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A. What is Tenses

Tenses isa form taken by a verb to show the time of an action. There are three
main tenses:

1. Present tense
2. Past tense
3. Future tense

Tenses adalah bentuk kata kerja yang menunjukkan waktu dari suatu tindakan.
Ada tiga tenses utama:

1. Bentuk sekarang
2. Bentuk masa lampau
3. Bentuk masa depan

Below are all tenses used in English:

1. Simple Present Tense
This tenses are used to denote something that is fixed, habitual or an
essential truth. Because it is often related to the incident at about past,
present and future, this at least has the Tenses description for a certain

Tenses ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang tetap, kebiasaan

atau essensial yang benar. Karena, sering terkait dengan insiden masa
lalu, masa sekarang, dan masa yang akan datang, ini setidaknya
memiliki deskripsi tenses untuk waktu tertentu.

(+) Subject (s) + Verb1 + Object (o)
Example: She ate the rice
(-) S + do/does not + V1 + O
Example: She doesn’t eat the rice
(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O
Example: Does she it the rice?
I, You, They, We use do when it come to negative and question sentence.
While He, She, It use does.
2. Present Continuse Tense
This tenses are used to express an action which is actually being done at
this time.

Tenses ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu tindakan yang

benar-benar dilakukan saat ini.


(+) S + to be + Verb-ing + O

Example: They are riding the bicycle

(-) S + to be + not + Verb-ing + O

Example: They are not riding the bicycle

(?) to be + S + Verb-ing + O

Example: Are they riding the bicycle?

3. Present Perfect Tense

This tenses are used to express your experience. This sentence can used to
say that you have never had a certain experience. Present Perfect Tense
didn’t use to describe specific event.

Tenses ini biasa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan pengalamanmu.

Kalimat ini bisa juga untuk mengatakan bahwa kamu tidak pernah
punya sebuah pengalaman yang khusus. Present perfect tense tidak
bisa digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan kejadian yang spesifik.

(+) S + has/have + past participle (V3)

Example: I have met her once before

(-) S + has/have + not + past participle (V3)

Example: I Have not met her before

(?) Has/have + S + past participle (V3)

Example: Have You met her before?

4. Present Perfect Continuse Tense

This tenses used to declare an activity that started in the past and is still
ongoing and there may still be ongoing.

Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan

masih berlangsung dan mungkin masih ada yang berlangsung.


(+) S + have/has + been + Verb-ing + O

Example: We have been practicing our English since Monday.

(-) S + have/has + been + Verb-ing + O

Example: We have not been practicing our English

(?) Have/has + S + been + Verb-ing + O

Example: Have they been practicing their English?

5. Simple Past Tense

This Tenses used To express an activity that occurs at a point in the past.

Untuk mengungkapkan suatu kegiatan yang terjadi pada titik masa



(+) S + Verb2 + O

Example: She studied math last night

(-) S + did + not + Verb1

Example: She did not studied math last night

(?) Did + S + verb1 + O

Example: Did She studied math last night?

6. Past Continuse Tense

This tenses used To express an ongoing activity in the past when other
activities occur.

Tenses ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kegiatan yang

sedang berlangsung dimasa lalu ketika kegiatan lainnya terjadi.


(+) S + was/were + V – ing

Example: I was reading book when father watched TV

(-) S + was / were + not + V – ing

Example: I was not eating when my mother ate lunch

(?) Was / were + S + V – ing?

Example: Was I studying when my friend invited me?

7. Past Perfect Tense

This tenses used to declare an act that is complete even done in the past or
explain an events which first occured between the two in question.

Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan yang lengkap di

masa lalu atau menjelaskan suatu peristiwa pertama terjadi antara dua
yang bersangkutan.

(+) S + had + V3
Example: Rina had eaten when we called at to her house
(-) S + had + not + V3
Example: Rina had not eaten when we called at to her house
(?) Had + S + V3
Example: Had Rina eaten when we called at to her house?
8. Past Perfect Continuse Tense
This tenses used to declare an act or event that has been started in the past
and is still going in the past also.

Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan atau peristiwa

atau peristiwa yang telah di mulai di masa lalu dan masih berlangsung
dimasa lalu juga

(+) S + had + been + V – Ing
Example: They had been singing when we studied dancing
(-) S + had + not + been + V – Ing
Example: They had not been singing when we studied dancing
(?) Had + S + been + V – Ing
Example: Had they been singing when we studied dancing?
9. Simple Future Tense
This tenses used to declare an act or event that will be done at the time will

Tenses ini diunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan atau peristiwa

yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang

(+) S + shall / will + V1
Example: I will go to Surabaya Tomorrow
(-) S + shall / will + not + V1
Example: I will not go to Surabaya tomorrow
(?) Shall / will + S + V1
Example: Will i go to Surabaya tomorrow?
10. Future Continuse Tense
This tenses used to declare an act or event that will be taking place at a
time yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan atau
will come.
peristiwa yang akan terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang

(+) S + shall / will + be + V – Ing
Example: I will be studying if Winny come tonight
(-) S + shall / will + not + be + V – Ing
Example: I will not be studying if Winny come tonight
(?) Shall / will + S + be + V – Ing
Example: Will i be studying if Winny come tonight?
11. Future Perfect Tense
This tenses used to declare an act or event that already started in the past
and soon to be completed in time dating.
Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan atau peristiwa
yang sudah dimulai di masa lalu dan segera akan selesai di waktu
yang akan datang
(+) S + shall / will + have + V3
Example: Tom and Tim will have finished their work by Monday
(-) S + shall / will + not + have + V3
Example: Tom and Tim will not have finished thei work by Monday
(?) Shall / will + S + have + V3
Example: Will Tom and Tim have finished their work by Monday?
12. Future Perfect Continuse Tense
This tenses to declare an act or event that already exist in the past but is
still possible to continue at the time will come.

Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan auatu tindakan atau

peristiwa yang sudah ada dimasa lampau tapi masih mungkin untuk
dilanjutkan pada saat akan datang.

(+) S + shall / will + have + been + V – Ing
Example: My mother Shall have been cooking
(-) S + shall / will + not + have + been + V – Ing
Example: My Mother shall not have been cooking
(?) Shall / will + S + have + been + V – Ing
Example: Shall my mother have been cooking?
13. Past Future Tense
This tenses used to declare an act or event that will come done in the past.
Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan atau peristiwa
yang akan dilakukan pada masa lalu

(+) S + should / would + V1
Example: Mayang would come to my house
(-) S + should / would + not + V1
Example: Mayang Would not come to my house
(?) Should / would + S + V1
Example: Would Mayang come to my house?
14. Past Future Continuse Tense
This tenses used to declare an act or event that will be taking place the
Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang akan
terjadi di masa lalu

(+) S + should / would + be + V – Ing
Example: We Would be meeting here at five yesterday
(-) S + should / would + not + be + V- Ing
Example: We would not be meeting here at five yesterday
(?) Should / would + S + be + V – Ing
Example : Would we be meeting here at five yesterday?
15. Past Future Perfect Tense
This tenses used to declare an act of events that will come already in the
past supposition that can not happen because it is definitely not fulfilled.
Tenses ini digunakan untuk mendeklarasikan suatu tindakan peristiwa
yang akan datang sudah dalam anggapan masa lalu yang tidak bisa
terjadi karena sudah pasti tidak terpenuhi

(+) S + should / would + have + V3
Example: I should have come there if you had ask me
(-) S + should / would + not + have + V3
Example: I should not have come there if you had not ask me
(?) Should / would + S + have + V3
Example: Should i have come there if you had ask me?
16. Past Future Perfect Continuse Tense
This tenses used to declare an act of events that will already be in progress
at the past.

Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan aperistiwa yang

sudah akan berlangsung di masa lalu

Formula :
(+) S + should / would + have + been + V – Ing
Example: My Sister Should have been working there
(-) S + should / would + not + have + been + V – Ing
Example: My sister should not have been working there
(?) Should / would + S + have + been + V – Ing
Example: Should my sister have been working there?

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