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Cities, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp.

331–345, 2001
Pergamon  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.
PII: S0264-2751(01)00026-9 All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
0264-2751/01 $ - see front matter

Urban Management
Concepts, Principles, Techniques and Education
B. K. Chakrabarty*
A-10 Qutab Enclave (Phase-I), Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110016, India

The paper outlines the limitations of conventional practice for resource-efficient and equitable
solutions of urban problems in the context of urban dynamics and uncertainties, and the need
for an integrated management approach. It presents a concept of integrated urban management
based on management theory and a systems approach, and argues that many principles of
traditional management – such as the principles of productivity, social responsiveness and
flexibility – are equally applicable to urban management in order to overcome these limitations.
Similarly, many techniques of traditional management – such as management science, oper-
ations research (OR) and computer-aided design (CAD) – are also applicable in urban manage-
ment at various system levels, in order to achieve efficiency and equity in the urbanization
and development process. Computer-aided techniques for analysis and optimization of urban
built form, and for optimal design and drafting in urban development, incorporating OR, are
presented as urban planning and management tools to improve productivity and equity in
urban operations. Basic features of the software CAUB and HudCAD, and their application,
are illustrated with examples. The need for education in urban management, to facilitate appli-
cation of such principles and management techniques and to solve urban problems in a
resource-efficient manner while fulfilling the needs of multiple-stakeholders, is stressed.  2001
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Urban management, Systems approach, Productivity, Social responsiveness, Management techniques

Introduction flexibility principles could help overcome such limi-

tations. It presents a concept of integrated urban man-
Urbanization is the most dominant phenomenon in all
agement, based on management theory, which incor-
developing countries. Studies show that urbanization
porates five managerial functions, ie planning,
and the economic development status of a country are
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling (Koontz
intimately linked (World Bank, 1990, 1991; Smith,
and Weihrich, 1990; Koontz and O’Donnel, 1976). It
1975; Cheema, 1993). However, urbanization tends to
is argued that many principles of traditional manage-
accentuate a number of problems, such as inadequate
ment, such as the principles of productivity, social
housing and urban services (water, sanitation, trans-
port and so on), spiraling land prices and construction responsiveness and flexibility, are equally applicable
costs, proliferation of slums, pollution and deterio- in urban management, and in this context urban plan-
ration of the urban environment. Urban professionals ning should be viewed as one of the five urban mana-
can make significant improvement to the urban gerial functions to achieve the goals resource-
environment by adopting an integrated management efficiently and with equity. In traditional manage-
approach, in order to resolve the conflicting interests ment, operations research and computer-aided design
of multiple-stakeholders and achieve equity, while (CAD) are important techniques to improve pro-
keeping in view urban dynamics and uncertainties. ductivity (Koontz and Weihrich, 1990; Koontz and
The paper highlights the limitations of conventional O’Donnel, 1976). Such traditional computer-aided
practice in achieving efficiency and equity, and how management techniques, if oriented to urban oper-
an integrated management approach incorporating ations, could be equally useful in urban management
to improve productivity. The paper presents the sali-
ent features of two examples of software, one for
*Tel.: +91 011-696-3927; e-mail: computer-aided analysis of urban built form to facili-

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

tate application of flexibility principles, and the other The relationship between FAR and Built Unit Density
incorporating both operations research (OR) and (BUD, ie number of BUs per unit area), and between
CAD. Utility of the software CAUB and HudCAD, FAR and Ground Coverage Ratio (GCR) could be
as urban planning and management tools, is illustrated expressed as follows:
with example problems. The need for urban manage-
ment education as a subject (for base disciplines FAR
working in the urban sector) and as a distinct disci- BUD = (2)
pline (to produce professional urban managers) is
stressed, to help application of an integrated urban
management approach using modern management FAR
techniques, to solve urban problems efficiently and GCR = (3)
equitably. BR

Conventional practice – limitations and need The above expressions can be used for any type of
for an integrated management approach urban development, ie residential, office and commer-
cial development, and for any size of the
In urban operations, multiple actors representing vari- planning/development area. In conventional practice,
ous urban organizations and coming from a number of urban planners limit FAR, frequently without estab-
disciplines (urban planning, architecture, engineering, lishing the scientific relationships between variables,
geography, sociology, economics, finance and so on), as above. We may take, as an example, a limiting
have to work together at each system level. To solve FAR=1 specified by a local government, and a
urban problems efficiently, it is imperative to inte- medium rise walk-up residential development (say
grate activities at each system level. In conventional BR=4) with BUS of 60 m2 chosen by a low-income
practice, planners attempt to integrate key urban prob- community. A density of about 167 BUs per hectare
lem dimensions in their plans. Usually, they have little is achieved, and to comply with the above limiting
role in other managerial functions (organizing, value of FAR, the community will have to provide
staffing, leading and controlling). Urban adminis- open space (SPO) of 45 m2 per BU (75% of the BUS,
trators are rarely imparted the intimate knowledge of giving a GCR of only 25%) which is much higher
urban issues, their complexities and interactions and than the standard (usually 15–20 m2 per BU, as speci-
of the modern systems management techniques, tools fied by the Bureau of Indian Standards for such types
and information technology, to enable them to take of development). This may increase the cost per BU
an integrated urban management approach. Similarly, beyond affordability, adversely affecting the welfare
each discipline working in the urban sector tends to principle on which this limiting value of FAR is
look at the urban problems only from its own angle. specified. If an open space standard of 20 m2 per BU
As a result, an integrated management approach is is adopted, a higher value of FAR=1.71 will have to
rather difficult in practice, as we illustrate below. be allowed, achieving a higher density of 286 BUs
per hectare, thereby reducing the incidence of land
Urban planning, development control, efficiency and cost per BU and improving the affordability. As a
equity in urbanization policy, there should be no objection to such flexibility
One of the objectives of urban planning and develop- in planning regulations, as the open space standard
ment controls is to take care of deficiencies in the has been fulfilled and the low-income households
market, in terms of making allowances for exter- may give more priority to the built-space per dwell-
nalities, making adequate provision for open space ing-unit (BUS) with a reasonable open space. If a
and for future demand and so on, as individuals may low-rise of BR=2 is imposed, as is conventional prac-
not be the best judges of their own welfare because tice (NCU, 1988), it can be shown, using the CAUB
of inadequate knowledge (Harvey, 1987; Smith, software discussed later, that to achieve the same den-
1975). An urban planner/administrator adopts a pre- sity (ie 286 BU/hectare), open space will be reduced
scriptive principle of Floor Area Ratio (FAR) as a to only 5 m2 per BU, giving a very high Ground
development control measure (Harvey, 1987; Hoch, Coverage Ratio of 85.5%, in turn making it an infeas-
1969; GOM, 1991). The principle of FAR could be ible and unacceptable solution. Thus, in this case,
expressed in terms of basic variables such as: Built adoption of a conventional approach, leading to rigid
Unit Space (BUS), ie the space per built unit in an development control regulation in isolation, may cre-
urban development project; Building Rise (BR, ie ate inequity instead of achieving the welfare objec-
number of floors), and the Semi-Public Open space tive. The above example highlights the need to adopt
(SPO) per Built Unit (BU), as follows: an integrated urban management approach (covering
all managerial functions as per management theory)
BUS∗BR in all operations to solve problems efficiently and
FAR = . (1)
BUS + BR∗SPO equitably in the context of urban dynamics and uncer-

