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BaZi: DTS 清浊 Clear and Murky

One that is completely clear with essence and

Taken easily as a life of truly noble and wealthy,

Murky runs still imploring for clarity, clarity
will be attained,

When the time comes, the chilling valley will
return to spring.

A plate full of murky Qi makes people suffer,

A structure of withering clarity also makes people

Half murky and half clear are similarly

Many successes and failures through days and
Posted by Big Fish at 8:25 PM No comments:
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BaZi: DTS 官杀 Authorities 伤官 Hurting Officer

If you ask me about mixed authorities, some can be (mixed), some cannot be.

It's difficult so analyze Hurting Officer seeing Officer, some can see, some cannot see.

Posted by Big Fish at 8:12 PM 1 comment:

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BaZi: DTS - 真假 True and Fake

Look for the one on the command for it gathers to be true

The fake god do not disturb to true god,

The true god attains usefulness, one's life is noble

Use the unreal, one is merely a commoner.

The mixing of the true and the fake is difficult to analyze,

That is not apparent, that is not obscured, is poverty stricken,

The Outline that is not illuminating with the true god,

In obscured places, look for the real, it is also attainable.
Posted by Big Fish at 6:26 AM No comments:
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BaZi: DTS 顺逆 Forward (Follow) and Reverse

Wanting to clear the ignorance of people, the mechanism of forward and reverse must be
understood and known.

I interpret this verse differently from the original annotation and RTQ annotation.

顺 - Forward

To me, in this context it refers to 顺用, the way the benevolent gods should be used. Officer,
Wealth, Food and Seal; they should either be engendered or protected for a good structure
to be established.

In general, Forward (or Follow) Use according to ZPZQ is like this:

Officer likes to be engendered by Wealth and protected by Seal

Wealth likes to be engendered by the Outputs and protected by Officer

Seal likes to be engendered by the Authorities and protected by the Parallels.

Food likes to be engendered by the parallels and protected by Wealth

逆 - Reverse

Most possibly refers to 逆用,the way the malevolent gods should be used. Hurting Officer,
7 Killing, YangRen and the Owl. These are used in specified ways.

Hurting Officer likes to be countered by Seal or transformed to Wealth

7K likes to be countered by Food or transformed to Seal

YR likes to be combined with 7K or countered by Officer

Owl likes to be countered by Wealth

That is when the gods are being used.

Posted by Big Fish at 5:31 AM No comments:
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BaZi: DTS 精神 Essence and Spirit - on the subject of Balance

DTS says:

Men has essence and spirit, it cannot be seek (to be strong) only from one side, it must be
damaged (reduced) or supported to attain moderation.

Men in this context most probably refers to the entity that participates in the dynamics of the
chart i.e the 10 Gods. I'd probably think this is the Useful Gods - Officer, Wealth, Seal, Food,
Hurting Officer, Devil, Blade or the Owl. Depending on how the Gods are being used.

As there are only 4 pillars in BaZi, the influences of the Gods are mostly imbalance, one of
the deities might be more influential than the others.

Take an Officer structure for example: An Officer structure favors a strong Officer. However,
an overly strong Officer often comes with a weak DM. In this case, the presence of Wealth
star might not be as helpful as the presence of Seal. As Seal supports DM and
simultaneously reduce the strength of the Officer, whereas Wealth star will further strengthen
the Officer without helping the DM. Although it is known that an Officer + Wealth structure is
superior than an Officer + Seal structure, due to the concept of Balance, Seal is the
preferred Minister God for a weak DM.

On the other hand, if the Officer structure comes with a strong DM, Wealth star is preferred
to Seal, as Seal will weaken the Officer and further strengthen the already strong DM.

Nevertheless, the presence of the trio Wealth, Officer and Seal is always the more
auspicious structure than the other 2 structures described above.

