NIshant Singh, Maritime Security With Special Referene To India, Sri Lana and Maldives Trilateral Maritime Security

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Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

This paper would be giving a brief outlook on the India, Sri Lanka and Maldives cooperation on
the maritime security in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). Firstly, it would be talking about the
emergence of importance of Maritime security and the factors like danger from pirates,
Terrorist, protection of fishermen's, increase in external actor's presence in IOR etc. This paper
will also talk about how establishment of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
(SAARC) gave an impetus and direction to regional and sub-regional cooperation with special
regard to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives. Secondly, the major focus of this paper will be the
India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime Security Cooperation. It will also put a light
on the political and the economic aspect in its implementation and will discuss, firstly, brief
'Introduction of the trilateral treaty' then 'Characteristics and the features of the agreement'
followed by 'Reasons or factors and the influences affecting the Trilateral cooperation' and then
'Challenges in its implementation' and the last 'Authors view and recommendations'. Thirdly, it
will put the light on how India, Maldives ties must be consolidated with focus on issue of
maritime security and a brief on the background of steps by India on Maritime security and shall
also discuss about the coastal surveillance radar project proposed by India's Prime Minister.

This paper will also concentrate on how India must develop a dynamic and proactive military
relationship for enhancing the regional maritime security and the role of Indian Navy in doing so.
Assistance in the form Military and Infrastructure development like installing radar, share of
technology, assistance given in the areas of military equipments and arms, etc. and engagement
of the militaries to develop institutional and personal relationships would be briefly discussed.

In the end, the views on the Steps and initiatives that must be taken by India with both the
countries would be discussed.

Author – Nishant Singh
University – Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur
Course – B.A LLB (Hons.)
Year – 2rd Year/3rd Semester

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation


Increase in the threat from the sea routes, which makes country more vulnerable from the
Traditional and Non-traditional threats like Terrorism, piracy, Smuggling, threat from external
factors. Countries to protect themselves have been trying to strengthen their Maritime security by
investing more in purchasing marine machineries like ships, aircraft carriers, submarines,
installing surveillance radars etc, increased protection of the coast and increasing the strength of
the navy. With the time, countries have now found a more effective way to increase the maritime
security by having regional cooperation. India, Sri Lanka and Maldives have formed a Trilateral
Agreement for the security in the Indian Ocean Region. These three countries have formed the
regional cooperation which emphasizes on many factors including transfer and sharing of data,
Assistance in military and training, strengthening surveillance mechanism in EEZ's,
strengthening marine pollution response cooperation, Dosti and its implementation and
expanding the scope of trilateral agreement. The Trilateral agreement made by these three
countries also have scope for adding new countries which is positive sign. All the three countries
are located or positioned close to the east-west trade routes across the Northern Indian Ocean and
Sri Lanka and Maldives have the potential to contribute to India's ability to project power
throughout the region. The sub regional cooperation made in Indian Ocean Region has also sent
a message of existing unity between the nations and shows resistance to the external actors like
China willing to gain power in the region. Still some political or economic relations pts strains
on the cooperation, or the bilateral relations have shown both negative and positive effects.

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

India, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Indian Ocean Region and its Security
concerns that leads to Sub-Regional Cooperation

Belligerence on the Sea Web-domain.

Due to the increase in the threat from terrorist and pirates through the maritime route, maritime
securities is now a concern for all the countries and especially India, in the South Asia after the
26/11 attack in Mumbai which actually shook the whole world. India, Sri Lanka and Maldives
are important to each other's maritime security and its border strategic role in Indian ocean . All
the three countries are located in the east-west trade routes and have the capability to project
power through the IOR. Prevention of loss of economy and life's due to terrorism and ensuring
the flow of commerce, continuity of business, conserving the environment, as well as supporting
international partnerships for research, development, and education are some of the common
focuses of these three countries and thus to achieve them a sub-regional Co-operation is formed.

 Dangers in the sea Web-domain.

Terrorism danger starting with the sea area might come in Different manifestations. For
example,. Weapons or explosives might a chance to be disguised to containers, ships might be
utilized as weapons for destroying critical infrastructure and terrorist may even cross the
boundaries to attack the homeland. Some forms of Danger are mainly:

 Piracy

Pirates bring excelled in capturing ships over a long time. Once ships get hijacked,. “Turning it
under an apparition ship, erasing its unique identity, is generally easy”

 Illegal human and contraband traffic

Drug smuggling across maritime boundaries has been a great concern. Like piracy, stowaways
(hiding goods) are getting to be a normal wonder in the Sea areas. Drug smuggling is also a part
of the problem.

