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Journey to Iqaluit Unit Plan by Gibion Makiwa

January 2019

Overview: Journey to Iqaluit

In this unit, students will get the opportunity to explore Iqaluit, Nunavut in a variety of hands-on, practical activities. Students will understand and
appreciate how geography, culture, language, heritage, economics and resources shape and change Canada’s communities through the study of Iqaluit.

The goal of the unit is to help students understanding and appreciate the geography, culture, language, heritage, economics and resources that shape
Iqaluit, and make it one of many unique dynamic communities in Canada

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Cross curricular Competencies
How will this unit promote the CCC?

Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(include all relevant GLO(s) & SLO(s)
General Learning Outcome 2.1: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography, culture, language, heritage,
economics and resources shape and change Canada’s communities.
continued . . .

Specific Outcome 2.1.2: investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a prairie community in Canada by exploring and reflecting
the following questions for inquiry:
• Where are the Inuit, Acadian and prairie communities located in Canada? (LPP)
• How are the geographic regions different from where we live? (LPP)
• What are the major geographical regions, landforms and bodies of water in each community? (LPP)
• What are the main differences in climate among these communities? (LPP)
• What geographic factors determined the establishment of each community (e.g., soil, water and climate)? (LPP, TCC)
• How does the physical geography of each community shape its identity? (CC, I)
• What is daily life like for children in Inuit, Acadian and prairie communities (e.g., recreation, school)? (CC, I, LPP)
• How does the vastness of Canada affect how we connect to other Canadian communities? (C, I, LPP)
Specific Outcome 2.1.3: investigate the cultural and linguistic characteristics of an Inuit, an Acadian and a prairie community in Canada by
exploring and reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry:
• What are the cultural characteristics of the communities (e.g., special symbols, landmarks, languages spoken, shared stories or traditions, monu-
ments, schools, churches)? (CC, LPP, TCC)
• What are the traditions and celebrations in the communities that connect the people to the past and to each other? (CC, LPP, TCC)
• How are the communities strengthened by their stories, traditions and events of the past? (CC, TCC)
• What are the linguistic roots and practices in the communities? (CC)
• What individuals and groups contributed to the development of the communities? (CC)
• How do these communities connect with one another (e.g., cultural exchanges, languages, traditions, music)? (CC)
• How do the cultural and linguistic characteristics of the communities studied contribute to Canada?s identity? (CC, I)
Specific Outcome 2.1.4: investigate the economic characteristics of communities in Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions
for inquiry:
• What kinds of natural resources exist in the communities (e.g., fishing, agriculture, mining)? (ER, LPP)
• What are the occupations in each of the communities? (ER)
• What kinds of goods and services are available in the communities? (ER)
• What impact does industry have on the communities (i.e., agriculture, manufacturing)? (ER, LPP)
Specific Outcome 2.S.1: develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:
• distinguish between a fictional and a factual account about Canadian communities
• choose and justify a course of action
• compare and contrast information from similar types of electronic sources, such as information collected on the Internet
Specific Outcome 2.S.2: develop skills of historical thinking
• correctly apply terms related to time (i.e., long ago, before, after)
• arrange events, facts and/or ideas in sequence
continued . . .

Specific Outcome 2.S.3: develop skills of geographic thinking
• use a simple map to locate communities studied in Can
• determine distance on a map, using relative terms such as near/far, here/there
• apply the concept of relative location to determine locations of people and places
• use cardinal directions to locate communities studied in relation to one?s own community
Specific Outcome 2.S.4: demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving
• apply ideas and strategies to decision making and problem solving
• propose new ideas and strategies to contribute to decision making and problem solving
Specific Outcome 2.S.5: demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus building:
• demonstrate the ability to deal constructively with diversity and disagreement
• work and play in harmony with others to create a safe and caring environment
• consider the needs and ideas of others
• share information collected from electronic sources to add to a group task
Specific Outcome 2.S.6: develop age-appropriate behaviour for social involvement as responsible citizens contributing to their community, such
• participate in activities that enhance their sense of belonging within their school and community
Specific Outcome 2.S.7: apply the research process:
• participate in formulating research questions
• develop questions that reflect a personal information need
• follow a plan to complete an inquiry
• access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic sources for a specific inquiry
• navigate within a document, compact disc or other software program that contains links
• organize information from more than one source
• process information from more than one source to retell what has been discovered
• formulate new questions as research progresses
• draw conclusions from organized information
• make predictions based on organized information
continued . . .

