Direct Expressions For Ogata's Lead-Lag Design Method Using Root Locus

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I , FEBRUARY 1994 63

Direct Expressions for Ogata's Lead-Lag

Design Method Using Root Locus
Marcel0 Carvalho Minhoto Teixeira, Member, ZEEE

Abstruct4irect expressions for the design of a lead-lag contin-

uous compensator using the root locus method and the procedure
described in the 1970 and 1990 books by Ogata are presented.
These results are useful in the Ogata design method because they
avoid the geometrical determination of poles and zeros, making
it easier to create a computer-based design.


A LTHOUGH control theory offers a great number of

results, in practical applications often a simple compen-
sator, such as PID or lead-lag, is sufficient. For example, in
the control of dc motors and in magnetic suspension systems,
PID and lead-lag controllers are sufficient.
The design of PID and lead-lag compensators are usually
made by the root locus or frequency response methods using
a graphic trial and error procedure.
With commercially available control softwares such as
MATLAB and Program CC, the design and performance
verification of a compensator becomes easier, because they
make, for example, fast simulations and root locus and Bode
plots, which make it possible to avoid the geometrical work on
paper. However, in some designs, the determination of poles
and zeros of the compensator are made using a graphic mean or
a computer solution. For example, the lead and lead-lag com-
pensators created using the methods described in [l] and [ 2 ] . (c)
The determination of direct expressions for these parameters Fig. 1. Compensation of systems with lead-lag compensators: (a) Configura-
tion of the compensated system; (b) the lead-lag compensator with electrical
makes it easier to create a computer-based design, without elements; (c) geometrical description of (4).
geometrical determinations. In [3], equations are presented for
the design of a lead compensator with minimum attenuation where TI = R1 C1 T2 = R2C2, and P > 1 is such that
and without geometrical constructions or computer solutions.
In this note we present equations for the analytical determi-
nation of a lead-lag compensator using the method described
References [I] and [ 2 ] describe a design method for the
by Ogata in [ l ] and [ 2 ] , also without the geometrical deter-
system of Fig. l(a) with the lead-lag compensator (1) presented
mination of parameters.
in Fig. l(b) for a convenient modification of the transient and
11. THEANALYTICAL DETERMINATION steady-state responses of this system, when this is not possible
O F A LEAD-LAG COMPENSATOR using only one proportional, lead, or lag compensator G,(s):
1) Choose two dominant poles s1,2 -
Fig. l(b) presents a lead-lag compensator. It is known [l],
-twn&Jmwnj = -0 f j w for an adequate
[2] that
transient response of the feedback system in Fig. l(a); for
example, for a desired overshoot and settling time.
2 ) Calculate the angle q5 for s1 = -0 j w in such a+
way that it belongs to the root locus of the feedback system
described in Fig. l(a)

Manuscript received July 1991; revised October 1991. 4 = IGc(si)= -IG(sl) + +

(2h l)lSOo,
M. C. Minhoto Teixeira is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, h E {...,-l70,1;..} (3)
FEIS-UNESP, Ilha Solteira-SP, Brazil.
IEEE Log Number 9214219. Choose one value of h such that 0" 5 q5 5 360"
0018-9359/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE

