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Created October 2010

ISSN (soon coming)




Welcome to the first online journal

dedicated to macro-comparative studies

Deadline for a submission to Vol. 1, No. 1: January 31st 2011

Call for papers Vol. 1, No. 1

Click here for more information.

Call for papers Thematic Issue 1

Click here for more information.

Current Issue
Next Issue
Previous Issues
Thematic Issues
Submission Guidelines
About The Macro-Comparative Journal
Indexing services
Authors List
Editorial Board

All the articles published here are of the entire responsibility of the
authors. The content of the articles published here represents the
authors' opinion and points of view.

Last updated: October 2010





As the title suggests THE MACRO-COMPARATIVE JOURNAL will primarily

focus on the genetic relationships that (may) exist between past and present languages.
But articles pertaining to other fields like genetics, anthropology, ethnology or
comparative mythology may also be considered for publication provided that they
have clear connections with linguistics and macro-comparative issues. Generally
speaking any submission that contributes to the understanding and knowledge of
mankind's linguistic (pre-)history can be considered adequate.

Among other topics the scope of the Journal includes (1) theoretical issues of
methodology and feasibility, (2) the discussion and documentation of proved and
potential genetic relationships, (3) concrete contributions to the comparison and
reconstruction of the world's numerous language families, (4) reference articles
dealing with the historical phonology of languages or language families, (5) the study
of loanwords and substrates, and (6) historiographical accounts of language families.

This is the first online free-access Journal and it aims at stimulating interest and
offering visibility for the field. Thanks to being online there is little limitation to what
is possible. Regular issues of the Journal will appear twice a year in addition to a
Thematic Issue once a year. A printed version of the Journal is currently not

Considering the difficulty and controversial nature of many macro-comparative

issues the Journal aims at promoting elaborate and learned assessments of competing
hypotheses rather than over-assertive and propagandizing points of view. For that
matter submissions which accept the premise that more than one solution is often
possible will be preferred. This premise will not be considered a weakness but rather a
strength and an indication of a really mature command of the field. Of course
submissions dealing with a clear and linear topic are welcome as well. Issues need not
be made artificially complicated. Besides submissions should preferably avoid
metalinguistic discourse and idiosyncratic frameworks.

Depending on their nature and number submissions may be proposed for

inclusion in thematic issues created on purpose. As regards the next Thematic Issue,
the theme proposed to contributors is: the areal and/or genetic relationships between
Indo-European languages and “para-Caucasic” languages, especially between Ancient
Greek and Anatolian Indo-European on the one hand and Caucasic, Kartvelian, Hurro-
Urartean, Hatti, pre-Hellenic and pre-Anatolian languages on the other hand.

Contributors are kindly invited to read the Submission Guidelines.

(Typical) CONTENTS











Submission Guidelines

Authors may submit an article, a comment on an article, a reply, a (book) review or

a paper freely discussing any relevant issue. Please make sure that your submission meets
the editorial scope of the journal, which is available here: About The Macro-Comparative
Journal. Papers are preferably written in English. Citations from languages other than
English must be followed by an English translation. Authors may propose more than one

Submissions are expected to be original and most of their contents should be

unpublished. They should not be simultaneously sent to other journals. They must refrain
from direct offense or prejudice to other people even in the case of scientific
disagreement, a situation which is more or less inevitable.

As far as is possible articles should be self-sufficient and references to other

external materials should reinforce rather than disrupt the scientific stability and
understandability of the submissions. Data can be integrated in the body of the articles or
dealt with as annexes, depending on which solution seems most adequate for the
readability and purpose of the submission.

The articles sent to The Macro-Comparative Journal will be first discussed by the
Editorial Board to determine their suitability for publication. Approved manuscripts will
then undergo peer-review. Based on the reviews, the submissions may be accepted as is,
returned for partial revision, or rejected. The authors will be informed about the status of
their submissions in due time.

Authors are responsible for the content of the articles. When sending the papers
to the journal, the author(s) agree(s) that all copyrights referring to the papers are granted
to The Macro-Comparative Journal.

A (.doc) model for articles is available here and is preformatted. Articles should
include an abstract, keywords and relevant bibliographical information. References can
either be limited to works cited in the paper or tend to cover the topic of the paper

Articles can be of any length but the usual range is 10 to 50 pages depending on its
nature. Papers dealing with fairly complex subjects and containing large amounts of
linguistic data are logically in the upper half of the range. Authors are reminded that not
infrequently ultra-long articles tend to deal with more than one issue and that it may
therefore be advisable to break ultra-long articles into several items of lesser size focusing
on more specific issues. Long articles dealing with one particular topic can also be cut
into separate parts and be published as a series in several issues of the Journal.

