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1. Introduction

In the present project, an information system is proposed for companies with deficits in
their inventories, with the application of Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, stored in
the cloud or installed. The objective is to improve the flow of information among all
members and areas of the company through the tools offered by this software.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to define the requirements of the SAFE IRIS-inventory
system that must be taken into account to meet the needs of the client with respect to the
SRS report.

1.2 Scope

With the SAFE IRIS software we intend to offer and obtain:

Ease: Work from anywhere and this software is hosted in the cloud, you can use it from
any site with Internet access.

Flexibility: These services are ideal for businesses that require flexible information,
anywhere or anywhere.

Recovery: You can have your files related to the operation of your inventories in a short

Lower costs: Online inventory management systems Expenditures on hardware or

traditional computer systems such as servers, databases, etc. You only pay for a
subscription that adapts to the client's economy.

Collaboration: Your team can access information from wineries, points of sale,
counters, etc. and also to the same information from anywhere, always together and
with a better understanding.

Security: Replenishing a server can be even more expensive, it can cost millions. If your
inventory information is hosted in the cloud, you can access this information from any
computer no matter what happens to your computer.

SAFE IRIS Allow and manage the information of the products stored in the company,
you can check and verify stocks, exhaust and rotate the products; Fulfilling the
requirements generated by the client. Our software supports and solves the following

• Manage product records.

• Modify records.

• Check the content before being saved.

• Allow to save the registry in case of system failure, so it is stored in the cloud.

The software must allow the user to create products in the system database. The data
that must be registered are:

• Reference code

• Product name

• Unit of measurement

• Maximum and minimum

It does not allow to create products that have the same reference code. In addition, it
allows the employee to record the income of products, record the output of products and
the query of products. The software generates daily stock reports.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.

IRIS SEGURO: Name of the software that means safe, eye that sees everything.

1.4 Global Appreciation

In this document we will find below the perspective of SAFE IRIS software, and its
requirements, functions and user characteristics.

2. General description

Inventory control is a fundamental process within organizations, you could say that
inventory is the asset of more value and less control in companies. Current
administrations have as their main task the adequate and meticulous control of the
inventory, since in this factor there are thousands of hidden losses that if identified and
corrected in time, generate better profits and benefits for the company.
Globalization has led companies to constant innovation to remain in the market that is
increasingly competitive, which is why software has taken an important role within
organizations, providing speed and reliability in the processes, greater controls and less
use of human resources. The SAFE IRIS software aims to improve inventory control,
streamline processes and minimize costs.

2.1 Product Perspectives

This software will be created based on experiences obtained in the workplace. Taking
into account that there are companies which have shortcomings in the subject of
inventories, it is intended to solve this problem by creating a template in which to enter
the production, identifying itself by lots and dates and leaving a record of entry and exit.

Economically it is sustainable and competitive in the market, being a high quality

product it will have a fair price, affordable and with an added value that benefits both
the supplier and the client, the preventive and corrective maintenance with which it
generates a support to the client and an economic income to the provider.

2.2 Product functions

Implement software that allows to systematize and optimize inventory control


1. Make collection and analysis of requirements through research.

2. Analyze the requirements of the company and make an adequate design to these

3. Design the interface formats

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