3) Choose the gain K , in (1) for an adequate steady- 6) Verify the dominance of the poles s1,2 by the root-locus
state error of the feedback system in Fig. l(a). Note that and/or simulations. If s1,2 are not dominant, then remake the
G,(O) = K,, and this error is independent of Tl,T2, and design with other compensators; for instance, by cancelling
/3 for usual inputs, such as step, ramp, and parabolic. inadequate zeros or poles of the plant G( s) .
4) Determine 1'7 and p such that Example: In [I] an example is presented where G ( s ) =
4/s (s 0.5) (it can be a transfer function of a dc motor for
a position control). We need a compensator G,(s) with the
structure given in Fig. l(a) such that = 0.5 and w, = 5 rad/s
for the dominant poles, and a steady-state error ess = 0.02 for
an input u ( t ) = t,t 2 0.
Then, from step 1 s1 = -2.50+j4.33, from step 2 4 = 55O,
and from step 3 K , = 6.25. Now, IK,G(sl)l = 5/4.77 = a/b.
Hence, from (7) t a n ( € ) = 0.58, from (8) and (9) -PIT1 =
-5.01 and --1/T1 = -0.49; thus, /3 = 10 and TI = 2. In [l],
Ti and P are obtained geometrically.
Fig. I(c) shows the problem of these determinations: given
Choosing T2 = 10, (10) is satisfied, and the lead-lag
s l , a / b = IK,G(sl)l, and 4, determine the points -@/Ti and
+ +
compensator is G,(s) = 6.25 (s 0.5) (s O.l)/(s 5 ) ( s + +
0.01). In [ l ] simulation results showing the success of this
Note that, from Fig. l(c) and 0" < 71 < 90"; it is necessary
design are presented.
that 0" 5 4 < 180" - 7.
In [2] the same example is presented, but considering a
Remark: If 4 > 180" - 7 , one lead-lag controller, described
desired steady-state error ess = 1/80 for an input u ( t ) =
in Fig. l(b), is not sufficient to compensate the feedback
t,t 2 0; similar results were obtained.
system of Fig. l(a). In this case, we can, for instance, use
two or more cascade lead-lag sections, or one lead-lag and
some lead sections, to supply the phase angle needed, 4.
The design of each lead-lag section would also have the Direct expression for the design of a lead-lag controller,
same problems of the determination of parameters, such as using the root locus method and the procedure described
TI and @ in (4), given SI,$ and a/b. Assume that in (3), by Ogata are presented. These results avoid the geometrical
00 < 4 < 180" - 7. determination or computer solutions for the obtainment of
In [ l ] and [2], the determination of TI and P in (4), given poles and zeros, which is made in [ l ] and [2], enabling a
s1 a / b , and 4, is made by geometrical construction; the author
computer-based design to be made faster and with greater
of this note has found analytical expressions for this design. accuracy.
From Fig. l(c), considering SI,a / b , and 4 given, we have
cos (€) = - cos ( 4 - E ) = -
b K. Ogata, Modern Conrrol Engineering. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
and so Prentice-Hall, 1970.
cos ( 4 - E ) - -
- -
a - cos ( 4 )COS(&) sin (4) sin ( E ) K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 2nd Ed. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1990.
cos (€) b cos (€) R. Unnikrishnan, "Design of a lead compensator with minimum atten-
= cos ( 4 ) tan ( E ) sin ( 4 ) . (6)
uation," Int. J . Elect. Eng. Educ., vol. 17, pp. 85-88, 1980.

1 l a
tan(€) = -~
+ sin(4)

Fig. l(c) and (7) we can determine

-1 tan ( 4 ) - tan ( E )
-= - a + w t a n ( 4 - ~ ) = - c + ~
Tl 1 +
tan ( 4 )tan ( E )
Marcclo C. M. Tcixcira (S'86-A'SS) received the B.Sc.E.E. degree from
Lins College of Engineering (EEL), Brazil. in 1979; the M.Sc.E.E. degree from
Hence, dividing (8) by (9) we obtain /3 and from (9), TI the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE-UFKJ), Brazil, in 1982; and
5) Using /3 obtained in Step 4, choose T2 such that the DSc. degree in contcol engineering from Ihe Catholic University (PUC)
of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1989.
Sincc 1982 he has been with thc I'aulista State University (UNESP),
Depament of Electrical Enginecring. llha Soltcira Campus, SI', Brazil. In
1990 and 1991 he W ~ the
S vice-hcad of Department of Electrical Engineering
and he is currently the coordinator of the Electrical Engineering Course at
UNESI'. llha Solteira, Brazil. His current interests include variable structure
with sliding motions. adaptive systcms. control with neural networks, ccntrol
Note that it is possible for large values of T2. cducation. and control applications.

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