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Trinity River Authority of Texas Elm Fork

Interceptor System Evaluation


Prepared By:
BDS Technologies, Inc.
11325 Pegasus St., Suite E-200
Dallas, TX 75238

November 5, 2008
The Trinity River Authority of Texas (TRA) in conjunction with the City of Irving are
initiating an Emergency Evacuation Plan for workers assigned to perform field
evaluations in areas within the floodplain of the Elm Fork of the Trinity River,
downstream of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Fort Worth District, flood
control operations at Lakes Lewisville, Grapevine, and Ray Roberts. This plan was
initiated to protect workers located in the flood inundation areas within the City of Irving.
This plan should be used in conjunction with the TRA Field Work Plan and City of Irving
emergency management procedures.

TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Emergency Evacuation Plan, November 2008
Table of Contents

I. PURPOSE:.................................................................................................................. 4
II. SCOPE: ................................................................................................................... 4
III. SITUATION & ASSUMPTIONS: ......................................................................... 4
IV. CONCEPT OF OPERATION: ............................................................................... 6
V. NOTIFICATION & COMMUNICATIONS: ......................................................... 7
VI. Direction & Control: ............................................................................................... 9
A. Evacuation Routes and Procedures..................................................................... 9
B. Potential Evacuation Routes ............................................................................... 9
C. Work Area Evacuation Routes............................................................................ 9
D. Map of Inundation Areas and Evacuation Routes ............................................ 11
VII. Certifications......................................................................................................... 12

TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Emergency Evacuation Plan, November 2008
The purpose of this plan is to provide for the safety of contractors and field operations
personnel of TRA by establishing guidelines for warning, evacuating, and staging
persons who would be endangered and/or isolated in the event of flooding upstream
and/or downstream of the Elm Fork of the Trinity River and its floodways located within
the City of Irving and Dallas County. It also addresses similar emergency response
actions which might be required in the event of flooding, caused by reservoir operational
releases from USACE Fort Worth District Dams. The plan is designed to accomplish
these functions with minimum confusion and maximum speed.

A. This plan is regional in application and pertains to the possibility of increased
discharges from dams upstream from the City of Irving; including along the West Fork
and Elm Fork of the Trinity River. It describes actions necessary to accomplish the
warning, evacuation and staging of contractors and field personnel that would be affected
while completing the TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Evaluation.

B. This plan has been developed through coordination with TRA, City of Irving, and the
US Army Corps of Engineers.

C. This plan accentuates unique procedures necessary to respond to a flood emergency

situation. The plan is designed to:

1. Establish warning procedures.

2. Outline evacuation procedures.
3. Identify potential evacuation routes.
4. Identify staging areas and necessary shelters to be activated for the care of
5. Identify procedures for the security of the perimeter and the interior of the
affected area during and after evacuation.
6. Identify procedures for allowing evacuees to return to field operations.
7. Identify functions and responsibilities of local emergency response agencies and
other organizations.


A: Situation: A number of reservoirs are located upstream of the proposed field
operations areas that are operated to retain floodwaters and to, at times, release retained
water in order to fulfill flood control requirements of these reservoirs along both the West
and Elm Forks of the Trinity River These reservoir releases can, at times, individually or

TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Emergency Evacuation Plan, November 2008
in combination with surface water runoff along the river segments, result in the increase
in the water surface elevations of the Elm Fork of the Trinity River between Proctor Road
and Interstate 30, the area in which the work for the TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor
System Evaluation will be performed.. To assure appropriate and prompt response to an
emergency situation in this work area this Emergency Evacuation Plan (EEP) has been
developed to provide field operations crews the following: Priority Notification
Procedures, Emergency Action Plan, Emergency Notification Procedures, Identification
of Potential Emergency Situations, Emergency Operations and Repairs, Inundation Maps,
and General Project Data.

B. Assumption:

1. It is the responsibility of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to monitor the

reservoirs and make releases from these reservoirs as is necessary.

2. It is the responsibility of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide the

ongoing status of its operations of these reservoirs through online status updates
which are then available to the City of Irving Flood Control Administrator
(CIFCA) to provide updates on the status of the reservoir operations.

3. It is the responsibility of the United States Geological Survey to maintain river

gage monitoring stations along the Elm Fork and West Fork of the Trinity River
and to provide this river gage data online with status updates for use by the

4. Both response and recovery operations during elevated river levels along the Elm
Fork of the Trinity River will be hampered by blocked roads, damaged bridges or
roads and downed trees.

5. In extreme conditions – The City of Irving will require State and Federal

6. Demand for resources may be critical.

7. Advanced preplanning is ongoing by all government entities, health care facilities,

businesses, industries, and utilities in the inundation areas and is essential to
maintain needed services during response and recovery operations.