Specific Outcome 2.S.8:demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy:
• prepare and present information in their own words, using respectful language
• respond appropriately to comments and questions, using respectful language
• interact with others in a socially appropriate manner
• create visual images for particular audiences and purposes
• display data in a problem-solving context
• use technology to support a presentation
Specific Outcome 2.S.9: develop skills of media literacy:
• identify key words from gathered information on a topic or issue
• compare information on the same topic or issue from print media, television and photographs
Enduring Understandings: Essential Questions:
What understandings about the big ideas are desired? (what you want What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content? (open-
students to understand & be able to use several years from now). What ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content
misunderstandings are predictable? of the enduring understanding)
Students will understand that ... Content specific ...
Big Ideas:
What makes the community of Iqaluit, Nunavut unique to Canada? • Where are the Inuit, Acadian and prairie communities located in
Canada? (LPP)
• How are the geographic region of Iqaluit different from Lethbridge?
• What are the major geographical regions, landforms and bodies of wa-
ter in Iqaluit? (LPP)
• What are the main differences in climate for Iqaluit and Lethbridge?
• What geographic factors determined the establishment of Iqaluit?
• How does the physical geography of Iqaluit shape its identity?
• What is daily life like for children in Iqaluit?
• How does the vastness of Canada affect how we connect to Iqaluit?
continued . . .

• What are the cultural characteristics of Iqaluit?
• What are the traditions and celebrations in Iqaluit that connect the
people to the past and to each other?
• How is Iqaluit strengthened by it’s stories, traditions and events of the
• What are the linguistic roots and practices in Iqaluit
• What individuals and groups contributed to the development of Iqaluit
• How does Iqaluit and Lethbridge connect with one another (e.g., cultural
exchanges, languages, traditions, music)?
• How do the cultural and linguistic characteristics of Iqaluit contribute
to Canada’s identity? (CC, I)
• What kinds of natural resources exist in Iqaluit?
• What are the occupations in Iqaluit
• What kinds of goods and services are available in Iqaluit?
• What impact does industry have in Iqaluit?
FNMI, multicultural: The Inuit culture and Language
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills? (describes the learning
activity in story form. Typically, the PT describes a scenario or situation that requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate their
understanding. Describe your performance task scenario below)
By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?
GRASPS Elements of the Performance Task
G – Goal Project: Inuit people: Students will make a presentation about the
What should students accomplish by completing this task? Inuit people and all that they learned. They could use Posters, Videos,
PowerPoint or Google Slides. Instructions for the task, including a scoring
guide will be included
R – Role Students will take the role of a teacher.
What role (perspective) will your students be taking?
continued . . .

A – Audience Other students, and teacher
Who is the relevant audience?
S – Situation Create a poster, powerpoint or video of what you learned about the com-
The context or challenge provided to the student. munity of Iqaluit.
P – Product, Performance poster, powerpoint or video.
What product/performance will the student create?
S – Standards & Criteria for Success A rubric for the task will be provided and explained.
Create the rubric for the Performance Task
Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment
Through what other evidence (work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, How will students reflect upon or self-assess their learning?
journals or other means) will students demonstrate achievement of the
desired results? Formative and summative assessments used throughout
the unit to arrive at the outcomes.
•Discussions Throughout the unit, students will be given an opportunity to self-reflect,
•Ongoing observations and compare what they are learning about Iqaluit to Lethbridge.
•Student self-assessment
•Unit Test

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

What teaching and learning experiences will you use to:
• achieve the desired results identified in Stage 1?
• equip students to complete the assessment tasks identified in Stage 2?
Where are your students headed? Where have they been? How will you make sure the students know where they are going? What experiences
do the learners bring to the unit? How have the interests of the learners been ascertained? Have the learners been part of the pre-planning in any
way? What individual needs do you anticipate will need to be addressed? Learning environment: Where can this learning best occur? How can the
physical environment be arranged to enhance learning?
Prior understandings
This unit builds on Social Studies Grade 1:
continued . . .

