Chapter No-1: "A Study of Talent Acquisition

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“A Study of Talent Acquisition




“A Study of Talent Acquisition


 Establish a talent standard sharp difference between poor; average and excellent
performance is creating a benchmark for evaluation and promotion
Talent Acquisition takes a long -term view of not only filling positions today, but
also using the candidates that come out of a recruiting campaign as a means o fill
similar positions in the future. Talent acquisition involves all the sub processes
around finding, attracting and engaging highly talented individuals into your
“This is a very important aspect, considering that the industry still faces a
shortage of right talent, and spends more than 40% of its time in talent
acquisition and retention.” Dr Vishesh Nayak, voice president, quality and
human resource, Clariant (India).
Even as course orientation is changing for the better, the industry still faces a
shortage of the right talent. In fact, more than 40 per cent of the management’s time
is allotted directly or indirectly to talent acquisition, harnessing and retention. This
issue is not limited to any specific industry or country but probably is across the
industry and global. So, while this situation has lead to an ardent task of retention of
the right talent for organizations, needless to mention. The right talent would also
command a premium. As talent war’, skill shortage. or ‘employment seller’s market’,
it’s threatening the competitive position of many corporations, and the situation is
worsening. Over the next 10 years. the demand for talented people will far exceed
the availability of skilled workers - at all levels, and in all industries. Before
proceeding further, let’s have a look at the following figures:
• It is estimated that at least 1/3 of business failures are due to poor hiring decisions
and inability to attract and retain the right talent.
• The average cost of replacing a manager or professional is 1.5 to 3 times salary.
• The cost of working around an under-performer can run as high as six figures
• The cost of consistently failing to attract and retain good talent
including declining productivity, morale, culture and reputation - is inestimable.
• Each vacant position costs your organization Rs. 60.000 on average. For some
management positions. it can easily run into six figures...


“A Study of Talent Acquisition

Not withstanding the economic situation of a country which may affect the job
market for a time being. many ‘A-players’ who have not had significant
opportunities for growth and advancement change jobs, and the fundamental
shortage becomes apparent - especially for (hose companies who have not developed
a reputation as ‘employer-of-choice’, and who have not developed the capabilities
and infrastructure to compete effectively to acquire and retain scarce talent resources.
Getting the best talent, and keeping the talent you have is becoming intensely
competitive. Most corporate officers say that the biggest constraint to pursuing
growth opportunities is talent.
Few businesses have adequate talent acquisition, retention and development
capabilities -
• Acquiring A-players is a both art and science. People who primarily make hiring
decisions ‘from the gut’ are rarely consistently successful.
• Employer brand identity is increasingly important to compete for talented people
who have numerous options. Rebuilding a damaged employer brand often takes
• New technology such as Internet sourcing has not reduced cycle times nor
increased effectiveness
• Handing-off to a third party vendor is a transaction, not a process.
Organizations that consistently attract players develop an employer-of- choice brand
identity, deep capabilities in talent acquisition. retention and development, and the
process & infrastructure to support them.

Understanding Talent Acquisition

So what exactly do we mean by the term Talent Acquisition? Well, just as Customer
Acquisition describes the overall strategic process around identifying market sectors,
targeting client prospects. running direct marketing campaigns. selling and receiving the
order (i.e. acquiring a new customer), so Talent Acquisition involves all the sub-processes
around finding. attracting and engaging highly talented individuals into your organization.


“A Study of Talent Acquisition

Origin of the “Concept” Talent Acquisition

Let’s take a closer look at the way traditional recruitment is re-emerging as a broader ‘talent
acquisition’ concept - An approach that is becoming more and more critical in the ‘War for
Talent’. Just exactly how does this differ from ‘plain vanilla’ recruitment? Well in a
considerable number of ways.

First and foremost. ‘Talent Acquisition’ forms a part of a much broader strategic
approach in the corporate quest to gain and sustain a competitive advantage in today’s
marketplace. Other aspects include talent development. retention and transition, these are
primarily inward facing. whilst the former is outward looking. The core concept of talent
acquisition is to get away from the ‘till in the box’ thinking to one that is more pm-active
and much closer to building the skill sets required to achieve business success. Traditionally,
a recruitment need occurs when an individual either leaves or is promoted to another
function. That’s when panic can set in. especially if no suitable internal solution is found, a
situation that is becoming known as - “under the bus syndrome”. Strong relationship
building or networking skills arc important here. The key to success in talent acquisition is
the unique way that you are able to tap into the ‘top performers’ who are not really looking
for another job. They never read the traditional job ads or go to the job boards on the
Internet. Encouraging your own ‘star’ players to identify other outside top performers is an
extremely powerful tool that is being used more and more. Corporations are offering a wide
range of rewards in order to get these names and then act on them. Once the talent has been
identification, the next stage is to start building on-going relationships and look for that all
elusive ‘trigger point’ in someone’s career that would get them to change jobs. This can be a
number of things but it is often a negative experience or an outstanding opportunity.
Gathering intelligence from their ‘friends’ and from previous market research will help in
uncovering exactly what excites top players. Educating line managers that talent acquisition
must also be an everyday duty is also a success criterion. Most managers. rightly so. look at
hiring only when there is a ‘box’ vacant on a purely transactional basis. Today’s top talent
has a very short shelf life: therefore you must have a sense of urgency in bringing them
aboard, a job


