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Name : Shintiya Gangsar Rahayu

Class : 2D/D IV Teknologi Kimia Industri


Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

Absorb Absorption Absorbent X
Accelerate Acceleration Accelerated X
Adjust Adjustment Adjustable X
Bend Bender Bendable X
Burn Burner Burnable X
Compress Compression Compressed X
Condense Condensation Condensed X
Connect Connection Connected X
Contract Contraction Contactable X
Convert Converter Convertive X
Evaporate Evaporation Evaporated X
Expand Expandability Expandable X
Ignite Igniter Ignitable X
Push Pusher Pushing X
Rotate Rotation Rotable X


1. Absorb

Verb : China is among the fastest growing economies in the world, with considerable capacity
to absorb surplus labor.

Noun : The intensity of and absorption in play finds no explanation in biological analysis.

Adjective : Cloth diapers are made of an absorbent material, such as cotton.

2. Accelerate

Verb : Biotechnology will continue to advance and its rate of advance will accelerate .

Noun : The revenue acceleration that powered profit gains was widespread.

Adjective : The car accelerated to word her

3. Adjust

Verb : The revenue acceleration that powered profit gains was widespread.

Noun : Dealing with the unexpected requires rapid adjustment to the actual situation.

Adjective : The car has fully adjustable seats and steering wheel
4. Bend

Verb : She rounded the bend into the quiet road where the hotel was

Noun : However, I had been on a hard drinking bender for the whole weekend

Adjective : Plastic is benderable things

5. Burn

Verb : A diesel engine converted to burn natural gas

Noun : Start up another burner on medium-high heat with a skillet or omelet pan.

Adjective : In 2000 Switzerland closed all of its landfills to burnable waste

6. Compress

Verb : In this chapter we compress into summary form the main findings

Noun : He also measured the amount of heat released during the compression and expansion
of gases

Adjective : The skirt can be folded and compressed into a small bag

7. Condense

Verb : The skirt can be folded and compressed into a small bag

Noun : Avoid condensation of water on fruit after it is removed from cold storage

Adjective : A condensed version of the report

8. Connect

Verb : The centrality of relationships, as the environments invite explorers to connect with
one another

Noun : A second electrical conductor forms an electrical connection with the patient's body

Adjective: The electrodes were connected to a recording device

9. Contract

Verb : A second electrical conductor forms an electrical connection with the patient's body.

Noun : The general contraction of the industry did further damage to morale

Adjective : You treat me as if I am some kind of contractable disease

10. Convert

Verb : The offense must convert third downs, allowing the defense to stay fresh.

Noun : One made of stainless steel will help you avoid damages to your converter .

Adjective : Heat is convertive energy

11. Evaporate

Verb : In this case, the liquid or solid will eventually evaporate or sublimate completely.

Noun : Cook until most of the liquid has evaporated

Adjective : The distillation process undergoes evaporation

12. Expand

Verb : Baby birds cannot expand and contract their lungs

Noun : The expandibility of something is depends on the materiae

Adjective : The time table is expandable to cater for increased volume of commuters, he said

13. Ignite

Verb : He would be the spark which would ignite their oppressed fury.

Noun : You put in in the bottom of the rocket and attach an igniter .

Adjective: Phospor is ignitable material in the dark

14. Push

Verb : He closed the door with a push

Noun : Usually there's some paper pusher in the doctor's office doing that in her head.

Adjective : Sometimes we have pushing deadline to do

15. Rotate

Verb : Just so you get to see this trick from all angles, the centre of the stage
will rotate round slowly.

Noun : The moon moves in the same direction as the earth's rotation

Adjective : The rotating wheel will cause friction on its surface

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