Grade 1, GLO 1.1, SLO 1.1.1 value self and others as unique individuals in relation to their world
Grade 1, GLO 1.1, SLO 1.1.2 value the groups and communities to which they belong
Grade 1, GLO 1.1, SLO 1.1.3 examine how they belong and are connected to their world by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions
for inquiry
Grade 1, GLO 1.1, SLO 1.1.4 determine what makes their communities thrive by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry
Grade 1, GLO 1.1, SLO 1.1.5 distinguish geographic features in their own community from other communities by exploring and reflecting upon the
following questions for inquiry
Grade 1, GLO 1.2, SLO 1.2.1 appreciate how stories and events of the past connect their families and communities to the present
Grade 1, GLO 1.2, SLO 1.2.2 analyze how their families and communities in the present are influenced by events or people of the past by exploring
and reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry
Upcoming Courses:
This unit provides a background for Scocial Studies Grade 3:
Grade 3, GLO 3.1, SLO 3.1.1 appreciate similarities and differences among people and communities
Grade 3, GLO 3.1, SLO 3.1.2 examine the social, cultural and linguistic characteristics that affect quality of life in communities in other parts of the
world by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry
Grade 3, GLO 3.1, SLO 3.1.3 examine the geographic characteristics that shape communities in other parts of the world by exploring and reflecting
upon the following questions for inquiry
Grade 3, GLO 3.1, SLO 3.1.4 examine economic factors that shape communities in other parts of the world by exploring and reflecting upon the
following questions for inquiry
Grade 3, GLO 3.2, SLO 3.2.1 appreciate elements of global citizenship
Grade 3, GLO 3.2, SLO 3.2.2 explore the concept of global citizenship by reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry

Learner involvement and Learning Environment:

At the beginning of the unit, I will make available books and posters about Inuit people.
continued . . .

In order to keep my students engaged throughout the unit, I will involve students in internet research inquiry activities. They will have a chance to
work individually, as a group and/or as a class. Working in groups will help my students improve their communication and collaboration skills. Well
directed group and whole class discussions will help students gain interest in the topic being discussed. Students will have a chance to present what
they have learned in front of their peers. This encourages dialogue among students.
How will you engage students at the beginning of the unit? (motivational set)
Imaginary Trip to Iqaluit:
The class is going to take an imaginary trip to Iqaluit. We will prepare for the weather before flying to Iqaluit. Once we get there, students will
explore the city, the culture of the Inuit people, their language, etc.

To engage students throughout the unit.

Assessment for Learning:

What preparation is required before one goes on a long trip?
What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings and essential questions in the unit? How will
you equip them with needed skills and knowledge?
Lesson # Title Lesson Activities Resources/ Materials Assessment Accommodation/
Modification/ Exten-
1 Introduction to the Locate places on a map, Chat paper, Background Class discussions, Peer Cooperative Learning
unit/Beginning the discussion of Iqaluit, Information evaluation, Ongoing ob- (contribute, help each
inquiry/Getting Preparing suitcases nunavutmap, http://bit. servations other, share), Multiple
ready to go ly/2nAsN17, http://bit. intelligences addressed:
ly/arcticclassroom, Com- Verbal/Linguistic, Vi-
puter sual/Spatial, Bod-
ily/Kinesthetic, Inter-
personal, Intrapersonal
continued . . .

2 Getting ready to Color maps of Alberta and Alberta and Nunavut Class discussions, Peer Cooperative Learning
go/ Climate - What Nunavut, What I hope Maps, Nunavut evaluation, Venn diagram, (contribute, help each
do the Inuit wear to learn or do in Iqaluit, Tourism http: Ongoing observation other, share), Multiple
Weather channel, Venn di- //, intelligences addressed:
agram Weather network http: Verbal/Linguistic, Vi-
//, sual/Spatial, Bod-
Arctic clothing ily/Kinesthetic, Inter- personal, Intrapersonal
3 Nunavut Canada and Nunavut flags, Canada and Nunavut Ongoing observations, dis- Cooperative Learning
Flag/Let’s get What each element on the flags, Travel jour- cussions, Travel journals, (contribute, help each
ready to go flag means, Plane tick- nals, Computer, Word definitions (Glacier, other, share), Multiple
ets, Passports, boarding a Plane tickets http: Iceberg, etc) intelligences addressed:
plane to Iqaluit. //, Verbal/Linguistic, Vi-
Passports http: sual/Spatial, Bod-
//, ily/Kinesthetic, Inter-
Flying to Iqaluit personal, Intrapersonal,
Landing in Iqaluit
continued . . .