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

Management theory and a concept of all the five urban management functions by using
integrated urban management various tools and management techniques
(Chakrabarty, 1997a,b). The conceptual structure of
Theory defines management as the process of design- integrated urban management on the above lines is
ing and maintaining an environment in which individ- shown in Fig. 1.
uals, working together in groups, efficiently
accomplish selected aims (Koontz and Weihrich,
1990; Koontz and O’Donnel, 1976). In all sectors of Applicability of traditional management
society, people form groups to accomplish aims that principles in urban management: policy
they could not achieve as individuals, which is equ- implications
ally applicable in the urban sector where individuals
A scientific approach requires not only concepts but
have to work together in departments or on projects,
also principles and techniques. In traditional manage-
while urban organizations must also integrate their
ment, there are a number of principles and techniques
activities. This is a much more difficult task than
to efficiently accomplish selected aims. Many of these
managing a business, and requires a separate body of
are equally applicable in urban management, provided
knowledge. Just as management knowledge is gener-
appropriate policy exists to apply such principles and
ally organized around the five essential managerial
techniques in various urban operations.
functions – planning, organizing, staffing, leading and
controlling – this is equally applicable in urban man-
agement. The systems approach is an accepted prac- Planning function in urban management –
tice in management, enabling managers to see the principles of flexibility
critical variables and constraints and their interaction In the context of management, planning involves sel-
with one another at each system level, ie manager’s ecting aims and the actions to achieve them, requiring
organization, department, section and so on (Koontz rational decision-making. Cities are “engines for
and O’Donnel, 1976). Such an approach forces man- economic growth” (particularly in the context of a
agers to be constantly aware that one single element, developing country) and, places for people to live and
phenomenon, or problem should not be treated with- work. Urban planners prepare plans with the aim of
out regard for its interacting consequences with other making a city a viable and desirable place in which to
elements. By adopting a systems approach, all the five live and work, while achieving equity and efficiency.
urban management functions can be integrated at vari- Urban planning (including land-use planning at
ous system levels, while linking an urban organization “urban spatial unit” level) should be seen as part of
with its environment, and with the urban sector as a the “planning function” of urban management,
whole, to achieve missions and objectives. The task incorporating the other four urban managerial func-
of urban managers is to transform the external inputs tions mentioned above. It is necessary to compare
(money, people, skills and so on), into outputs (urban plans with results, and to take corrective actions in
services, profits, satisfaction, integration of the goals order to achieve results, thus making planning and
of various stakeholders in the urban organization, and control functions inseparable. There are similar link-
so on) in an effective and efficient manner. Since ages between the other urban managerial functions.
urban operations involve a vast number of interacting It is desirable that urban planning should
elements at each level, a systems approach is equally accomplish a physical planning structure matching
applicable in urban management for coordination of with the economic base structure and the consequent
efforts at each level, so that individual and organiza- demographic structure. However, urban dynamics,
tional objectives becomes translated into social attain- uncertainties and conflicting interests make it difficult
ment in, say, improved urban services and improved to achieve such a match. This is one of the reasons
quality of life for all. for urban problems such as the proliferation of slums,
In the above context, the external systems environ- frequent illegal construction, and land-use change,
ment and constraints, including the given macro and mostly by informal entrepreneurs creating workplaces
micro policy constraints, should be accepted as given and jobs in violation of statutory city master plans
conditions not amenable to change, while taking and planning regulations. In India, the per capita land
decisions at a point of time, until more effective poli- resource is one of the lowest in the world, and dwin-
cies are evolved (Chakrabarty 1993, 1998). The new dling fast from 1.42 in 1901 to only 0.32 hectare in
policies should evolve based on parallel and continu- 2000, but, city-master-plans generally continue to pre-
ous processes of policy performance analysis, forming scribe a density range of about 60–600 persons per
part of the urban management process, establishing hectare, while density in some city-slums is as high
linkages with the urban management functions at an as 5000–10,000 persons per hectare, which is iniqui-
appropriate system level and at the appropriate time, tous. In conventional practice, emphasis is placed on
using Information Technology (IT). Accordingly, periodic demolition of informal industries, work-
results in the area of concern have to be achieved places and habitats, resulting in the loss of jobs and
within the given conditions and using the available shelter for millions of people, and to a huge waste of
resources at each system level, discharging efficiently individual and collective resources in a country that

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

Figure 1 Conceptual Structure of Integrated Urban Management

has nearly one third of its population living below the system, and for changing again and again the rules
poverty line (Chakrabarty, 2000). It is imperative to (such as zoning, provision of infrastructure and so
modify conventional practice to avoid such urban on). Continuous planning with flexibility and short
planning and management failures, adversely affect- range forecasting for land use in selected areas are
ing the interests of people and creating an urban crisis. also suggested to cope with the size and complexity
The principles of flexibility and navigational of growth of cities (Branch, 1970). Moreover, there
change, providing for plan review from time to time, can be large variations in the efficiency indicators of
and redrawing them if required, is an accepted plan- urban built form. These cannot be ignored by citizens,
ning practice in traditional management to cope with builders, or other stakeholders who would like to
uncertainties. It is also suggested that, because of too maximize productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to
numerous pay-off matrices and uncertainties in the convince citizens, using computer aided techniques
urbanization and development process, an incremental and IT for transparency, that the planning regulations
planning approach with flexibility should be adopted do not require any change to achieve their above
for guiding the development of cities, providing for objectives, and thus, minimize their violations. The
constant feedback about the response of the urban urban problems mentioned above also highlight the