“A Study of Talent Acquisition

opening or no job opening. This tactic is considered very risky by some managers, but at the
end of the day not making an otter the day a ‘top’ performer comes to the job market, you
will most certainly loose them. Usually bringing in top management (CEO, CFO. COO. etc.)
in the relationship building process helps considerably in influencing the ‘star’ performer.
Money is of course essential in the talent acquisition quest, but it’s not the only element.
Many corporations are using traditional job classification and job grading systems in order
to remain competitive in the ‘cash compensation’ side.

Design & Implementation A Talent Acquisition Strategies

• Work harder than do at identifying high performers
• Indicators of success or of high performance for each position, e.g. No of sales made in
month, no of reports that have been written in consulting assignment ,the amount of revenue
their group have generated
• Work with managers to develop profiles of the high performers in each group
• Commonalities that can be find during screening process competencies, activities high
performers engage in work methods, or processes
(critical success factors)
• Find out where potential high performers like to go and what like to do
• Competitive intelligence
• Do a better job of collecting and capturing critical Information about candidates
.Knowledge sharing and transfers, knowledge which gradually
accumulate is valuable and can be put in some database ,and can stored in sonic database
where it can be shared with other recruiters.
* Recognize the importance of developing people so that they can become high performers
Emphasis on the establishment of your people. Everyone in an organization even he/she is
not a superstar can push the limits of what they can. But many leaders do understand that
how managers grow. Job experience is critical in developing people.
* Keep the learning curve steep: challenge managers with the task they do not know how to
* Give people different kind of challenges


“A Study of Talent Acquisition

* Give people high-octane special projects assignments: these assignments require a variety
of skills
* Continuously stretch the boundaries of the current jobs:
challenging people to re-conceptualize their roles reorient their responsibilities.
*Structure jobs to be more developmental
* Pay special attention to some jobs.


Most senior business people already recognize that the ‘war for talent’ is raging. Even
in the current economics slowdown, the difficulty experienced by many organizations in
finding highly talented people is considerable. And changing demography suggests that this
will only get worse.
So what can organizations do to ensure they give themselves the best chance of finding great
people who will lead their organizations forward and help deliver the returns expected by all
share holders’?
With recently developed best practice Process Talent Acquisition:
• Recruit highly talented candidates. Not just the best candidate in the market, but the best
person for the b.
• Whilst Cutting your ‘Cost to hire’ by up to as much as 75% over your previous traditional
recruitment costs
• And reducing your ‘Time to hire’ enabling you to engage the right person when you need

them, and not when the market makes them available again Admittedly. there are times
when you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. But most of the time, someone else has
presented you with an unrealistic project deadline that you are more-than-sceptical about


“A Study of Talent Acquisition

Talent Acquisition:

So what exactly do we mean by the term Talent Acquisition? Well, just as Customer
Acquisition describes the overall strategic process around identifying market sectors,
targeting client prospects. running direct marketing campaigns. selling and receiving the
order (i.e. acquiring a new customer), so Talent Acquisition involves all the sub -processes
around finding. attracting and engaging highly talented individual into your organization.
Strategic Process - Historically organizations have not treated the recruitment process as
one of strategic importance, but latterly many are now waking up to the reality that the

world has changed dramatically. No more can the organization pick and
choose between several great candidates for one position. Several changes in our connected
world has tipped the scales in favour of the highly talented individual looking for a new
opportunity. humankind, has there been such an enabling technology. Candidates can now
advertise their desire to change jobs within minutes of making the decision and receive
enquires about their talents within hours.
Potentially, it is feasible that a high quality employee of yours. having received
the final ‘straw which broke the camel’s back’ (bad appraisal. inappropriate negative
response from boss, extra workload stress etc.) can post their CV/Resume up on a particular
jobs board at midday today. receive three interested requests for contact with third party
recruiters or head hunters within hours, he interviewed for an outstanding role (at one of
your competitors) tomorrow, receive an offer in writing the following day and resign that
afternoon (within 2 days). Scary, isn’t it? But if the Internet has enabled this process for
candidates, it has also brought significant advantages for organizations.


