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What is confusion? What are the risk factors?

Confusion is a problem with not being able to think People who have the following medical conditions or
clearly and can involve problems with how you: treatments can have problems with confusion:
•• Perceive the world around you •• Fluid and electrolyte [ih-LEK-truh-lahyt]
•• Pay attention imbalances — Too many or too few important
minerals in your body, such as calcium, potassium,
•• Remember things
or sodium
•• Sleep and when you wake
•• Nutritional problems — Can lead to fluid and
•• Coordinate physical activity, like throwing a ball, electrolyte imbalances
driving a car, or typing
•• Cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel)
These problems can be severe and may last for a disturbances — Causes decreased blood flow and
long time. Sometimes confusion can lead to feeling oxygen to the brain
disoriented and can even become a serious disorder •• Respiratory (lung) disorders — Causes a build up of
called delirium [dih-LEER-ee-uh m], which involves being carbon dioxide and decreased oxygen
agitated, restless, experiencing illusions, and thinking •• Metabolic and endocrine disorders (how your
and speaking in a disjointed way. body converts energy and regulates various
functions) — Causes toxin or chemical build up
What are the symptoms?
•• Infection (germs) or sepsis (blood poisoning) — 
Symptoms may include: Causes a toxin build up in the body
•• Inability to think quickly and clearly •• Surgery or anesthesia — Introduces chemicals into
•• Difficulty focusing attention and making decisions the body
•• Feeling disoriented or having no idea anything •• Substance use disorder — Causes chemical
is wrong intoxication from drugs and changes in how the
•• Becoming verbally aggressive or physically violent body responds to those drugs

Depending on the cause, confusion may begin How is confusion diagnosed?

quickly or develop slowly over many months. Your physician will examine you and run tests
for possible causes of the confusion, especially to
What causes confusion? determine if there is a more serious cause, such as
Confusion can be caused by alcohol use, drug use or stroke or heart attack. These tests might involve
drug withdrawal, acute illness (such as hypoglycemia, blood tests or imaging such as x-rays or CT scans.
low blood oxygen, or infection), mental illness, a Your provider might also conduct neurological
disease of the brain, or a head injury. [noo r-uh‑LOJ-i-kuh l] tests that evaluate your memory,
thought processes, pupils, reflexes, nerve function,
and muscle strength.
How is confusion treated?


Treatment of confusion depends on the cause, E
N TO When should I call my doctor?
and treating the cause my involve medicines or Call your doctor or go to an emergency room
procedures. For example, if undiagnosed diabetes is if you experience:
causing the confusion, getting your blood sugar in •• A sudden change in mental function
balance may resolve the confusion. Key treatment •• An inability to move an arm or leg
considerations include: •• An inability to speak
•• Fever
•• A confused person should not be left alone. Try
•• Any other significant change in behavior
to keep the surroundings calm, quiet, and peaceful or thinking
to reduce safety complications.
•• Keep hazardous objects and materials away.
If confusion lasts, it may help to use orientation
Alcohol, sedatives, and antihistamines may make
strategies, such as:
the symptoms worse and should be avoided. Tell
•• Have a clock and calendar within visual range
your doctor about all medicines you take including
over-the-counter medicines, supplements, inhalers, •• Keep a consistent schedule
liquid medicines, and patches. •• Encourage decision making when appropriate

Questions for my doctor




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© 2017 Intermountain Healthcare. All rights reserved. The content presented here is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, and it should
not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Please consult your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns. More health information is available at Patient and Provider Publications FS498 - 03/17 (Last reviewed - 03/17) Also available in Spanish.

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