PAPER 2 Kimia f4 Fina SBP 07

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NAMA:.................................................... Tingkatan :..............................

Paper 2
2 ½ hrs

Paper 2

Two hours and thirty minutes


1. Tuliskan nama dan tingkatan pada

ruang yang disediakan. Bahagian Soalan Markah Markah
2. Jawab semua soalan daripada penuh diperoleh
Bahagian A. Tuliskan jawapan anda 1 10
dalam ruang yang disediakan
2 10
3. Jawab satu soalan daripada Bahagian
B dan satu soalan daripada Bahagian 3 10
C.Jawapan kepada bahagian B dan A 4 10
Bahagian C hendaklah ditulis pada 5 10
kertas tulis.
6 10
4. Anda diminta menjawab dengan lebih
terperinci untuk Bahagian B dan B 7 20
Bahagian C. Jawapan mestilah jelas 8 20
dan logik. Persamaan, gambar rajah, 9 20
jadual, graf dan cara lain yang sesuai C 10 20
untuk menjelaskan jawapan anda boleh
5. Anda hendaklah menyerahkan kertas Jumlah
tulis dan kertas tambahan, jika
digunakan bersama-sama dengan
kertas soalan.
6. Penggunaan kalkulator saintifik yang
tidak boleh diprogramkan adalah

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 15 halaman bercetak

[lihat sebelah
1 Figure 1 shows the electron arrangment for the atom of three elements, P,Q and R.


(a) Write the electron arrangement for the atoms of elements P, Q and R.
(b) State the group and period in the Periodic Table for each of the elements
(i) element P
(ii) element Q
(iii) element R
(c) (i) Which element is chemically inert?

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (c)(i).

(d) Element Q dissolves in water to form an acidic solution and a bleaching agent. Write the
chemical equation for the reaction of Q with water.

(e) Which element reacts actively with water.

. .....................................................................................................................................................
[1 mark]
(f) The proton number for element X is 17. Among P, Q and R which element shows
similar chemical properties to X?

. .....................................................................................................................................................
[1 mark]
(g) Arrange the atoms P,Q and R in order of increasing atomic size.

. .....................................................................................................................................................
[1 mark]

2. Figure 2 shows the set up of the apparatus to study the effect of heat on copper(II)

Boiling tube
Boiling tube



Lime water


There are two errors in the set up of the apparatus in Figure 2

(a) Draw the correct set up of the apparatus in the space provided below.

[2 marks]
(b) After the correction was done the heating of a sample of copper(II) carbonate
was carried out and the lime water turns cloudy.

(i)Write the formula for copper(II) carbonate

[1 mark]
(ii) Name the solid product formed after complete heating of copper(II) carbonate..

[1 mark]

(iii) Name the gas released.

[1 mark]
(iv) Write the equation for the heating of copper(II) carbonate.

[1 mark]
(c) Table 2 shows the result of the experiment.

Materials Mass / g
Mass of boiling tube 10.64
Mass of boiling tube and copper(II) carbonate 11.89
Mass of boiling tube and product from heating of copper(II) carbonate 11.45


(i) What is the mass of gas released..

[1 mark]
(ii) Calculate the volume of the gas released at room temperature and pressure.
Given the relative atomic mass C=12, O=16, Cu=64,
1 mol of gas occupies a volume of 24 dm3 at room temperature and pressure.

[2 marks]
(d) In a different experiment, 8.1 g of an oxide for element X with the formula
XO reacts with excess sulphuric acid according to the following equation:
XO + H2SO4 → XSO4 + H2
Calculate the number of moles of the salt XSO4 produced.
Given the relative formula mass of XO=81 and XSO4=161

[1 mark]

3. Figure 3 shows the location of seven elements A, D, E, G, J, L and M in the Periodic Table.
These are not the actual symbols of the elements.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18



Using the letters in the Periodic Table of the Elements in Figure 3, answer the following

(a) Write the formula for the ion formed from an atom of
(i) element L

[1 mark]
(ii) element E

[1 mark]
(b) A is a reactive metal that is situated in Group 1.

(i) Give the number of electrons in ion A+ ?

[1 mark]
(ii) What is the electron arrangement of ion A+ ?

[1 mark]
(c) Which of the elements can be used as a catalyst?

[1 mark]

(d) Element L reacts with element J to form a compound

(i) Write the chemical formula of this compound

[1 mark]

(ii) Draw the diagram of the electron arrangement for the compound formed
between L and J.

[2 marks]

(iii) State one condition by which the compound in d (ii) conducts electricity?
Explain your answer


[2 marks]

4 Figure 4 shows the set – up of apparatus to investigate the electrolysis of dilute
copper ( II ) chloride solution using carbon electrodes.

Gas X

Dilute copper (II) chloride


Carbon electrode T Carbon electrode U


(a )( i ) What is meant by anion ?

[ 1 mark ]
( ii )What is the energy change that occurs in the electrolysis process ?

[ 1 mark ]
(b) In the electrolysis of dilute copper ( II ) chloride solution :

( i ) Write the formulae of all the ions in the electrolyte.

[ 1 mark ]
( ii ) In the table below, write the ions in b ( i ) which moved to electrode U and

Electrode U Electrode T

( 2 marks )

( iii ) What would you observe at electrode T ?

[ 1 mark ]
( iv ) What is the colour change of the electrolyte ?

[ 1 mark ]
(c) ( i ) Name the gas collected in the test tube at electrode U .