Remember that Balance in BaZi does not mean all five elements have to be equally strong.
The Officer structure will never want to see the outputs.
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天干地支 HS / EB - Part 8 Di Tian Sui - Ren Water and Gui Water

Di Tian Sui on Ren Water

Ren water connects (go through) rivers, can exhaust metal Qi, has the virtue of being
moderate and tough, it flows all around on all sides and it is not sluggish. Connected to the
roots and protrude Gui, rushes to the sky and rushes on the earth. Transformation is
affectionate, Follow is aiding each other.


Ren water is the source of Gui water, is the water of KunLun (KunLun is a mountain in the
west of China)
Gui water is the fate (it ends there) of Ren, it is the water of FuSang

Trey: 扶桑 FuShang in folklore is a gargantuan tree to the east which the sun was thought to
have risen from. 扶桑 could also refer to a mythical island to the east (Japan). In modern
times, 扶桑 refers to hibiscus flower.

There’s separation and coming together, their journey is endless, so they are the ones of
hundred rivers, and also the ones of rain and dew, they cannot be seen as two different

Shen is Heaven’s Pass, it’s the mouth of the Heavenly river, Ren water ChangSheng at this
place, it can exhaust the west metal Qi.

Trey: 天河 TianHe– Heavenly River can be the Milky way galaxy, sometimes one of its arm
can be seen at night. 天河TianHe is also the name of a River and a district in China

Its circumfluence nature is rushing, advancing and not sluggish, it’s tough and moderate
nature is seemingly natural.

If Shen Zi Chen is complete and Gui protrudes, its intensity would be overly strong (rushing)
and cannot be kept under control.

It is like the Eastern sea originates at the Heavenly River, becomes a water disaster, if this is
encountered in Life, if there’s neither wealth nor authority presents, what will be the disaster!

To combine with Ding and transform into Wood, and then birth Ding Fire again, this can be
said to be affectionate; it can control Bing fire, would not let it take away the love of Ding,
thus it is dutiful husband and become compassionate ruler.

About the nine summers, it is the fire and earth Qi of Si, Wu, Wei and Shen months, which
get Ren water to be fumigated to become rain and dew, thus even it follows Fire and Earth,
they have not tried not to be aiding each other.
Ren is Yang water

Connect to river, refer to the Heavenly River, ChangSheng at Shen, Shen is at the mouth of
the heavenly River, which is also at Kun direction, Ren water at this place, can exhaust the
somber / desolate Qi of the west, that is why it has the virtue of tough and moderation.

百川之源,周流不滞,易进 而难退也。
As the source of hundreds of rivers, it is circumfluent; it is easy to get in but difficult to get

If Shen, Zi and Chen is complete, and Gui water protrudes, its intensity would be
overflowing, even with Wu and Ji earth to bound, still its flow cannot be stopped, if it is
forcefully control, it would inadvertently become a water disaster, wood must be used to
exhaust, follow the flow of its Qi, and not to be clashed and rushed.

合丁化木, 又能生火,不息之妙,化则有情也。
To combine with Ding and transform into wood, wood can birth fire, it has the wonder of not
extinguished, and that is affection.

Born in the fourth, fifth and sixth month, in the pillars Fire and Earth are both prosperous,
there’s no other metal and water to help.

If fire is prosperous and protrudes to the stems, then it follows fire. If earth is prosperous and
protrudes to the stems, then it follows earth. It is harmonious and smoothing, they assists
each other.

Di Tian Sui on Gui Water

Gui water is extremely weak, reaches to TianJin. To gets dragon to be luck, 功化斯神
(someone please find out what this means). It is not worried of Fire earth, it does not discuss
Geng and Xin. Combining with Wu meeting fire, the transformation image is true.

Trey: 天津is a city in China, it could also refers to a star 天津星, a representation of extreme
Yin. 天津 could also refers to a river.

功化斯神 literal translation

功 job, job that is done, power, ability, capability

化 transform

斯 this

神 god

斯神 could be a phrase and refers to something but I could not find its meaning.