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

need to apply such approaches in a dynamic city ciples of social responsiveness and social auditing in
instead of the frequently static master planning urban operations may discourage additional govern-
approach, discussed below. ment regulations and interventions, giving greater
The availability of PCs with graphic capability, and freedom and flexibility in decision making, bettering
the rapid development of IT (including GIS), makes efficiency of urban organizations and achieving
it easier now to apply such “flexibility principles” for organized cooperation between such organizations,
timely corrective actions, with transparency and infor- thus improving performance of the urban sector as a
med participation of multiple-stakeholders. Such an whole. Urban research is necessary to develop com-
approach will preempt urban problems at the nascent puter aided techniques, to facilitate application of
stage before they get out of control. However, this such principles in various urban operations, and help
will require a shift in policy, particularly in develop more effective urban policies based on sys-
developing countries subjected to rapid economic and tematic assessment and evaluation (including social
demographic change, from the conventional practice cost benefit analysis).
of treating City Master Plans as rigid legal documents,
and instead, viewing them as a “live” Development Principle of productivity
Plan that is responsive to people’s needs, and subject Productivity, defined as an input–output ratio, is the
to “navigational change” (including changes of land- essence of management in any sector, and implies
use and planning regulations if needed, thus avoiding effectiveness and efficiency in individual and organi-
freezing the evolving options for 20 long years, the zational performance. Effectiveness is the achieve-
usual Master Plan period). Substantial urban research ment of objectives, while efficiency is the achieve-
is necessary by all concerned, to develop techniques ment of ends with the least amount of resources.
to facilitate application of such management prin- Although frequently inadequate, huge amounts of
ciples in various urban operations, using IT, OR, and resources are committed by urban professionals, to
computer aided planning and design. The author is achieve selected aims. Society would expect that
carrying out research to develop such techniques. The urban professionals engaged in transforming the
software CAUB and HudCAD, developed as urban inputs into outputs, ensured efficiency and effective-
planning and management tools, are presented below ness of utilization of resources in their activities. The
as examples. “principle of productivity” can be applied in different
Principle of social responsiveness urban operations, including urban development pro-
jects, and at different levels of an urban organization.
Urban problems have a significant social and environ- For example, productivity can be improved by
mental dimension, requiring application of the “prin- increasing outputs (say, the number of built units and
ciple of social responsiveness” in urban management. the area of saleable built space/plot spaces produced)
This means “the ability of a corporation to relate its with the same inputs (say, capital investment, land,
operations and policies to the social environment in materials, labour); decreasing inputs (say, capital
ways that are mutually beneficial to the company and investment, land, materials, and labour) while main-
to society”. This is receiving increased attention even taining the same outputs (say, the number of built
in conventional business operations, due to the inter- units and the area of saleable built space/plot spaces
dependencies of the many groups in our society. Such produced), or increasing outputs and decreasing
interdependencies are more crucial in respect of urban inputs to change the above ratio favourably. Since
organizations, as urban development is a joint public- resources are always inadequate compared to need, a
private enterprise, where decisions about the use of policy commitment to the application of the principle
resources are made in the market place and by of productivity in various urban operations is impera-
governments (at various levels), in an interactive way. tive if urban problems are to be solved. There are
Therefore, there is need for a policy to apply the prin- many techniques in traditional management to
ciple of social responsiveness in the operation of improve productivity, which are equally applicable in
urban organizations, to indicate that they are discharg- urban management – but only if such policy exists.
ing their social responsibilities. The concept of a
social audit, defined as “a commitment to systematic
assessment of and reporting on some meaningful, Utility of traditional management techniques
definable domain of the company’s activities that to improve productivity and social
have social impact”, is also applied in traditional man- responsiveness
agement (Koontz and Weihrich, 1990). Social respon-
siveness in urban operations implies actions and urban To facilitate traditional management, many tech-
enterprise responses to achieve the social goals in the niques are used – OR, management science, and CAD
urban sector, and to solve urban problems. Therefore, are all employed in planning and managing operations
to help evaluate social performance of urban organi- to improve productivity (Koontz and Weihrich, 1990).
zation, the concept of “social audit” should also be Through use of such techniques, planning and control
applied in their operations. have been given more rigorous treatment by clear-cut
A policy commitment to the application of the prin- goals, development of measures of effectiveness in

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

achieving goals and by emphasizing the logical physi- Building rise and density
cal representation of a problem in the form of math- Using the iterations 1, 2 and 3 of CAUB, and taking
ematical models, enhancing the capability of man- the BR as an independent design variable (IDV), the
agers to develop quantified answers to many sensitivity of density (ie Built Unit Density – a ratio)
problems. Many of the above techniques, including to the BR is determined for the three cases, treating
computer aided analysis and optimizing urban devel- any two of the remaining variables FAR, BUS and
opment models, can be used in urban planning and SPO as independent (Task 2 above). As an illus-
management for more effectiveness, to help decide tration, the results of a typical run of the model is
appropriate urban strategies and to manage the shown (where BUS and SPO are taken as IDVs):
dynamic and incremental process of urban develop-
ment with flexibility (see Chakrabarty 1993, 1998). Iteration MODEL Chosen:
The author is carrying out research towards this effort. Sensitivity MODEL (Physical only) – Model-1
The salient features of two software developments are Independent Design Variables (IDV):
presented below: CAUB for computer aided analysis Building-Rise (BR), Open-Space (SPO) and
and application of flexibility principles in urban built Built-Unit-Space (BUS)
form, and HudCAD, incorporating both OR and com- Dependent Design Variables (DDV):
puter aided design and drafting (CADD) to improve FAR, Ground-Coverage-Ratio (GCR) and DEN-
productivity in urban development projects. SITY
INPUT Parameter-Values Chosen in the present
A technique for analysis/optimization of Case, are:
urban built form to facilitate flexibility
The city has different elements, which include build- Building-Rise (BR) = 8.00
ings and open spaces in various mixes. It is an Open-Space (SPO) = 25.00 m2/BU
expression of the underlying economic, socio-cul-
tural, and environmental necessities. Inadequate infra-
structure, resource constraints and the dynamics of Built-Unit-Space (BUS) = 110.00 m2/BU
land prices make it imperative to apply flexibility Iteration-choice = 1 Input-choice = 2
principles in regulation. Software titled CAUB
(Computer-Aided Analysis of Urban Built form) has OUTPUT Parameter-Values given are:
been developed to facilitate analysis and optimization.
It uses expressions (1)–(3) above and solves a non- Floor-Area-Ratio (FAR) = 2.84
linear programming optimization model, with 10 iter- Ground-Coverage-Ratio (GCR) = 0.355
ation models and 20 input choices (extendable), per-
mitting analysis of numerous options (with partici- DENSITY, ie built unit density density (BUD)
pation of multiple-stakeholders), which is rarely = 258.1 BU/Hectare.
possible in conventional practice. CAUB (in user-fri-
endly C++ Language) links planning regulations (eg
FAR, density, ground coverage ratio) with various In the above case the input BR is 8 (ie number of
elements related to open space and construction cost. floors) giving a DENSITY of 258.1 built units per
CAUB permits the following: hectare as the output. The model is re-run, by chang-
ing the value of BR from 1 to 10, while keeping the
1. Determine the interaction between selected values of BUS and SPO constant at 110.00 m2 per
elements built unit and 25.00 m2 per built unit as above. Simi-
2. Carry out ‘sensitivity-analysis’, selecting appropri- larly, Models 2 and 3 are run with a corresponding
ate sets of independent/dependent design variables set of independent/dependent variables and changing
and the ‘iteration choice’, and develop an insight the value of BR as above. Accordingly, the sensitivity
into their interrelationship including cost of density to the BR is shown in Fig. 2. This indicates
3. Select desired value(s) of built form element(s) that out of the three possible cases (the fourth case is
based on sensitivity analysis the same as case 1 with changed value of BUS =50
4. Determine optimal design (eg optimum FAR) in a m2/BU and SPO=15 m2/BU), in the first two cases,
site-specific manner the lower the building rise, the lower the density. In
5. Find the least cost per built unit for a given plinth the third case, where FAR=1.5 and BUS=110 m2/BU
area, or, the maximum plinth area within given cost are taken as independent variables, the density is con-
constraints, depending on the planning regu- stant for the values chosen. This mathematical result
lations chosen is quite contrary to the generalized prescription of
6. Determine planning regulations and project para- Low Rise/High Density (LRHD) built form in con-
meters, responsive to people’s needs (in a site spe- ventional practice (NCU, 1988). A scientific optimiz-
cific manner). ation study using non-linear programming will indi-
cate that a low-rise tends to decrease BUD, increase

