Sped 606:behavior Modification Assignment #4: Submitted By: Althea Alabanzas

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Submitted By: Althea Alabanzas


REINFORCEMENT means to strengthen, and is used in

psychology to refer to anything stimulus
which strengthens or increases the
probability of a desirable behavior

POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT it as adding something in order to increase a adding a treat will increase the Help students learn what types Kids can become
response response of sitting; adding praise of behaviors and actions are dependent on rewards
will increase the chances of your acceptable in the classroom. Students can lose
child cleaning his or her room It encourages students to take motivation if rewards are
appropriate risks. taken away Rewards may
When you give praise it creates a decrease students
non competitive environment and motivation by having them
helps students to become focus on receiving a reward
comfortable in the classroom instead of learning

NEGATIVE as taking something negative away in order Imagine a teenager who is actually far more effective for Decrease student’s self-
REINFORCEMENT to increase a response nagged by his mother to take out sparking initial habit change. esteem and confidence.
the garbage week after week. The student will become
Student feels threatened
and unwelcomed in the

Punishment is a term used in operant punishment is does not actually offer

conditioning to refer to any change more likely to any information about
that occurs after a behavior that lead to a more appropriate or
reduces the likelihood that that reduction in desired behaviors
behavior will occur again in the future behavior if it
follows the
POSITIVE This type of punishment is also when a student talks out of turn in the
PUNISHMENT known as "punishment by middle of class, the teacher might
application." Positive punishment scold the child for interrupting her.
involves presenting an aversive
stimulus after a behavior has occurred
NEGATIVE This type of punishment is also when the student from the previous
PUNISHMENT known as "punishment by removal." example talks out of turn again, the
Negative punishment involves taking teacher promptly tells the child that he
away a desirable stimulus after a will have to miss recess because of his
behavior has occurred. behavior

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