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Use of "Z-test" OR "t-test"

(i) When "n ≥ 30" and "σ known" , Use Z-test

(ii) When "n ≥ 30" and "σ unknown" , Use Z-test
(iii) When "n < 30" and "σ known" , Use Z-test
(iv) When "n < 30" and "σ unknown" , Use t-test

Information about "hypothesis, table value and rejection region" when Use Z-test

Hypothesis Hypothesis Hypothesis

If Ho:- = If Ho:- ≤ or = If Ho:- ≥ or =
H1:- ≠ H1:- > H1:- <
Table Value Table Value Table Value

Rejection Region Rejection Region Rejection Region

Information about "hypothesis, table value and rejection region" when Use t-test
Hypothesis Hypothesis Hypothesis
If Ho:- = If Ho:- ≤ or = If Ho:- ≥ or =
H1:- ≠ H1:- > H1:- <
Table Value Table Value Table Value

Rejection Region Rejection Region Rejection Region


Test statistic (Z test)

Test statistic (t test)

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STEP 1:-
Write down null and alternative hypothesis, i.e.
STEP 2:-
Write down level of significance, i.e.
(By default 5% or 0.05)
STEP 3:-
Calculate statistic, i.e.

STEP 4:-
Write down table value, i.e.

SETP 4:-
Write down Rejection Region / Critical Region
STEP 5:-
Write down conclusion

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