Ken Lai Tahun 2008 Bazi

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Obama and 3-Penalties

(Click on the image to enlarge it for reading)

Someone has posted Obama's birth certificate in the web. It matches my estimation of
his birth hour--- 7pm, Xu or dog hour.

I've estimated it is Xu hour because Obama rises to the top pretty quickly, so he must
have some sort of 3-penalties. And his charts shows he has a "built-in" 3-penalties.
Also Xu hour matches the predictions of his ZWDS chart too.
Enclosed is the 4-Pillars chart of Obama. You can match his life events with the links

Obama's year and month pillars "fan yin" or fight against each other from top to bottom,
indicates an unstable and difficult childhood.

The void branches/kong bong are interesting! Void means nothing or "not there". Obama
has void branches in both spouse and children palace. His wife Michelle could have be a
goner/korban easily, had the day branch si not been the void branch. Same to Obama,
he would have suffered many accidents and surgeries.

It is possible that Michelle Obama may have a "tough/buruk" or "equally-

jinxing/membawa sial" 4P chart herself (I've not checked it yet) which may even out
with her husband's.

Void branches at children palace or hour pillar may mean-- the day-master (Obama) has
little or no karma with children (either little relationship, physically separated or children
die prematurely) or does not get support from children during old age. He is unlikely/tak
mungkin to have male heir/waris.

You may notice that major events are likely to happen when Obama's 3-penalty
elements show up again in annual luck. His father had died of an auto accident in Xuyear
(1982). Xu is part of the 3-penalties element.

Also when hai or pig year comes, it clashes with his "bloody knife" or spouse palace. His
"mother star" resides in spouse palace, hinting close relationship or significant influence
on him. Obama's mother had died in a hai year (1995) with ovarian cancer (sickness
matches the hai element).

See if you can track down his "sources" of current power lucks-- the power that may
propel/mendorong him to become the first black president of the United States. It is in
the branches.... it is pretty powerful. But you may need my "4P Bootcamp" manual to
figure that out.
Obama's hidden potential for power and leadership is much stronger than what he has
shown externally. His "power luck" runs for 20 years and will be gone when he reaches
60 years old.

Obama's 3-penalties seems to affect his close relatives more--- father and mother had
died relatively young. Too bad that I am older than Obama and may not live long enough
to see how his 3-penalties affect his own wife and children./pengaruh anak istri

3-penalties jinx close relatives/keluarga more than the day-master. However, 3-

penalties can be positive under certain conditions.

There is a "loner with few relatives" (gua-su) shen-sha in his hour pillar. Hour pillar
stands for the last stage of his life. So this hints that he may live alone with most close
relatives passed away or live far away when he gets old.

Also, if Obama gets elected, 2009 (ji-chou year) does not seem to be his lucky year!!
Annual Ji (his bi-jian, peer or competitor) may snatch/mengambil his "guan" or power.
This may mean losing his presidency (a possible death or scandal, as chou is also a 3-
penalties element), facing tough/keras competitions or pressure from peers/kawan, OR
disgraced/malu in his old job if not elected. But the probability of occurrence seems low
as his overall current 10-year luck is still positive/tay yun masih bagus. Besides, he has
both Tian-De and Yi-De Nobleman stars to pull him out of trouble./ada thian tek gwat

I deliberately read only part of the chart, so that you may have fun doing your own
reading and interpretations.

Keseimpulan : xing /san xing 3 penalti pasti membawa duka atas dirinya atau orang lain.

Ken Lai


Month Breaker (Yue Po) Effect?/efek ciong bulan

Today is August 30 and coincidentally, also the 30th day of the lunar month. In terms of Chinese
calendar, the current month is the 7th month of the year, geng-shen (metal monkey) month and the
day is ren-yin (water tiger)./teci hari sama bulan ciong

According to date-selection rule, a tiger-day in a monkey month is considered as a "month breaker"

day-- inauspicious because tiger clashes monkey in the Chinese zodiac.

Here is an extract from my "Practical Date-Selection Methods" manual:

Month Breaker (Yue Po)/

If you use this day:
• Frustrations. Things do not flow.
• Arguments and conflicts.
• Business negotiations will be unsuccessful.
• Contracts and marriages are unsuccessful. /kontrak dan perkawinan

Today I read the web edition of Hong Kong's Ming Pao newspaper. It has a heading of:

"Within 6 hours, 4 Mental patients jumped to their death "
(in Chinese)

Here is the info, on August 30, 2008:

2:23am-- 36 years old man jumped to his death from a building

(Chou hour)
4:50am-- 48 years old man jumped to his death from a building
(yin hour)
5:21am -- 49 years old man jumped to his death from a building
(mao hour)
8:30am -- 37 years old woman jumped from third floor of a building, survived
(chen hour)

The incidents happened in different districts of Hong Kong.

