Sol Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics 5ed R. Grimaldi Part 2 PDF

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PART 2 FURTHER TOPICS IN ENUMERATION CHAPTER 8 ‘THE PRINCIPLE OF INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION Section 8.1 Let ¢ € S and let n be the number of conditions (from among ¢,¢2,¢s,¢4) satisfied by #: (n= 0): Here « is counted once in N(@;252,) and once in N (22,2364). ( If z satisfies c; (and not cz,¢5,¢4), then x is counted once in N(@€3%4) and once in N(créx63%). If satisfies ¢;, for i # 1, then is not counted in any of the three terms in the equation. (n= 2,3,4): If 2 satisfies at least two of the four conditions, then z is not counted in any of the three terms in the equation. ‘The preceding observations show that the two sides of the given equation count the same elements from $, and this provides a combinatorial proof for the formula N(@@%4) = N(crBxtats) + N(Gi@rtst.)- Proof (By the Principle of Mathematical Induction): If t = 1, then we have W = N(@) = the number of elements in S that do not satisfy condition cy = N — N(cy). This is the basis step for the proof. Now assume the result true for k conditions, where k (> 1) is fixed but arbitrary, and for any finite set $. That is, N(@2at... 2) = N — [N(cx) + Nex) + N(cs) +--+ + N(ce)] + [IN (crea) +N (eres) +++ +N (cree) +N (crea) +: + +N (cace) ++ +N (ecg) +> + +N (c4-102)]— [N(creaes) +--+ N(ch-2ce-iee)} +++ + (- TAN (cxcace--- cx) ‘Now consider the case for ¢ = k +1 conditions. From the induction hypothesis we have N (GG. Zecets) = N(cu41) ~ [N (creas) + N(caceer) + N(cackes) + °° + N(ceeees)] IN (ereacnys) + N(crcaciga) + +++ + N(crcecegs) + N(cacscess) + +++ + N(creecess) here N(eacxcugs) + +++ + N(ce-acncugs)] ~ [N(ereaeascees) +07 + N(ch-a¢h-164¢e41)] + +++ + (~1)EN (creacs »-. cxceys)- Subtracting this last equation from the one given in the induction hypothesis we find that N(GjGats---Bitiin) = N(Gskaea.. Ge) — NGtres..-Fecues) = N ~[N(cx) + N(ea) +++ + N(ca)] + [M(ciea) + N(cres) + +++ + N(cica) + N(caes) tore (cacy) +++ N (cae) +----+N(ce-104)} ~[N(ereres) +++ N(cn-2ee-ace)] 007+ (SDN (ereaes « C4) N (eee) +EN (ereear +N (exenar) + --+N (exeets )I— EN (creaciss) + N(Cxeacigs) + +++ + N(Ch-aCeeeea)] + 20+ (1) N (erences. + CeCe41) = 209 N~[N(e1) +N (62) +--+ Nee) + (Cua) + LN (crea) + +++ + N (crea) + N(ercen) tot N(ck-sces1) + N(cecigs)] — [N(excaca) + +++ + N(cr-2ch-ace) + +++ +N (ce-sencegs bo + (=I) IN(crea¢s ... cxCn41)» So the Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion is true for any given finite set $ and any number # (> 1) of conditions ~ by the Principle of Mathematical Induction. N= 100 N(ex) = 35; N(ca) = 30; N (cs) = 30; N(cs) = 41 N(erea) = 11; N(cxes) = 13; N (exes) = 10; N(eaca) = 14; N(caca) = 10. 35 N(creaca) = 6; N(cresca) = 6; N(cxesea) = 6 (a) N@:tres%4) = N(Giexee) — N (Greet) N(@xeits) = N — [N(ex) + N(ca) + N(ca)] +IN (ere2) + N(crca) + N(c2ca)] — N(crcece) = 100 — [35 + 30 + 41] + [9 +13 + 14]~6 = 100 ~ 106 + 36 - 6 = 24 N(€i2:2304) = 12 (as shown in Example 8.3) So N(&zocs%q) = 24-12 = 12 Alternately, NG: N ~[N(c1) + N(c2) + N(ca)] + [N (crea) +N (cre4) + N(c2es)] — N(cre2ea), so N(@éaca@s) = N(cs) — [N(c1es) +N (crea) + N(csca)} + [N(cre2es) + N(eresca) + N(exeaca)] —N(eye2¢a¢4) = 30 — (11 + 10 + 10] + [54646] -4= 30-314 17-4= 12. (b) (Gea) = N ~ [N (cr) + M(ea)] + M(erea)s 90 N(reresza) = N(Caes) ~ (M(ereaes) + N(caesca)} + N(ereacace) = 10 — [5 + 6] +4 = 3. cx: Staff member brings hot dogs ca: Staff member brings fried chicken es: Stadt member brings salads cq Staff member brings desserts N=65 N(c) = 21; N(c2) = 35; N(¢s) = 28; N(c4) = 32 N(exe2) = 13; N(e1e3) = 10; N(exes) = 9; N(ex¢3) = 12; N(caca) = 17; (cata) = 14 N(crexes) = 4; N(crexea) = 6; N(crcsca) = 5; N(cacsce) = 7 N(eyeyeaea) = 2. (8) N(Ge2st4) = 65 — [21+ 35-+ 28-432] + (134 10494124174 14] (446454742 = 65~116+75—22+2=4. (b) N(Gaeaé4) = N~[N (co) +M(cs) +N (ca)}+(N (eres) +N (cxce) + N(e904)}— N(c2eae4), 80 (1) —[N (crea) +N (crea) +N (exe4)] +1N (ereaes) +N (ereacs) +N (cree )]— 1 ~ [13 + 10+ 9] + [446+ 5] -2= 21-324+15-2=2. '4) = N(ex) — [N(crea) + N(caea) + N(caea)] + [N(excacs) + N(excaca) + N(caegca)} ~ N(crcacacs) = 35 — (13 +124 17] + [44647] -2= 95 -42417-2=8 210

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