PKS 2 CHEM f4 P1 2018

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Penilaian Kendalian Sekolah 2 2018


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Guru mata pelajaran Ketua Bidang Sains & Matematik
[50 MARKS]

1 Diagram below shows the electron arrangement for atom in J element

Which of the following electron arrangements are true for ion in J element
A 2.4
B 2.5
C 2.6
D 2.8

2 Diagram 2 shows the set-up of the apparatus to study Process I.


Process 1
Bromine gas

Bromine gas

Diagram 2
What is Process 1?
A Condensation
B Evaporation
C Diffusion
D Sublimation

3 The graph below shows the cooling curve of naphthalene.


Why is curve A obtained in the graph?
A Impure naphthalene is cooled.
B Naphthalene evaporates during cooling process
C Naphthalene is not stirred during cooling process
D Naphthalene freezes after achieving its freezing point

Electron moves around the nucleus in fixed orbital shells

Which of the following scientists proposed the atomic theory stated above?
A J.J. Thomson
B Niels Bohr
C Ernest Rutherford
D James Chadwick

5 Table 5 shows the number of neutrons for bromine isotopes.

Isotope Number of neutrons
Bromine-79 44
Bromine-81 x
Table 5
What is the value of x?
A 35
B 37
C 44
D 46

6 Which of the following substances exists as atoms?
A Carbon C Water
B Oxygen D Chlorine

7 The symbol of sodium atom is 23

11𝑁𝑎 The nucleus of this atom contains
A 11 protons and 12 neutrons C 11 protons and 12 electrons
B 11 neutrons and 12 protons D 12 neutrons and 11electrons

8 Diagram 8 shows the set-up of apparatus used to investigate diffusion in a solid.

Diagram 8

After a few days, the colourless solid gel turned blue.

What can we deduce from the above investigation?
A Copper(II) sulphate dissolves in the gel
B Copper(II) sulphate is less dense than the gel
C Copper(II) sulphate reacts with the gel to produce blue colour
D Copper(II) sulphate particles diffuse through spaces between the gel particles

9 Table 9 shows the information of atom Y.

Number of electrons 19
Number of neutrons 20
Table 9
Which symbol is correct for atom Y?
20 19
A 19𝑌 C 39𝑌

39 39
B 19𝑌 D 20𝑌

10 Diagram 10 shows the heating curve of solid naphthalene.
Diagram 10

Which of the following statements is true about the particles of naphthalene at T oC?

I The particles can only vibrate and rotate at fixed positions at t1

II Both solid and liquid are present between t1 and t2
III The forces of attraction between particles are overcomed
IV The particles absorb heat energy
A I and III only C I, II and III only
B II and IV only D I, II, III and IV

11 How many protons, neutrons and electrons does an atom of aluminium contain?


Number of protons Number of neutrons Number of electrons

A 13 14 13
B 13 27 13
C 14 13 14
D 27 14 13

12 Substance X exists as liquid at a temperature of -50 ºC. What is the possible melting point and
boiling point for X?
Melting point (ºC) Boiling point (ºC)
A -100 -50
B -150 -100
C -200 -10
D 15 80

13 Table 13 shows the proton number and number of neutrons for atom W, X, Y and Z.

Atom Proton Number Number of Neutron

W 6 6
X 7 7
Y 6 7
Z 8 8
Table 13
Which of the following are isotopes?
A W and Z C X and Y
B W and Y D X and Z

14 Table 14 shows the melting and boiling points of substances P, Q, R and S.

Substances Melting point /°C Boiling point /°C
P -25 5
Q 50 300
R -256 -192
S 10 140
Table 14
Which of the following substances is a liquid at room temperature?

15 Diagram 15 shows the symbol of element R.

Diagram 15
Which of the following is true about R?
A R atom has four valence electrons
B R atom form a positively charged ion.
C R atom has six protons and twelve neutrons.
D Element R is located in Group 2 and Period 3 of the Periodic Table of Elements.

16 Which of the following is the valence electron of calcium atom?

[Proton number: Ca=20]
A 2 C 8
B 4 D 20

17 Which of the following is true about isotopes?
A They have different chemical properties.
B They have same physical properties.
C They have different number of electrons.
D They have same number of protons.

18 Which substance is an ionic compound?

A Ammonia, NH3
B Ethanol, C2H5OH
C Nitrogen dioxide, NO2
D Magnesium oxide, MgO

19 One mole of nitrogen and one mole of sulphur trioxide have

A the same number of molecules
B the same number of atom
C the same mass
D the same proton number

20 The formula of sulphur trioxide is SO3. What is the number of atoms in one mole of sulphur
trioxide? [Avogrado constant = 6.02 × 1023 mol-1]
A 6.02 ×1023 C 4×6.02×1024
B 2×6.02×1023 D 3×6.02 ×1024

21 Which of the following about mole is false?

A The mass of 1 mole of hydrogen gas is 2 g.
B 1 mol of any gas occupies 22.4 dm3 at s.t.p.
C 1 mole of any substance has about 6.02×1023 particles of the substance.
D the total volume of molecules of 1 mole of liquid is 24 dm3 at room temperature

22 What is the empirical formula of ethanoic acid, CH3COOH?


23 In an experiment, 24 g of element X react with 32 g sulphur to form a compound. What is the

empirical formula of that compound? [Relative atomic mass; X = 6, S = 32 ]

24 What is the relative molecular mass of ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2SO4?
[Relative atomic mass: H = 1, N = 14, O = 16, S = 32]
A 114 C 118
B 116 D 132

25 The average mass of a magnesium atom is 4 times greater than half of the mass of a carbon-12
atom. What is the relative atomic mass of magnesium?
A 2 C 24
B 12 D 48

26 2.10 g of element Q combined with 0.80 g of element R to produce a compound with formula
Q3R4. What is the relative atomic mass of element Q?
[Relative atomic mass : R = 16]
A 14 C 56
B 42 D 58

27 One compound has the percentage composition by mass as follow

Sodium : 29.1%
Sulphur: 40.5%
Oxygen: 30.4%

What is the empirical formula of this compound?