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

Figure 2 Sensitivity of density by the building rise

land consumption per BU, decrease open space per k c2∗c3∗a21

BU, increase ground coverage ratio, and increase cost = .
(c1∗a1 + c3∗a2)2
per BU, as shown later with example problems.

Optimizing urban built-form

Soaring land price and construction costs makes it a Fig. 3 showing the typical variation in Building-
struggle to get adequate living space (ie plinth area Unit-Cost (BUC) with change in FAR (adopting land
or BUS) with desired open-space (SPO) and environ- price of 10000 MU/m2, BUS=110 m2/BU, SPO=20
mental standards. Using CAUB it is possible to m2/BU), indicates that the BUC at FAR=0.85
optimize and derive the optimum FAR for a specific (minimum feasible FAR, for the value of BUS and
case depending on land price and construction costs SPO chosen above) is about 2.13 times the minimum
so as to minimize the cost per dwelling unit (or to BUC (without any reduction in plinth area and open
maximize the plinth area within a given affordable space per unit) occurring at optimum FAR of 4.018,
cost), for a desired plinth area and open space stan- given by CAUB (Task 4, using Model 9). Thus, due
dard. Taking the cost of construction (including land to the planning regulations (ie value of FAR specified
components) as the criterion, with desired values of by a Planning Authority) there is very large increase
BUS and SPO as the constraints, and the land price in cost per BU, even though specified open space (a
and construction costs in the market also as the given basic objective of such regulations) is achieved even
conditions (constraints beyond control and change at the optimum FAR, minimizing the cost per building
with time in a site-specific case), leads to the follow- unit. Many planning regulations specify a FAR of 0.5
ing expression for the optimal FAR: to 1.0 for residential zones, irrespective of the dynam-
ics of the land market and construction costs (GOM,
Optimum Floor Area Ratio = (c3/c1)∗ (4) 1991). Because of a large escalation in land price and
冋 (2∗k + √k⫺1)∗(c1∗a1 + c3∗a2)
c3∗a2∗(4∗k⫺1) + (c1∗a2⫺c3∗a2)∗(2∗k⫺√k)
⫺1 册 construction costs, such a fixed value of FAR soon
becomes outdated, considerably reducing the built-
unit-space, which the users can construct at a cost
affordable by them. This may be one of the reasons
where, of frequent violations of such development control
rules (as built unit space is a high priority for many
c1 =cost coefficient related to building construc- people). Since large variations, as above, cannot be
tion cost per unit of plinth area (monetary ignored, it is imperative for urban professionals to
units/m2) apply flexibility principles with transparency, thus
c2 =cost coefficient related to the building-rise, enabling more effective discharge of their ethical
in the cost per unit of plinth area (monetary responsibility to achieve efficiency and equity in
units/m2) urban operations, with full participation of the mul-
c3 =cost coefficient related to the land price per tiple stakeholders.
unit of land area (monetary units/m2) Density is an important indicator of land allocation
a1 =desired built-unit space in m2 per built-unit and optimization in urban-built-form. Low density
a2 =desired semi-public open space in m2 per tends to make a city’s transportation facilities unecon-
built-unit omic and may reduce property values (Hoch, 1969;

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

Figure 3 Variation in cost per ‘Building Unit’ with change in ‘FAR’ (Constant ‘Plinth-area’ & ‘Open-Space’ per ‘Unit’)

Payne, 1997). Thus, a policy of low FAR/low density also need to be evaluated in terms of their social
urban development and a mass transit system may be responsiveness, particularly because of interdepen-
self-contradictory, if an optimal urban built form is dencies discussed earlier, and, since private develop-
the objective. Thus, the very prescription of low ment is facilitated by the publicly provided
FAR/low density development for an improved urban infrastructure/services, and by the public policy on
environment – precluding the provision of a mass land-use decisions, tax and so on. For example, the
transit system in a city due to economic consider- success of many urban policies such as: transfer of
ations, consequently making the city more dependent development rights (eg permitting a higher FAR, as
on the pollution-increasing automobile – may be the being tried in some cities in India facing very high
cause for increased pollution and consequent deterio- land prices) to private builders to achieve the social
ration in the urban environment. If a country has a objective of promoting housing for low-income
very low per capita land resource, it may again pre- households, depends both on their productivity and
clude any extravagant use of land in the urbanization social responsiveness, indicated by correlating their
process. It is necessary to carry out research to project-linked operations with the above social objec-
develop optimal urban built forms, resolving such tive achievement. Application of CAUB (using Model
conflicting viewpoints while adopting a systems 7) for computer-aided analysis at a project level (Task
approach, as part of integrated urban planning and 6) covering 1 hectare in the present case, is illus-
management. trated below:
Summary of “CAUB” Results in the Present
Transfer of development rights and social Case are:
Operations of private urban organizations, including
private developers, will be primarily concerned with Iteration Model Chosen:
productivity and profitability. But, their operations Interaction/Sensitivity Model (Model-7, to find