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

 Terrorism in the maritime domain

Terrorists being generally focused on land sites, history has been the evident that Maritime
terrorism is an unignorable threat.

 Arms Smuggling

The transfer of illegal weapons from one country, it is also known as gun running.



Establishment of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) gave an impetus
and direction to regional and sub-regional cooperation. Drawback in SAARC that Bilateral and
contentious issues are excluded from its deliberations acted as an inspiration for forming the
regional cooperation in the Region.

The Maldivian President is urging India to play a leadership role in strengthening SAARC also
gave India the confidence to act as a leader in forming regional coordination the Maritime
Security of IOR. It also gave impetus to India's program DOSTI which focus on uniting the
neighboring countries and thus gave inspiration to the Trilateral Agreement between Sri Lanka,
India and Maldives. This program has also helped India in opening the scope to add other new
countries in the Regional security program.


With the rise in traditional and non-traditional security threats in the maritime domain the state
centric security policy of the 1990s had to undergo a vicissitude and the attention has shifted to
cooperative security measures between sizable voluminous and minuscule states. The policy
makers were influenced by the concept of South-South cooperation, which gained momentum in
tardy 1990s, to formulate policies that can increase security cooperation among developed and
developing countries through bilateral, trilateral and multilateral engagements.

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

The desideratum for cooperation to address traditional strategic and non-traditional aspects of
security in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) lead to the India’s engagement with Sri Lanka and
Maldives. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in the 1980s had
given an encouragement and direction to regional and sub-regional cooperation. The overall
consensus on the need for cooperation along with the domestic political, economic and security
situation between countries influenced the implementation of trilateral cooperation. The trilateral
maritime security cooperation between India, Sri Lanka and Maldives has been discussed and
analyzed in the context.



Indian Ocean Region (IOR) plays a vital role for all the three nations. All are located close to
east-west trade routes across the northern Indian Ocean and all the three countries have the
potential project their power throughout the region.

So, the need of the time has made all the three countries to address the security concerns in the
IOR including the traditional and non-traditional threats.

Now, as due to the increase in Traditional and Nontraditional threats which are restriction in
maintaining the peace and security in the IOR actually lead to this Trilateral Cooperation. These
restrictions are felt or real threat perception from external sources, that lead in advancing the
security of energy sources such as Oil exploration etc. Even for a disaster management or in a
critical situation, engaging with the non-traditional threat and mainly the pirates or terrorist
especially those with well equipped weapons. Other factors that also had a great influence where
Maritime terrorism (especially the 26/11 attack in Mumbai), illegal trading of Arms, Drugs,
Piracy, Human and arms smuggling are few.

An initiative taken by the three countries is also influenced by the past security script. An
increase in the external factors led to the emergence of the "cooperation for the maritime
security". Even if a look is given at the India's past relations with both countries which was not
so good and faced a number of political constrain specially in 1980's and 1990's that lead to

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

mistrust and misunderstanding, India expecting that neighboring countries’ external and internal
policies should not be inimical to its interests was challenged by the increasing presence of
external actors in the IOR. Considering the Security concern's and policy of India that are
legitimately linked to those of the other two countries, efforts are made to improve the bilateral
political and economic relations.

The past relation of India with both the countries influenced this Trilateral cooperation, but the
bilateral relation as mentioned above had a great role in shaping of the Trilateral Cooperation.
Bilateral relation between India and Sri Lanka being a bit constrained to present complex
challenges whereas the same with Maldives did not face any specific problems.

Strained and devious political relations (particularly with Sri Lanka) had an impact on maritime
cooperation. Military Interventions conducted by India in Sri Lanka and Maldives in 1980's had
both positive and negative impacts on India as how it can be a benign security provider in the
region. The positive effect was with the Maldives when India's intervention in 1980's helped to
stave off attempts to cope by an foreign mercenaries. While the negative was with the Sri Lanka,
when the intervention made by India between 1983 to 1990 was seen as "failed attempts by India
to impose hegemony".

In the case of Sri Lanka, due to the gap between majority Sinhalese 2 and minority Tamil
community's regarding the views that what constitutes a state led to sore civil war that had its
impact for last three decades. This civil war in Sri Lanka also had impact in India. According to
J.N. Dixit (India's high commissioner during that period), India had key motivations in taking
actions against Sri Lanka.3 First being, New Delhi had to be seen for political reasons as doing
something for their Tamil ethnic brothers. Secondly, the concern that creation of a separate state
in Sri Lanka would lead to a succession of Tamil Nadu from India as there was a strong
separatist movement since independence. Thirdly, and the one most concerned one that the

A member of a group of people who live in Sri Lanka.