“A Study of Talent Acquisition

Direct access to the candidate market - Now organizations can go direct to the candidate
market, thereby cutting the time it takes to find the right people. whilst dramatically
reducing their recruitment costs. However, simply posting up jobs on various jobs boards is
not the answer.
Best Practice Process - Instead. Talent Acquisition needs to be addressed at the most senior
levels within all organizations — big or small, public or private. This means that Talent
Acquisition needs to fit ‘hand in glove’ with your overall organizational strategy.
It needs to have the appropriate level of resources behind it: it needs to be monitored and
reported on at all board meetings and it needs to involve many people within the
organization who attribute to it the importance that the organization requires.
Talent Acquisition takes a long-term view of not only filling positions today, but also
using the candidates that come out of a recruiting campaign as a means to fill similar
positions in the future.
These future positions may be identifiable today by looking at the succession
management plan. or by analyzing the history of attrition for certain positions. This makes it
easy to predict that specific openings will occur at a pre-determined period in time. In the
most enlightened cases of Strategic Talent Acquisition, clients will recruit today for
positions that do riot even exist today hut are expected to become available in the future.
Taking the long term strategic approach to talent acquisition has a huge impact on
how an approach is made to a candidate. If the approach is purely tactical in nature, all we
ask of the prospective candidate is “are you qualified and interested?”
However, if the approach is more strategic in nature, the intent of the call is to go
much further, and the conversation becomes more relationship building. The candidate has
an opportunity to explain his/her future career aspirations, and the recruiter gathers enough
information to determine if there is a potential fit in the client organization. It during a
strategic recruiting call the candidate declares that they are both qualified and interested,
then the tactical nature of the call has been automatically fulfilled. it however, the candidate
lacks sufficient experience, or the timing for a career move is not propitious, then they
become candidates for the future, and all the recruiter has to do is keep in touch until either
they become available, or a position with the client organization opens up.
Most of the money spent on Strategic Talent Acquisition would have been spent in a tactical


“A Study of Talent Acquisition

recruiting mandate anyway. The only additional cost is in collecting data on high-potential
candidates and then keeping in touch with them until hire is made. The additional cost
becomes insignificant compared to the value of hiring top competitive talent over time.
Strategic Talent Acquisition allows us access to a pool of competitive talent that would
otherwise have been missed or even worse, ignored. Clearly the business case for acquiring
talent strategically is far more compelling than simply paying to fill posit ions today. What
we are doing is adding a small incremental effort, in exchange for a huge potential reward.
Importance of Talent Acquisition
• Understanding workforce demographics (current and future)
• Identifying economic issues impacting organizational sustainability
• Identifying organizational and cultural issues impacting talent acquisition
• Knowledge of industry trends and emerging issues
Linking Organizational Strategy to HR Strategy
• Understanding the organizational strategy
• Translating the organizational strategy into a HR strategy
• Reviewing key components of the HR strategy
. Identifying talent acquisition and retention issues
Designing and Implementing a Talent Acquisition Strategy
• What is an Employer of Choice?
• Demystifying the generational implications on recruitment
• Reviewing the base elements of a talent acquisition strategy
• Utilizing talent acquisition toots and templates
• Identifying considerations when implementing a talent acquisition
.Learning from best practices
• Analyzing performance metrics (business impacts, financial
considerations, etc.)
• What is meant by Strategic Talent Acquisition
• How HR strategy, policies, and practices support and facilitate corporate strategy


“A Study of Talent Acquisition

• Key design elements required in an HR talent acquisition strategy

• Practical application of a talent acquisition strategy
• Knowledge of emerging trends and best practices in attraction and
retention of talent.

Talent Acquisition- As A Strategy

Historically organizations have not treated the recruitment process as one of
strategic importance. hut latterly many are now waking up to the reality that the world has
changed dramatically. No more can the organization pick and choose between several great
candidates for one position Several changes in our connected world have tipped the scales in
favour of the highly talented individual looking for a new opportunity.
Firstly, of course, there is the Internet. Never before in the history of human
kind, has there been such an enabling technology. Candidates can now advertise their desire
to change jobs within minutes of making the decision and receive enquires about their
talents within hours.
Potentially, it is feasible that a high quality employee of yours. having received
the final ‘straw which broke the camel’s back’ (bad appraisal. inappropriate negative
response from boss, extra workload stress etc.) can post their C V/Resume up on a particular
jobs board at midday today, receive three interested requests for contact with third party
recruiters or head hunters within hours, be interviewed for an outstanding role (at one of
your competitors) tomorrow, receive an otter in writing the following day and resign that
afternoon (within 2 days). Scary, isn’t it? But if the Interested has enabled this process for
candidates, it has also brought significant advantages for organizations.

Direct access to the candidate market

Now organizations can go direct to the candidate market, thereby cutting the time it takes to
find the right people, whilst dramatically reducing their recruitment costs. However, simply
posting up jobs on various jobs boards is not the answer.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