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

the cost per Built Unit and Physical Parameters SR =Cost saving ratio utilized for supporting the
of Urban Built Form) built units for low-income households
Design Variables (Independent and Dependent SBUC =Cost per Built-Unit (supported) for the low-
Variables): income households
FAR, Built Unit Space (BUS), Open Space CAR =Area covered by the commercial built units
(SPO), Density (BUD), Building-Rise (BR), SAR =Area covered by the supported built units
Ground Coverage Ratio (GCR), Land Price for the low-income households
(LP), Base Plinth Area Rate (PAR) and Built NC =Number of commercial built units(here resi-
Unit Cost (BUC) – in different type of develop- dential built units disposed on commercial
ments basis)
INPUT (Independent Variables) Parameter NS =Number of supported built units(here resi-
dential built units for the low-income house-
Values chosen are: holds, made available by the Builder
in lieu of enhanced development-rights, ie
AR = 10000.00 m2 BUS = 120.0 m2/BU enhanced FAR)
SPO = 36.0 m2/BU LP = 10000.0 M/m2
PAR = 6000.0 M/m2 FAR = 1.25 BUS, SPO are built space and open space per built
EFAR = 2.50 SBR = 4 SPAR = 4500.0 M/m2 unit (commercial) respectively, remaining unchanged.
SR = 0.80 SBUS = 50.0 m2 BR, GCR and BUD are the original building rise,
SSPO = 15.0 m2 Iteration-choice = 7 ground coverage ratio and built unit density respect-
Input-choice = 17 M = Monetary Units ively, for the commercial built units, and EBR, EGCR
(ie Dollars, Rupees etc) and EBUD are the same parameters with enhanced
development rights, ie Floor Area Ratio. SBUS,
SSPO, SBR, SGCR, SFAR and SBUD are built space,
OUTPUT (Dependent Variables) Parameter Values
open space, building rise, ground coverage ratio, floor
given are:
area ratio and built unit density respectively, for the
BUC = 1,716,000 M EBUC = 1,380,000 M supported built units. In the above example, a builder
BR = 2 EBR = 10 GCR = 0.625 is permitted to utilize only 80% (SR=0.8) of the cost
EGCR = 0.250 SGCR = 0.455 saved per commercial built unit (with BUS=120.0
BUD = 104.2 BU/Hectare m2/BU) with enhanced FAR allowed by the Urban
EBUD = 208.3 BU/Hectare SFAR = 1.82 Planning Authority, for providing housing for low-
NC = 160.00 NS = 82.00 income households (with SBUS =50.0 m2/BU). The
SV = 336,000 M SBUC = 522,500 M above package adopting a land planning area of 1 hec-
CAR = 7723.58 m2 SAR = 2276.42 m2 tare, permits construction of 160 commercial built
SBUD = 363.6 BU/Hectare units, supporting construction of 82 built units for
low-income households. The value of SR and other
parameters of the package can be changed and iter-
here, ation cycles repeated with participation of multiple-
stakeholders, to decide a package acceptable to all
AR =Project Area proposed to be covered by the stakeholders thus enhancing social responsiveness.
Transfer of Development-Rights, ie enhanced
FAR =Original Floor Area Ratio permissible under
An operations research and computer aided
the planning-regulations
design technique to improve productivity in
EFAR =Enhanced Development Rights, ie Floor
urban development
Area Ratio, proposed to be allowed to the The computer aided technique presented above is
builder to achieve the social objective of pro- more for policy analysis and urban planning
moting housing for low-income households decisions, and does not incorporate the specific physi-
LP =Unit Market Price of land covered by the cal design of urban layout plans and building-designs.
project As discussed earlier, in the context of urban develop-
PAR =Cost per unit of plinth area of the commer- ment projects, productivity can be improved by
cial built units increasing the area of built space with the same capi-
SPAR =Cost per unit of plinth area of the supported tal investment, which are very much linked with the
built units for low-income households specific physical designs of such development. More-
BUC =Built Unit Cost, ie the Cost per Built Unit over, physical designs should also form part of the
(commercial) with Original FAR planning function in urban management, and any
EBUC =Reduced Cost per Built-Unit (commercial) design has to be expressed in the form of dimensioned
with Enhanced FAR drawing, which is the most important medium of
SV =Cost saving per Built-Unit (commercial) urban planning and design. Therefore, it is desirable
with Enhanced FAR to develop models for physical designs using OR and

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

CAD techniques to improve productivity, which is design efficiency indicators of an urban development,
outlined below. and numerous physical design solutions have to be
evaluated to find the most cost-effective design sol-
Models for optimal design in urban development ution (Chakrabarty, 1993). This makes it difficult to
Productivity is further improved using optimizing achieve the most cost-effective solution by the con-
models for optimal design. The author has developed ventional time consuming methods. Moreover, in the
a number of optimizing Urban Development Models, conventional process an urban planner or manager can
which can be used as universal tools for integrated obtain the value of relevant quantitative design
urban management in any country. Details of such efficiency indicators only after preparing the drawing
universal optimizing urban development models and cost estimates. Using the optimizing models, the
(including data input and the method of solution of design process is reversed, where the architect, engin-
such non-linear programming problems) are available eer, planner or urban manager is the full controller of
elsewhere (Chakrabarty 1993, 1998). The models quantitative design efficiency indicators of the urban
stress the efficient and effective use of resources at development system he or she is designing, and the
the urban project level, thus enhancing both pro- design in numerical terms fulfilling these require-
ductivity and social responsiveness to help solve ments is given as output by the model. Thus, using
urban problems efficiently, and improving organiza- such a tool, any specified built-unit density, built unit
tional performance, including profitability. There are space and open space standard, cost per built-unit
two types of optimizing models: (and so on) can be achieved, provided these are feas-
ible for the given design conditions, adopting an
1. Least-Cost Optimizing Models (LCO), which can appropriate optimizing model typology.
be used to obtain the least-cost design of the urban In this approach, the design process can be carried
development system, for a given minimum built- out in two stages: first the “concept design pattern
unit space. stage”, where arrangements of spaces are concep-
2. Most-Benefit Optimizing Models (MBO), which tualized, and second the “optimizing stage”, where the
can be used to obtain the maximum built unit space optimal dimensions are determined to maximize or
design of the urban development system for a minimize the objective function within the given con-
given investment. As proceeds of a real estate sale straints and design conditions. Thus, using this urban
are generally proportionate to the built-space, planning and management tool, concept design pat-
which is maximized by an MBO model, it can also terns could be optimized to find the difference in the
be called a “Maximum Profit Model” for devel- cost-effectiveness between different concept design
opers and builders in the urban sector. patterns (for example, deciding the built form such as
low rise, medium rise or high rise urban
The above optimizing models are now being extended
development), thus helping the selection of designs to
to cover various types of urban development and
maximize resource productivity with equity.
being converted into Computer Aided Design and
Any design has to be expressed in the form of
Drafting (CADD) software for urban planning and
dimensioned drawing, as drawing is the most
important medium of urban planning and design.
Therefore, it is essential that the optimal designs, in
Computer-aided optimal design and drafting in numerical terms, given as output by the optimizing
urban development-software models, should be instantly converted into drawing to
Development of MICROCADD has revolutionized be meaningful to the users, and thus, increase their
the fields of design, engineering and drafting leading utility. This can be done in the form of software,
to substantial improvement in productivity (Goetch, incorporating the optimizing models covering various
1990). MICROCADD or PC-CADD is a more pro- types of urban development, not only to help instant
ductive approach to design and drafting than manual numerical solution of the relevant non-linear pro-
techniques, because of: gramming optimizing models, but also, to convert
1. Faster production of design and data creation instantly these numerical solutions into (working)
2. Faster data manipulation (including graphic data), drawings. Applying cost-engineering principles, the
taking little time in correcting and revising designs software should also be able to derive the cost
and documentation of those designs coefficients/unit cost data input for the optimizing
3. Faster, more convenient data storage models, using any time-specific, site-specific and
4. Faster data output including graphic output country-specific basic cost data on labour, materials
5. Instant linkage and conversion of optimal design and so on. This will make it a universal urban plan-
in numerical terms into a graphic output, thus facil- ning and management tool to achieve both efficiency
itating application of optimization techniques for and equity in the urban development and operations
resource efficiency process.
Presently, the area of architectural design and
It is shown that there can be large variations of even drafting/engineering construction ranks relatively low
three to four times in the cost-effectiveness and other in MICROCADD systems by application. It is desir-