8. It is assumed when field crews are asked to evacuate there will be no hesitation or
delay to comply.

TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Emergency Evacuation Plan, November 2008
A. General:

1. To assure appropriate and prompt response to an emergency situation, the U.S.

Army Corps of Engineers has classified potential emergency situation or conditions
according to the relative urgency as follows:
A. Possible Dam Failure
B. Dam Failure
The Project Manager or designated representative of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
will, in the event of any emergency, take immediate action necessary to prevent dam
failure and to prevent or minimize loss of life and property. He/She will initiate
emergency notification procedures as outlined in the Fort Worth District Dam Emergency
Action Plan. When the Corps of Engineers classifies the situation as a Possible Dam
failure, the National Weather Service will issue a Flash Flood Watch for potential dam
failure. When the Corps of Engineers classifies the situation as a Dam failure, the
National Weather Service will issue a Flash Flood Warning for a dam failure.

2. The more probable impact to the operations of the TRA CRWS Elm Fork
Interceptor Evaluation is the potential for river levels along the West Fork of the Trinity
River at the most downstream extent of the evaluation project or the Elm Fork of the
Trinity River which runs parallel to the operations of the evaluation project to rise and
continue to inundate areas along the river, within the floodplain, contained within the
levees surrounding the river, for an extended period of time. In these instances, any work
efforts would be overcome by floodwaters with the potential that work efforts could be
stranded if interior levee roads were inundated as well.

3. Evacuations will be implemented from the work areas associated with the TRA
CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor Evaluation under three scenarios: a) on advice from the U.
S. Army Corps of Engineers on progressive or instantaneous failure of the dam and/or
increased flooding events; b) under a determination by BDS Technologies during
continuous monitoring of river gage and reservoir releases that river levels adjacent to the
work areas are rising; or c) under a determination by the City of Irving’s Flood Control
Administrator that river level rises or projected river level rises warrant that the work
areas within the floodplain are subject to potential inundation within the river levees and
conditions therefore warrant that the work areas should be evacuated. The ultimate
responsibility for ordering an evacuation rests with field crews themselves and BDS
Technologies. BDS Technologies understands that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
the County of Dallas, and/or the City of Irving can order an evacuation; but, ultimately
BDS Technologies Field Supervisors will order the evacuation to field crews and ensure
that necessary response is followed.

4. By monitoring the progress of the evacuation, any impediments to the evacuation

can be recognized and contingency options can be implemented.

TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Emergency Evacuation Plan, November 2008
B. Authority:

1. Evacuation Order

a. The Texas Local Government Code authorizes Cities and Municipal Police, Fire
Departments and the County Sheriff with the power to protect lives and property of the
citizens in their jurisdiction.

b. The following positions may have equal authority to order an evacuation during
an emergency
1.) City of Irving Chief Elected Officials (CEO’s)
2.) Dallas County Sheriff
3.) Irving Chief of Police
4.) Fire Chiefs
5.) BDS Technologies

C. 24 Hour Warning Point:

The ability to respond to upcoming events is somewhat predictable based upon the
current levels in upstream reservoirs, the current level of the river in the proximity to the
work areas, and the National Weather Service predictions of rainfall events in areas
contributing to the watersheds to the west of and north of the work areas proposed for the
project. In general, provided there are no planned reservoir releases, all work areas can
be presumed to be free of risk of rising river levels when any rainfall occurring within
these watersheds is of a predicted amount of less than one inch of rainfall. If greater than
one inch of rainfall is expected, then work within the flood plain should be delayed. If
rainfall is occurring and predicted to be of one inch in magnitude or greater, all work
should be removed from the floodplain. Updates on planned reservoir releases and
National Weather Service predicted rainfall will be accessed within twenty four hours of
any mobilization of field crews with the floodplain.


1. Corps of Engineers will provide updates of planned reservoir releases via online
access of information to the CIFCA and/or CIFCA Office.

2. CIFCA will issue notification to all appropriate response agencies.

3. Field personnel will immediately implement the use of the emergency contact list,
Table 1. If emergency services are required field personnel will immediately
contact those needed; after emergency service notification, or in the event no
emergency services are required, field personnel will immediately coordinate with
Level B contacts in the order established in the table.

TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Emergency Evacuation Plan, November 2008
Table 1. Emergency Contact List

Level A Contacts
Service/Contact Agency Telephone Number
Ground and Air Ambulance “911”

Emergency Medical Treatment Baylor Medical (911) or Non-

Center at Irving emergency
Local Police (Emergency) Irving Police (911) or (972) 721-
Department South 2518
Local Fire Department (Emergency) Irving Fire (911) or (972) 721-
Department 2514
Level B Contacts
Bill Cyrus, Technical Services Trinity River (972) 263-2251
Manager, CRWS Authority (office)
(214) 876-1480
Wayne Hunter, PE, Project Manager Espey Consultants (214) 951-0807
(214) 679-2765
John Hart, Field Operations Manager BDS Technologies (817) 665-8685
(817) 247-8428
Mark Sissom, P.E., Senior Civil U.S. Army Corps of (817) 886-1582
Engineer Engineers, Fort Worth
District, Operations

