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Project Self Evaluation

1.Explain how this project is a learning stretch for you.

I​ was able to explore a different field of photography, and expand my knowledge in certain
areas along with gaining experience as a photographer.

2. Discuss three problems that you encountered with your project. How did you solve these

One problem I encountered was getting clients, to solve this I talked to friends and they would
sometimes know people who wanted photos taken, and that's how I met two of my clients.
I also had trouble with completing the edits all at once, I split it up as best I could, but I should
have done the edits closer to the dates of each session. Additionally, I had some confusion on
what to include on my website, to solve this I did research on other photography websites and I
asked my mentor.

3. If you could redo your project, what would you do differently?

If I could redo my project, I would have a more strict schedule for myself for completing edits
closer to the date of the session, I would have procured more clients, and used a more creative
variety of prompts.

4. In at least 50 words, discuss the grade you should receive for your project. Describe what you
did in order to ensure that your project was the best I could be. Include at least three specific
examples or reasons to defend your position.

In order to ensure that I would receive a grade of an A on this project, I applied myself, planned
out my photo sessions beforehand, and I learned valuable lessons from my experiences. I applied
my previous knowledge of photography to take pictures, edit and produce quality images for my
clients. I also planned ahead for the photoshoots that I had scheduled, so that I could ensure a
successful shoot. Beforehand, I would seek locations, scout the area, and gather prompts to
ensure a variety of photos and some fun for the client. In the end, I learned first hand what it
takes to be a portrait photographer, and this knowledge will take me far.

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