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2 Fraquelli M, Colli A, Casazza G, Paggi S, Colucci A, Massironi S, et al. small bowel in Crohn’s disease, the oral contrast method and MR
Role of US in detection of Crohn disease: meta-analysis. Radiology enteroclysis. Eur Radiol 2007;17:2294-301.
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prospective randomized comparison between two MRI studies of the Accepted: 2 October 2007

M A Siddiq,1 M J Samra2

Department of Case history Referred otalgia is common and may account for 50%
Otorhinolaryngology, Head and A 35 year old patient presenting with a three day of cases (box). It occurs with tonsillitis and quinsy and
Neck Surgery, New Cross after tonsillectomy, but if sore throat develops rapidly
Hospital, Wolverhampton
history of unilateral otalgia and fever is diagnosed as
2 having acute otitis media and prescribed amoxicillin. (often <24 hours) with dysphonia, epiglottitis is more
Penn Manor Medical Centre,
Penn, Wolverhampton He returns three days later with persistent fever and likely. Pain on chewing indicates a dental, temporo-
Correspondence to: M A Siddiq, headache. mandibular joint, or parotid problem. Otalgia present-
Department of ing with dysphagia or dysphonia can be associated with
Otorhinolaryngology, Head and
Neck Surgery, Manchester Royal What you should cover pharyngeal tumours. A sharp lancinating pain arising
Infirmary, Manchester M13 9WL History
Pain varies widely from severe pain of acute otitis
BMJ 2008;336:276-7 media to the deep boring otalgia of malignant otitis
doi:10.1136/bmj.39364.643275.47 externa (pseudomonal osteomyelitis of the temporal Causes of referred otalgia
bone). Sharp lancinating pain indicates neuralgia. Paranasal sinus infection
Otorrhoea—purulent otorrhoea can follow acute otitis Teeth:
media, but if it is persistent cholesteatoma may be Teeth grinding
present. Watery otorrhoea is seen in otitis externa, but
Molar impaction
after head injury it indicates a leak of cerebrospinal
fluid. Infection or abscess
Hearing loss may be seen in all the above conditions. Pharynx:
Itching is a cardinal symptom of otitis externa. Acute tonsillitis or quinsy
Tinnitus is not a disease specific symptom. Epiglottitis
Vertigo and headache are unusual—they may indicate a After tonsillectomy
complication of otitis media. Parotid gland:
Otalgia can precede Bell’s palsy (idiopathic facial Calculi
nerve palsy) but is usually more severe and persistent
with Ramsay Hunt syndrome (herpes zoster oticus).
Pain can be associated with lesions of the pinna— Trauma
tender nodules (chondrodermatitis nodularis helices), Neck problems:
haematoma, or laceration. Goitre
Musculoskeletal problems
Useful reading Cervical spine
Ludman H, Wright T. Diseases of the ear. 6th ed. London: Malignancy:
Arnold, 2002. Tongue base, tonsil, nasopharynx, hypopharynx
This is part of a series of Neuralgia:
occasional articles on common Roland NJ, McRae RDR, McCombe AW. Key topics in
problems in primary care. The BMJ otolaryngology. 2nd ed. Aberystwyth: Bios, 2001. Trigeminal neuralgia
welcomes contributions from GPs

