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Economics and Software Engineering:

Transdisciplinary Issues in Research and Education

Teresa Tharp
Valencia Community College
1800 Denn John Lane
Kissimmee, FL 34744, USA

Janusz Zalewski
Computer Engineering
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816-2450, USA

Abstract when the method of research is shared by

multiple (two or more) disciplines. This is
This paper presents an approach to combine illustrated in Fig 1. Disciplines A and B conduct
efforts in Economics and Software Engineering, multidisciplinary research, and disciplines A and
in order to treat software development from the Z conduct interdisciplinary research. A similar
economics perspective. We define the term trans- model has been presented by Mahdjoubi, 2001.
disciplinary, in the context of multidisciplinary
and interdisciplinary research, and use it to derive
mutual relationships between Economics and
Software Engineering. Finally, we propose a
research agenda for connecting both disciplines
and enhancements in curricula to include topics of
mutual importance.

1. Introduction

In engineering disciplines, the concept of

transdisciplinary research and education has been
mostly explored in design and process science by
Ertas et al., 2000, in relation to their earlier work Fig. 1. Illustration of multi- (sharing subjects) vs
on multidisciplinary (Jones et al., 1995) and interdisciplinary research (sharing methods).
interdisciplinary (Tanik and Ertas, 1997) research.
The meaning of transdisciplinary research and Transdisciplinary research includes both concepts
education, as used in the literature, is not mentioned above, but with a significant
necessarily very clear. Multiple and sometimes extension. By transdisciplinary research, we
conflicting definitions do not contribute to good mean a situation when two or more methods are
understanding of the area. So, let us first define mutually shared by relevant disciplines. For
the meaning of the basic terms as understood example, method A from discipline A is adopted
throughout this paper. by discipline Z, and at the same time (in the same
research) method Z from discipline Z is adopted
Following Nicolescu, 1997, we understand by discipline A, to study the same subject, as
multidisciplinary research, as the situation when illustrated in Fig. 2. This is mutual adoption or
the subject of research is shared by multiple exchange of methods and models. An essential
disciplines. Also following the same author, by component of the meaning of the term
interdisciplinary research we mean the situation transdisciplinary research is "mutual".
- Mechanics, whose goal is discovering
More generally speaking, transdisciplinary principles of material objects, feeds
research pertains to the crossing of fields (for Mechanical Engineering, which applies these
example, those which are the subject of this principles to construct and build houses,
study: computing and economics; software factories, roads, bridges, machinery, cars,
engineering and economics, etc.) in such a way airplanes, ships and other vehicles
that both disciplines benefit from each other. - Physics, which focuses on discovering
Once we have resolved the exact meaning of principles of matter at the submolecular level,
"transdisciplinary research", then we'll be able to feeds Electrical Engineering, which applies
talk about transdisciplinary education. these principles to construct power plants,
appliances, radio stations, radio receivers,
telephones, TV sets, etc.
- Biology, which studies living organisms,
feeds Bioengineering, which applies these
discoveries to construct artificial organs, etc.
- Computer Science, which deals with
computations, feeds Computer Engineering,
which applies these discoveries to construct
computers, but also feeds Software
Engineering, which does apply respective
principles to construct software.

In this perspective, we may ask a question: what

would be the "extension" of Economics, so one
could say: Economics, a science which studies
production and distribution of goods feeds such
Fig. 2 Illustration of transdisciplinary reasearch. knowledge, which applies these principles in a
free market economy. We are looking for an
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. applied discipline, extending economics. If we
First, we present mutual relationships between draw a simple diagram that illustrates the role of
economics and software engineering, based on the applied disciplines growing out of basic research,
above understanding of transdisciplinary research. one could see Business as a discipline descendant
Then we give a brief background of important of Economics, where respective economic rules
elements in both disciplines, and finally present are applied (Fig. 3).
an agenda for joint research, involving both
disciplines, and their curriculum enhancement.

2. Software Engineering and Economics:

Transdisciplinary Relation

To study transdisciplinary relations between

Economics and Software Engineering, we have to
find common grounds between the two
disciplines. Sciences, whether natural or social
ones, always deal with discovery, but they spawn
Fig. 3. Relationship between basic disciplines and
applied disciplines, which deal with construction.
their applied counterparts.
Every science has its own way of applying
discoveries into practice, for example, in the
Every level of Fig. 3 needs some explanation.
technical fields:
The high-level relationship, depicted on this
diagram as a horizontal line between Computer
- Chemistry, which deals with discovering
Science and Economics, involves sharing
properties of matter, feeds Chemical
scientific methods by both disciplines, one
Engineering, which applies these principles
example of which could be game theory. This
to construct chemical plants
level of relation, however, is out of the scope of 1. What products will be produced?
this paper. 2. For whom will they be produced?
3. How will they be produced?
What we are mostly concerned about is direct
relations between Economics and Software These questions lead us to the structural
Engineering, which involve: components of a diagram as follows. By asking
- those methods and models which are the first question, we imply that there is a data
transferred to and from Economics as a flow in the diagram. This could be, of course,
science (depicted by a diagonal connection in material flow, flow of ideas, etc., which is
Fig. 3), and represented by outcoming arrows. The second
- those techniques and tools, which are question implies existence of other structural
transferred to Software Engineering from the elements (blocks), such as Consumption, that
Business discipline as an applied Economics interact with Production. Finally, the third
(shown in Fig. 3 as a horizontal line question implies that each block will have some
connecting both disciplines). internal sequence of operations, which constitute
its overall activity. The latter is illustrated on a
The former include principles and methods, such diagram by an example of Distribution.
as economic laws and equations. The latter
include subjects, such as job market, investments,
labor, etc. These relationships may occur at many
levels, for example:
- at a software company level, where software
engineers need to be prepared to deal with
economic and business issues
- at the software industry level, where there are
rules to be obeyed by companies from the
economics and business perspective.