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

able that architects, engineers, urban planners, urban each input set is the given design condition within
managers and builders, working in the field of urban which the design is optimized. The software gives the
development, encourage use of MICROCADD sys- optimal design in numerical terms instantly on selec-
tems to maximize productivity (giving due attention tion of an input set. The current solution can be
to social responsiveness discussed earlier) in their inspected for acceptability in a given context, and the
operations, thus, increasing their professional contri- cycle of iteration can be repeated with different sets
bution to society. This will also improve profitability of input options until the output optimal design sol-
as well as competitiveness of their organizations in ution is acceptable. Once the numerical solution given
the market. Use of such planning and management as output by the “Optimizing Iteration Session” is
techniques can increase with the development of more acceptable, this session can be closed and the “Draw-
and more sophisticated software for optimal design, ing Session” can be started to obtain the soft or hard
decision support systems and data base management. copy of the optimal physical design. Again, the soft
To help this process, the universal software package copy of the current optimal design can be inspected
for computer aided optimal design and drafting, in and the cycle of iteration repeated until the most cost-
various types of urban development, is being effective optimal design (which is also acceptable to
developed as urban planning and management tool. the multiple stakeholders) is available, and hard copy
HudCAD is being developed in modular form, using print out can be obtained.
both C++ Language (mostly for solving non-linear In this dialogue process all the stakeholders, such
programming optimizing models, including pro- as: the user citizens, architect, engineer, urban plan-
cessing and generating input data for the models for ner, urban manager and so on, can participate to give
a site-specific case) and the LISP Language (mostly inputs and contribute so as to obtain a most acceptable
for generating graphic outputs). This can be used with and optimal physical design of an urban development
any site-specific data in any country, to obtain in a site-specific context, availing the opportunities
instantly the output optimal design both in terms of and respecting the constraints beyond control at that
numerical parameters and in graphic form. decision level. Participation of urban local bodies
HudCAD integrates all the three elements, ie cost, (building /planning regulation authorities) and the real
design optimization and drawing, by incorporating estate developers/builders in such a dialogue process,
both OR and Computer Aided Design Drafting using such scientific tools, may lead to more realistic
(CADD) in a combined platform covering architec- development control regulations, more efficiency and
tural, physical planning, and engineering components. improved social responsiveness in the urban sector.
Thus, HudCAD can be used as an integrative tool (to In such a tool, there should be a wide selection of
overcome the limitations of conventional practice dis- input set options, covering the concerns of the above
cussed earlier) by urban professionals (ie architects, interest groups, so as to have a meaningful dialogue
civil engineers, planners in particular) to obtain the process.
design in graphic form (Instant Dimensioned Accordingly, in the above software module, 16
Drawing), achieving either the least cost, or, the most input set options are incorporated, where “BR” is
beneficial building design layout system. The building rise, LP is land price, and the “BUC”, “SPO”
software is being developed using the optimizing and “NR” are affordable cost/investment, semi-public
models mentioned above. Presently HudCAD has a open space and number of rooms per built-unit
few modules incorporating both OR and CADD in a respectively. These can be enlarged/modified as per
combined platform to achieve the least cost or most the requirement/priority of the concerned interest
beneficial design, linking site-specific data; modules group. The built unit design coefficients are mostly
are under development to enlarge its scope as univer- related to the conceptual design and the relative pro-
sal optimal design and drawing software. portion of different built unit components decided by
an architect. The cost coefficients are related to cost
Application of the software of labour/materials and the specification chosen for
The application of the Software “HudCAD” is illus- foundation, wall, floor and roof of the built unit. The
trated using its Module-I as an example, which covers software can derive these coefficients based on site-
the optimal design of residential built-unit patterns specific unit cost data on labour and materials and the
included in the Group-I of the Module. Each module respective specification chosen, or an engineer
incorporates two sessions, ie “Optimizing Iteration chooses specific values. The values of these input
Session” and the “Drawing Session”. In this example, parameters can be chosen in an interactive way while
a Most-Benefit Optimizing Model (MBO Model) is selecting an appropriate input set option in the iter-
used to give the Maximize Built Unit Space and the ation process. The software derives the optimizing
Optimal Floor Area Ratio, subject to the constraints model constants based on such input and solves the
of building rise (ie number of floors), number of built non-linear programming models using these derived
units per floor, the open space per built unit, and the values. Some input data could also be pre-set in the
maximum investment or affordable cost per built unit. computer for initialization of the iteration process.
Optimal design is an iterative process. This process The numerical results of a typical “Optimizing Iter-
starts with the selection of the initial input set, and ation Session” of Module 1 (related to multi-family

