Subject: Network Analysis and Synthesis Sub Code: Max Marks: 70 Time: 180 Min

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Branch: Electronics & Communication

IILM-CET -Academy of Higher Learning, Gr. Noida

Semester: III
PUT (Odd Semester 2018-19)
Faculty: Amit kumar Rajput


Sub Code: REE305

Max Marks: 70 Time: 180 min

NOTE: Attempt all Sections. Assume missing data if any.


1. Attempt all questions in brief. (2 x 7= 14)
(a)Write two properties of Complete Incidence matrix
(b)Write Hybrid parameters in terms of Z parameters.
(c) Describe the following: Tree, Co-Tree, Twig, Link, Cut-set and Tie set.
(d) Write the Z parameters for the given network. Fig.1

(e) Write the condition for symmetry in terms of Z, Y, h & T parameters.

(f) What do you mean by complex frequency?
(g) What is Hurwitz polynomial?

Attempt any three questions. (3 x 7 = 21)
2. Prove that in parallel-parallel interconnection two networks with admittance matrix [YA ] & [YB ]
respectively. Find overall Y-matrix.
3. Find cauer I & II form of Z(s)

4. Obtain Z-parameter in terms of h parameter and T parameter.

5. (a) Differentiate Active filter and Passive filters. Draw frequency response of band reject and band pass
(b) What do you mean by impedance scaling and frequency scaling? Explain importance of these
techniques in Active pass filter.
6. Check stability of system 2s5+s4+6s3+3s2+s+1= 0

Attempt any five questions. (5 x 7= 35)
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7. Using Thevenin’s theorem, find the current through load impedance

Fig 2

8. Find all parameters if 3ohm resistance is connected between two ports?

What is symmetry and reciprocity? Find the following conditions for h & ABCD parameters?
9. Explain the following terms
(i) Graph (ii) Tree (iii) Forest (iv) Reduced incidence matrix with suitable examples.
10. Enlist the properties of LC function.
Check whether the function Z(s) = (s3+5s2+9s+3)/ (s4+4s3+7s2+s+9)
11. Find Y & Z parameters of the network shown in Fig.

12. The transform current in network is given below, plot poles zeros in s-plane and hence obtain time
domain response.
I(s) = 3s(s+2)/(s+1)(s+4)
13. (a)Find the range of values of a so that following function is Hurwitz
P(s)= s4+s3+a s2+2s+3.
(b)Explain convolution integral and convolution theorem?
14. Switch is move from 1 to 2 at t=0 find i(t) if e(t)=e-t sin 2t ( In Fig 3)

Fig 3

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