Best Practice Process

instead; based on all the research we have compiled over the last 18 months, we believe that
Talent Acquisition needs to be addressed at the most senior levels within all organizations -
big or small public or private. This means that Talent Acquisition needs to fit ‘hand in
glove’ with your overall organizational strategy. It needs to have the appropriate level of
resources behind It: it needs to be monitored and reported on at all board meetings and it
needs to involve many people within the organization who attribute to it the importance that
the organization requires.
But don’t despair, given the correct focus we can help ensure that your organization
becomes an employer of choice’ in this brave new world. The realities of today’s
demographics have elevated the issue of talent attraction and retention to become a critical
leadership concern, receiving significant attention. Given the projected labour market and
demographic trends, an organization’s approach to talent acquisition can become a key
differentiator and source of competitive advantage. The changing market has revealed that
prevailing “one size fits all” HR practices are no longer effective. Organizations must
develop specific people strategies for their most critical segments that directly align with and
support the business strategy. While individual approaches are customized to the needs of
each organization. all approaches are based on key critical success factors. This course
focuses on the issues and challenges organizations face in attracting and retaining key talent.
While introducing participants to emerging recruitment trends in the industry, this course
will also provide participants with a selection of tools and best practices from which to draw
as they design their own strategy to win the war for talent.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

Talent Acquisition Strategic

Basic Strategies
If we were really serious about looking for talent, here arc some of the things we would he
doing as Staffing, Recruiting, talent Management and as human resources professionals:
1. We would work harder than we do at identifying high performers:
Together with high performers themselves, we could establish some indicators of success or
of high performance for each position we recruit for. These could be the number of sales
they have made in a month, the number of reports they have written that resulted in
consulting assignments, the amount of revenue their group has generated, and so forth. This
is hard work though. There aren’t a lot of benchmarks to go by, but we all know more or less
who contributes the most to our organizations. Our task is to quantify those contributions.
2. We would work with managers to develop profiles of the high
performers in each group: We would try to find commonalities and things we could
identify during the screening process that might predict success. These could be
competencies. activities high performers engage in, work methods, or process. There are
many firms that can help you determine what these “critical success factors” are and even
help you develop tests to identify them in candidates.
3. We would find out where potential high performers like to go and what they like to
do: This step allows you to target your advertising toward high performers and decide which
events are worth attending so that you can get at the kinds of people you seek. Doing this
well requires a focus on competitive intelligence, or “CI.” CI is well known in the industrial
world: many companies employ CI experts to ferret our information about production
capacities and equipment installations at their competitors. The same principles apply to
recruiting. You can gather information from competitors and from vendors and suppliers
about where good people may be located. You can certainly use your employee referral
program for the same purpose.
4. We would do a better b of collecting and capturing critical
information about candidates: The knowledge you gradually accumulate is valuable and
should he put into some sort of database where it can he shared with other recruiters. A
BLOG can form the basis on an internal or external community of recruiters where this kind


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

of information can be exchanged. This is a form of knowledge sharing and transfers that,
when properly done, can save thousands of hours of work and bunches of money. Alter all
head hunters rely on their own human knowledge management systems (i.e. their brains) to
do this all be time. Our challenge is to make this more broadly accessible and to keep it

5. Finally, we would recognize the importance of developing people so that they can
become high performers: The recruiting function has to move toward becoming more like
a talent agency — something it has not been historically. Talent agencies not only recognize
talent but also develop it for strategic purposes. We as recruiters need to take our knowledge
of what talent looks like and offer people who have “it” a chance to acquire the skills they
need to perform the jobs we have. Mostly this will apply to our current employee
populations, but it could also apply to people outside as well. The only limits are our own
vision and our ability to work within the politics of our corporate environments. One way to
find those with talent would be to open all of our screening processes to anyone and then
select those who seem likely to be successful. The Internet and our recruiting websites make
this very easy to do. The development side could take the form of classroom training, e-
learning. internships. action (work-based) learning assignments. or special programs that
train a group of people for specific jobs within a company. The key is that recruiting is not
only about finding talent. hut also, increasingly, about developing it. If we are to move our
profession upwards and start making real contributions to the bottom line, these things I
have described are what it is going to take.
• Talent Acquisition Program....
Without employing the right people in the right roles at the right time, an organization will
not achieve its goals. By managing Talent Acquisition as a key business process therefore
(just like supply chain management. sales order management. customer relationship
management etc.),
No longer held ransom to a declining labour pool market, a skills shortage, or a short-term


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

The Process of Talent Acquisition

1. Uncovering Organizational Strategy - first familiarize with the intended vision,
mission, goals & objectives of your organization. Unless do this won’t be able fit the talents
perfectly within organizations overall strategy and (he organization will fail to achieve its
stated goals. Ensuring that the organizations Talent Acquisition strategy is in line with tile
‘officially recorded’ overall strategy will ensure that no time is wasted and no resources are
diverted away from achieving the organizations goals.
2. Establishing your Talent Acquisition Strategy - “Without a strategy tile vision
perishes”. For the organization as whole and also all constituent parts/divisions/departments
this is certainly true. But how important it is also for key organizational processes.
3. Process Planning - An area often neglected - establishing a clear process plan. By setting
out plan better equipped to - argue your case, monitor the progress being made, report on
demonstrable achievements over time. identify weak links, and stay focused on delivering
the organization’s strategic plans.
4. Talent Mapping - Talent Mapping is all about identifying the long term talent profiles
(bundles of skills experience and knowledge) of the people needed within the business and
then identifying from where and how these will be acquired.
5. Talent Searching - The benefit of carrying out this process to facilitate a speedier and
more cost effective response to talent acquisition needs.
6. Talent Acquisition Tactics - Having done all that preparatory work. one last action
required before launching your Talent Acquisition campaigns is to pull it all together in
specific tactical plans i.e. exactly what are we going to do, when, where and how?
7. Talent Attraction - Finally, the day has arrived! Put into action all those well-developed
plans and watch the results. Start to attract the type of people who’ll successfully develop
organization into all that want it to be.
8. Talent Screening - With loads of candidate responses now flooding adopt a efficient
screening process using latest technology, to help manage the list down to a sizeable length
prior to face-to-face interviewing. The outcome of this process will be to break down the
mass of candidate responses to a manageable size - following the ‘80/20’ pare to principle.
Without going through this step one may probably drown in a sea of confusion.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