276 BMJ | 2 FEBRUARY 2008 | VOLUME 336


What you should do

KEY POINTS  For acute otitis media treat with a five day
Findings on otoscopy are usually diagnostic for earache course of amoxicillin in children and aug-
Patients with persistent pain, cranial nerve involvement, mentin in adults. In chronic otitis media with
headache, and vertigo may need referral cholesteatoma, refer. Pinna haematoma,
Referred otalgia may originate from the laceration or painful nodule, refer
temperomandibular joint, teeth, pharynx, and larynx  Prescribe topical antibiotic or steroid drops
for otitis externa (short term to prevent fungal
infections). If there is excessive debris or canal
in the tonsil area and radiating to the ear suggests stenosis, refer the patient.
trigeminal neuralgia.  Furunculosis should be treated with oral
Otological history—ask about previous ear disease or flucloxacillin
operations and recent trauma.  Swimmers can try ear protection (ear plugs),
Other history—ask about recent flying or swimming, and patients experiencing barotrauma can
diabetes, or an immunocompromised state. apply a nasal decongestant (xylometazoline,
for example) with regular Valsalva man-
Examination oeuvre before they fly
Inspect for pinna haematoma, laceration, and tender  Any case of suspected mastoiditis or compli-
nodules, previous scars, pinna displacement, or a post- cated otitis media (such as facial nerve palsy)
aural swelling and palpate for mastoid tenderness should be referred urgently
(mastoiditis).  For Bell’s palsy and herpes zoster give oral
Otoscopy is diagnostic in most cases and may show a prednisolone and aciclovir and refer for
bulging drum in acute otitis media, external canal follow-up
vesicles with Ramsay Hunt syndrome, canal oedema  If the ears are normal look for causes of
or debris (otitis externa), a tender meatal swelling referred otalgia and refer if pain persists or the
(furunculosis), granulation tissue or aural polyp diagnosis is uncertain
(chronic suppurative otitis media, malignant otitis  Trial carbemazepine for trigeminal neuralgia
externa, or tumours). Cholesteatoma may be visible  If there is no early response to antibiotics
but is often obscured by mucopus. then continue antibiotics for seven days and
If the diagnosis is not apparent then look for causes of advise the patient to return if there is no
referred otalgia. Palpate the temporomandibular joint; improvement.
examine the teeth, oral cavity, parotids, and the nose for
sinonasal infection; and palpate the neck for a goitre, Competing interests: None declared.
lymphadenopathy, and musculoskeletal tenderness. Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer
The facial nerve can be involved with acute otitis Contributors: MAS had the original idea for the article, performed the
media, mastoiditis, Bell’s palsy, or a temporal bone literature search, wrote the article, and is guarantor. JMS helped in writing
fracture. the article.

Pink scrubs
My fellow medical students and I peer through the window the hall. No one is there. Not knowing what to expect, I
into the operating room. It is filled with busy people in a sea open the door to the men’s locker room. I fear I will come
of pink and blue scrubs—our first look into the world of face to face with men in compromising stages of undress.
surgery. Just inside, I find shelves of blue scrubs and grab a pair.
It is my first clerkship in 1987. Having grown up with my Fortunately, I see no one.
father being an eye surgeon, I find the operating room I return to the women’s locker room, put on the blue
intriguing. I feel connected with our attending physician scrubs, and walk out into the operating room area. I feel
and the other three students, all men. guilty for deserting my sisters in some way, but I refuse to
“Change into scrubs and meet me in the OR in be relegated to the ranks of pink. I join my group; we wear
10 minutes,” our attending physician says, as he and the the same uniform. I wait for comments on my attire, but
three male medical students file into the men’s locker none occurs. Later, one of my fellow students asks where I
room. It is the first time I feel different from my fellow obtained the blue scrubs. “In the men’s locker room,” I
students. I go by myself to the women’s locker room. reply. “I didn’t want to wear pink.”
Piled high on carts are pink scrubs—not pastel, not Today, my medical students tell me there are no more
fuchsia, but true pink—in all sizes. I look again through pink scrubs. Everyone wears green.
another small window into the operating room. Men in blue
scrubs work with an air of authority. Buzzing around them
are women in pink hats, pink scrubs, pink shoe covers. As Elizabeth A Rider director of Programs for Communication Skills, John
far as I can ascertain, there are no pink female surgeons. D Stoeckle Center for Primary Care Innovation, Massachusetts General
“Nope,” I think to myself, “no way am I going out there Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
in pink.” I walk out of the women’s locker room and check

BMJ | 2 FEBRUARY 2008 | VOLUME 336 277

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