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 ZEUS (JUPITER) - He is the god of sky and thunder and the ruler of the
Olympians of Mount Olympus.
 HERMES (MERCURY) - is an Olympian god, son of Zeus and the Pleiad Maia.
He is a god of transitions and boundaries. He is protector and patron of
travelers, herdsmen, thieves, orators and wit, literature and poets, athletics and
sports, invention and trade.
 BAUCIS (WIFE) AND PHILEMON (HUSBAND) - were an old couple that
appeared in a myth that is lesser known among those of Greek and Roman
mythology. They lived in the region of Tyana, which may have been in Phrygia.


 This story is a proof that of the immeasurable power of the gods and how they
reward the humble and the pious.
 In the Phrygian hill-country, there were once two trees which all the peasant near
and far pointed out as a great marvel for one was an oak and the other a linden
yet grow together in one single trunk.
 Sometimes when Zeus gets tired of eating ambrosia and listening to Apollo’s lyre
up in the Olympus, he would go down to earth and would disguise as a mortal
and would go looking for adventures.
 On this particular trip, Zeus and his favorite companion Hermes go down to earth
and would like to test out how hospitable the people of Phryria were.
 The two gods disguise themselves in the appearance of poor wayfarers and
wandered through the land and would know on every lowly or great houses to
ask for food and a place to rest in.
 They made a hundred trials but all treated them insolently and would even barred
the door against them.
 But after they made a hundred trial they finally come upon a little hovel of the
poorest and humblest sort of people in Phrygia.
 But here when they knocked, the door was widely open and a cheerful voice
greeted the two gods. Once they go inside they found themselves in a snug and
a very clean room were a kindly faced-old man and a woman welcomed them in
the friendliest and in a comfortable way.
 The old couple Baucis and Philemon have lived in the small house all their
married life and had always been happy.
 All the while they were talking, Baucis was also busy preparing food for their
visitors for them to eat after their long and tiry travel. She had prepared olives
and radishes and several eggs.
 Meanwhile, Philemon bought them cups of beechwood and an eartherware
mixing bowl which held some wine. The two old folks were so pleased and happy
seeing their guests enjoying their supper and kept on the watch to refill each cup
as soon as it is emptied. But no matter how many cups were poured out from it,
the level of the wine stayed the same up to the brim.
 As soon as they saw this wander each looked in terror and then in quavering and
trembling voices all over they begged the guest to pardon the poor refreshments
they offer.
 The old man said, “we have a goose, which we ought to give you our lordships,
but if you will only wait, it shall be done at once”. The two old folk try to catch the
goose until they were worn out while Zeus and Hermes watched them greatly
 When they saw that they are already tired they already take actions. They said,
“you have been hosts to gods and you shall have your reward. This wicked
country who despises the poor stranger will be bitterly punished but not you.”
 Then they escorted the two out of the hunt and ask then to look around. To their
amazement all they saw was water and the whole country-side had disappeared.
Before their eyes the tiny, lowly hut which had been their home for so long was
turned into a stately pillared temple of whitest marble with a golden roof.
 “Good people”, Zeus said, “ask whatever you want and you shall have your
wish”. The old couple exchanged a hurried whisper, then Philemon spoke, “Let
us be your priests, guarding this temple for you and oh—since we have lived so
long together, let neither of us ever have to live alone. Grant that we may die
 The two gods assented, well pleased by the two. A long time they served in that
grand building. But one day standing before the marble and golden magnificient
temple they fell to talk about their former life, which had been so hard yet so
 By the time they were both old, suddenly as they exchanged memories, each
saw the other putting forth leaves. Then bark was growing around them, they had
only time to cry. “Farewell, dear companion.” As the words pass their lips they
become trees, but still they were together. The linden and the oak grew from on

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