Table 2. Communication Network

Contact Agency Telephone Number

Garry Fennell, PE, Sr. Civil City of Irving Flood Control (972) 721-3721 (office)
Engineer Administrator (469) 995-9022 (mobile)
Chris Michalski, Director City of Irving Parks and (972) 721-2501 (office)
Bart Hines, Project Trinity River Authority (817) 493-5197 (office)
Wayne Hunter, PE, Project Espey Consultants (214) 951-0807 (office)
Manager (214) 679-2765 (mobile)
Taoreed Badmus, P.E., BDS Technologies (214) 747-2500 (office)
Ph.D. (469) 733-2913 (mobile)

TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Emergency Evacuation Plan, November 2008
VI. Direction & Control:
When notified of the need to evacuate the field operations area all personnel will
immediately implement the following procedures.

A. Evacuation Routes and Procedures

Upon verbal instruction given by appropriate authorities to evacuate the area, field
operations personnel will immediately mobilize to the work site “Staging Areas.” This
point will be established outside the work area. Each staging area for the proposed work
sites are established on the maps provided in Section V.D. These points are established
outside the work area.

Personnel will be shown the location of the staging areas daily, during the Site
safety briefing. The location of the assembly point may change as work activity
progresses within the project area.

After evacuation, the Field Supervisor, both TRA and consultant/contractor will account
for all personnel, ascertain information about the emergency, and advise responding on-
site personnel. The Field Supervisor will contact, advise, and coordinate with responding
off-site emergency personnel, if deemed necessary by the situation or the City, County,
and/or TRA Representative.

In all situations that require evacuation, personnel will not re-enter the work area until the
conditions causing the emergency have been corrected; the hazard reassessed; the
TRAFWP has been revised and reviewed with on-site personnel, if needed; and
instructions have been given for authorized re-entry by the City, County, and/or TRA

The route directions to the medical facility will be maintained in the TRAFWP and at
TRA CRWS office, at the work site, and in site vehicles. This map also will indicate the
evacuation route.

B. Potential Evacuation Routes

All evacuation routes are considered potential because each disaster is considered
Incident Specific, therefore all routes may not be available. These potential routes are
based on FEMA maps indicating flood zones.

C. Work Area Evacuation Routes

Work Area Number 1 – TRA Easement on Undeveloped area near Elm Fork (CAC-11)

9 Initial assembly in staging area

9 Exit North on dirt road

TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Emergency Evacuation Plan, November 2008
9 Turn west onto Proctor Road to its end
9 Turn Right on to Pioneer Road to Grauwyler intersection
9 Turn Left on Grauwyler Road
9 Assemble at suitable location along Grauwyler Road)

Work Area Number 2 – Trinity View Park Soccer Fields (CAC-11)

9 Initial assembly in staging area

9 Exit soccer fields within Trinity View Park heading north
9 Continue under SH 356(Irving Blvd.)
9 Turn west onto access road
9 Turn on to SH 356 (Irving Blvd.) heading west
9 Assemble at suitable location along SH 356 (Irving Blvd.)

Work Area Number 3 – Trinity View Park Football Fields (CAC-11)

9 Initial assembly in staging area

9 Exit football fields heading west and south within Trinity View Park
9 Turn on to SH 356 (Irving Blvd.) heading west
9 Assemble at suitable location along SH 356 (Irving Blvd.)

Work Area Number 4 – McPeter’s Property (CAC-11)

9 Initial assembly in staging area

9 Exit property along dirt road heading north
9 Turn west on to Shady Grove Road
9 Assemble at suitable location along Shady Grove Road

Work Area Number 5 – TRA Easement alongside Twin Wells Golf Course (CAC-11)

9 Initial assembly in staging area

9 Exit Staging Area north along paved road
9 Assemble at baseball field parking lot just south of Shady Grove Rd.

TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Emergency Evacuation Plan, November 2008
D. Map of Inundation Areas and Evacuation Routes
Please refer to the following page for a map depicting the inundation area and evacuation

TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Emergency Evacuation Plan, November 2008
VII. Certifications

Emergency Evacuation Approval Sheet

Reviewed and Approved By:

Wayne Brown Compliance 281-923-6863

Taoreed Badmus BDS 214-747-2500
Wayne Hunter Espey 214-951-0807
Consultants, Inc.
Bart Hines Trinity River 817-493-5100
Authority of
Bill Cyrus Texas 972-262-5186

Garry Fennell, City of Irving 972-721-3721

P.E., Senior Civil Public Works office
Engineer Department 469-995-9022

Chris Michalski, City of Irving 972-721-2501

Director Parks and
Mark Sissom, U.S. Army Corps 817-886-1582
P.E., Senior Civil of Engineers, Fort
Engineer Worth District,

TRA CRWS Elm Fork Interceptor System Emergency Evacuation Plan, November 2008

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