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Episode 8

[Jack, Charlotte, Molly and YOU with a camera at drama club.]
NARRATOR: You and your friends are planning to make a film. But now you’re having an adventure!
[Jack and Charlotte see the boy and the girl running off with a bike.]
NARRATOR: A boy and a girl are stealing things. They even stole a bike!
[Molly watching the gang.]
NARRATOR: But Molly saw them in the street.
[Molly and Jack follow the girl.]
NARRATOR: Now Molly and Jack are following the girl…
NARRATOR: …and you and Lotte are following the boy.
[Suddenly the boy turns into a side road. You and Lotte follow him round and he’s gone.]

[Lotte and YOU are walking along a suburban road..]
NARRATOR: Then you and Lotte lose the boy, so Lotte decides to call Molly.
CHARLOTTE: Molly? We lost him. We don’t know where he is.
MOLLY: It doesn’t matter. I’ve got good news. We think we’re outside their headquarters.
CHARLOTTE: Their what?
MOLLY: Their headquarters. It’s a garage on a road behind the hospital. The girl is in there now.
CHARLOTTE: Where are you exactly?
MOLLY: We’re in Riverpark Drive.
CHARLOTTE: I don’t know where that is. How do we get to Riverpark Drive?
MOLLY: Where are you now?
CHARLOTTE: We’re in Barnhill Road.
MOLLY: OK. Well go to the end of that road. Turn left and go straight on.
CHARLOTTE: Turn left and go straight on. OK.
MOLLY: At the end of that road turn right.
CHARLOTTE: Turn right…
MOLLY: Then go straight on and take the third on the left and go…
CHARLOTTE: Molly? Molly! Can you hear me? Oh, I don’t believe it. There’s no signal!

[Charlotte gives up on her phone. An adult male passer-by approaches. This is an opportunity! Charlotte turns to
CHARLOTTE: Quick! Ask that man the way to Riverpark Drive.
MAN: Hello!
NARRATOR: Now it’s your turn to talk. Click to pause if you want more time. Click the audio button to listen
again. Ask for directions to Riverpark Drive.
YOU: Excuse me. How do you get to Riverpark drive, please?
MAN: Riverpark Drive? Oh, it’s not far from here. Go to the end of this road and turn left.

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Episode 8

NARRATOR: Now repeat the instruction.

YOU: Go straight on and take the first left.
MAN: Then go to the end of that road and turn right.
NARRATOR: Repeat the second instruction.
YOU: Go to the end of that road and turn right.
MAN: That’s right. There’s a phone box on the right before the turn. Then go straight on and take the
third left. That’s Riverpark Drive.
NARRATOR: Repeat the last instruction.
YOU: Go straight on and take the third left.
NARRATOR: Now say thank you.
YOU: Thank you.
MAN: That’s OK.
CHARLOTTE: I’ve got a map on my phone. We can check the directions.
NARRATOR: Click on the map and choose the correct directions. Click the audio button to listen to the
directions again. That’s not right. Try again. / That’s right. Click the audio button to hear the
next instruction. That’s not right. Try again. / That’s correct. Well done!
CHARLOTTE: Come on. Let’s go.

[Jack and Molly are hiding behind a tree. Molly has the camera. YOU and Lotte arrive.]
JACK: Hi guys.
CHARLOTTE: Is the girl inside?
JACK: Yeah, we think so…
MOLLY: Shhh! Here comes the other one.
[We see the boy look around sneakily and enter the garage.]
MOLLY: I’m going in!
[Molly dashes in with the camera before anyone can stop her. Jack, Charlotte and YOU all look at one another.]
CHARLOTTE: What are we going to do?
JACK: I don’t know.
CHARLOTTE Shall we go in?
JACK: Yeah. Let’s go. Don’t forget your cameras!
[Jack, Charlotte & YOU walk into the garage. There is a pile of objects.]
JACK: Where are they?
CHARLOTTE: And where’s Molly?
JACK: Is there another door?
CHARLOTTE: I don’t know…
…wow look at all this stuff!
[Jack sees the bike the thieves took outside the cinema.]
JACK: The bike from the cinema!
[Charlotte picks up a black cap]

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Episode 8

CHARLOTTE: Hey, Jack, is this your old cap?

JACK: Yeah!
[Charlotte gives it to him. Jack puts it on top of the cap he is already wearing.]
JACK: Now I have two caps! Shall I wear both of them?
[Suddenly there’s a crash from behind the pile of objects.]
CHARLOTTE: What’s that?
JACK: The thieves!


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