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How to Make Yhogurt Cimory


1. 1 liter of pure milk

2. 50 ml of yoghurt plain cimory


1. First, pour 1 liter of pure milk on a pan and heat it on a small fire about 70-800 C, at
the same time stir it slowly.

2. After 30 minutes, take the milk and freeze until it same as the room temperature.

3. Then,pour 50 ml of yoghurt plain cimory to the dough at the same time, stir until it’s
mixed well.

4. Next, move the milk dough to a plastic box then close it with plastic and napkin.

5. Last, let it stand about 24 hours. Yhogurt is ready to be served.


Milk that will be fermentated must be heated first to reduce the microbe population on
the milk. The heating process gives a good condition too to the growth of the yhogurt’s
seed and reduce the water contain on the milk. Then, yhogurt must be chillled about 25-
300 C or on room temperature so when it’s time to add yhogurt’seed, microbe will still
alive. The milk is fermentated using yhogurt plain cimory which contain active
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus termophilus bacteria. The fermentation
process of sugar component on milk is the turn of laktose to become acetic acid. Acetic
acid that is resulted while the process of fermentation can increase the taste and the
acidity. This process needs time about 24 hours. While the fermentation process, the
milk is placed on airtight box and closed with napkin to create dark condition. This
treatment is requisite of the living fermentation bacteria on 20-24 hours.

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