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Thank you the author said to Allas SWT. who have given instructions to the author so that the author
has been able to complete this report properly. Not to forget the prayer and greetings to the Great Prophet
Muhammad SAW. which has brought his people to a better direction. Likewise for friends and family.

Writing this report aims to complete one of the requirements to complete the Dual System Education
conducted by Bireuen N 1 Vocational School. In writing, the writer gets a lot of direction and guidance
from various parties. Therefore, the author would like to thank all those who have helped, especially to:

1. Mr. M.Yusuf, S.Pd, head of Bireuen Vocational High School 1

2. Mr. Mursalin, ST, MT, as Deputy Head of Public Relations

3. Mr. Zulliadin M Saleh, as the head of the workshop U.D BENGKEL BAK TRUCK

4. Mr. Faera shaputra ST, as the Advisor for this Practice Report

5. Mr. Yusrifan Ab S.pd as Chair of the Department of Building at SMK 1 Bireuen

6. Mr. Ridwa S.pd, as Head of Building Workshop at SMK 1 Bireuen

7. Mr. Faera Shaputra, ST as the supervisor of the Prakerin Report

8. Our parents always support us all along, as well

9. Comrades in arms who always motivate the writer.

The author realizes that the writing of this report is still lacking. Therefore, the authors expect
criticism and suggestions that build in order to perfection in writing other writings in the future. Finally,
the author hopes that this article will be useful for writers and all who read..

Bireuen, 25 januari 2019



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