Some striking data emerged:
1. All are mental patients, so they were not rational and were more likely affected by external forces
like magnetism or planetary influences./pengaruh magnet bumi
2. Two victims are at the age of "violating Tai Sui" or Grand Duke (36 and 48 years old). The
remaining two are just one year after violating Grand Duke.
3. All incidents happened in the morning.

Are these the effects of "month breaker" or "Grand Duke violation" or just coincidence?
Ken Lai


"iPhone Girl" and 3-penalties

Check out the amazing story of a mysterious Chinese factory girl,

the"iPhone Girl":
Her pictures are unintentionally show up in an iPhone purchased at UK. In less than a week, she
becomes a global internet sensation and the top 10 searches of search engines. There are fan
websites setup for her both inside and outside China.

There is a saying in 4-Pillars, "A gentleman will not be prosperous/makmur without being penalized."

Very often, we found the very rich or successful persons have a semi-3-penalty in their 4P charts.

People with overnight/semalam fame and/or success, sometimes, are due to a 3-penalties formed
with luck period/s in their 4P charts.

However, 3-penalties can also cause serious injuries or even death to the person OR his/her close
When will a 3-penalties be positive or negative to a person? It all depends on the relationship
between branch elements involved in the 3-penalties and the day-master
(Take my "4P Bootcamp" if you want to know more).

So far I have not found the iPhone Girl's birthday.

Ken Lai

MONDAY, MAY 26, 2008

5-elements your way to the bank?

I was in Hong Kong last month. While I walked in a subway station, I saw billboards
advertising a "5-Elements Money Market Fund".
"Great! More work opportunities for Chinese Metaphysics folks!" I thought.

This morning, Mr. Li Zhao Ji (李兆基), a multi-billionaire, a.k.a. "Asia Stock God"
("亞洲股神") talks about "5-elements theory of stock trading" (炒股五行論). For details,

please check the following link (in Chinese):

http://www.cdnews. site/docDetail. jsp?coluid= 114&docid=
http://news. xinhuanet. com/fortune/ 2007-12/05/ content_7203235. htm
For basic theory of stock trade and 5-elements, please click this link (in Chinese):
http://hkstock. 080212/132, 1357,3778655, 00.shtml
In the last few years, some well-intended folks are trashing 5-elements applications in
4P, Feng Shui and others.

While there are limits of 5-elements, they are still the cornerstone of Chinese

5-elements are not just physical metal, water, wood, fire and earth.

To apply 5-elements theory in terms of qi (energy), in terms of actual physical elements

or just in terms of symbols, is situation-specific. It is not easy to throw out the 5-
element concept without upsetting/memmbingungkan the whole equation.
Humans and living beings are all under the influence of 5-elements. You either become
an immortal or dead when 5-elements stop affecting you.

Well, time for a cup of tea (Darn! Water-element controls me again! Maybe I should
draw a Kan hexagram and eat it instead.)
Ken Lai

TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2008

4-Pillars Reading.... for CATS?

I can see your eyeballs rolling with $-signs--- expands your 4P service to cat clients!
The story begins last year when I wrote in my blog about my 8-year old niece Sammy
adopted a female kitten Mimi. Mimi shows close attachment to my brother Jimmy but
not his wife Jane. I have joked about this cat may be the reincarnation of his former love
from his previous life.

Not to be outdone/dikalahkan, Jimmy's wife adopted a male kitten Goldie. It by chance

also shows close attachment to her but not my brother! Another former love

"In Daoist (Taoist) and Buddhist literature, stories of some deceased reincarnate into
animals to get close to their current or previous life love ones are pretty common. This
also explains some incredible animal stories of saving their masters or animals with
unusually high IQ."
Now the story continues...

I stayed at their home when I was in Hong Kong and met the cats. The family has
spoiled the cats-- they let them roam on dinner table, computer desk or anywhere!

The first thing that Jane and Jimmy do when they returned from work is
hugging/memeluk their own cat and not their only kid. But the kid is happy to play with
two cats.

