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Physical Assumptions Mathematical system model Computer simulation Model responses Prediction Augment the system structure Expected responses of physical system Modify the system parameters Assuming that a model and the simulation are reliably accurate, computer simulation has the following advantages [14]: 1. System performance can be observed under all conceivable conditions. . Results of field-system performance can be extrapolated with a simulation model for . prediction purposes. . Decisions concerning future systems presently in a conceptual stage can be examined. . Trials of systems under test can be accomplished in a much reduced period of time. . Simulation results can be obtained at lower cost than real experimentation. . Study of hypothetical situations can be achieved even when the hypothetical situation would be unrealizable in actual life at the present time. 7. Computer modeling and simulation is often the only feasible or safe technique to ana- lyze and evaluate a system. nN Auaw TABLE Summary of Through- and Across-Variables for Physical Systems Variable Integrated Variable Integrated Through Through Across Across System Element Variable Element Variable Electrical Current, i Charge, q Voltage Flux linkage, A>, difference, v. Mechanical Force, F Translational Velocity Displacement translational momentum, P difference, v2 difference, ya) Mechanical Torque, T Angular Angular velocity Angular rotational momentum, h difference, @> displacement difference, 82, Fluid Fluid Volume, V Pressure Pressure volumetric rate difference, P, momentum, 72; of flow, O Thermal Heat flow Heat energy, Temperature rate, g H difference, T TABLE 2.4 Summary of Describing Differential Equations for Ideal Elements Type of Physical Describing Energy E Element Element Equation or Power P Symbol Electrical aces a inductance 2 0 $02, Inductive ‘Translational Nt storage spring wo Ser Rotational lar eee spring on = Ra 0 A Sle do Sig — Fluid inertia Pa = 17 E=310 Po BoP, Electrical eters capacitance oe en ‘Translational peta | aaa 2 ” constant Capacitive Rotational ti - storage mass 2 conetant Fluid Py deca capacitance O= OF 2 Thermal dts capacitance gO Electrical resistance ‘Translational - damper ae Energy Rotational - dissipators damper T= fon Fluid ko resistance PLA —0P, Thermal ee resistance ToS -0T

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