First Mid Term Rubric For Oral Exams English Iii: # - Student's Name

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Grade the components of speaking according to the scale from 1 to 5 taking into account the student's performance in the
oral exam

Components and scales 5 4 3 2 1 SCORE

Sophistcated Competent Partly competent Not yet competent Novice

Generally manages to Somewhat manages to maintain Barely manages to maintain the Cannot manage to maintain the
Successfully manages to maintain the maintain the expected naturalness, the expected naturalness, speed, expected naturalness, speed, and expected naturalness, speed,
FLUENCY expected naturalness, speed, and flow. speed, and flow. and flow. flow. and flow.
Summatve Assessment

Successfully usesexpected vocabulary Generally uses expected Uses some expected vocabulary Uses a few basic expected Lacks basic
repertoire. vocabulary repertoire. repertoire. expressions. vocabularyrepertoire.

Successfully controls expected Generally controls expected Shows somecontrol of Shows limited control of expected Cannot control expected
grammatical structures and sentence grammatical structures and expected simple grammatical grammatical structures and sentence grammatical structures and
GRAMMATICAL RANGE & ACCURACY patterns sentence patterns structures and sentence patterns in patterns. sentence patterns.
a learnt repertoire.

Speech can be understood with minimal Speech is generally intelligible with Speech is generally intelligible but Pronunciation puts a great strain on
to no effort. some effort by the listener requires considerable effort by the the listener. Speech is unintelligible.

# _____ Student's name: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________

Circle the words in the lexical resources that need reinforcement and check the competences assessed in the test

Check the competences

Lexical resources Grammar Functons Competence %

Partly Not yet

Unit 1

Sophistcated Competent competent competent

be into something, be supposed to, for Talking about habitual actions and The students can speak about habits
once, gorgeous, protein, nutrition, Adverbs of frequency routines and how often those activities are

a ceiling, cover a possession, leak, Quantifiers Asking and asnwering about The student can express quantities of
permission, renter's insurance, rounds. quantity a variety of nouns.
Formatve Assessment

a detour, icy, make up time, take notes, a Future forms "going to", "will" and Talking about future plans, The student can speak about plans,
traffic accident, catch up, cover for present progressive with future predictions and on the spot arragements and decisions in the
someone. meaning decisions. long or short term.
Unit 2

a block, an intersection, None Asking and giving directions The student can give and understand
directions and instructions.

an icon, database, enter data, save, Ability in past, "could" and "be able The student can speak about his or
transfer a call, to" Expressing ability in the past. other people's abilities in the past.

back then, car seat, a lap, nervous wreck, Used to Talking about situations or habits in The student can talk about his past
the past. habits..
Unit 3

apologetic, build up, an apetite, The student can talk about

regulation, keep someone company, run Talking about events happening at
into someone, upset, every other day, go Past progressive certain point in the past. continuing activities happening at
over information. some point in the past.

General comments and recommendatons (Optonal)


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