One evening, while I was reading the current 4P luck of Jane, she suddenly asked me,
"Can you do 4P reading for my cats?"

"What? 4P for cats? Darn, why not? Do you have their birthdays?" Actually in my mind, I
thought she must be crazy and bet she does not have the cats' birthday data.

It turned out the cats were home-bred by her pals/sahabat, so she got the birthdays!

Hence the first two cat 4P readings in history happened unexpectedly.

Here is the 4P of female cat Mimi:

Y: ding-hai
M: ding-wei
D: gui-chou
H: unknown

It is likely a weak Gui-water daymaster. Interesting coincidence-- Jane is also a

weak gui-water DM!

Here is the 4P of male cat Goldie:

Y: ding-hai
M: ding-wei
D: ji-si
H: unknown

It is likely a strong Ji-earth daymaster. Another super-unexpected coincidence-- Jimmy

is a strong ji-earth DM with the SAME ji-si day-pillar!
I almost fell onto the ground when I compared the owners and cats' daymasters.

A cat's fortune depends on its owner's luck cycle/tay yun pemilik. So what I look for is
just the karmic linkage/hubungan to the cat owner, though other things like
compatibility with owners and personalities can possibly be deduced. Of course, this will
need more testing before launching it to the public.

Jimmy's wife's DM is gui and so is the female cat. Chance for that happens is 1/10 (since
there are 10 stems).

Jane's husband's Day pillar is ji-si and so is the male cat. Probability for occurrence is
1/60 (since there are 60jia-zi or binomials).

In actual 4P, Gui-water is the wife of Ji-earth DM.

The probability of fitting/pas the husband and wife in a row with the cats is 10 x 60 or 1
in 600.

This 4P testing seems to support the theory of deceased love one's reincarnation into pet
to get another chance for meeting past or present love ones. Or to the least, the
coincidence of this case is "beyond/diluar chance".
Maybe we can start a new branch of 4P service-- "pet karmic linkage testing".

Ken Lai


Jennifer Lopez's new twins
Jennifer Lopez has given birth to a girl and then boy early today.;_ylt=AmQzjjT

The report does not say the exact time of birth other than "the babies were born shortly
after midnight".

I would guess the twins were born in early zi hour (00:00- 00:59). If that is the case,
the twins will have a challenging future:


10-YEAR LUCKS will be different for the twins since one is a girl and the other is a boy.

There is a special way to handle twins' 4P chart. It is discussed in my "4P Bootcamp" list.

If born in early zi hour, the boy will have good life for the first 30- 40 year of life
whereas the girl will have mostly challenging life throughout her life.

One hour difference will change the daymaster (the twins) from strong to weak.

If the birth hour is xin-chou (after 1 am), then the girl will have mostly great life and the
boy will have pretty great life except a challenging teenhood and some rough time
between 25- 34 years old.

Let's wait and see if we can live long enough.

Ken Lai


According to Buddhism, every lunar month has eight auspicious days that you can take
advantage of to enhance your good karma “credits”. When you do “good” or “bad” deed
in these days, the karma points (good or bad) will be multiplied numerous times
according to following formula.

First day of the lunar month/hari pertama

100 times karma credit: Ding-Huang Buddha day 定王佛日

--examples, 3/8, 4/6, 5/5 (dates for year 2008 only)

8th day of the lunar month

1000 times karma credit: Bhaisajya Guru Vaidurya Prabharajah Buddha day 藥師佛日

--examples, 3/15, 4/13, 5/12

10th day of the lunar month

100,000 times karma credit: A Thousand Buddhas in Good Kalpaa Buddha day 千佛日

--examples, 3/17, 4/15, 5/14

15th day of the lunar month

1 Million times karma credit: Amitabha Buddha day 無量佛日

--examples, 2/15, 3/22, 4/20, 5/19

18th day of the lunar month

10 Million times karma credit: Avalokitesvara- Great Compassion Bodhisattva day 觀世音

--examples, 2/24, 3/25, 4/23, 5/22

21st day of the lunar month

100 Million times karma credit: Earth Treasury King Great Vow Bodhisattva day 地藏王菩

--examples, 2/27, 3/28, 4/26, 5/25

25th day of the lunar month

100,000 times karma credit: Padmasambhava day 蓮師日

--examples, 3/2, 4/1, 4/30, 5/29

30th day of the lunar month
900 Million times karma credit: Shakyamuni Buddha 釋迦牟尼佛日

--examples, 3/7, 6/3

To take advantage of these auspicious days, you may:

