestine Lecturer Name: Mr. Mohamed Kuhail
Course Title: Nutrition Student No.: _________________
Date:18/05/2013 Student Name: _______________
No. of Questions: (2) Final Exam College Name: _______________
Time: 2hours 2012/2013 Dep. / Specialist: ______________
Using Calculator (No) Total Grade: Using Dictionary (No)

3. What are the benefits of breastfeeding for infant and mother ?


End of Questions
Good Luck


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