Gui water is purely Yin and extremely weak, that is because 扶桑 FuShang has weak water.

Reaches to TianJin, follows Heaven’s given luck, obtains dragon and it becomes cloud and
rain, can nourish creations, 功化斯神

凡柱中有甲乙寅卯,皆能运水气,生木制 火,润土养金,定为贵格,火土虽多不畏。
If the pillars have Jia, Yi, Yin and Mao, all can move the water Qi, can birth wood and control
fire, can moisten earth and cultivate metal, set as noble structures, even with abundant fire
earth it is not afraid.

Trey: 火土 can refer to fiery earth (Wei and Xu) or Fire and Earth, I guess in this context it
means Fire and Earth

As for Geng metal, Gui water does not rely on Geng metal to birth, but it does not mind
Geng metal being abundant.

Only combining with Wu earth it transforms into fire, Wu births Yin, Gui births Mao, all
belongs to the east direction, thus can birth Fire.

Such a hard saying, the place it does know does not fill up East and South (unsure of these
2 phrases), Wu earth furthest dwelling place, is Gui water utmost place, which is where the
sun rises, thus it transforms into fire.
Any Wu + Gui which has Bing or Ding protrude, does not matter whether it’s prosperous or
weak, in autumn or winter, all can transform into Fire, which (the transformation) is very real.

Trey: Oh really..?

Gui water is not as the saying says, water and dew, it is the water of pure Yin.

Even though it’s source (where it comes from) is long (old), it’s nature is extremely weak, it’s
intensity is most still (calm, silent) it can moisten earth and cultivate metal, it can develop
and raise creations, when it obtains dragon and luck, it’s changes cannot be estimated
(evaluated / measured)

Trey: 功化斯神 could mean变化不测

It is said meeting dragon will cause transformation, dragon is Chen, not real dragon for it to

To get dragon and transform, the god of transformation of Chen is revealed, any 10 Stems
that meet Chen will have the transformation god protruding in the Stem; this principle is fixed
and does not change.

不愁火土者,至弱之性,见火土多即从化矣;不论庚辛者,弱水不 能泄金气,所谓金多反浊
It is not worried of fire and earth, the nature that is weakest, if encounters many fire and
earth will follow and transform; it does not discuss Geng and Xin, weak water cannot
exhaust Metal Qi, thus it is aid abundant metal will make water muddy, it is Gui water.

地,纵使支遇辰龙,干透丙丁, 亦难从化,宜细详之。
To combine with Wu and transform into Fire, at the limit of Yin is the birth of Yang, Wu earth
is dry and thick, in the pillars with Bing fire protruding, the transformation god was led to
come out, thus it is considered as true.

若秋冬金水旺地,纵使支遇辰龙,干透丙丁, 亦难从化,宜细详之。
If in autumn and winter where metal and water is prosperous, even when Chen dragon is on
the branch, and Bing and Ding protrude, it is difficult to follow, it is better to be analyzed in

Trey: Liu BoWen says one thing; Ren TieQiao says another thing…

Fundamentally, Gui is the most Yin of the stems, and has the highest tendency to transform
and follow.
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天干地支 HS / EB - Part 7 Di Tian Sui - Geng Metal and Xin Metal

Di Tian Sui on Geng Metal

Geng metal carries along evil, it is most robust. With water it becomes clear, with fire it
becomes sharp. It is birthed with wet earth; it becomes brittle with dry earth. It can win Jia
(the elder brother) but loses to Yi (the little sister).

Geng metal is the TaiBai in the sky (TaiBai is a God太白金星姓李名长庚who rules over planet
Venus), it is most robust when it carries killing.
Trey: it seems to me that Geng metal favors Bing fire to be robust.

It is healthy and with water, its Qi flows and it becomes clear; it is hard and with fire, its Qi
becomes pure and it becomes sharp.

The earth that has water can complete its birth; the earth that has fire can make it brittle.