9. Talent Matching - The concept s to ‘match’ the person’s talent profile to the performance
profile of the job/vacancy. When interviewing a candidate subscribe to the Power Hiring
school of thought, which says that what one is after getting the candidate to ‘earn’ their way
to an offer from your organization.

10. Talent Selection - This process is more about ‘doing the deal’ before engaging them
within the organization. It is important to consider this next step as a strategy
communication exercise. By following this step in the overall Talent Acquisition process we
guard against having the highly talented candidate being snatched away from under your
nose. It will also further cause towards making you recognized as an employer of choice.
1 1.Talent Development - A Scientifically and screened process to make these selected
talent to mould to requirement. by giving technical and non-technical skill input and
development needed for achieving your organizational goal.
12.Process MRI -This is the continuous and periodic instead of step - that of Monitoring.
Reviewing and informing the overall Talent Acquisition Process. In truth the monitoring
continues throughout the whole process at each step of the way.
You are able to review the overall process against the organizational objectives (as
defined in step 2) and use your conclusions to inform (or reform) our previously defined
strategy. By ‘closing the loop’ better position to execute Talent Acquisition campaign in line
with the organization’s staled objectives. This will ensure that as bring in new people to your
organization, you continue to spur the organization on towards achieving its hope and


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

Talent Acquisition has two part




The glory days when all you had to do to attract employees was to stick a little sign in your
window that said ‘Hiring” and pick a new employee out of the hundreds that applied. Now
small business jobs are going begging as demographics and a strong economy combine to
create a shortage of qualified Labour. But that doesn’t mean that you should just give up on
hiring any new staff because as a small business, you don’t have a chance of attracting
employees. All things being equal. there are many people who would prefer to work for a
small business. These tips for attracting employees will up the odds of’ attracting the people
you need.
1. Find out what the going rate is for the position and at least match it.
One common mistake small businesses make when creating a position is to base the salary
on their budget rather than on the market realities in effect making sure that their employee
recruitment efforts are going to be unsuccessful. If a retail sales person in a starting position
in your area normally makes $ 10 an hour, why would someone want to accept that position
in your company for $9 an hour?


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

2. Offer an employee benefit program.

In times when employees get to pick and choose, an employee benefit program moves from
their wish list to their necessities list. For successful employee recruitment, your company
needs to offer employees at least life, medical and dental coverage. If your small business
does not have an employee benefits program, talk to your insurance company about setting
one up. One of the advantages of belonging to business organizations, such as the Chamber
of Commerce, is that they offer more inexpensive insurance, including employee benefit
programs. so check with the organizations you belong to first.
3. Make lifestyle part of your employee recruitment offer.
Many employees are just as concerned about quality of life as they arc about the amount of
money a position offers. If you’re fortunate enough to be located in an area with great
skiing, beaches, extensive hiking/biking trails, excellent golf, courses or other attractive
features be sure to play them up when you’re trying to attract employees.
4. Emphasize the benefits your small business offers.
Make your company more attractive to potential employees by offering things such as
flexible hours and work at home options. Among the more unusual benefits some small
businesses oiler are being able to bring a pet to work and allowing employees to power-nap
during the day.
5. Be creative with perks.
As a small business, you may not be able to offer the perks large corporate companies are
able to offer their employees hut you may be able to offer a reasonable facsimile. For
instance, many large companies offer on-site health facilities such as a fully equipped gym.
Chances are good that as a small
business, you’re not going to be able to add one of these to your premises, but you could
offer employees coupons to use local gym or spa facilities.
6. Offer employees some way to move upwards.
Most employees aren’t looking for jobs where they’ll do the same thing for the next thirty
years. They’re looking for positions that offer opportunities for advancement. What will the
position you’re offering offer? The chance to
develop new skills a stepping stone to a position with more responsibilities? More money