[relative atomic mass: Na= 23, O = 16, S = 32]
A Na2S2O3 C Na2SO4
B Na2SO3 D Na2S2O7

28 Study the chemical equation below:

Cl2 (g) + 2NaBr (aq) → 2NaCl (aq) + Br2 (l)

Name the product produce

A Bromine gas C Sodium bromide
B Sodium chloride D Sodium chloride and bromine liquid

29 Elements are arranged in the modern Periodic Table based on their

A atomic radius C number of protons
B nucleon number D number of neutrons

30 The following information is about of the compound X:

 Empirical formula is CH2.

 Relative molecular mass is 42.

What is the molecular formula of substance X?

[Relative atomic mass: H=1, C=12]
A CH2 C C3H6
B C2H2 D C4H8

31 Diagram 31 shows a Periodic Table with four elements represented by letters A, B, C and D.
Which of these elements has an electron arrangement of 2.8?

Diagram 31

32 Diagram 32 shows four elements in the Periodic Table of Elements.

Which of the element can form coloured compound?

Diagram 32

33 Element X is below potassium in the Periodic Table. We can predict that

A Element X is less electropositive than potassium
B The size of atom X is smaller than potassium
C Atom of element X has more valence electrons than potassium
D Element X reacts more vigorously than potassium in oxygen

34 Which of the following represents the electron arrangement of a noble gas?



35 Which of the following is a property of iodine?

A Becomes purple gas when heated
B More electronegative than bromine
C Exists as yellow liquid at room conditions
D Dissolves in water to form an alkaline solution

36 The property of an element which cannot be predicted from the position of an element in the
Periodic Table of Element is
A the charge of its ion
B the formula of its oxide
C the number of isotopes it has
D the acidic or basic nature of its oxide

37 Sodium and Argon are placed in the same period in the Periodic Table of Element.
Which of the following is true about the atoms of sodium and argon?
A Have the same number of protons
B Have the same number of neutrons
C Have the same number of valence electrons
D Have the same number of shells filled with electrons

38 Diagram 38 shows the position of atom X in the Periodic Table of Elements.
The electron arrangement of atom X is 2.8.y.

Diagram 38
What is the value of y?
A 3 C 7
B 5 D 15

39 Table 39 shows the electron arrangement of atom W, X, Y and Z.

Atom Electron Arrangement
W 2.1
X 2.2
Y 2.8.4
Z 2.8.6
Table 39
Which of the following atoms is placed in Period 3 and Group 16 in the Periodic Table of Element.

40 Diagram 40 shows the position of elements W, X, Y and Z in the Periodic Table of Elements.
W, X, Y and Z are not hte actual symbol of the elements.

Diagram 40
Which of the following atom has electron arrangement of 2.8.6?

41 Which of the following properties can be used to show that copper is a transition element?
A It can conduct electricity in the solid and liquid states.
B It forms coloured ions
C It is ductile and malleable
D it has a high density
42 the information below describes the properties of element X.

 Conducts electricity
 Soft and shiny
 Reacts vigorously with water

Which of the following elements best fits the above properties?

A Aluminium C Potassium
B Copper D Calcium

43 Diagram 43 shows the symbols for two elements. The letters used are not the actual symbol of
the elements.

Diagram 43

Which of the following is true about X and Y?

A Element X is more reactive then element Y
B Both elements X and Y are monoatomic
C Both elements X and Y react with chlorine gas
D Element X react with element Y to form a compound with the formula XY

44 Table 44 shows an atom E with its proton number and nucleon number.

Proton number 14
Nucleon number 28
Table 46
Which group and period is E in the Periodic Table?

Group Period
A 1 3
B 3 4
C 4 3
D 14 3

45 Table 45 shows the proton number of elements P, Q, R and S.

Elements P Q R S
Proton number 11 13 16 19
Table 45
The sequence of the elements in the order of increasing atomic size is
A S, R, Q, P C P, Q, R, S
B R, Q, P, S D S, P, Q, R

46 L and M are diatomic elements. L is less reactive than M.

Which of the following elements are L and M?

A Bromine Iodine
B Iodine Bromine
C Sodium Potassium
D Potassium sodium

47 The formula for potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) is given as KyFe(CN)6. Its relative formula mass
is 368.
What is the value of y?
[Relative atomic mass: C=12, N=14, K=39, Fe=56]
A 2 C 4
B 3 D 5

48 What is the number of nitrate ions, NO3− in 2 mol of iron (III) bitrate, Fe(NO3)3?
[Avogadro constant= 6.02×1023 mol−1]
A 1.204×1024 C 3.010×1024
B 1.806×1024 D 3.612×1024

49 Three elements represented by letter X, Y and Z are in Period 3 of the Periodic Table of Elements.
The oxide of X is acidic, the oxide of Y is basic and the oxide of Z is amphoteric.

Which of the following statements are correct about elements X, Y and Z?

I Proton number of elements increases from X, Y and Z
II The atomic size of elements decreases from Y, Z and X.
III The melting point of elements increases from X, Y and Z.
IV Electronegativity of elements increases from Y, Z and X.

A I and III only C I, II and III only

B II and IV only D II, III and IV only

50 Element Y is below potassium in the same group in the Periodic Table.

Determine the formula of the product and the reactivity of Y with chlorine compared to the
reaction of potassium with chlorine.

Formula of product Reactivity

A YCl2 Less reactive
B YCl2 More reactive
C YCl Less reactive
D YCl More reactive



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