--Do charity work like donation or give alms/sedekah
--Eat vegetarian food
--Donate blood/donor darah
--Release animals, birds, aquatic animals back to the wild

This is an ingenious/pintar system—people are motivated to do good deeds or at least,

avoid doing bad behaviors during these 8 auspicious days. You may notice that the end
of the lunar month has the highest karma credit ratio of 900 Million— huge incentive for
people to donate money, so that temples can pay for the routine end of the month

Well, today is the 15th day of the lunar month with 1 million times karma credit for good
(and bad) deeds. It is not too late for you to take advantage of it--- use your Paypal
account or credit card to donate money to charity or simply go vegetarian for the day or
just chant a little bit for world peace.

You definitely don’t want to beat up your wife or cheat the old lady next door today – it
will cost you 1 million bad karma points.
Ken Lai


The Rat is coming! Feng Shui & 4-Pillars Precautions/tindakan

Hi Pals,

Congratulations! You have (almost) survived the Year of Pig!

The Year of Rat will start in about 2 weeks. However, we have already sensed the
change of energy or qi. We can do our Feng Shui and 4P remedies now.

In terms of Feng Shui, this is the annual chart for the Year of Rat:/tahunan


5-yellow disaster star is in the South. My garage is in the South! I have just tied a brass
wind-chime/lonceng angin to the garage door opener, so that whenever the garage door
is opened, there will be pleasant metal sound to neutralize the 5-yellow energy. If 5-
yellow is in your bedroom or places that have lots of movement, put a coin-salt solution
fix/memperbaiki there. Avoid movement in 5-yellow area is the best policy.

2-black sickness star is in the Northwest. Put some metal or 6 copper coins will fix it.

8-wealth star is in the east. You can put a water fountain or things that move a lot there
to energize the wealth energy.

9-purple fire star is in the southeast and also good for wealth (non-regular income). You
can create movement there.

In terms of 4-pillars, the followings are possible scenarios for the branches:

rat (zi):
-- clashes with wu-horse
-- penalizes with mao-rabbit
-- harms ("hai") you-rooster/salah harusnya po
-- breaks ("po") wei-ram/salah harusnya hai

-- combines with shen-monkey and/or chen-dragon

-- combines with hai-pig AND chou-ox

The most serious one is zi-wu clash because both are pure and strong energies (2 of the
4 cardinal energies). It signifies bloody events or major traffic accidents.
The next worse one is zi-mao penalty. It signifies major sickness or major fall from
grace. Sometimes it jinxes/mencelakakan close relatives of the day-master.

As for the stems, wu-earth (of wu-zi rat year)

-- combines with gui-water to form fire
-- controls or "ke" ren-water/jim air
-- being controlled or "ke" by jia-wood

People with ren-water or jia-wood DM should be cautious, esp. jia-wood DM.

People with ren-zi or jia-zi day-pillar should pray or do more charity work this year and
pay more attention to the marriage department-- separation, divorce or death of spouse
are possible.

I'll have a course on how to enhance 4P fortunes and fix 4P problems like the above. But
for the time being/sementara waktu, if you run into zi-wu clash, zi-mao penalty, wu-ren
clash and the like.... go donate blood (do a blood test if you can't donate blood), do
charity work or send money to me (just kidding).

Best Wishes!
Ken Lai


Missing hour reconstruction & the man who was killed by his own
It is not unusual that when we read a chart, the hour is missing. One out of four pillars
or 25% missing data can change the reading drastically.

There are many "tricks of the trade" in hour pillar reconstruction--- from hair
ring/lingkaran rambut location, sleep posture, birth order, divination methods like yi-
jing or Plum Flower,cell-phone trick (calling God?) or simply doing it the old fashion way-
-- trying all 12 possible hours by matching DM's (daymaster) major life events,
personalities and family relationships.
This is an exercise to do 4P hour pillar reconstruction based on available data.

A hunter was killed by his own dog which accidentally stepped on the trigger of his
hunting rifle.
Here is the news:
http://www.newstin. com/sim/us/ 37414720/ en-009-000866003
Here is the obituary and an excerpt of it:
http://www.baytowns lasso?ewcd= b1a0e657be57b41e

Perry Alvin Price, III, 46, of Baytown was born April 7, 1961 in Baytown, Texas to Carol
Ann and Perry A. Price, Jr. He passed away January 5, 2008. Perry was
preceded/mendahului in death by his dad.

