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This section will provide the related literatures and studies that are used in
proving significant data for the advocacy.

Related Literature

A part from being generally aware of the environment during the regular
duties.Adeguate response during disaster is one of the important things that humans
should acquire.

According to the Extreme Weather and Natural Disaster (2012). Stated that
Disaster Preparedness provides for the key strategic action that give importance to
activities revolving around community awareness and understanding contingency
planning;conduct of local drills and development of a national disaster response
plan.Risk- related information coming from the prevention and mitigation aspect is
necessary in order for preparedness activities to be responsive to the needs of the
people and situation on the ground. Also the policies, budget and institutional
mechanisms established under the prevention and mitigation priority are will be further
enhanced through capacity building activities,development of coordination
mechanisms.Through these,coordination ,complementation and interoperability of
works in DRRM operation and essential services will be ensured .

The disaster preparedness is really important because it saves lives of many

people. Being prepared can lessen the impact of a disaster. In home, school and
community must have awareness in preparation for a disaster and should have
activities to know what the residents should do before, during and after a disaster.

According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOCS),

The country experiences an average of five (5) earthquakes a day (Department of
internal and local of the philipiness, (2012) .Over the past 20 years disaster have
affected 4.4 billion people, coused $ 2 trillion of damage and killed 1.3 million people.
These losses have outstripped the total value of official development assistance in the
same period.Natural disasters disproportionately affect people living in developing
countries and the most vulnerable communities within those countries.Over 95 percent
of people killed by natural disasters are from developing countrues.

According to the United National Educational,Scientific ,and Organization ,(2011)

stated that Disaster risk reduction is at the core of the mission of the World
Meteorological Oraganization (WNP) World Meteorological Organization through its
scientific and technical programs,its network of Global Meteorological centers and
regional specialized metorological and climate centers, provide scientific and technical
services. This includes observing, detecting, monitoring predicting ang early warning of
a wide range of of weather - climate and water - related hazards. Through a coordinated
approach, and working with its partners World Meteorological Organization, addresses
the information needs and requirments of the disaster risk management community in
an effective and timely fashion. Every year, disaster related to meteorological,
hydrological and climate hazard cause significant loss of life, and set back economic
and social development by years, if not decades.

The researchers figure out that disaster nowadays become worst and many
stablishments, property damaged and worst lives had killed because of disasters. Also
the economic and social development of a community was affected by the disasters.
Unfortunately according to PHIVOCS Philippines experiences a lot of disaster that
made have affected many lives of Filipino. The researchers had thought that we should
do something that will atleast lessen the damage of a natiral disaster.

National Meteorlogical and Hydrological Srevice (2011) stated that Disasters often
follow natural hazards.A disaster's severity depends on how much impacts a hazard has
on socicty and the envoronment .The scales of the impact in turn depends on the
choices we make for our lives and for our environment.These choice related to how we
grow out food. Where and how we build our homes,works and even what we teach in
school.Each decision and action makes us more vulnurable to disastersbor more
resilient to them.Disaster risk reduction includes disiciplines like disaster management
Disaster mitigation and disaster preparedness,but DRR is also part of sustainable
development. In order for developmenr activities to sustainable they must also reduce
disaster risk. On the other hand, unsound development policies will increase disaster
risk- and disaster lossers.

The researchers interpretation is that a successful development activities regarding

disaster preparedness is when the we reduce disaster risk. The severity of disaster
depends on our actions and how we do things and decissions regarding to our
preparedness in a disaster. The researchers find that the impact of a disaster will be
base on your own action.

Education for disaster risk reduction (DRR) takes into account the relationship
between society, environment, economy, and culture and their impacts. It also promotes
critical thinking and problem- solving as well as social and emotional life skills that
are.essential to the empowerment of groups threatened or affected by disasters. United
Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization have been playing a valuable
role within the United Nation. International Stategy for Disaster Reduction (ISRD).
Thematic platform of knowledge and Education. With its International Strategy for
Disaster Reduction partner agencies, United Nation Education, Scientific and Cultural
Organization, promotes the integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in national education
plans, school curricula and natioanl strategies, as well as supporting natural disaster

The researchers found out that there are approaches that we can use to minimize
the impact of disaster to us. Being educated enough is what we need to be secure when
disaster came. Education for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and United Nation
Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization,created platform of strategies that need
to do for disaster reduction and preparedness for natural disaster.

Australian Aid (2013) much can be done to minimize the impacts of natural disaster.
The Australian Government recognizes that in order to be sustainable, key sectors of
development such as health, education, water and sanitation, and food security must
ensure that their activities and infrastructure are disaster-resilient. Autralia, along with
most of our developing country partners, is a signatory to the hyogo framework for
Action 2015 Building the resilience of nation and communities to disaster risk reduction,
along with climate change adaptation, is an essential aspect of sustainable

According to the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA,

2013) ,schools may be seen as the idea setting for the dissemination as the idea setting
for the seen as malleable and easily shaped and molded and if give the proper
preparedness skills,children can develop those skills and carry then into there
adulthood.Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) further asserts that helping
children gain a realistic view of disaster is vital in ensuring their comprehension and
understanding when foced with a major disaster.