Although Jia wood is strong, Geng’s power is enough to chop it; although Yi wood is soft, it
combines and instead becomes weak.

Geng is the somber / desolate Qi of autumn; it is most tough and strong.

To obtain water and become clear, it is Ren water, Ren water develops and grows, diverts
and clears Geng’s tough and killing nature, making it to be tempered and sharper, sparkling
and translucent.

得火而锐者,丁火也,丁火阴柔,不与庚金为敌, 良冶销熔,遂成剑戟,洪炉煅炼,时露锋砧。
To obtain fire and become sharp, it is Ding fire, Ding fire is Yin and gentle, it does not regard
Geng metal as enemy, it is good for smelting the metal, make it into swords and lances, with
strong furnace to forge, it takes time to reveal its sharpness on the anvil.

Born in spring and summer, its Qi is a little weak, meeting Chou and Chen (wet earth) it is
birthed, meeting Wei and Xu (dry earth) it becomes brittle.

Jia wood is the true enemy, Geng metal strength can cut it down; combining with Yi, instead
it feels affectionate.

Yi does not fully combine with Geng to assist tyrants; Geng too would not totally combine
with Yi and become weak, it is beneficial to analyze in detail.

Di Tian Sui on Xin Metal

Xin metal is soft and weak, it’s soft (pretty as gems) and clear. It is afraid of abundant earth
(叠 means repeat), likes the surplus of water. It can assist 社稷SheJi (the God of land,
agriculture), can save living things. When it’s hot it likes mother, when it’s cold it likes Ding.

Xin is Yin metal, is neither pearl nor jade as what it is said.

Then ones that is gentle, soft, clear and pretty, are all Xin metal.

Abundant Wu and Ji earth can bury Xin, that is why it is afraid; Abundant Ren and Gui water
would make it elegant, that is why it is happy.

Xin is the minister of Bing, to combine with Bing it transforms into water, that makes Bing
fire acknowledge allegiance to Ren water, and thus camly (安 could mean peacefully, camly,
quietly etc) support 社稷SheJi;

Xin is the ruler of Jia, to combine with Bing it transforms into water, that makes Bing fire
does not scorch Jia wood, and thus it saves living things.

Born in the nine summers (meaning summer) and has Ji earth, it can diminish fire and
survive; born in the depth of winter and has Ding fire, it can match coldness and cultivate

故辛金生 于冬月,见丙火则男命不贵,虽贵亦不忠;女命克夫,不克亦不和。见丁男女皆贵且顺。
Thus, Xin metal born in winter, meets Bing fire is not noble for a man’s life, even if he’s noble
he won’t be noble; for a women’s life she would 克夫 KeFu (counter husband), even if she
does not counter her husband, she won’t be in peace (harmonize, exists peacefully) with him,
to meet with Ding for men and women is all noble and smooth.

Xin metal is the substance (material) of five metals (五金WuJin five metals refer to gold,
silver, copper, iron and tin) in the human realms, thus it is pretty and presentable.

It is afraid of abundant earth, Wu earth if too heavy, can dry up water and bury metal; it
likes the surplus of water, with the surplus of Ren water, it can moisten earth and cultivate

辛为甲之君也,丙火能焚甲木, 合而化水,使丙火不焚甲木,反有相生之象;
Xin is the ruler of Jia, Bing fire can scorch Jia wood, combine and transform into water would
make Bing fire not to scorch Jia wood, instead it has an image of engendering each other.

Xin is the minister of Bing, Bing fire can birth Wu earth, combine and transform into water
would make Bing fire not to birth Wu Earth, instead it has the beauty of assisting each other.

Is this not supporting SheJi and saving living things?

生于夏而火多,有 己土则晦火而生金;
Born in summer and fire is many, to have Ji earth can diminish fire and birth metal

Born in winter and water is prosperous, to have Ding fire can warm water and cultivate

That is said – Hot and it likes mother, Cold and it likes Ding.