Reviews (and comments) should normally contain at least three parts: a descriptive
section, a critical assessment of the positive and less positive features, a general
conclusion. As a rule, reviews should contain approximately 10 times as many words as
the document being reviewed originally contained pages: for example, if the book is 350
pages long, the review should preferably have between 3,000 to 4,000 words. Reviews
should normally not have more than 8,000 words. A (.doc) model for reviews and
comments is available here and is preformatted. References should be limited to works
cited in the review or comment.

Submissions should preferably remain below 3,5 Mo in size.

Please send your submission as attached MS Word (.doc) and (.pdf) files here:


Current Issue

The first issue of THE MACRO-COMPARATIVE JOURNAL is due to appear on

June 1st 2011.


Next Issue

The next issue of THE MACRO-COMPARATIVE JOURNAL is due to appear on

June 1st 2011.

The deadline for submission to Vol.1, No. 1 is January 31st 2011.












Previous Issues (To be updated)


The first issue of THE MACRO-COMPARATIVE JOURNAL is due to appear on

June 1st 2011.


Next Thematic Issue


The next Thematic Issue is due to appear on December 1st 2011.

Deadline for a submission: July 31st 2011

The next Theme proposed to contributors is:

The areal and/or genetic relationships between Indo-European languages and

“para-Caucasic” languages, especially (but not exclusively) between Ancient
Greek and Anatolian Indo-European on the one hand and Caucasic,
Kartvelian, Hurro-Urartean, Hatti, pre-Hellenic and pre-Anatolian languages
on the other hand.


Next Thematic Issue


Depending on their nature and number submissions may be proposed for

inclusion in thematic issues created on purpose. Normally the Journal will publish one
Thematic Issue a year but this frequency may be adjusted to the nature and number of

The next Theme proposed to contributors can be consulted here.

Title: only the first letter in capitals, centralized, size 12

Author’s full name: centralized, size 121

Abstract: The abstract has 100 to 250 words. Size 10.

Keywords: Two to five key words, separated by colons (,). Size 10.

1. First section

The titles of the sections are preferably numbered with only the first letter in capitals. Just as the whole
body of the text, the titles of the sections and subsections must be in Times New Roman, size 11, with
space 1.15 after each paragraph.

The paragraphs must be 01 cm back . The text must be in font 11, Times New Roman, and the
highlighted parts of the text in italics. Do not use bold or underline to highlight them.

The body of the text must always be justified with the right and left margins aligned. The pages
must NOT be numbered and the format of the margins must be the following: Paper A4, top and
bottom margins 2.5 cm; and right and left margins 2.5 cm.

1.1 Subsections

The title of the subsections must follow the same standards required for the titles of the sections, i.e.,
only the first letter in capitals. No spacing back is needed.

2. Quoting

The quotations must be as follows:

2.1 Quoting no more than three lines

For such quoting, the following model must be observed: According to Someone (2009: 98), “Xxxx
xxxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx”. The text
must be between quotation marks and no bolding or italicizing is required.

2.2 Quoting more than three lines

Quotations longer than three lines must be 4 cm back to the left, font 10 in simple space as the
following example: According to Someone (2009: 98):

Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

Affiliation and mail are optional.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx

3. Graphics, tables and illustrations

The graphics, tables and illustrations must appear centralized and their legend must be under them.
They must be numbered. The text of the legend must be in font Times New Roman, size 11, without
any highlights. Look at Table 1, as an example:

Data Data Data Data




Table 1: This is an example

4. Conclusions or perspectives

References (in alphabetical order)

(For books)

Author’s Last name, First name

Date Name of the book in italics. City of publication: publisher.

Author’s Last name 1, First name 1; Author’s Last name 2, First name 2

Date Name of the book in italics. City of publication: publisher.

(Chapters from books)

Author’s Last name, First name

Date Title of the chapter with no highlighting // Author’s Last name, First name. Title of
the book in italics. City of publication: Publisher.

(Articles from journals)

Author’s Last name, First name

Date Title of the article with no highlighting // Name of the journal in italics, Year X (or
V. X), n. X.
Book Review

Title of the Document Being Reviewed. Size 12

Author's Last name, First name. Year. Place: Publisher. Size 12.

Reviewer: First Name Last Name. Size 11.

1. Description

The book is xxx.

Xxx xxx.

2. Critical assessment

Xxxx xxx.

Xxxx xxx

Xxxx Xxx:

1. Xxxx xxx.

2. Xxxx xxx.

Xxx xxx.

3. General conclusion

Xxxx xxxx.

References (in alphabetical order)

(For books)

Author’s Last name, First name

Date Name of the book in italics. City of publication: publisher.

Author’s Last name 1, First name 1; Author’s Last name 2, First name 2

Date Name of the book in italics. City of publication: publisher.

(Chapters from books)

Author’s Last name, First name

Date Title of the chapter with no highlighting // Author’s Last name, First name. Title of
the book in italics. City of publication: Publisher.

(Articles from journals)

Author’s Last name, First name

Date Title of the article with no highlighting // Name of the journal in italics, Year X (or
V. X), n. X.

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