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

United States may use this as an opportunity to form another base in South Asia. It was also
believed that US was trying to form an alliance with Sri Lanka like it had with Pakistan.

But even due to these strained and devoid political India and Sri Lanka do not have formal
security and defense agreement because of internal political reasons, but India still provides
training to the Sri Lanka's military forces and also had supplies them non- lethal weapons in the

On the other hand, India had good relations with the Maldives. India has shown some activeness
in supporting Maldives in disaster management and development cooperation. India also helped
in regime against the coup attempt by a Sri Lankan militant organization. As a result of this, both
the countries had good bilateral security and even economic and cultural relations. India has also
helped Maldives in surveillance enhancement by installing radars at cost that are interlinked with
the Indian Radar System.

Presence of external actors in IOR is another major influence for the Trilateral cooperation due
to China, United States and Japan is actively willing to play role in the region. China's Sea routes
are the major concern for India and the other two countries, even china regards it as purely for
commercial and economic purpose. India has apprehensions regarding china's "maritime silk
route". India and US relation being well and improved, US has a vital security interest and
strategic interest in maintaining its presence at the IOR. The Military presence of US in IOR is
something that can't be ignored.

The other factor being the Sea Lanes of communication (SLOC) that has its influence in concern
about the trade of Oil and gas and any disruption in these activities would lead to loss of
economy and energy of the states situated in the IOR.

The economic factor that influenced like the ease of trade and communication that would be
beneficial for all the three countries and would also help in maintaining the economy and would
even promote tourism within the countries by ensuring the safety of the ships from pirates and
other Non-traditional threats.

So, due to the high threat from non-traditional Security threats all the political strains and
devious were set aside and the three neighboring countries being insecure by the threat saw it

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

important to collaborate and share information among their naval forces in the Indian Ocean and
thus looked forward to form Trilateral cooperation regarding Maritime Security.


India's step towards cooperation of general and maritime security issues with its neighboring
lands specially within IOR lies the core of the building of the a trilateral maritime arrangement
with Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

The three level National Security Advisors (NSA) meeting held between the three countries i.e.
India, Sri Lanka and Maldives which was held in Male 2011 then 2013 in Colombo and the third
in 2014 in New Delhi. In the second NSA meeting, as according to the ministry of the external
affairs, “During the second NSA-level meeting, the three sides discussed a wide range of topics
including enhancing cooperation in Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) through provision of
Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) services, MDA training and Merchant Ship
Information System (MSIS) software by India, sharing of Automatic Identification System (AIS)
data; strengthening of coordination of maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) including SAR
training; promoting marine oil pollution response cooperation; expanding bilateral ‘DOSTI’
(friendship) exercises through holding of table top exercises; further enhancing sharing of the
information on illegal maritime activities through existing points of contact; and forming a
trilateral sub-group focused on policy and legal issues related to piracy.” 4

Few Highlighted features are:

 Transfer and sharing of technology/data

Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, “Outcome Document of the Second NSA-Level Meeting on
Trilateral Cooperation on Maritime Security between India, the Maldives and Sri Lanka”, July 09, 2013,

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

Sri Lanka and Maldives had made the progress in obtaining the data from Long Range
Identification and Tracking (LRIT) Data center for tracking and monitoring the merchant vessels
that are owned by the three countries with the utilization of the Merchant Ship Information
System (MSIS).

 Military assistance and training.

As discussed in the NSA meetings, Strengthening of coordination of maritime Search and

Rescue (SAR) including SAR training; promoting marine oil pollution response cooperation, one
week training for officers from Sri Lanka training for officers from Sri Lanka and Maldives has
been done by Indian Coast Guard at Mumbai on 12th to 18th March 2014.

 Strengthening the Surveillance mechanism in the EEZ

India's and Maldives have extended defense cooperation between them for the past few years.
These are now being extended to the EEZ's, search and rescue operations (SAR), joint
surveillance and capacity to build MNDF and Maldives Coast Guard Officers. The first
Advanced Light helicopter (ALH) now named as "kurangi" was given to the Maldives for their
request. But, India is still restricted to access the EEZs in Sir Lanka, irrespective of provided in
the agreement. The major concern here is that China is given better access in the Lankan EEZs
that can act as a threat to India.