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天干地支 HS / EB - Part 6 Di Tian Sui - Wu Earth and Ji Earth

Wu earth is stubborn and heavy, it is moderate and just (straight / right / principled).
Harmonious when it’s still and Majestic when it’s moving, it commands ten thousand beings.
With water to nourish, creations live, with fire to parch, creations fall sick.When positioned at
Gen and Kun, it is afraid of being clashed and is beneficial to be still (motionless).

(司命 – is a God, usually identified as WenChang, that commands life and death of humans)

Wu earth is not as what it is said to be - the walls of a castle or banks or rivers and lakes,
compared to Ji, it’s higher, thicker, tougher and drier, it is the place of origin of Ji earth
(origin as in the origin of rivers or streams etc),+ it obtains the middle Qi and it is just and

+ I am not very sure about this phrase

In Spring and Summer, its Qi is grand (majestic) and it can births creations, in Autumn and
Winter its Qi is harmonious and it completes creations, that is why it is regarded as
commanding life.

Its Qi is of Yang nature, it likes moist but not dry, sits on Yin it’s afraid of Shen, sits on Shen
it’s afraid of Yin.
Clashes would cause its roots to be moved, it’s not the right path its place, thus it’s beneficial
to be still.

Wu as Yang earth, its Qi is stubborn and heavy, resides in the middle and obtains

In Spring and Summer, Qi is moving and is grand (majestic), thus it develops and births, in
Autumn and Winter, Qi is still and harmonious, thus it keeps and stores, thus it is regarded
as the life commander of creations.

Its Qi is highly and thick,

生于春夏,火旺宜水润之,则万 物发生,燥则物枯;
Born in Spring and Summer, Fire is prosperous, it is beneficial for water to moisten, so
creations can develop and birth, if it is dry, creations will wither.

Born in Autumn and Winter, Water is abundant, it is beneficial for fire to warm, so creations
can transform can complete, if it is wet, creations will fall sick.

Gen and Kun represent the month of Yin and Shen.

It spring it is countered, its Qi is unreal (feeble, insubstantial) so stillness is beneficial.

In autumn it is greatly exhausted, its Body is thin (weak) so it is afraid of clash.

Di Tian Sui on Wu Earth

或坐寅申日,亦喜静忌 冲。
Or sitting on Yin / Shen day, it is also good to be still and bad to be clashed.

Also if it’s born in the months of four seasons (trey: possibly the months of earth), Geng,
Shen, Xin and You metal are most favorable, its elegant Qi spreads, so it is regarded as a
noble structure, it is similar for Ji earth.

If the pillars see Wood and Fire, or if they are encountered in Luck cycle, the structure is

Di Tian Sui on Ji Earth

Ji earth is low and damp, it is upright, it stores and keeps. It’s not worried about prospering
wood, or about rampaging water. Fire is little, fire dims, Metal is abundant, metal glows. If
creations are to prosper, it is better to assist and to help.

Ji Earth is lowly, thin, soft and damp, it’s the place of twigs and leaves for Wu earth, it is
mainly upright and it can store and keep creations.

Soft earth can beget woods, wood cannot counter it, thus it is not worried about prosperous
wood; deep earth can contain water, water cannot pool, thus it is not afraid of rampant

Fire without roots, cannot beget damp earth, thus fire if little, becomes dim; damp earth can
moisten metal Qi, thus metal if abundant, becomes honorable, in turn, metal can be seen to
be clear and gleaming.

I have no idea what does this mean.

无为 WuWei and 有为 YouWei– inaction (without action) and action (with action) are two
contrasting philosophical concepts. The former advocates non-action, going with the flow
while the latter advocates striving and going against the flow.

无为 Wuwei is mainly practiced by Taoism, Zen and to a lesser extent, Buddhism (Buddhism
stresses more on the Middle Way)

有为 YouWei is mainly practiced by Confucianism, Moism and Legalism.