4 Let’s look around Getting a sense of Iqaluit, Touring the town Ongoing observations, dis- Cooperative Learning
Iqaluit/Landforms Touring the town, land-, cussions, Reflection about (contribute, help each
and Koojeese Inlet forms: Bays, rivers, lakes,, what they have learned to- other, share), Pro-
Koojesse Inlet. Writing a, day. Quiz #1 viding students with
reflection in travel journal, choice. Multiple in-
about what they learned Iqaluit pictures http: telligences addressed:
in today’s lesson. Pasting //, Verbal/Linguistic, Vi-
a map of Iqaluit in their Koojesse Inlet sual/Spatial, Bod-
travel journals., ily/Kinesthetic, Inter-
Facts about Iqaluit personal, Intrapersonal, Students are assessed in
multiple ways, time used
flexibly in accordance
with student levels and
needs, using graphic orga-
nizer, website, brochure to
help students summarize
continued . . .

5 Early days in Research on computer About Inuit people Ongoing observations, Cooperative Learning
Iqaluit/Daily Life about Early days in, discussions, Venn dia- (contribute, help each
in Iqaluit Iqaluit. Completing a Igloos gram comparing school in other, share), Pro-
worksheet. Igloos and an- howiglooswork, http: Iqaluit and Lethbridge viding students with
imal hide tents. Building //, choice. Multiple in-
an Igloo using mashmal- Nothern Lights telligences addressed:
lows. Drawing Igloos and, Verbal/Linguistic, Vi-
animal hide tents. North-, sual/Spatial, Bod-
ern lights. Art activity, Inuktitut ily/Kinesthetic, Inter- words being pronounced personal, Intrapersonal,
What is school like?., Students are assessed in
Inuit language. Stu- Writing your name multiple ways, time used
dents write a letter to in Inuktitut http: flexibly in accordance
their parents telling them //, with student levels and
what they have done in What you can do in needs, using graphic orga-
Iqaluit so far. Paint- Iqaluit for fun http: nizer, website, brochure to
ing the Northern Lights //, url- help students summarize, content,
Daily life http:
continued . . .

6 Who are the Inuit Read story about the inuk- Computer, Who are the Ongoing observations, dis- Cooperative Learning
of Iqaluit?/Ted suk. e.x. ‘The Gift of the Inuit people cussions (contribute, help each
Harrison and Inuksuk’ by Michael Ul- 2nANB8D, Inuksuk http: other, share), Pro-
Inuksuk art mer or ‘The Inuksuk Book’ //, http: viding students with
by Mary Wallace. Make //, Art choice. Multiple in-
Inuksuk out of tiles. Ted by Ted Harrison http: telligences addressed:
Harrison art study. The //, Pen- Verbal/Linguistic, Vi-
students can make their cils, black paper, paint, sual/Spatial, Bod-
own Ted Harrison pictures. sharpies, ily/Kinesthetic, Inter-
Making an Inuksuk picture personal, Intrapersonal,
using a watercolor back- Students are assessed in
ground, and then cut out multiple ways, time used
pieces of black paper or rip flexibly in accordance
them and build an Inuksuk with student levels and
to put on top needs, using graphic orga-
nizer, website, brochure to
help students summarize
continued . . .

7 Community con- Discussion of contributors Abe Auktalki Okpik Ongoing observations, dis- Cooperative Learning
tributors/Inuit to the Inuit community, cussions, Quiz #2 (contribute, help each
traditions Rosemarie Kuptana other, share), Pro-, viding students with
Fred Coman http: choice. Multiple in-
//, telligences addressed:
Michael Kusugak Verbal/Linguistic, Vi-, sual/Spatial, Bod-
Inuit traditions ily/Kinesthetic, Inter-, personal, Intrapersonal,, Students are assessed in
Throat singing http: multiple ways, time used
//, flexibly in accordance, with student levels and
Drum dances http: needs, using graphic orga-
//, nizer, website, brochure to
Special Inuit games help students summarize, content,,
The Siturtaa http://bit.
ly/2nAH2mw, Inuit craft
continued . . .