 Strengthening marine pollution response cooperation

Fortifying marine pollution replication cooperation by participating in India’s National Pollution

Replication Exercise (NATPOLREX) as observers was addressed when ten participants from
the Maldives and Sri Lanka were sanctioned as international observers in the fifth pollution
replication exercise in December 2011. Passing Tsunami admonitions simultaneously is another
consequential feature. Establishing a trilateral sub-group fixated on licit and policy issues
cognate to piracy is still in the process.

 Expand the scope of trilateral initiative

The NSA level meeting that held India in March 2014 at New Delhi had delegates from
Mauritius and Seychelles also. The motive is to include other Indian Ocean countries also as a

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

guest and thus Mauritius and Seychelles were also invited as guest. The meeting focused on
‘new areas of cooperation, including hydrography; training in visit, board, search and seizure
operations; training on board Indian Sail Training Ships; exchanges between think tanks; and
joint participation in adventure activities5

 Dosti and its implementation

The Indian Coast Guard conducted twelfth edition of the joint exercise named “DOSTI-XII”
with the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) and the Sri Lankan Coast Guard at Male,
Maldives from 28-31 October 2014. This exercise was institutionalized since 1991 and Sri Lanka
joined it in 2012’. 6


Though the concept of Trilateral agreement on Maritime Security regarding IOR with the
neighboring countries sounds good prima facia, but it actually has to face many other challenges
which affect directly or indirectly. Some factors that challenge its implementation are the past
political and economic relations, or the domestic policies or the non-state actors, are few.

The conflict of interests, but with the same aim i.e. Security of IOR region and gain control and
power in that region is a challenging.

The other challenge is the relations of India with China, India and China both are trying to be
dominant and continue to vie for maritime influence. India's strategy is to develop the regional
cooperation with the neighboring countries, i.e. with Sri Lanka and Maldives and even having
opened a space for addition of new states in regional cooperation for the protection of IOR. The
conflict or the challenge that arose here is regarding the fight between the china and India to be
dominant in the Region and the south china sea dispute between China, Vietnam, Japan, and the
Philippines, where ONGC is exploring Oil resources in the conflicted area and India also

Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, “NSA level meeting on trilateral Maritime Security
Cooperation between India, Sri Lanka and Maldives” March 06, 2014,
High Commission of India, Male, Maldives, October 27, 2014, “Joint 'DOSTI' Exercise by Indian Coastguard with
Maldives and Sri Lanka”,

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

providing Arms to Vietnam which is not appreciated by China. Aim of all the three nations being
same as to protect and secure the IOR, but here's a conflict of interest to do so. One of the
interest of India is to vanish the influence of China in the IOR, but it is not similar with other
two nations. Other two nations getting support from china, like Sri Lanka is getting Commercial
benefits from china and even making the Maritime Silk Route for china more convenient
whereas Maldives, even having good relations with India, is getting influenced by the
Infrastructural development from china and gain from tourism to Maldives from China. Periodic
mistrust and conflicts may arise due to the asymmetric interest of the three countries.

The past Political restrains between Sri Lanka and India regarding LTTE also somehow affects
in an Indirect way to the trilateral cooperation. The fisher Issue between India and Sri Lanka is
also playing a side negative role in this sub regional cooperation.


The trilateral treaty Between the three countries regarding IOR is a great initiative taken by the
three nations through NSA meetings, but still there are spaces or scope for expansion, more
cooperation, addition of new members etc. which is even recognized by the three nations. Some
recommendation regarding the treaty are herby stated by the author:

External powers are much more affectionate to build the bases, ports and other facilities, this can
be used an opportunity to build relations and get benefits from the external actors and even get
indulge in various levels.

Focus should also be made on building the maritime security infrastructure, and especially on the
coasts, if there is a constraint of funds India can form and associate with other like-minded
nations or can take initiatives to add more nations in the sub regional cooperation which can
actually be seen as India taking initiatives to invite Maldives and Seychelles).

Countries should actually focus on building their relationship not only with respect to Maritime
Security but also towards political and economic relations. India should focus on the economic
relations with Maldives and political relations with Sri Lanka.

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

Non-State actors should be tackled by the three countries mutually by sharing the data,
technology, radar machines (whose initiative has already been taken). Measures and initiatives
to improve the navy coordination between these three countries should be taken. Issues like
human Trafficking, Piracy, Terrorism should be tackled mutually and not only by these three
countries, but the ambience of Regional cooperation should be extended to other nations also.