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

residential built units) of the software “HudCAD”, is ever, using a computer-aided optimal design method,
shown below as an illustration (full details in Appen- such as “HudCAD”, it is possible to consider all such
dix A). interactions and derive the optimal solution in a given
Some input parameter values for this case (as context, as shown. Using this software, the sensitivity
shown above) are BUC=300,000 monetary units/BU, of BUS (or the cost in case of LCO models) to the
land price (LP)=5000 monetary units per m2, Open variation of each variable (such as BUC, LP, BR,
space (SPO) =30 m2/BU, and Building Rise (BR)=2. SPO and so on), could also be instantly ascertained
The software gives as output the maximum possible (with real solutions, as each case represents a physical
BUS as 28.76 m2 only, permitting only two rooms, design which can be instantly drawn), instead of fre-
and therefore NR=2 is given as input under Input Set quent erroneous assumption of a linear relationship
option-12. In this case, the optimal FAR is only 0.648, between these variables, adversely affecting the
and the built unit Density (BUD) and the Ground efficiency of the development process. It may be
Coverage Ratio (GCR) which can be achieved in any noted that such techniques do not relieve an
layout are 225.327 BU/hectare and 0.324, respect- architect/engineer/urban planner/urban manager from
ively. The numerical solution given by this optimizing making a decision, and only aids this decision making
iteration session is taken as input for starting the process by giving the quantitative perspective of a
drawing session of the software, and the correspond- decision problem, which can be combined with the
ing graphic output, ie optimal physical design drawing qualitative perspective obtained from personal experi-
obtained through this session is shown as Design 1 ence, common sense and intuition. Note that even
in Fig. 4. As the BUS is very low, another cycle of such qualitative perspectives could be indirectly
iteration is started with the input SPO=15 m2/BU and quantified in terms of the “value scale” (a quantitative
BR=4, keeping all other parameters unchanged, measure), which may be adopted in a problem situ-
except that the number of rooms is increased to ation by all stakeholders.
NR=3, and the design coefficients are also corre- In this technique, instead of prior preparation of
spondingly changed. The numerical results of this drawings and time-consuming estimates to know the
cycle are shown in Appendix, and the corresponding cost per BU, the desired cost itself (BUC) is given
graphic output obtained through this cycle of drawing as input, and the software gives the physical design,
is shown as Design 2 in Fig. 4. maximizing the BUS within this cost per BU, in the
It may be seen that, in this case there is increase time taken for a few keystrokes. Time thus saved
of BUS by 2.5 times to 72.319 m2 (output), even could be used for more creative activities, such as
though land price (LP) and cost per BU (input) are preparing concept design patterns, refining the
kept unchanged compared to the earlier case (Design designs by giving different input sets and carrying out
1 in Fig. 4), with corresponding increases in pro- scientific sensitivity analysis for more informed
ductivity (input–output ratio) and profitability of such decision making in the planning and design process.
urban development projects. There is increase of FAR In view of the above problems, including very large
by 3.37 times to 2.186, of BUD by 1.34 times to 302.3 variations in efficiency indicators and the advantage
BU/hectare, and of GCR by 1.69 times to 0. 547. If of time saving, it is imperative to use such tools, to
SPO=25 m2/BU and BR=5 are given as input, keeping ensure efficiency and equity in the urban development
other parameters unchanged, the software will show process. Presently, the physical designs given as out-
that the GCR can be brought down to the same level put are in the form of line drawings. The software is
as design 1 (ie 0.324) with increase of BUS by 2.1 being further developed to give working drawings as
times to 60.32 m2 (output). Such designs can be dis- output, to make it even more useful.
played (as both Design 1 and 2 are displayed in Fig.
4) for comparative analysis with transparency and
informed decision making with participation.
Urban management education and research
The above results show a very large variation in In spite of limitations of the conventional approaches,
the BUS and other efficiency indicators, even due to urban management is not yet recognized as a distinct
interaction of only three variables, ie land price, BR discipline supported by a full length and holistic
and SPO. As the number of variables and their inter- course of education that recognizes the need to pro-
actions are too numerous in reality (for example, if duce professional urban managers. As a result, at
there are 10 variables and each variable can take three present no urban professional group is equipped to
alternative values, it will give 103 cases to be discharge efficiently all the five urban managerial
evaluated), conventional methods rarely permit con- functions. Consequently, integrated urban manage-
sideration of all such interactions to help derive an ment is rarely achieved by conventional practice. A
optimal solution in a given context. This may be one holistic approach is imperative if cities become
of the reasons for frequent generalized prescriptions “engines for economic growth”, operating on the
(which are sometime self-contradictory such as: low- “growth pays its own way philosophy” (Grigg, 1997),
rise/high-density development), which does not lead instead of the current practice of depending mostly on
to efficiency and equity, as each case has to be exam- government budgetary support for urban operations,
ined in a given context to determine optimality. How- particularly in developing countries where urbaniz-

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

Figure 4 Comparative optimal built-unit design drawings instantly given as output by ‘HudCAD’ depending on the input design decisions of the designers

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

ation is still in the initial stage. No doubt, this is one organization to ensure efficient use of resources in
of the reasons for our deteriorating urban environment achieving the selected aims. However, an integrated
and many serious urban problems, inefficiencies and urban management approach is very rare in the urban
inequities, including proliferation of slums. Such lack sector, causing many inefficiencies and inequities,
of integrated urban management is also one of the some of which are highlighted above. To facilitate
factors causing acute urban fiscal crisis, even though application of such integrated approach, a holistic
attempts are made to apply business management urban management education program (MBA – Urban
techniques to local government operations, with help Services course) has been prepared with productivity,
of loaned business executives from the private sector, social responsiveness and a systems approach as the
to reduce fiscal stress (Kramer, 1983; NIUA, 1993). core (Chakrabarty, 1997a,b). It is desirable that such
The author undertook the development of courses urban management education should be introduced in
for an MBA-Urban Services course with “Pro- all developing countries, so that an integrated urban
ductivity, Social Responsiveness and Systems management approach becomes common. It is also
Approach” as the core (Chakrabarty, 1997a,b). It is desirable that “Urban Management” and “Computer-
desirable that such urban management education Aided Planning and Design” should be included as
should be introduced in all developing countries, and subjects of study in the educational curriculum of
simultaneously, urban research should be carried out architecture, urban planning and civil engineering.
to develop tools and techniques. Organizations like This will equip such urban professionals to make sig-
the World Bank may consider technical assistance to nificant contributions when solving urban problems.
support such research and holistic urban management
education, producing professional urban managers,
promoting the application of an integrated urban man- Acknowledgements
agement approach, and, thus, helping to improve The motivation for this research is the illuminating
efficiency and equity in the urban development pro- discussion on the application of Management Science
cess funded by them. This will facilitate the much- to Urban Issues, with Professor C. Eastman at Carne-
needed urban sector reforms in various countries, in gie–Mellon University, in connection with a USAID
consonance with the ongoing economic and financial funded research project. This is gratefully acknowl-
reforms and globalization of economies, and has edged.
attained an added urgency in view of the urban fiscal
crisis, particularly in developing countries. It is sug-
gested that “Urban Management” and “Computer- Appendix A. Inputs and outputs related to
Aided Planning and Design” should be included as Fig. 4.
subjects in the educational curriculum of architecture,
urban planning and civil engineering, to equip such INPUT planning design decisions in the current case
urban professionals for more effective discharge of are as follows.
their ethical responsibility to achieve efficiency and Some planning/design parameter values chosen:
equity, as they commit huge but scarce resources BUC = 300,000 LP = 5000
while carrying out various urban operations. Edu- SPO = 30m2/Built - Unit BR = 2 NR = 2
cational institutions may consider familiarizing stu-
dents in the use and further research and development
of techniques as presented above, inculcating in them Some built unit physical design coefficients chosen:
a scientific mode of inquiry to the interactions of
numerous variables to help achieve efficiency and 0.080 0.150 0.230 0.070 1.100
equity in urban development. 0.120 0.050 0.400 0.100 0.150