He is survived by his wife of two and a half years, Kelli “K.C.” Price; his mother Carol
Ann Price; two step children, Jessie and Jacob Campbell; his brother and sister-in-law,
Michael and Jane Price of Houston; his brother and sister-in-law, Dennis and Nancy Ann
Price of Trinity; his sister and brother-in-law, Patricia and Gerald Payne of Mont Belvieu;
his sister and brother-in-law, Nancy and Andy Jacobs of Baytown; nieces and nephews,
Stephen, Elizabeth, and Kimberly Price of Houston; Teri Ann Price of Kingsland, Dennis
Price II of Kingsland, Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Marshall Price and his wife
Sandy of Chesterfield, Michigan, Abigail Price and Shane Moore of Huntsville, Rebekah
Price Conner and husband Beau of Huntsville; Garrett and Whitney Payne of Mont
Belvieu; Price, Georgeanne, and Trace Jacobs of Baytown; great nieces and nephews,
Kelly, Kylie, and Kaden Price of Kingsland; and a multitude of friends and other family
members who adored/memuja him.

Perry loved the outdoors. He especially loved hunting ducks and geese, trapping wild
hogs, and training his dogs. His favorite place to be was out at the lease/sewa with his
wife and friends. In fact, it was because of this circle of friends that he met his wife, the
love of his life and his soul mate. Perry and K.C, as he called her, married on the beach
near the lease on June 1, 2005.

I don't mean to bore you with tedious details. These details provide important clues for
the 4P reader to do the hour-pillar reconstruction./cara memprediksi pilar jam
Victim's 4P chart:
born April 7, 1961
Y: xin-chou
M: ren-chen
D: geng-wu
H: Unknown (estimate: xin-si or ding-hai)

10YL: ding-hai
Annual luck: ding-hai

Date he died:

Y: ding-hai
M: ren-zi
D: jia-chen
H: Unknown


A major question comes to mind is: is this a strong, close to balance or weak DM? A
balanced DM is even harder to read.

Then you look at the major events in his life. In this case, death occurred, so current
year must be negative for him.

Another way is to look at his family members. In the obituary, we know DM had quite a
few siblings and was sociable.

Perry loved the outdoors. He especially loved hunting ducks and geese..." Ducks and
geese is you-metal (xin). DM likes hunting them. Sign of weak metal too.

Here we run into a major problem: DM with many siblings is likely to be a strong DM.
However, sociable DM is also likely to be a weak DM!

Then the year ding-hai should be negative to DM. We know his 10-year luck is also ding-
hai-- fu-yin 10-year luck and annual luck. This is the first clue that fire and/ or water
may not be favorable to him.

Fu-yin is not always negative. Fan-yin is always negative. In this case, both fu-
yin and fan-yin elements are there (see below).

With this info, you need to "plug-in" all the 12 possible Chinese hours to "reconstruct"
the hour pillar. This is very labor-intensive if you do not use a 4P chart calculator like the
one I have in:

With fire and water being unfavorable, it is a sign of weak DM.

However, this DM had quite a few siblings, the chart should show siblings, so likely the
hour pillar should have more peer/kawan stars (metal).

We need to find an hour that "gives" more siblings yet DM will remain weak.

After plugging in 12 different possibilities- - xin-si hours looks very possible-- xin added
one peer star(bi-jian); si adds another hidden one. Si clashes with hai; hai-haiself-
penalty (killed by own gun). DM is still weak with xin-si.

When you further look at the day and month of death-- jia of jia-chen day clashed with
geng DM; zi of ren-zi month clashed with spouse palace (this is almost a "fan-yinto day
pillar); then hai-zi-chou (zi from death date; chou from birth year) combine to form
strong water-3-meeting; 2-ding fire also "burn" geng DM. All these clashes and penalties
could be hard to overcome for a weak DM.

A major clash or fan-yin to Day-pillar may not kill the DM, but with additional clashes
and penalties in in other stems and branches will throw the DM out of balance.

Interesting note is that chou is within the Gen trigram. Gen is dog according to yi-jing.
So chou can be considered as a dog in DM's chart. Chou was favorable to weak gengDM
(GM likes dog), but it was combined into forming a huge ocean of water during the date
of accident (can be perceived as blood); DM's major artery was shot accidentally
triggered by his hunting dog. He was bled to death.
There are lots of imageries hidden in these 2 charts. It will take a long time and space to
write it out. I let your imagination take over.

Ken Lai

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