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Name: Bintang Cahya Aprilia Nagita

NIM: 150210401065
The Superlative Vacuum-Cleaner
One day in nearly morning, there was a salesman who tried to promote his vacuum-
cleaner product. Then he rang the door-bell of a house. The houseman opened the door and
asked to the salesman what did he wants. Then the salesman tried to sell the housewife a
vacuum-cleaner by putting the dust all over the carpet and cleaning up the carpet by using his
vacuum-cleaner. The salesman only explained at glance about his product and said that he
was not a good salesman and he was afraid. Seeing his face and expression, the housewife
decided to give an example how to promote a product. Then she pretended to be a
saleswoman and the salesman became a house owner. While she was giving the example, she
didn’t realize that the salesman was cheating on her. Without she ever realized that the
salesman brought her money with him. Then she finally realized that the salesman was
cheating on her.

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