[ 1 mark ]
( ii ) State a chemical test to confirm gas X.


[ 2 marks]

5 X and Y are hydrogen chloride solutions in different solvents. Table 5 shows the
observation obtained when the properties of these two solutions are compared. .
Test Solution X SolutionY
Using a dry blue litmus paper Turns from blue to red No visible change
Ability to conduct electricity Can conduct electriity Cannot conduct electricity

Table 5

(a) Based on the observations in Table 5, name a suitable solvent for

( i ) solution X

[ 1 mark ]
( ii ) solution Y

[ 1 mark ]

(b) What type of particles are present in solution X which enable it to conduct electricity?

[ 1 mark ]

(c) Explain why solution X turns blue litmus paper red but solution Y does not.


[ 2 marks]

(d) In the experiment , 8.0 cm3of solution X 0.6 mol dm -3 requires 20.0 cm3 of barium
hydroxide solution for complete reaction.

(i) Name the type of reaction occurred.

[ 1 mark ]

( ii ) Write a chemical equation for the reaction.

[ 1 mark ]

( iii ) Calculate the concentration of barium hydroxide solution in mol dm ─3

Use the information that the relative atomic mass H= 1,O= 16, Ba= 137

[ 3 marks ]

6 Three series of tests, I, II and III are carried out on a nitrate solution of X as shown in the
following flow chart.

Nitrate solution of X

Na2SO4 solution
NaOH solution
I II solution III

White precipitate
soluble in excess. White precipitate.

White precipitate
insoluble in excess.

(a) List all the ions that can be identified from test I.

[2 marks]
(b) Name the nitrate solution of X and write its chemical formula.

[2 marks]
(c) Based on test III
(i) Name the type of reaction.

[1 mark]
(ii) Write the ionic equation.

[1 mark]
(d) Describe briefly a confirmatory test to verify the cation in the nitrate solution of X.



[ 2 marks]

(e) How do you obtain a dry sample of the white precipitate form in test III?





[ 2 marks]

Section B ( 20 marks )
Answer any one question from this section.
The suggested time to answer section B is 30 minutes.

7 Figure 1 shows the chemical symbols which represent three elements, P, Q and R.
These letters are not the actual symbols of the elements.

24 12 16
12 6 8

Figure 1
(a) Name the chemical bond formed between
(i) P and R
(ii) Q and R [2 marks]

(b) Using the information in the Figure 1, explain how two compounds can be formed from
these elements. The two compounds should have different bond types
(i) P and R
(ii) Q and R [12 marks]

(c) The melting point of sodium chloride is much higher than that of tetrachloromethane
Explain why [6 marks]


metal electrodes

solution X


Figure 8.1 shows the set – up of the apparatus to arrange metals P,Q,R, and S based on the
potential difference of two metals. Table 8.2 shows the result of the experiment.

Pair of metals Potential difference ( v) Negative terminal

P and Q 0.60 Q
Q and R 0.30 R
P and S 1.20 S

Table 8.2

(i) Suggest a suitable solution for solution X. [ 1 mark ]

(ii) Describe how metals P,Q,R, and S can be arranged according to the descending order
of electropositivity. [ 6marks ]

(iii) If metals Q and S are used as the electrodes in figure 8.1 , which metal acts as the
positive terminal ? Explain your answer in a ( iii ). Predict the voltage of the cell.
[ 3 marks ]

(b) A student intends to electroplate an iron spoon with copper to make it more attractive.
Design a laboratory experiment to electroplate the iron key.

Your answer should consist of the following :

 Diagram showing the set – up of apparatus

 Chemicals required
 Procedures of the experiment
 Observations
 Chemical equations involved in the reaction [ 10 marks ]

Section C ( 20 marks )
Answer any one question from this section.
The suggested time to answer section C is 30 minutes.

9 (a) The following information is about nitric acid and ethanoic acid.

● The pH of 0.1 mol dm ─3 nitric acid solution is 1

● The pH of 0.1 mol dm ─3 ethanoic acid solution is 4

Explain why these two solutions have different pH values.

[ 4 marks ]

(b) Describe one chemical test that can be used to identify the presence of an acid.
Your answer should consist of the following ;

● Procedures of the experiment including the test to identify the gas

● Chemical equations
● Observation

[6 marks ]
(c) ( i ) What is meant by ‘ standard solution’ ?
[1 mark]
( ii ) Describe an activity for preparation of 250 cm3 of a standard solution of
0.1 mol dm ─3 sodium hydroxide .
Given the relative formula mass NaOH= 40.
Your answer should consist of the following ;

● Lists of materials and apparatus

● Calculations involved
● Procedures of the experiment

[ 9 marks ]

10 (a) (i) State three different reactions or chemical equations to produce magnesium
[ 3 marks ]
(ii) Based on one of the reaction above, describe an experiment to prepare a dry
sample of magnesium sulphate.
[ 10 marks ]

(b) A small piece of solid sodium hydroxide pellet was put into ammonium chloride
solution and then heated slowly as shown in the figure below.

sodium hydroxide


The gas given off turned the moist red litmus paper to blue.

(i) Name the gas.

[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Write the chemical equation when the gas dissolves in water.
[ 1 mark ]
(iii) Describe a chemical test to identify the gas given off by using concentrated
hydrochloric acid.
[ 2 marks ]

(iv) State the observation when the gas is passed through copper(II) sulphate
[ 3 marks ]



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