How To Prevent Stroke With A Healthy Lifestyle

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How to prevent stroke with a healthy lifestyle :

1. Regular Sports

Sports are useful for maintaining body weight, besides that exercise can also burn the body's
fat and calories so there is no blockage in blood vessels.

2. Avoid Smoking

Smoking causes constriction of blood vessels which results in blood and oxygen not flowing
properly. Then, blood can clot and blood pressure will increase.

3. Limit To Drinking Alcohol

Blood cholesterol and abnormal blood lipids can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Side effects from consuming alcoholic beverages can cause high blood pressure, which is the
main cause of stroke.

4. Avoid Drugs

The drug can cause narrowing of the arteries, so the blood flow is not good.

5. Pay attention to the type of food

To avoid strokes, you need to eat low-fat, low-calorie foods and avoid fried foods.

6. Adjust the amount of food

Because everything that's excessive is not good, you can contract diabetes, obesity and high
blood pressure are the doors to stroke.

7. Pay attention to weight

Because obesity will bring you to a stroke. People who are overweight or obese have excess
fat in their bodies. Well, the fat in the body will make the blood thick and the blood vessels
will become hard.

8. Consume Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit such as apples that can handle hardening of the arteries, bananas are high in potassium,
avocados are rich in unsaturated fats and of course green vegetables.

9. Control Your Self Emotions

Because when you are angry and stressed, the muscles in your head tighten, and your heart
beats faster. This condition will cause you to have a faster stroke.

10. Sufficient Body Fluid

The less we drink, the less fluid reserves in the body can help dissolve the salt content in the
blood. That is, blood will contain a lot of salt.

11. Regular sleep

Try to sleep 7-9 hours a day, and the ideal time is 10pm to 6am. Too much sleep will actually
increase the risk of stroke

12. Control of Blood Sugar

if the excess blood sugar levels and too long in the body, can cause blockages in the walls of
blood vessels and will clog the way blood to the brain.
13. Pay attention to cholesterol levels

Excess fat in the blood vessels can make a composition that is 'sticky' thus making blood clots
become more 'sticky' so that it is at risk of stroke

14. Pay attention to blood pressure

The main cause of stroke is in people who have hypertension. High blood pressure that is left alone will
clog the blood vessels of the brain, which will rupture suddenly as a result of constantly receiving high
pressure blood flow.

15. Consult with a doctor

Routine medical check-ups and consultation with a doctor about your health are good steps to
prevent stroke. So you can find out what you need to do to prevent a stroke.
16. Reach happiness

Because with no stress, living healthy, and being a relaxed person, can help you prevent stroke.

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