These countries should focus on coordinating each other on the issues like patrolling and
surveillance, and even the countries should also understand the legal process regarding the
maritime security and dealing with issues like smuggling, terrorism and other activities that are
illegal in their neighbor nations.

Initiatives should be taken to increase the technical cooperation, and Indian navy should focus on
giving proper training to personnel in Sri Lanka and Maldives.

Patrolling can be done by expanding its scope by even indulging other neighboring nation like
Maldives, Seychelles, Kenya and other countries affected in the region.


With the visit of Maldives President Mr. Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom in India from 1st to
4th January, just after a couple of months winning his election in November 2013, was an
implication that he wants to rehabilitate India-Maldives cognations which had received a setback
since President Nasheed was deposed in February 2012.

The Past Political Turbulence (2012-13) in the Maldives has actually acted as a strain on the
bilateral Relations. An Election held for the presidential post were eventually announced
annulled by the supreme court of Maldives on the allegation of voting irregularities. The court
even annulled the second round orchestrated on September 28 as none of the hopefuls didn't
survey more than 50 % of the vote. The former president of Mohamed Nasheed of Maldivian
Democratic Party (MDP) was able to bag 45.45 per cent, on the other hand Abdulla Yameen
belonging to the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) was able to grab 25.35 per cent votes and
was second. In the Subsequent elections, Nasheed came back in a much stronger majority, but

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

was still a bit less from the landmark to be declared as a winner, securing 47 per cent votes.
While, Abdulla Yameen grabbed only 30 percent, but still in the second round of the election due
to support from the rivals of Nasheed and opposition, managed to build 51.39 per cent, whereas
Nasheed came with an increment of 1.61 only i.e. Securing 48.61. The good part was Nasheed
acknowledging the defeat in spite of getting defeated with such a small margin.

But because of all this instability, Relationship between India and Maldives suffered.
Terminating of contract of GMR (Indian Company) of Male Airport with the allegations of
irregularity and being bias in awarding the projects. Moreover, the Nasheed (former President)
during 2013was forced by the violent protests on the streets, to take cover or shelter in the Indian
embassy. So the visit of Mr. Yameen becomes important to India.

Apart from Maritime Security the two countries should also focus on the economic relations
also, Total Trade between the two countries has shown progress from eight years, and should be



Visit by the Indian Prime Minister to Seychelles and Mauritius, actually was a strong and bold
step and a message to the external factor about how New Delhi is now active regarding Maritime
security in the IOR.

Flashing back to 1990's, Indira Gandhi's approach to catechize all the powerful external actors to
withdraw from the Indian Ocean due to the concern from great power rivalry, gave impetus to
India's self India’s self-perception Similarly as a non-aligned What's more third world state.

But the need for maritime security was felt more and was taken into consideration much more
seriously, when India in 1990's came with a policy of Globalization and brought an end to its
military isolation. The approach given by Gandhi also took rise. But due to sedulous
assiduousness of a continentalist mindset in Delhi’s security establishment and also lack of

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

harmony and political contradictions. As china forming the blue water navy, India was forced to
focus on functioning of its own maritime security.

A number of new initiatives were taken by the India's United Progressive Alliance (UPA)
government. It initiated a new dynamism in Indian Ocean Rim association, by introducing
regional cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region in 1990's. The Ocean Naval symposium was
being launched by UPA government that summon all the navy chiefs for the exchange of
professionals and Maritime Security.

The trilateral Agreement discussed above was also initiated, which was coordinated at the level
of national security advisors between Sri Lanka, Maldives and India to foster the Maritime
security cooperation in Indian Ocean Region. Yet these were initiated with energy and with

In 2015, Modi's (Prime Minister of India) to the neighboring Islands, gave a boost to the
Maritime security cooperation in the IOR. Indian Prime minister's visit to Mauritius and
Seychelles has actually sent a message to external actors willing to gain control and power in the
IOR about how India has become active on the Security of Indian Ocean Region.

Mr. Narendra Modi, India's Prime Minister during his visit proposed some projects out which
one which is focused here is the Costal Surveillance project by the Indian Prime Minister.

Modi willing to elevate the security cooperation with the regional partners, announced in the
Seychelles a costal surveillance radar project, signed an agreement with leading hydrographic
surveys and even announced giving second Dornier aircraft to Seychelles for Marine monitoring.
He even announced to establish ten surveillance radars in Maldives, six in Sri Lanka, eight in
Seychelles and eight in Mauritius. The Indian Prime Minister also agreed to develop the
infrastructure for the connectivity of Aga Lega and Islands of Seychelles. India would be getting
two benefits by all these steps, first, this would strengthen the defense capabilities of the two
republic states and second, will give India a valuable control in the South Western location of
the Indian Ocean.