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

after a certain amount to time on the job? Whatever it is, in terms of attracting employees, he
sure to get the future possibilities on the table.
7. Create an employee incentive program.
employee incentive programs not only reward good employee performance but give
prospective employees something to look forward to if they come work for you. Whether
it’s an annual company-paid retreat or a program where employees collect points that they
can trade in for cash, employee incentive programs can increase your chances 01’ attracting
the employees you want to hire.
8. Institute a profit sharing program.
It’s not for every business, but there’s no better way to give employees a stake in a
company’s success. For businesses that look like they’re going somewhere, profit sharing
programs can be a powerful inducement to come work for you instead of for someone else.
9. Sweeten the pot.
When competition for employees is fierce, a plain old signing bonus may be what’s needed
to attract the employee you want and get that person to work for you rather than for sonic
other company. If you choose to do this, there are two things to keep in mind. The signing
bonus has to be large enough to matter, and the signing bonus has to be contingent upon x
amount of time of employment. (Otherwise you’ll be running a revolving door people sign
up. take the money and run.)
10. Widen the scope of your advertising.
It’s not enough to Just place an ad in the Help Wanted section of the local newspaper
anymore; your chances of attracting the employees you want will be much better if you
broaden your advertising. Place ads in places skills as job Web sites and college/university
campus boards, for example. Advertise in other towns or cities. And if you have other
employees, don’t forget to get them involved in the employee recruitment hunt. You can, for
example. offer signing bonus to those who successfully refer a new employee.
There are qualified people out there who can do what you need done you just need to attract
them to the positions your small business is offering. Developing an employee recruitment
policy based on the tips above will give you a better chance of attracting the employees
you’re looking for.


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Keeping your best talent onboard is crucial to a company’s ability to thrive and prosper. It
ensures your customers remain satisfied increases your sales and 3 enables you to plan for
future developments better. There is also the prospect of having too few people to fill the
gaps in years to come thereby talented staff will get to pick and choose where they want to
work so, for maintaining a reputation for retaining your best talent now, this will bode well
for the future.
Exit Interviews
Exit interviews have become increasingly popular over recent years. When an
employee leaves, he or she will usually be invited to an informal meeting with their
immediate supervisor or boss. Whilst this meeting will be simply to have a cordial
conversation about a worker’s plans and to tic up any loose ends for HR and the
administration team, it can also benefit the company.
Many companies now give employees who are leaving a questionnaire to fill in
and it’s this part of the exit interview that is extremely invaluable to employers as it allows
workers to put down in writing what they enjoyed about working for the company,
suggestions for things that could have been done better and the reasons why they have
chosen to leave their job. And, as they no longer have to be diplomatic and coy, they’ll often
be very honest and candid in their responses. which can be of great assistance to a company
with regards to any potential changes they may have to consider in terms of how they treat
their staff in the future.

• Open communication is one of the best ways of keeping your best talent. Encourage
ideas and debate between both staff and bosses and between staff themselves.
Companies need to provide a framework by which feedback can he provided to employees
on a regular basis and any constructive criticism from employees in terms of how to do
things differently to make things work better should be encouraged.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

• Don’t make the mistake of thinking that an employee is simply a ‘one-trick pony’.
Many talented people leave companies because they get pigeon- holed by bosses in that
bosses think that they have a narrowly defined role and that this is all (hey can do so.
ultimately, workers feel stifled by not being let off the leash to demonstrate their true
potential in other areas.
Most talented people are often multi-skilled which means they have resources, which can he
transferred to a wide range of other jobs within a company. Therefore, an employer should
be encouraged to tap into these other skills and to recognize that Certain workers can be
deployed in a variety of roles and it may well be that they are even more suited to a role
within the company than the one they already have.
•workers need to feel recognized and rewarded for high achievement.
Yes, money in the form of bonuses and commissions does help, but it goes far deeper than
that. Simply saying ‘thank you’ for the effort somebody has put in can go a lot further than
some bosses Would realize and awards and recognition don’t have to be just about money in
cash terms.
Being rewarded with a day’s pampering at a spa or being given a ticket to go and watch a
football match, for example. is sometimes even better reorganization especially if a company
has gone to some trouble to find out an employee’s interests away from the workplace.
• Workers need to know how and where they fit into the overall ‘jigsaw puzzle’ that makes
up the company. They need to feel recognized and to feel that they have an important role to
play as individuals, as well as being a part of a much larger team
• Being give opportunities to stretch oneself and to take on more responsibilities should also
be encouraged and there should be proper training provided, an open learning policy and a
real scope for career development
• There should be no ‘them’ and ‘us’ culture between workers and bosses. This only
fosters resentment.
Instead, an employer should fully co-operate and work with stall to find the best solutions
and to try to create ‘win-win’ situations as much as possible. Talented workers want to be
creative and influential and personally feel that they have played an active part in a
company’s success.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

On that note, it’s also fundamental to recognize diversity in the I workplace and for
companies to take a flexible approach to how they get the best out of all of the varying
talents their workforce possess individually as well as collectively. Although business moves
fast and the time it would take to mentor each and every one of your staff’ individually
would be quite time consuming. in the long run it does pay off handsomely in that your
workforce will see themselves as valued individuals as well as being part of a much larger
team. To keep holds of them by keeping them happy and motivated not only enables your
company to prosper hut reduce the risk of people taking their talents elsewhere which is
often very costly to employers who will have then wasted vast sums of money and time
spent on training them, not to mention the additional cost and upheaval of training their