Having said this, this sentence makes no sense to me. What was Liu BoWen thinking?

For creations to be full, blooming, growing and prospering, Ji earth’s power has to be deep
and strong, with fire Qi to warm.

Ji earth is the place of Yin and dampness, it is upright, it stores and keeps (hides), it connects
through 8 directions and prospers in 4 seasons, and it has the amazing ability to nourish
without resting.

It is not worried about prosperous wood, it’s nature is gentle and harmonious, wood borrows
it for cultivation, wood does not counter it.

It is not worried about rampant water, its body is extremely congealable, it can contain and
store water, water does not clash with it.

Little fire, fire is diminished, it is Ding fire, Yin earth can control fire, diminishes fire.

Abundant metal, metal is shined, it is Xin metal, damp earth can birth Metal, moisten and
smoothen metal.

柱中土气深固,又得丙火去其阴湿之气,更足以滋 生万物,所谓宜助宜帮者也。
In the pillars, the earth Qi is deep and strong, and there’s also Bing fire to take out the Qi of
Yin and dampness, that is sufficient to birth and nourish creations, that is the saying of
‘beneficial to assist and to help”
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天干地支 HS / EB - Part 5 Di Tian Sui - Bing Fire and Ding Fire

Di Tian Sui on Bing Fire

Bing fire is fierce and intense; it bullies the frosts and insults the snows. It can forge Geng
metal but meeting Xin, it becomes afraid. With abundant earth it becomes compassionate,
becomes prominent with rampant water. In the places of tiger, horse and dog, when Jia wood
comes, it will be burnt.

Fire is the essence of Yang, Bing fire represent the extreme of Yang brilliance, thus it’s fierce
and intense, it’s not afraid of autumn and it bullies the frosts, it’s not afraid of winter and it
insults the snows. Although Geng metal is tough, it can be forged by Bing, Xin metal is soft
by nature, to combine it in turn becomes weak.

Earth is the children, to meet with many Wu and Ji, it becomes the virtue of love and
compassion; water is its lord, to meet with prosperious Ren and Gui, it shows the air of
prominence. And because Wei follows the fiery nature, meeting Yin Wu and Xu, Jia wood
would become parched and burnt.

Bing is the Fire of pure Yang, it’s power is fierce and intense, bullies frosts and insults snows,
has the ability to remove coldness and defrost.

Can forge Geng metal meets **** and it can counter; but meeting Xin it becomes afraid, it
combines with gentleness and resides in peace (harmony)

土众成慈,不凌下也; 水猖显节,不援上也。
With abundant earth it becomes compassionate, it wont suppress the ones below; With fierce
water it becomes prominent and wont support the ones above.

The ones in the places of Tiger, Horse and Dog, EB sits on Yin, Wu and Xu, the intensity of
fire is overly strong, to have Jia wood to support would in turn be burnt.

由此论之,From this discussion

To exhaust its might, must use Ji Earth; to stop its flame, must use Ren Water; to follow its
nature, Xin metal is a must.

Ji earth is a body of lowly and wetness, it can accept the Qi of primordial Yang; Wu earth is
highly and dry, to meet Bing fire it would become burnt and cracked

Ren water has the virtue of being moderately tough, it can control the explosive fiery of fire;
Gui water is Yin and gentle, meeting Bing Fire it would dry up.

辛金柔软之物,明作合而相亲, 暗化水而相济;
Xin metal is something that is gentle and soft, in appearance they matches and marries, in
obscurity they transforms into water and aid each other.

Geng metal is tough and strong, tough meeting tough, the two won’t exist together.

This uses the 5 elements as examples, to apply it to matters and relationships of human; it
cannot be not the same!

Di Tian Sui on Ding Fire

Ding fire is gentle and moderate; its intrinsic nature is brilliant and harmonious. Embracing Yi
it is filial, combining Ren it is loyal. It is prosperous but not intense, it is waned but not poor,
if there’s the first mother (the children of the concubines address the first (legitimate) wife as
嫡母), it can be autumn, it can be winter.