The researchers implied that school is a best place where students or children's
skills for disaster preparedness can develop and carry them to their adulthood. School
is place where children gain knowledge and develop their abilities, it is also a good
opportunity to teach those children at school a knowledge about disaster preparedness.
Also, according to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) realistic view of
disaster help the children to gain knowledge and understanding about disaster.

Journal on Rehabilitation Medicine (2014) It emphasized the role of the World

Health Organization Liaison Sub- committe on Rehabilitation Disaster Relief (CRDR) of
the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation. Medicine (ISPRM) in developing
on enhanced physical rehabilitation relief respone to large -scale natural disaster
.Committe on Rehabilitation Disaster Relief (CRDR) development disaster rehabilitation
community about needs and best practices in disaster rehabilitation services to disaster
sites is complicated and their absence result in significant negative consequences for
individuals,communities and society.

The researchers cope up that after giving knowledge about disaster preparedness
it is also important to know how we can resist the damage of a disaster, how we can
restart after a disaster. According to Journal on Rehabilitation Medicine after a large-
scale of natural disaster needs to enhance physical Rehabilitation Disaster Relief and
needs to practice Disaster Rehabilitation services to disaster site though complicated
but need to do because it will have a huge impact to a society.

Prevention Web (2012),state that a problem with conciving of disastercin this way is
that becomes too early to imagine disaster events as isolated moments or peroids lying
outside the influence of development planning.It is argued here that disaster are on the
country an outcomes of processes of risk accumulation deeply embedded in
contemporary and nistorical development decisions disaster risk from a combination of
hazard ( potentially damaging events on processes) and people's vulnerability to those
hazard. Both hazards and vulnerability are to varying extent products of developments
processes. The sole publicity acessible global database on disasters and their impacts,
EM-DAT, usesan absolute difinition which is statistically convinient but inevitabily
arbitary. scale needsto be seenin relation to the population and economics size of an
impacted country for meaningful international comparisons to be made. A disaster with
major sub-national impacts may appear relatively unimportant at national or
international level. Scale is particularly important for small island developing states.

Villanueva (2011) stated by Memogale, H.M. state that the evidence gathered
during the course of this research clearly points to positive outcomes for children qs a
result of the integration of Disaster Risk Reduction into education. While it was not
always possible to document the specific outcomes for example, in the two country case
studies where disasters had not strucks since the time of implementation, it was very
clear that significant change hss occured at both the national and local levels, which
leading to increased education and greater preparedness and silency among children,
the ability to identify and address risk outside of disasters, Containuity of educationand
a greater sence of secutity and confidence. Farther outcomes at the community level
include safer school buildings and greater awareness of risk management Clearly,
outcomes are important, but there is also a growing trend to redesign evaluations to
focus not only on inputs- outputs-outcomes, but also on the changes in decision
-making processes that have facilitated the outcomes.
The researchers figure out that the hazards and people vulnerability is need to
identify to know the possible risk of a disaster. The outcomes of disaster can vission if
we conduct a risk deduction preparedness especially in school. Also, it is important to
focus not only to tha possible outcomes but also to the action alor decisions we made to
lessen the impact of a disaster.

According to Gupta (2011) stated by Mamogale, H.M. state that a review of

Disaster Risk Reduction-related educational documentation and of the 30 case studies
featured in this report reveals a range of approaches to the inclusion of disaster risk
reduction in school curricula. The most frequently found approach is that pf infusion or
permeation whereby Disaster. Disaster Risk Reduction yhemes topics appear within yhe
curriculum review whereby the curriculum is scrutinized for its relevance and potential. A
literal reading of curriculum tends to result in limited infusion Disaster Risk Reduction is
integrated into a narrow band of subjects, typically the physival sciences (Geography
and Science) in which study of natural hazards has a long standing place.

With Geography and Natural Science the most regularly chosen carrier subjects,
the culture is likely to orient learning outcomes towards the ecquisition of knowledge
and limited skills. This in turn may well preclude the realization of the practical and
community- linked disaster mitigation and resilience goals and disposition of Disaster
Risk Reduction. Values ang Attitude assiociated with Disaster Risk Reduction are also
less likely to recieve a thorough airing within a subject culture of an objectively. Limited
infusion more often that one relies on the presence of pre-existing disaster-related
topics in the corriculum thus lending an arbitracy rather than a holistic or goals-derived
orientation to DRR curriculum development strategies.

The researchers implied that a review of Disaster Risk Reduction-related reveals a

range of approaches to the inclusion of disaster risk reduction in school curricula.
Disaster Risk Reduction themes topics appear within the curriculum review whereby the
curriculum is scrutinized for its relevance and potential. And according to Gupta(2011), a
literal reading of curriculum tends to result in limited infusion Disaster Risk Reduction is
integrated into a narrow band of subjects, typically the physival sciences (Geography
and Science) in which study of natural hazards has a long standing place. Hence, a
related study from Geography and Natural Science, the Values ang Attitude assiociated
with Disaster Risk Reduction are also less likely to recieve a thorough airing within a
subject culture of an objectively.

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