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition


 Organizations have recognized the need for maintaining reserve talent to fill a
vacancy as and when it arises. But the whole process of talent acquisition, i.e., how
to fix and select talent for the organization remains largely undefined and is often left
to the discretion of the individual managers hiring them. This whole process of
individual hiring by individual managers for the same organization places heavy
burden on its exchequer. Talent acquisition is not a form of art, but a defined process.
If the strategies are well-defined, the whole process will be a success.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

1.4 Literature Review


While study of talent management and talent acquisition. I have been read some articles;
Review of literature some mentioning her

Business Editors & High Tech Writers, Dec4,1998

We are a marketing and communications company with Internet and interactive businesses
at our core,” said Werner Haase, co-chairman and chief executive officer of Exceed, Inc.
“Whether our clients are looking for ecommerce solutions, or communication strategy and
execution for mergers, acquisitions, corporate branding, Web development, human resources
or consulting services, we’ve got the talent to deliver.

Ian Cunningham, 2007

This paper explores ways in which organizations can take a systemic stance on talent
management. The article is based on work done in a variety of organizations plus research in
HR functions. The need is for a systemic approach to talent management. Just focusing on
talent acquisition is misguided and unhelpful. The article has real practical implications for
leaders/managers and learning and development professionals in setting up a functional
strategy for talent management. The article will be of value to managers and learning
specialists who are involved in talent management strategy.

Business & Finance Week, Atlanta, Feb 18, 2008

In the paper, McCoy says that in both good economies and in times of economic uncertainty,
it is incumbent upon senior management and human resource (HR) leaders to be smart about
the resources they hire and ensure their organization’s workforce is structured for flexibility
and maximum productivity.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

PR Newswire, New York, Mar 5, 2008

A January 15, 2008 Wall Street Journal article (“Demand Rises for Talent Management
Software”) identifies one of many issues that shine a spotlight on the looming talent crisis: a
Labor shortage in industries across the board caused by the aging of the Baby Boomer
generation and a decline in worker satisfaction.

The Banker, London, Jul 2008

Outsourcing requires the same commitment to understanding organizational goals, due

diligence and governance as a merger, acquisition, or strategic partnership. Before any
outsourcing initiative is undertaken, there needs to be a clear vision of how the project
enhances stakeholder value. Infosys finds that its most successful clients have a well-
thought-out, long-term, strategic sourcing plan that focuses less on cost savings and more on
leveraging global talent and industry expertise. This article discusses location strategy while
considering global sourcing.

Steven Land berg, Jan 2010

Positions on what can a corporate hiring executive learn from sports teams’ an approach to
talent acquisition is answered. When pursuing talent acquisition, executives can observe
some interesting analogies and learn some lessons from sports teams. First, talent selection
and acquisition is recognized as one of the most critical aspects for success in a sports
organization. Sports teams frequently acquire free agents that have moved amongst a
number of teams with the understanding that many of those moves are not necessarily the
choice of the player.

Chris serres,Jan24,2010

Two years of brutal downsizing and consolidation on Wall Street, combined with the
disappearance of such storied firms as Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, as well as a slew
of regional investment banks, have given Piper the opportunity to play on a bigger stage,
according to industry analysts. Piper declined to comment for this article, citing a company


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

policy against discussing its financial performance or other material non-public information
in advance of earnings.

PR Newswire, New York, Apr 26, 2010

Media Link LLC has launched an Executive Search Practice and hired Christopher Nutile,
one of the most respected professionals in the executive search and talent acquisition sector,
to run it as Director of Executive Search, it was announced today by Media Link Chairman
& CEO Michael Kassan and President & COO Wenda Harris Millard

Business Wire, New York, Apr 28, 2010

In creating i-GRasp 3.0 we incorporated many of the features that customers said were vital
to them in terms of increasing recruiter productivity, reducing operating and IT costs
through enhancing self-configuration capabilities, and providing a great candidate
experience as they step up recruitment activity in the face of economic recovery. Step Stone
Solutions’ on-demand (SaaS) software and services enable organizations to implement
efficient processes, including: attraction and hiring, post-hire talent management,
performance management, compensation management, skills and competency management,
career and succession planning, training and development management.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition




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“A Study of Talent Acquisition


Overall objectives of TA are:

1. Preparing proper plan and strategies for identifying, attracting, and on-boarding top
talent to efficiently and effectively meet dynamic business needs. Different sourcing
strategies should be applied based on the understanding of the jobs and where the
audiences will come from to fill them.
2. Employment Branding for advancing the market position of the organization, attract
quality candidates, and depict the organizational culture and health of the Company.
3. Building a talent pipeline for any future needs of the Company due to attrition or any
other unforeseen circumstances.
4. Building a positive candidate experience, managing candidate communities, and
maintaining relationships for those candidates not selected.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition



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“A Study of Talent Acquisition


