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Hypertension Hot Potato — Anatomy

of the Angiotensin-Receptor Blocker Recalls
J. Brian Byrd, M.D., M.S.C.I., Glenn M. Chertow, M.D., M.P.H., and Vivek Bhalla, M.D.​​

Hypertension Hot Potato

ngiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) are one losartan that are marketed in the
of four drug classes recommended for the United States have been recalled,
the scope of the exposure, the
initial treatment of hypertension. These medi- scale of the 20 recalls, and their
cations are commonly used not only for hypertension impact on patient care are sub-
stantial (see timeline). FDA offi-
— a condition present in 45.6% probably been exposed to the cials believe that U.S. patients have
of U.S. adults — but also for impurities, N-methyl-d-aspartate been ingesting ARBs containing
heart failure and chronic kidney (NDMA) and N-nitroso-N-diethyl- carcinogenic impurities for ap-
disease.1,2 On January 25, 2019, amine (NDEA). Most recently, a proximately 4 years; they estimate
Food and Drug Administration third impurity, N-nitroso-N-methyl- that for every 8000 patients taking
(FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottli- 4-aminobutyric acid (NMBA), has the highest dose of an affected
eb and Director of the FDA Cen- been identified in an ARB product, product for the full 4 years, one
ter for Drug Evaluation and Re- resulting in a new recall. These new cancer above the background
search Janet Woodcock released a recalls are of growing concern to incidence would be expected. More
statement updating the public on patients, clinicians, and organi- than 61 million prescriptions were
large-scale voluntary recalls of var- zations delivering primary care or written for valsartan, irbesartan,
ious products containing ARBs. complex, multidisciplinary health or losartan in the United States
Two probable carcinogens had been care, and they highlight several is- in 2016.1 In addition to the recall
identified in active pharmaceutical sues related to the readiness of of millions of bottles of pills, at
ingredients used by some manu- our health systems to respond to least 1.9 U.S. tons of active phar-
facturers of valsartan, irbesartan, drug recalls, trust between patients maceutical ingredients were re-
and losartan. The impurities arose and providers, uncertain drug- called by one manufacturer. One
during manufacture of the ingre- dose equivalences, and the regu- third of all FDA drug recalls is-
dients in two factories located in lation of drug manufacturing in sued since July 2018 have involved
China and India. The same day, the the global marketplace. ARB-containing products, and to-
Wall Street Journal reported that as Although not all products con- gether the recalls have affected one
many as 2 million patients had taining valsartan, irbesartan, or sixth of U.S. ARB manufacturers.

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Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERS PE C T IV E Hypertension Hot Potato


Valsartan–amlodipine–HCTZ; Valsartan-containing Losartan (Torrent) Losartan (Camber)
valsartan–amlodipine; valsartan products (Mylan)
(Torrent) Valsartan; valsartan–HCTZ;
Valsartan–amlodipine; (Aurobindo)
Valsartan–amlodipine–HCTZ valsartan–amlodipine–HCTZ
(Torrent) (Teva) Losartan (Torrent)

Valsartan–amlodipine; valsartan; irbesartan–HCTZ
Valsartan (Camber)
valsartan–HCTZ (Mylan) (Prinston)

Valsartan; Losartan;
Losartan–HCTZ losartan–HCTZ
valsartan–HCTZ (Sandoz)
(Teva) (Torrent)

Valsartan; Losartan–HCTZ
valsartan–HCTZ Irbesartan (Macleods)
(Prinston) (ScieGen)
Valsartan Irbesartan valsartan
(Major) (Aurobindo) (Aurobindo)

July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April
2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019

Recalls of Angiotensin-Receptor Blockers.

The first phase of recalls involved the genotoxic impurity NDMA (in blue), the second involved NDEA (in green), and the most recent involved
NMBA (in orange). Company names refer to the manufacturer and are not always the same as the distributor. HCTZ denotes hydrochlorothiazide.

The compounds triggering ufacturers of active pharmaceuti- Although some products con-
these recalls are known as geno- cal ingredients are responsible for taining valsartan, irbesartan, or
toxic impurities because they have supplying all the companies that losartan remain commercially
the potential to damage DNA. The use them to make pills. These available in the United States, pa-
FDA found NDMA in affected val- manufacturers will then some- tients and the health care system
sartan products in concentrations times sell those pills to other com- have paid a steep price beyond the
ranging from 300 to 20,000 ng panies for repackaging. Lowe also health concerns and anxiety aris-
per tablet, and in December 2018, describes a technical process that ing from exposure to recalled
the FDA announced that it had set may have caused the impurities.3 products. Some unaffected manu-
interim acceptable limits of NDMA Zhejiang Huahai has patented a facturers have increased valsartan
(96 ng per day) and NDEA (26.5 ng method of manufacturing tetra- prices twofold, threefold, or even
per day), which they estimate zoles, a chemical group present in more.5 The lack of selected ARB
would confer a 1 in 100,000 risk valsartan, irbesartan, and losartan products has also placed pressure
of causing cancer after 70 years and common to certain other on the supply chain for nonre-
of exposure ( ARBs and additional drug prod- called ARBs.
DrugSafety/ucm613916.htm). FDA ucts. The European Medicines Though the FDA pinpoints a
officials believe that a change in Agency and other experts have specific formulation and manufac-
the process used by the Chinese identified the reaction of dimeth- turer in each recall, the dissemina-
pharmaceutical company Zhejiang ylamine and sodium nitrite under tion of, and response to, FDA
Huahai to manufacture active in- acidic conditions in synthesizing reports is uneven. Patients and
gredients resulted in the inclusion tetrazole groups as a potential clinicians may hear about recalls
of impurities. source of NDMA.4 The finding of through the news media, social
Medicinal chemist and Science NMBA as an impurity or contami- media, pharmacies, health care
Translational Medicine blogger Derek nant in an ARB product is very re- providers, or friends. Moreover, the
Lowe has shed light on the recalls, cent, and the FDA investigation is public may hear about a recall of a
highlighting that often a few man- ongoing. “hypertension drug” but not know