8 Inuit stories and Inuit traditions. Play Inuit Inuit Legends http: Ongoing observations, dis- Cooperative Learning
legends/Sharing games. Making an Inuit //, Owl cussions (contribute, help each
traditions craft. Drawing a picture and the Raven http: other, share), Multiple
and writing about one of //, The intelligences addressed:
the legends, in travel jour- Owl and the Lemming Verbal/Linguistic, Vi-
nals. Inuit Festivals. Jour-, sual/Spatial, Bod-
nal reflection. Tonnik Tyme, (Spring) ily/Kinesthetic, Inter-, personal, Intrapersonal
Nunavut Day, (July 9),
Arctic winter games
9 Inuit food/Inuit Discussion: different types Different foods in Iqaluit Ongoing observations, Multiple intelligences
artists and per- of Inuit food - Caribou, discussions, Reflection in addressed: Ver-
formers stew, arctic char, whale Prices of food http://bit. Journal bal/Linguistic, Vi-
skin (maktaaq). Com- ly/2nAF8CC, Inuit artists sual/Spatial, Bod-
pare Iqaluit prices of food, ily/Kinesthetic, Inter-
with those of Lethbridge. Dorothy Francis personal, Intrapersonal
Inuit Artists and Perform-,
ers. Make soapstone carv- Northern Lights
ings. Read a story from and Soccer Trails
Michael Kusugak. Listen,
to Susan Aglukark songs Susan Aglukark songs
on you tube
2nAIjtT. Reflection in
continued . . .

10 Natural re- Make a Venn diagram Natural resources http:// Venn diagram, Ongoing Students are assessed in
sources/Goods comparing the natural re-, http:// observations, discussions, multiple ways, time used
in Iqaluit sources i Iqaluit and those, Prices on Quiz #3 flexibly in accordance
of Lethbridge. What goods some items with student levels and
are produced Iqaluit? 2nAQQwX needs, using graphic orga-
nizer, website, brochure to
help students summarize
11 Jobs in Predict what kind of jobs Journals, Computers Venn diagram, Ongoing Cooperative Learning
Iqaluit/Tourism in would exist in Iqaluit. observations, discussions, (contribute, help each
Iqaluit Complete worksheet Poster to promote Iqaluit other, share), Pro-
on “Natural Resources, viding students with
Goods and Jobs”. Tourism choice. Multiple in-
- Make poster to promote telligences addressed:
Iqaluit. Verbal/Linguistic,
Visual/Spatial, Bod-
ily/Kinesthetic, Interper-
sonal, Intrapersonal
12 Iqaluit’s envi- Taking Care of Iqaluit’s en- Computers Ongoing observations, dis- Providing students with
ronment/Arctic vironment. Pretend you cussions, Journals, Plan choice. Multiple in-
Animals are in charge of the envi- on how to preserve and/or telligences addressed:
ronment in Iqaluit. Make save the environment, Re- Verbal/Linguistic, Vi-
a plan in your journal how search on an arctic animal sual/Spatial, Bod-
you would take care of ily/Kinesthetic, Inter-
the environment. Research personal, Intrapersonal,
about arctic animals on Students are assessed in
computer. multiple ways, time used
flexibly in accordance
with student levels and
needs, using graphic orga-
nizer, website, brochure to
help students summarize
continued . . .

13 Getting ready to Teacher led review. Stu- Journals Ongoing observations, dis- Cooperative Learning
come back/Review dents talk about items in cussions,Quiz # 5 (contribute, help each
their travel journals. other, share)
14 Project Presenta- Students present their Computer with Power- Ongoing observations, Cooperative Learning
tions projects point, Poster paper discussions, Project (contribute, help each
Presentations, students other, share), Providing
can present in whatever students with choice.
way they chose - poster, Students can use any
powerpoint, etc. form of presentations that
they prefer -powerpoint,
poster, audio, etc.
15 Project Presenta- Students present their Computer with Power- Ongoing observations, Cooperative Learning
tions projects point, Poster paper discussions, Project (contribute, help each
Presentations, students other, share), Providing
can present in whatever students with choice.
way they chose - poster, Students can use any
powerpoint, etc. form of presentations that
they prefer -powerpoint,
poster, audio, etc.
16 Review/Unit Test A variety of questions on Review worksheet, Unit Unit Test
on Iqaluit the material covered in the Test