Ding Stem belongs to Yin, It is fire in nature although it is Yin, it is gentle and it has

It is soft on the outside but it is civilized on the inside, how can its intrinsic nature not be
brilliant and harmonious?

Yi is not the first mother of Ding, Yi is afraid of Xin but embraces Ding, Is not as good as Jia
when meeting Bing Jia wood would be burnt, is not as good as Yi when embracing Ding Yi
wood would obscure Ding Fire, its filial piety is different from people.

壬也,其忠异乎人 矣。
Ren is Ding’s true ruler, Ren is afraid of Wu so it combines with Ding, on the outside it
comforts Wu earth, that makes Wu earth stops bullying Ren, on the inside it transforms into
the God of wood in conceal, that makes Wu earth not to defy Ren, its loyalty is different from
Born in Autumn and Winter, to has one Jia Wood, Ding fire can depends on that Wood and
will not be extinguished, and its flame would be inexhaustible, thus it can be in autumn and
can be in winter. These are all the paths of gentleness.

Ding fire is not as the saying that is it of lamps and candles, it is more like Bing fire, but
gentle and moderate.

The intrinsic nature that is brilliant and harmonious is an image of civilization.

To embrace Yi and becoming Filial, in appearance, it makes Xin metal not to hurt Yi Wood.

To combine with Ren and becoming Loyal, in obscurity, it makes Wu earth not to hurt Ren

Unfortunately, in its gentleness and moderation, there’s a disadvantage because it will not go
over (beyond) nor will it be insufficient,

Even at times when it’s riding on prosperity, it would not reach an awe-inspiring flame.

Even at times when it’s succumbing to declination, it would not be totally put off /

With Jia or Yi protrude in HS, born in autumn, it’s not afraid of Metal;

With Yin or Mao hidden in EB, born in winter, water is not a taboo
Posted by Big Fish at 6:03 AM 7 comments:
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天干地支 HS / EB - Part 4 Di Tian Sui - Jia Wood and Yi Wood

Di Tian Sui on Jia Wood
Jia Wood attends to Heaven, to emerge from the womb needs fire. In spring it does not
tolerate metal, in autumn it does not tolerate earth. Fire ablaze, it rides on dragon, water
dissipates, it rides on tiger. Earth is moistened (smoothened) and Heaven is in harmony, the
plant stands for thousands of centuries.

++ I like this paragraph, it’s so poetic.

Wood of pure Yang, attends heaven (grows tall) masculine and tough.
Fire is the offspring of Wood, it’s glorious for prosperous Wood to obtain fire. When born in
Spring, it bullies Metal and does not tolerate metal; when born in autumn it assists metal and
does not tolerate Earth.

寅午戌,丙丁多见而坐辰,则能归 ;申子辰,壬癸多见而坐寅,则能纳。
Yin, Wu and Xu, Bing Ding is abundant and sit on Chen, is able to return, Shen Zi and Chen,
Ren Gui is abundant and sit on Yin, is able to accept.

It makes Earth Qi not to dry, water Qi not to disappear, can be in ChangSheng.

Jia is the wood of pure Yang, its core is tough and obstinate, its influence attends to heaven,
is extremely masculine and strong.

When it’s born in early spring, wood is soft and Qi is cold, is gloried with fire; when it’s born
in middle of spring, its extremely strong influence should be exhausted.

所谓强木得火,方化其 顽。
It’s said that only when strong wood obtains fire, it can transform away its stubbornness.

The one that counters is Metal, but when Metal is resting or trapped, waned Metal to counter
prosperous Wood, Strong wood would make metal lack, thus in spring wood does not tolerate

When born in autumn, it’s a waning period for wood, even though its twigs and leaves has
fallen, its roots is still unyielding, the one that is countered is Earth.

Autumn Earth gives birth to Metal and exhausts its own Qi, has the weakest Qi.