In general, mutual relations between economics

and software engineering have been studied long
ago, beginning with the seminal work of B.
Boehm, 1981, and shortly following it the work Fig. 4. Illustration of basic economic notions.
of W.L. Frank, 1983. Relevant issues are
summarized in Marciniak, 1994. This has not Having presented the basic diagram, let’s look at
been done, however, in the context of framework each of these questions in some more details.
of transdisciplinary research. To discover more
fundamental principles relating the two What to produce? If we are producing something,
disciplines, we present in the next section a brief for example, software, whoever is doing so must
background on both. take into consideration their available resources,
examples of which are: land, labor, capital (i.e.
physical plants, machinery, equipment),
3. Basic Issues entrepreneurial ability. Due to the limited
availability of resources, the best alternative
3.1 Economics. Economics is a social science allocation of their use determines what is to be
concerned with the study of how society chooses produced; which in turn assist us on deciding
to use and allocate scarce resources to satisfy its which product to make.
unlimited wants. It analyzes the costs and
benefits of improving patterns of resource For whom to produce? Among all those desiring
allocation. Of interest to economics are topics the product, who actually receives it? This means
such as: production, distribution and exchange, that in society there must be a method to decide
and consumption. This is briefly illustrated on a who will be able to afford the product and who
block diagram in Fig. 4. will not. It is in this area where the price system
comes into play. The price system is a
Focusing on production, there are three mechanism that uses the forces of supply and
fundamental questions economics, and every demand to create an equilibrium through rising
society, must answer: and falling prices.
which could be addressed by microeconomics
How to produce? In economics this question include:
refers to how to mix technology and scarce * What determines the price and output of
resources in order to produce goods or services. individual goods and services?
In this area a firm/industry must decide which * What are the factors that determine supply and
production technique to use in order to make their demand of a particular good?
products. They must answer the question whether * How do government policies such as price
a production technique will be more or less control, subsidies, and excise taxes affect the
capital-intensive, labor-intensive, etc. price and output levels of individual markets?

Understanding the basic activities and flow of The above is a generalization of microeconomics
data, we can now concentrate on active elements, for the purpose of this paper. Many more detailed
participants in the economy. At the questions are addressed in textbooks, such as
microeconomics level, the individual units to Tucker, 2000.
consider are represented by households and
businesses, possibly involving the government
activities, as illustrated in Fig. 5. From the 3.2. Software Engineering. Software
macroeconomics standpoint, we would have to Engineering is the application of a systematic,
include definitely foreign markets, as well. disciplined, quantifiable approach to the
development, operation, and maintenance of
software (Marciniak, 1994). The development
process is usually described in terms of individual
activities or phases, the sequence of which leads
to the development of a final products.

Fig. 6 illustrates the software development

process in a simplified diagram. The core
activities involve requirements specification,
design, implementation, testing, and installation
and operation embraced by project management,
during the development process, and by
maintenance after the development. Multiple
other activities are conducted, not listed on the
Fig. 5. Individual economic units. diagram, such as: configuration management,
quality control, verification and validation,
A household consists of the occupants of a training, etc.
housing (economic) unit such as an apartment or
a house. Their participation is important because The development process is usually conducted by
of the projection of consumer demand and software engineers at the technical level only.
spending in goods and services (such as, software Questions asked are at best related to the precise
programs). methods of specifying requirements, optimal
methods of designing software components which
A business or a firm is an organization designed meet these requirements, best programming
to purchase and bring together inputs in order to languages and operating systems, as well as
produce goods and services. Includes sole respective practices to code the designs, and
proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. A appropriate testing methods to prove that software
meaningful number of privately owned has as few defects as possible.
manufacturing or service businesses in a common
area are called an industry. At the project management level, questions asked
are more general. For example, a manager is
Microeconomics focuses on analyzing economic always concerned about issues such as developing
variables such as the prices and outputs of software products on schedule, meeting the
specific firms and industries, the expenditures of budget, personnel qualifications and fluctuations,
consumers or households, wages, rates, tool support, etc.
competition, and markets. Some of the questions
which is defined by the research relationships
between Economics and Software Engineering.

