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Impromptu Speech Rubric

Grade 7

Student: Score:

Topic: Date:

Points Total
Introduction Content: (10pts.)

Interesting beginning (5pts.)

Focused attention (5pts.)

Body Content (15pts.)

Unity (5pts.)
Emphasis (5pts.)
Coherence (5pts.)

Delivery (40pts.)
Pronunciation/Enunciation (5pts.)
Facial Expression (5pts.)
Pitch, Rate, Volume (5pts.)
Movement (5pts.)
Posture (5pts.)
Nonverbal Behaviour (5pts.)
Absence of Vocalized Pauses (5pts.)
Eye Contact (5pts.)

Conclusion Content (10pts.)

Summarizes the point well (5pts.)

Closing Impact (5pts.)


A deduction of one point in every five seconds before 2:10 minutes and after three minutes.

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