Conclusion Some Built Unit Cost Coefficients chosen:

At the millennium, the world crossed a demographic 1076 837 737
milestone – for the first time, the urban population
exceeds the rural population (United Nations, 1992).
Urbanization is an inevitable process along with the OUTPUT Optimal parameter values given by Hud-
economic development of a country, but it tends to CAD:
accentuate a number of problems because of limi- Optimal Geometrical Programming Weights:
tations of conventional practice and the absence of
w11 = 1.17883 w12 = 0.56505
integrated urban management. Urban development is
a joint public–private enterprise where decisions w21 = 0.92272 w31 = 0.17883
about the use of resources are made by the market
w44 = 1.17883 w53 = 0.25611
place and by governments (at various levels) in an
interactive way. Managing is essential in all such w54 = 1.74389 w51 = w52 = 0.17883
organized cooperation and at different levels of an

Urban management: B K Chakrabarty

Optimal Dimensions of the Built-Unit Components

(meter): Other optimal output values given by the software:
lbr = 2.522 wbr = 2.420 llr = 2.961 wlr = 3.250 Maximum possible built unit space given by
model=72.319 m2.
lk = 2.522 wk = 2.074 lbt = 1.776 wbt = 0.968 Gross Plinth Area Rate (including land
lwc = 1.184 wwc = 0.968 lsc = 3.838 wsc = 2.074 price)=4148.282 MU/m2
Optimum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)=2.186.
ssf = 0.877 owl = 1.383 wo = 0.691 blw = 1.138
Other optimal output values given by the software: References
Maximum possible Built-Unit space given by Branch, M C (1970) Delusions and diffusions of city planning in
model=28.760 m2 the United States. Management Science 16(12).
Gross Plinth Area rate (including land Chakrabarty, B K (1993) National shelter strategy – a model-based
approach. Habitat International 17(3).
price)=10431.132 MU/m2 Chakrabarty, B K (1997a) Urban management – a course design
Optimum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) given by for education as a distinct discipline. Spatio-Economic Develop-
model=0.648 ment Record 4(1).
INPUT Planning Design decisions in the current Chakrabarty, B K (1997b) Report on the programme design for
case are: education in urban management. A consultancy study sponsored
by HUDCO, New Delhi.
Some planning design parameter values chosen: Chakrabarty, B K (1998) Urban management and optimizing urban
development models. Habitat International 22(4).
BUC = 300,000 LP = 5000 Chakrabarty, B K (2000) Urban management – need for an inte-
SPO = 15m2/Built - Unit BR = 4 NR = 3 grated approach. The Statesman October 2, New Delhi.
Cheema, G S (Ed.) (1993) Urban Management: Policies and Inno-
vations in Developing Countries. Praeger, Westport.
Some built unit physical design coefficients chosen: Grigg, N S (1997) Systemic analysis of urban water supply and
growth management. Journal of Urban Planning and Develop-
0.010 0.100 0.240 0.060 1.100 ment 123(2).
Goetch, D L (1990) MicroCADD: Computer-Aided Design and
0.160 0.060 0.400 0.120 0.180 Drafting on Microcomputers. Prentice-Hall of India, New
GOM (Government of Maharastra) (1991) Urban Development
Some built unit cost coefficients chosen: Department. Development Control Regulations for Greater
Bombay. Bombay.
1076 837 737 Harvey, J (1987) Urban Land Economics. Macmillan Education,
Hoch, I (1969) The three-dimensional city: contained urban space.
OUTPUT Optimal parameter values given by Hud- In The Quality of Urban Environment, S P Harvey (Ed.).
CAD: Resources for The Future Inc., Washington, DC.
Koontz, H and Weihrich, H (1990) Essentials of Management.
Optimal Geometrical Programming Weights: McGraw-Hill, New York.
Koontz, H and O’Donnel, C (1976) Management – A System and
w11 = 0.38758 w12 = 0.46715 Contingency Analysis of Managerial Functions. McGraw-Hill,
w21 = 0.79262 w31 = 0.16273 New York.
Kramer, P M (1983) Crisis in Urban Public Finance – A Case
w41 = 0.38758 w53 = 0.37011 Study of Thirty-eight Cities. Praeger, New York.
NCU (1988) Report of the National Commission on Urbanisation
w54 = 0.85473 w51 = w52 = 0.16273 Vol. II. Government of India Press, New Delhi.
NIUA (1993) Handbook of Urban Statistics. National Institute of
Urban Affairs (NIUA), New Delhi.
Optimal dimensions of the built unit components Payne, G (1997) Urban Land Tenure and Property Rights in
Developing Countries. IT Publications, London.
(in meters): Smith, W F (1975) Urban Development – The Process and The
lbr = 4.414 wbr = 3.166 llr = 4.782 wlr = 4.854 Problems. University of California Press, Berkeley.
United Nations (1992) World Population Trends. Population
lk = 4.414 wk = 3.799 lbt = 2.869 wbt = 2.110 Division, United Nations, New York.
World Bank (1990) World Development Reports. World Bank,
lwc = 1.913 wwc = 1.266 lsc = 4.966 wsc = 2.110 Washington, DC.
World Bank (1991) World Development Reports. World Bank,
ssf = 0.184 owl = 2.532 wo = 1.266 blw = 2.266 Washington, DC.


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