The earth with very weak Qi, when it is attacked by wood, cannot nurture the roots of wood,
instead it falls into danger, thus in autumn, wood does not tolerate Earth.

柱中寅午戌全,又透丙丁,不惟泄气太过,而木且被焚,宜坐辰,辰 为水库,其土湿,湿土能生木泄火,所
When Yin Wu and Xu are complete in the pillars, with Bing and Ding protrudes, not only wood
is over exhausted, it is burnt, sitting on Chen is beneficial, Chen as the storage of water, is
wet earth, wet Earth can nurture wood and exhaust fire, it is called “Fire ablaze sits on


With Shen Zi and Chen, and protrude Ren and Gui, overwhelming water makes wood to float,
it is beneficial to sit on Yin, Yin is the birth place of Fire and Earth, it’s the prosperous stage
of wood, it can contain water Qi, stops it from overflowing and prevent wood from floating, it
is called “Water dissipates sits on Tiger”

If metal is not sharp, earth is not parched, fire is not intense, water is not fierce, the woods
would not stand for thousands of centuries and obtain ChangSheng!

Di Tian Sui on Yi Wood

Yi wood even though is gentle; it cuts goats and frees cows. It contains Ding and wraps Bing,
rides on phoenixes and monkeys. On wet and unreal places, riding on Horse is worrisome.
Vines that wraps around trees, can be spring and be autumn.

Yi wood, born in spring is like peaches and plums, in summer is like cereals and grains,
in summer is like spurges and laurels, in autumn is like QiPa (a rarely seen exotic flower)

Sits on Chou and Wei can counter Earth, is like slaughtering goats and cows, if there’s one
Bing or Ding, even if born in the month of Shen or You, it’s not said to be like that; if born in
Zi month, with Ren or Gui protrude, even though it sits on Wu, it can hardly happen.

Thus it's good to know that sitting on Chou and Wei month is good (beautiful)

Jia and Yin are many, good relationship with brothers, it’s like vines growing on big trees, it’s
not afraid of being cut down.

Yi wood, has the substance of Jia, bears (continues/receives) the birth Qi of Jia.

In spring is like Peaches and Plums, Metal counters and it withers

In summer is like grains, it lives when water nourishes.

In autumn is like spurges and laurels, metal is prosperous fire controls.

In winter is like QiPa, fire, wet earth to cultivate.

Born in spring, fire is beneficial, fond of it and becomes glorious

Born in summer, water is beneficial, moisten the parched earth.

Born in autumn, fire is beneficial, to use it to counter metal.
Born in winter, fire is beneficial, to melt the freeze of heaven.

割羊解牛者,生于丑未月,或乙未乙丑日,未乃木库,得以蟠根, 丑乃湿土,可以受气也。
Slaughtering goats and cows, is born in Chou or Wei Month or on Yi Wei / Yi Chou day, Wei is
the storage of Wood, to obtain Wei denotes deep roots, Chou is wet earth, can receive its Qi.

Contain Ding / embrace Bing, rides on phoenix and monkey, is born in the month of Shen or
You, or Yi You day, to have Bing or Ding protrude in heaven, with water they don’t dispute
and counter, control and transformation become beneficial, is not afraid of strong metal.

虚湿之地,骑马亦忧者,生于亥 子月,四柱无丙丁,又无戌未燥土,即使年支有午,亦难发生也。天干甲透
The place of void and wetness, the one that is riding horse is worried, is born in the month of
Hai and Zi, In the four pillars there’s no Bing nor Ding, also without Xu and Wei (dry earth),
even though there’s a Wu in the year pillar, it is hard to take place. Jia protrudes as HS,
hides in Yin HS, this is called 鸢萝系松柏 (the vine of iris entangles the conifers), in spring it’s
stubborn and it gains assistance, in autumn it’s also being supported, thus it is said to be ‘can
be in spring, can be in autumn’, it can be in all 4 seasons.

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