Syllabus For ME135: Finite Element Analysis: Designation: Catalog Description

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Syllabus for ME135: Finite Element Analysis

Spring 2013
Instructor: Yanbao Ma

Designation: Finite Element Analysis

Catalog Description: Introduce the basic fundamentals of the finite element methods. Beginning with
simple one-dimensional problem, continuing to two- and three-dimensional
elements, and ending with some applications in heat transfer, solid mechanics and
fluid mechanics. Covers modeling, mathematical formulation, and computer
Text Books and Other Required Textbook:
Required Materials: “The Finite Element Methods, Basic Concepts and Applications”, 2nd edition, by
Darrell W. Pepper and Juan C. Heinrich, Taylor & Francis Publication.
Course Objectives/ - Understand the general steps of finite element methods.
Student Learning - Understand the basic finite element formulation techniques.
Outcomes: - Be able to derive equations in finite element methods for 1D, 2D and 3D
- Be able to formulate and solve basic problems in heat transfer, solid mechanics
and fluid mechanics.
- Be able to write computer program based on finite element methods.
- Be able to use Comsol, a commercial software, to solve basic engineering
problems in heat transfer, solid mechanics and fluid mechanics.
Prerequisites by Topic: Math 023 & Math 024 (or equivalent)
Course Policies:
Academic Dishonesty a. Each student in this course is expected to abide by the University of California,
Statement: Merced's Academic Honesty Policy. Any work submitted by a student in this
course for academic credit will be the student's own work.
b. You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts
covered in lecture and the sections with other students. You can give "consulting"
help to or receive "consulting" help from such students. However, this
permissible cooperation should never involve one student having possession of a
copy of all or part of work done by someone else, in the form of an e mail, an e
mail attachment file, a diskette, or a hard copy. Should copying occur, both the
student who copied work from another student and the student who gave material
to be copied will both automatically receive a zero for the assignment. Penalty for
violation of this Policy can also be extended to include failure of the course and
University disciplinary action.
c. During examinations, you must do your own work. Talking or discussion is not
permitted during the examinations, nor may you compare papers, copy from
others, or collaborate in any way. Any collaborative behavior during the
examinations will result in failure of the exam, and may lead to failure of the
course and University disciplinary action.
Disability Statement: Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: The University of California
Merced is committed to ensuring equal academic opportunities and inclusion for
students with disabilities based on the principles of independent living, accessible
universal design and diversity. I am available to discuss appropriate academic
accommodations that may be required for student with disabilities. Requests for
academic accommodations are to be made during the first three weeks of the
semester, except for unusual circumstances. Students are encouraged to register
with Disability Services Center to verify their eligibility for appropriate
Topics: 1. Introduction to finite element methods.
2. The method of weighted residuals and Galerkin approximations.
3. FEM in one dimension.
4. The 2-D triangular element.
5. The 2-D quadrilateral element.
6. Isoparametric 2-D elements.
7. The 3-D element.
8. Finite elements in solid mechanics.
9. Application to inviscid flows.
10. Application to viscous fluid mechanics.
Class/laboratory LEC: T & TH 1:30-2:45 PM in Classroom 113; Lab section 1: Monday
Schedule: 8:00am-10:50am in SE 100; Lab section 2: Monday 1:30pm-4:20pm in SE 100
Midterm/Final Exam Midterm exam: 1:30-2:50PM, March 13, 2012
Schedule: Final exam: 11:30 AM - 2:30PM, May 11, 2012
Course Calendar:
Professional Component:
Assessment/Grading Projects/Homework 25%
Policy: In-class Quiz 15%
Mid-term exam 30%
Final exam 30%
Contact Information:
Office Hours:
Faculty Contribution to the ME Mission
ME135: Finite Element Analysis
Spring 2013
Name of Contributor: Yanbao Ma

Total Time Allocated (hours per semester): 60


Designated Hours Reported Hours

(percentage) (percentage)
1. To teach students the basic laws of nature that are relevant to
10 hours (16.7%) 0 hours (0.0%)
the fields of mechanical engineering
2. To teach students the design skills including creative thinking
48 hours (80.0%) 0 hours (0.0%)
and effective communication
3. To help students understand their professional and ethical
2 hours (3.3%) 0 hours (0.0%)
4. To instill a sense of community and ethical responsibility
0 hours (0.0%) 0 hours (0.0%)
associated with the professional use of the knowledge acquired
5. To expand the reach of mechanical engineering to
non-traditional areas by continually seeking to incorporate new 0 hours (0.0%) 0 hours (0.0%)
methodologies and research findings to our curriculum
Total 60 hours (100.0%) 0 hours (0.0%)


Weighted Hours
Designated Hours
Criteria (percentage)
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering 12 hours (20.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
b. An ability in experimental design and data analysis 3 hours (5.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
c. An ability in component and system design 0 hours (0.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
d. An ability to solve multi-disciplinary problems 0 hours (0.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
e. An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering
18 hours (30.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities 0 hours (0.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
g. An ability to communicate effectively 0 hours (0.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
h. A broad social impact of the engineering education 0 hours (0.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
i. A sound basis and motivation for life-long learning 0 hours (0.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
j. A knowledge on contemporary issues 0 hours (0.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
k. An ability to use modern engineering tools and techniques for
24 hours (40.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
engineering practices
l. A working knowledge of the principles of Mechanics and
3 hours (5.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
Thermodynamics, etc.
m. An ability to recognize new forms of thinking and new
0 hours (0.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
promising directions in engineering
n. An ability to incorporate interdisciplinary concepts from 0 hours (0.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and other disciplines
into engineering solutions and vice-versa.
o. A culminating design experience 0 hours (0.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)
Total 60 hours (100.0%) 0.0 hours (0.0%)


Evaluated AVG
Curriculum out of None responses Evaluated
Description of Activity (Semester: Spring 2013)
Activity 9: strong agreement STDEV
0: strong disagreement
a Students are trained to understand basic FEM theory and
to derive the FEM formulations for 1-D, 2-D and 3-D
model problems. Four to six in-class quizzes and two
exams (midterm and final) are designed to test student’s
learning outcome.
b Students are exposed to methodologies for effectively
presenting their scientific results concisely and
graphically. Reporting results in compact, effective way
is emphasized in all assignments.
e Homework assignments are designed for students to
practice element formulation, computer code
implementation, and numerical results analysis.
k Students are trained to apply finite element methods in
the design context involving a wide range of application
such as heat transfer, solid mechanics and fluid
mechanics. There is a 3-hr lab section in each week.
Students will learn how to write Matlab code and solve
engineering problems using finite element methods.
Student are required to learn COMSOL software in the
lab section. There will be a term project assignment using
l Students are required to study the obtained results and
make proper engineering judgments and interpretations.

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