Social Studies 2
January 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


6 ADVENTURE 7 Lesson # 2 8 Lesson # 3 9 Lesson # 4 10 11 12

TO IQALUIT Climate - What do the Nunavut Flag/Let’s get Getting ready to go/Let’s
Lesson # 1 Inuit wear ready to go look around Iqaluit

Introduction to the
unit/Beginning the
inquiry/Getting ready to

13 Lesson # 5 14 Lesson # 6 15 Lesson # 7 16 Lesson # 8 17 18 19

Landforms and Koojeese Who are the Inuit of Community Inuit stories and
Inlet/Early days in Iqaluit Iqaluit?/Ted Harrison and contributors/Inuit legends/Sharing
Inuksuk art traditions traditions

20 Lesson # 9 21 Lesson # 10 22 Lesson # 11 23 Lesson # 12 24 25 26

Inuit food/Inuit artists Natural resources/Goods Jobs in Iqaluit/Tourism Iqaluit’s
and performers in Iqaluit in Iqaluit environment/Arctic

27 Lesson # 13 28 Lesson # 14 29 Lesson # 15 30 Lesson # 16 31

Getting ready to come Project Presentations on Project Presentations on
Working on the Project
back/Review Inuit People Inuit People/ Unit Test
Assessment Tool Overview
Assessment Tool Outcomes Brief Description % FOR AS OF
Quizzes 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4 Students will solve daily problems to help them review what they 40 X X X
learned up to a specific date. These quizzes will be used for both
formative and summative assessment. There will be five short
quizzes to help students prepare for the unit test.
FOR: I will be able to adjust instruction based on students’
performance on the quizzes.
AS: Students will reflect on their learning.
OF: marks will be recorded to prepare for report cards.
Student-teacher In- 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2S1-9 OF: These will be conducted on a regular basis to identify areas X
terviews that students are struggling with.
Self- and peer- 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2S1-9 There will be a self-assessment checklist so that students can X X
assessment self-rate their understanding of each day’s activities.
AS: Students will go through the process of gathering informa-
tion and reflecting on their own learning.
Ongoing Observa- 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2S1-9 Through ongoing observations, I will be able to understand my X
tion students’ learning and development. Through my observation
and analysis I will be able to identify areas where my instruc-
tion needs to be adjusted.
FOR: The teacher will identify where students are having chal-
lenges and adjust instruction to help them learn better.
Discussion 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2S1-9 Students discussions will be guided by questions that are inten- X
tionally designed to make them learn and show that they have
learned something. There will be individual and group discus-
sions throughout my lessons.
FOR: Discussions with students will help me to gauge my stu-
dents’ understanding of certain concepts so that I can adjust
my instruction where appropriate. Through these discussions I
will be able to identify any misconceptions and address them
continued . . .
Project 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2S1-9 In the project, students will cover all SLOs in the unit when they 30 X X X
assume the role of teacher. Students will be given a choice as to
which method of presentation they can use.
FOR: The projects will be submitted to the teacher and stu-
dents given a chance to make changes before the presentations.
Feedback will be provided immediately.
OF: Students will be informed that their work will be graded.
AS: Students will go through the process of gathering informa-
tion and reflecting on their own learning.
Unit Test 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4 The unit test will cover all outcomes discussed in the unit. There 30 X
will be a variety of questions including binary choice (True/False)
matching, multiple choice, short answer and long answer ques-
tions (Gareis & Grant, 2015). The teacher will provide a rubric
for the unit test when the unit is introduced. This will help stu-
dents to know what skills will be tested in the unit test. The
teacher will constantly remind students of the contents of the
rubric throughout the unit.
OF: Student will submit their answer sheets for grading.
Teacher Resources, Student Resources and Possible literature
Teacher Resources:
Texts and POS:

1. The Alberta Program of Studies: Social Studies - Kindergarten to Grade 6. Edmonton, Alberta: Crown Right of Alberta. https://education.

2. A Journey to Iqaluit - A Grade Two Social Studies Unit by Digital Minds

3. ‘Together we are Canada,’ by L Guenther

4. Many Voices - Alberta Social Studies Teacher Resource

Student Resources:
1. Map of Canada, Map of Nunavut

2 Different foods in Iqaluit

3 Prices of food

4 Inuit artists

5 Dorothy Francis, Susan Aglukark songs

6 Northern Lights and Soccer Trails

7 Background Information,,

8 Nunavut Tourism,

9 Weather network,

10 Arctic clothing

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