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation


India must develop a dynamic and proactive military relationship for enhancing the regional
maritime security and the role of Indian Navy in doing so. Assistance in the form Military and
Infrastructure development like installing radar, share of technology, assistance given in the
areas of military equipments and arms, etc. and engagement of the militaries to develop
institutional and personal relationships would be briefly discussed.

Apart from Trilateral Cooperation for Maritime security in IOR India and other neighboring
countries in the region should also focus on sharing of the technology, giving military assistance,
helping the neighbor countries in developing the maritime security infrastructure and should also
assist in military equipments and arms. Although, it can be seen that India has taken few steps in
the past for the same, like India and Maldives extending the defense cooperation in the EEZ's,
training's conducted in Mumbai by Indian Coast Guard of Sri Lankan Officers. A best can be
given to it by giving more assistance and making similar policies regarding piracy and other such
crimes. India and Sri Lanka should also assist each other regarding the fishermen issue, the
problem in the Palk bay at first sight seems that Indian Fishermen being harassed and arrested by
the Sri Lankan Navy. India's former President Late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, gave an opinion that
the different opinions of the countries regarding fishing in the Palk bay can be solved by
agreeing to fish for alternate days by both the parties as livelihood of fishermen's of both the
countries is dependent on fishing. According to the author, the government of both the countries
should try to solve the conflict as there are possibilities that this in the future may grow up as a
great area of conflict that may directly or indirectly affect the Sub regional cooperation of IOR
and may harm harmony of it.

India and other countries focusing on the sharing of the arms and machinery's, but should be
done with a check, as sharing of military equipments and the database of the country's security
system can make the country vulnerable. Defense and military engagement must be country

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation

specific. Specially for India it is more important, as both the other countries are getting
influenced by China, which is a revelry nation of India also trying to gain power in the Indian
Ocean. Like in Sri Lanka the access to Lanka's EEZ is restricted to India even having an
agreement to have surveillance in and around the EEZ's whereas on the other hand, China is
having a better access to the EEZ of Sri Lanka then India. Visit by china's President in Sri Lanka
is also an alarm to India and thus, India should maintain a good relation with Sri Lanka. India
and China both competing their Right to develop ports in Maldives, India sending its five planes
and two ships, but still Maldives seems to be welcoming China, for which the reason can be the
increasing influence of India in the region Maldives is hoping to use china as a medium for the
Balance of Powers. So, all the countries must focus on strengthening their relations, so that no
external actors might bring strains in it.

India should arrange some high level diplomatic meeting with Maldives and should foster the
relations and should try to address the issue with the aim to vanish the barriers that came through
the Cancellation of contract of Indian Company GMR Although GMR won the arbitration case,
still India and Maldives should address the issue in such a way that it won't affect the relations
in future.

India Should focus on balancing the Tamil sentiments and the national interest, with regards to
Sri Lank and Should stop Maldives from permitting China to establish a naval base in Marao as
that would lead to a another military base in the IOR.

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation


After having an detailed comprehensive study into the agreements and treaties entered into by
India I can conclude that if we take favorable steps for the peaceful development on all fronts
then a common goal of coherent existence can be achieved. It is clear that the threat from the sea
web domain have made the countries more active towards the maritime security. Indian Ocean
being important for the east-west trade route the external actors and the pirates are very much
active in the area. Being important to have a unity in the region, the Trilateral Agreement made
through three level NSA meetings is a great imitative. India also taking initiative to add some
other countries like Mauritius and Seychelles is also a positive step. The one benefit of adding
more countries is even if the added member doesn't contribute much is that they won't go
opposite to the agenda's. The initiative taken for sharing of technology and assisting the other
countries in Surveillance and sharing the data will help in better and much effective patrolling.
Here the three countries should also focus on to foster the relations between then, India and
Maldives should address the GMR company issues that it won't hurt the dignity of both the
country and Sri Lanka and India should focus on finding a permanent solution to the fishermen
issue in Indian Ocean. So, the Sub regional cooperation formed by the three countries is a great
initiative and should be promoted more in the region and more neighboring should be invited.

Maritime Security with special reference to India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Trilateral Maritime
Security Cooperation




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