As the dissertation work truly based on secondary data (Desk research), we concentrate our
effort to collect secondary data. Secondary data is available from other sources and may
already have been used in previous research, making it easier to carry out further research. It
is time-saving and cost-efficient: the data was collected by someone oilier than the
researcher. Administrative data and census data may cover both larger and much smaller
samples of the population in detail. Information collected by the government will also cover
parts of the population that may be less likely to respond to the census (in countries where
this is optional).
A clear benefit of using secondary data is that much of the background work needed has
already been carried out, such as literature reviews or case studies. The data may have been
used in publish texts and statistics elsewhere, and the data could already he promoted in the
media or bring in useful personal contacts. Secondary data generally have a pre-established
degree of validity and reliability which need not be re-examined by the researcher who is re-
using such data.
Secondary data can provide a baseline for primary research to compare the collected primary
data results to and it can also be helpful in research.
The aim of this study to analyze (“A Study of Talent Acquisition ”). To accomplish the
study aims, this research is based on the examination of various journals. As we believe that
journals are the recourses that are most commonly used to acquire information and release
new findings, conference papers, Master Theses, doctoral dissertations, text books, news
reports, and unpublished working papers arc also considered for the evaluation of the work.
Due to the depth and diversity of this area of research, journals, and thus a literature search
was conducted using the following electronic databases.
1. J-Gate.
2. Google Scholar.
3. Emerald Full text.
4. Science Direct.
5. IEE F/ lEE Electronics Library.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

Research methodology is the frame working solution on the decision making problem. It
helps in explaining the tools and techniques used for study (C. R. Kothari)

Research problem

Setting Research Plan


Methodology Methodology


Analysis of data

Complete Report

Fig- : Research Methodology Process

Preparing a “research design” is an important stage in the process of conducting research.
Research design is a plan, structure, and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain
answers to research questions and to control variance.


30 | P a g e
“A Study of Talent Acquisition

Every article that was retrieved though the search process was carefully
reviewed before making a decision regarding its inclusion in the survey. We classified each
article using a single category for a each diversity characteristics.

Classification of Secondary Data

Source Category Medium Database Format

Internal Books & Hard Copy Reference

Periodicals Source

Govt. Local –Area Source
Publications Online

Directories Books &


Experts Internet



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“A Study of Talent Acquisition


1) All the functions are only related with the personnel dept.
2) Limitation about the working hour of the worker in the factory.
3) Limitation about the time & absenteeism.
4) Company not allowing to disclose confidential information.
4) Time factor was the major limitation of this survey. Because during survey any activity
of reorganization which is directly or indirectly related to the production process should not
disturb due to survey.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition




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“A Study of Talent Acquisition


1) Organization should make research to avoid talent drain.

2) Performance various task to motivate employee for work, because employee can’t
work with motivation they just do it, because organization pay for them.
3) HR dept should interact & expose inbound employee.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition

5.1 Analysis & Discussion


Frequently the organizations desire loyal development-sector job-entries such as, etc., somewhat than overall job gateways such as times
now,, etc. At the same time it is particularly complex for social
organizations to assemble job applications; it is much more complex for them to develop
the same due to the lacking professional basis specialist. If an organization builds talent,
acquisitions it, or uses a mixed approach, an attracting and retentive qualified person is
the essential to success. With the talent scarcity here to visit, success will come to those
who promote human resources in new paths. We can’t simply think that talent can be
accept, since it makes the statement that supply will always be sufficient and that people
will do consistently in any work environment. Simultaneously, we can’t think talent can
be built, except we develop an environment that takes care of it.


An organization’s achievement now influenced more than ever on its capability to vary to
change. If reacting to economic misgivings or market prospects, flexibility will be
increasingly difficult to future profitability. Accessing knowledge workers among a really
open talent management system is a new method of thinking about human capital. It
makes an essential form in an eco-system of talent, lined during a new kind of Talent
Advisor and able of deliver specially, adaptable support to every level of the business.
Talent is now being more widely determined to contain rare skills at all levels of an
organization. Organizations want to figure out methods to move from stable events and
infrastructure to different ones in organizing and improving resources.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition


This research examined past taxonomies of IT skills and their limited usefulness for
assisting IT managers in their procurement and management of IT skills. From 29
interviews with IT managers and professionals, we found no one that used an existing
taxonomy to describe either existing IT skills portfolios or an ideal IT skills portfolio.
The taxonomies were either too generalized or too detailed to be helpful. We presented
three perspectives of IT skills management and examined their application for
planning. Each perspective gives guidelines for prioritizing IT skills for procurement
and management. In addition, we present a managerial framework that shows what
factors favour using one skills management perspective over another. While there is
no panacea for IT skills management, the proposed framework gives organizations a
bird’s-eye view on their IT skills planning efforts and assists them in determining their
skills priorities.


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“A Study of Talent Acquisition




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“A Study of Talent Acquisition



1. Philip Kotler- “Human Resource Management” 13th edition a south Asian Perspective.
2. Nirali Prakashan- Research Methodology.


Economic times
Business Standard


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