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PE R S PE C T IV E Hypertension Hot Potato

the specific product and manu- cal structures of these ARBs also cies, and health systems to evalu-
facturer. Thus, recalls may trigger contain a tetrazole ring. The task ate all aspects of the response,
unnecessary concern among many of determining which products from timely identification of po-
people receiving antihypertensive might be affected by unsafe tet- tential impurities, to removal of
therapy — and may be ignored by razole-synthesis methods is daunt- recalled lots, to helping patients
people who take ARBs for heart ing, and the effort will have to be navigate the complexities of pre-
failure or chronic kidney disease. global in scale. scription changes, to monitoring
The burden of response has fall- The ARB recalls demonstrate them for adverse events after these
en to clinicians, pharmacies, and the FDA’s effectiveness in tracking changes are made. We can hope
health care systems, most of which the distribution of products with- that efforts of the FDA and other
lack the infrastructure or resourc- in an increasingly complex supply regulatory agencies will prevent
es to respond promptly to patients’ chain of active pharmaceutical the need for future recalls, but
concerns. ingredients to their destinations health systems and care providers
Meanwhile, clinicians switch- throughout the United States. A should prepare themselves for what
ing patients from one ARB to larger challenge is inspection of will happen if they don’t.
another are faced with the chal- the more than 80% of registered Disclosure forms provided by the au-
lenge of selecting an equipotent ingredient manufacturers that are thors are available at
dose using a different formulation located outside the United States.
or active ingredient, often without The FDA has taken steps to pre- From the Division of Cardiovascular Medi-
cine, Department of Internal Medicine, and
adequate data from studies direct- pare for the ongoing globaliza- the University of Michigan Hypertension
ly comparing drugs within the tion of drug manufacturing: it now Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
class. As a result, to avoid hyper- has offices in China, India, Eu- (J.B.B.); and the Division of Nephrology, De-
partment of Medicine, and the Stanford Hy-
kalemia, hypotension, undertreat- rope, and Latin America, and its pertension Center, Stanford University School
ed hypertension, and harmful Office of Regional and Country of Medicine, Stanford, CA (G.M.C., V.B.).
drug–drug interactions, additional Affairs is responsible for addition-
laboratory tests and patient com- al Asian countries, as well as Can- This article was published on March 13,
2019, at
munications or visits have been ada, Australia, the Middle East,
required to assess safety and ef- and African countries. In 2015, for 1. ClinCalc DrugStats Database. Free U.S.
ficacy. As recalls have emerged the first time, the agency conduct- outpatient drug usage statistics (https://
slowly over this 6-month period, ed more foreign than domestic clincalc​.com/​DrugStats).
2. Muntner P, Carey RM, Gidding S, et al.
some clinicians have switched pa- inspections. Potential U.S. population impact of the 2017
tients from a drug that was re- Nevertheless, the series of ARB ACC/AHA high blood pressure guideline.
called early (valsartan) to one that recalls is a stress test for the FDA J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;​71:​109-18.
3. Lowe D. The sartan contamination sto-
was recalled later (irbesartan or and for the capacity of health ry. In the Pipeline. January 4, 2019 (https://
losartan); the requisite additional systems to respond to problems blogs​.sciencemag​.org/​pipeline/​archives/​
switches have further undermined in the drug supply chain. Health 2019/​01/​04/​t he​-­sartan​-­contamination​
patients’ confidence in their cli- systems would do well to assess 4. European Medicines Agency. CHMP list
nician, their health care system, their response to the recalls. Of- of questions to be addressed by the market-
the drug supply chain, or all of the ten, neither the prescriber nor the ing authorisation holders for valsartan-con-
taining medicinal products. July 16, 2018
above. patient knows which manufactur- (https://www​.ema​.europa​.eu/​en/​documents/​
FDA officials have stated that er’s product will be available at referral/​valsartan​-­article​-­31​-­referral​-­chmp​
the agency began checking all the pharmacy, so physicians must -­list​-­questions​-­be​-­addressed​-­marketing​
active ARB ingredients and med- rely on pharmacies to ensure that 5. Loftus P. Drugmakers raise prices amid
icines marketed in the United they are not distributing a recalled shortages, recalls: patients and pharmacies
States for impurities. It is not yet product. Health systems and phy- grapple with sharply higher costs for certain
generic drugs. Wall Street Journal, January
clear whether manufacturers also sicians may therefore have limited 18, 2019 (https://www​.wsj​.com/​articles/​
used a synthesis process that risks insight into the number of their drugmakers​-­raise​-­prices​-­amid​-­shortages​
introducing genotoxic impurities patients who are affected. -­recalls​-­11547807400).

into products containing olmes- The ARB recalls provide an op- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1901657
artan or candesartan; the chemi- portunity for the FDA, pharma- Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Hypertension Hot Potato

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Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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