The primary functions of economists are to

conduct research and analyze the economic
phenomena, and to formulate policies.
Economists apply statistics to be used to test the
validity of economic theory and to measure the
responsiveness of economic variables, which may
affect either positively and/or negatively the
demand for software. Thus, economists may
work hand-in-hand with software engineers on
software development by utilizing economic
theory regarding specifics of software

Another mean in which software engineers and

economists could converge is in the use of
successful development of software using
econometrics. Econometrics is economic
measurement and deals with the quantitative
evaluation and analysis of actual economic and
business phenomena. Econometrics attempts to
Fig. 6. Simplified view of the software quantify economic reality and bridge the gap
development process.
between the worlds of economic theory and actual
business activities, such as software development.
However, even at the management level,
questions such as the following are hardly asked:
One other way of bringing the two disciplines
- What is the market demand for this software together is to use optimization, for example, to
product? determine optimal allocation of resources in
- Who are the potential customers and what is
production processes to meet the prescribed goals
their user profile? of consumption. This would be particularly useful
- What is the current job market for specialists in the development of single quantities of
fluent in this type of software development?
software, a case not rare in a real world,
- What is the turnaround rate of employees in this especially in software development for the
particular area? government, but ignored thus far in economics.
Questions like this are addressed very rarely, if at
all, at the project management level. This does
Economic theories, such as the above, can be
not mean, however, that software engineers or applied to quantify various resources to deliver a
project managers should not be aware of product: manpower, tools, budget, timescale, etc.
respective issues.
In particular, it could be assessed, what are the
potential risks related to developing a particular
product or using a particular development
4. Where Do Software Engineering and
Economics Meet?
Issues mentioned above connect the two
In a search for more specific mutual relations
disciplines at the research level. At the practical
between Software Engineering and Economics, level, related to the operation of Business,
we have to take now a look back at Fig. 3 and ask Economics and Software Engineering can
a question, how would we apply economics
mutually assist each other in studying issues such
methods to the production process of software? as those:
From Fig. 3, it becomes clear that there are two - software as a product
basic paths to Software Engineering: direct path
- software production process
from Economics, and indirect path through - job market for software engineers
Business. Let’s first analyze the direct path, - software industry.
As a sample framework for such studies, we can Transdisciplinary education pertains to the
consider placing the software development crossing of both fields and would involve
process in the context of economic processes, introducing, into the respective curricula, the
which is illustrated in Fig. 7. A box marked notions of mutual importance. Examples of those
Engineering embodies both Development and would be a concept of markets and related issues
Production of Software, which may be considered introduced to the Software Engineering
separately. Economic processes, as sketched education, and a concept of software process
roughly in Fig. 4, are split here into two, introduced into the Economics curriculum.
Marketing and Distribution, while another
software process is added, called Maintenance.
6. References

Boehm B.W., 1981, Software Engineering

Economics, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ

Ertas A., Tanik M.M., Maxwell T.T, 2000,

“Transdisciplinary Engineering Education and
Research Model”, Transactions of the SDPS, Vol.
4, No. 4, pp. 1-11.

Frank W.L., 1983, Critical Issues in Software:

Fig. 7. Software development process (shown as A Guide to Software Economics, Strategy and
engineering) as a part of an economic process. Profitability, John Wiley and Sons, New York

With these processes in the picture (adding more, Mahdjoubi D., “Interdisciplinary Study on
if necessary, and connecting them properly), we Knowledge and Innovation Strategy”, 2nd
can define variables describing items exchanged Workshop on Global Transdisciplinary
between the blocks representing various Education, Research and Training, Pasadena,
activities/processes. Such variables should Calif., June 11-13, 2001
include those, which correspond to basic
economic indicators, including: demand, Marciniak J.J. (Ed.), 1994, Encyclopedia of
investment, staffing, tools, services, salaries, Software Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, New
spending, prices, etc. Having the variables, their York
flow and ranges defined, we are able to apply
economic principles in modeling the software Nicolescu B., 1997, “The Transdisciplinary
development process by a computer. Education of the University: Conditions for
Sustainable Development”, Int’l Congress on
Universities’ Responsibilities to Society,
5. Conclusion Bangkok, Thailand, November 12-14, 1997, URL
We presented a framework for transdisciplinary /bulletin/b12/b12c8.htm
research in Economics and Software Engineering,
Tanik M.M., Ertas A., 1997, “Inter-
which can be applied in education for the benefit
disciplinary Design and Process Science: A
of both disciplines. The primary relationships
Discourse on Scientific Method for the
between these disciplines involve:
Information Age”, Transactions of the SDPS,
- direct use of mutually complementary
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 76-94
research methods, such as assessment of
economic variables, use of econometric
Tucker I.B., 2000, Economics for Today.
measures, and optimization, applied to
Second Edition, South-Western College
software development at the company and at
Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio
the software industry level;
- indirect application of economic principles in
business practice, by modeling the software
development process in the context of
economic processes and activities.

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