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1001 reasons that people with the same birth chart may have
different destiny

People with the same 4P or birth chart may have different destiny because they have:

1. different parents, including different socio-economic characteristics

2. different DNA
3. different conception time
4. different conception locations: one may be conceived inside a car whereas the other
one in a bedroom (different Feng Shui influences)
5. different geographic areas: person who lives in a cold region will do better if his
chart is too hot
6. different birth minutes: one may be born at the beginning of the hour whereas the
other one at the end of the hour
7. different birth environments: one may be born on a ship whereas the other in a
8. different birth order: one may be the first born while the other the 4th kid in the
9. different names: one may be named "stupid" whereas the other one "smartie"
10. different Feng Shui environments when growing up
11. different regional earth luck
12. different karma credit balance spilled/ditumpahkan over from previous life times
13. different social networks: interactions or exchange of energies with different social
groups will give rise to different life experience and opportunities and hence different
14. free will to make their own choices leading to different outcomes

"Ken, how about identical twins born and raise in the same environment yet experience
very different life events?"

Good question! There is a critical reason for that-- get it in my class or 4P-bootcamp
discussion list.
Ken Lai


Tomb-storage or tomb AND storage?/gudang atau kuburan

In general 4-pillars texts, chen, xu, chou and wei are called "tomb-storages". They are
derived from the San-He formula (the 12 life-stages):
1. hai-mao-wei: wei is the tomb for wood
2. yin-wu-xu: xu is the tomb for fire
3. shen-zi-chen: chen is the tomb for water
4. si-you-chou: chou is the tomb for metal

This only explains the "tomb" part of the tomb-storage term. Where does the "storage"
come from?

Chen-xu-chou- wei are also called "4 storages". We use it to check if a person can hold
on to his wealth or as the capacity to learn metaphysics.

If you check the formula for 3-meeting (San Hui) formula:

1. yin-mao-chen is wood-3-meeting: Here chen functions as the storage of wood
2. si-wu-wei is fire-3-meeting: weifunctions as the storage of fire
3 hai-zi-chou is water-3-meeting: chou functions as the storage of water
4 shen-you-xu is metal-3-meeting: xu functions as storage of metal

Merging the two above, you can see:

1. Chen is the storage of wood and tomb for water/salah terbalik
2. Wei is the storage of fire and tomb for wood
3. Xu is the storage for metal and tomb for fire
4. Chou is the storage for water and tomb for metal
Apakah terbalik nih ??
Chen and wei are both the storage of wood. But chen's energy is based on 3-meeting
which is much greater than wei's wood-3-unity.

In 4P texts, there are vague/tdk jelas statements about the clashing of chen-
xu-chou-wei as "auspicious" or "good for wealth". But there are also
statements of "doom"/ajal when the 4-storages are clashed.

When is good to clash or when is bad to clash the tomb/storage? It all comes back to
..... (check 4P Bootcamp discussion list).
It can easily take 4 hours to a whole day to discuss chen-xu-chou-wei.
Ken Lai


"My current luck sucks, ..........."

"My current luck sucks, ..........."

The last thing people will say is: "because I'm an ass/keledai or I did something bad."
For Chinese in Taiwan, they are likely to say, "It must be something wrong with my
fortune or Feng Shui. Let me consult a lao-shi." Lao-shi means "teacher" or "master" in
Chinese. People in Hong Kong will pretty much say the same thing, except they call lao-
shi as shi-fu.

They luckier ones may have their own steady fortune-teller who is more than likely, also
a Feng Shui master.

The master will check the client's 4-pillar or ZWDS chart and see if the client is in a bad
annual or 10-year luck period. If there is nothing wrong with luck period, the master will
suggest checking the Feng Shui of client's residence. If there is nothing wrong with
client's house Feng Shui, the master will suggest checking the tomb Feng Shui of client's
deceased close-relatives.
For those who do not have a trusted master, they are likely running into not-so capable
"master" who will mess up/membereskan their Feng Shui even more --- due to their
current bad luck!

I have taught some seminars in Mexico in the last few years. For Mexicans, at least for
those that I run into, when faced with "My current luck sucks, ..........." situation, their
likely response will be:

"Someone has voodooed/santet me!"

This seems to be a "standard" response from South Americans as even their leaders like
Venezuela's Chavez have their own voodoo guys.

According to them, the "sign" that someone has done witchcraft on you is that your
home suddenly has flies/lalat flying around. They will need to find a more powerful
voodoo guy to expell the spell on them.

No wonder my "Daoist talismans for Feng Shui and Blessing" course is the most popular
course there. It has a section on protection from voodoo.
ken Lai


Approaches to handle the "missing" birth hour problem

A major problem affecting the accuracy of Bazi or most astrological methods is the
"missing" or inaccurate birth hour reported.

Astrological method like Zi-Wei-Dou-Shu is more birth hour sensitive than Bazi. An
incorrectly reported birth hour will affect the final reading drastically. Bazi is more day-
pillar focused, but sometimes incorrect hour will turn the reading upside-down!

The followings are some approaches to estimate the hour data using client's (DM):

1. personality to estimate the hour

2. birth order
3. hair-ring on the head
4. sleeping posture
5. face shape
6. length comparisons of certain fingers
7. year moved, immigrated, major travel, career change

"Ken, which method do you use?"

"I plug in the 12 possible Chinese hours into the chart and see which hour fits the life
experience of the client better."

"This takes a lot of time!"

"Not really when you use a 4P chart plotting program. There is one such program that
you can use in my website for free. I can run through 12 possible hours in less than 10

Not everyone can use computer to do 4P charts, so the most common approach is doing
3 different charts-- one according to the hour reported, one "minus one hour" from the
reported hour and one "plus one" hour.

When everything fails, my last resort is pulling out my cell phone.

"Call your friend or .......?"

This is my lineage secret. You have to come to my class to get it.
Ken Lai


Funny lineage math

Disclaimer: Ken Lai is neither a lineage-hugger nor a "no-lineage independent". He is
a "whatever works" opportunist regardless/tanpa memperhatikan of the origin.

A common criticism of the lineage system is the practice of "keeping a hand" (留一手 liú
yī shǒu; witholding some secrets) by the Sifu (teacher) from his disciples. This practice
is probably as popular if not more common today than ancient times.

In the old days, choosing an "indoor student" was like picking a life-long
partner. The master checked everything and especially the moral character of the
potential student. The student will serve the master from cleaning his toilet to carry his
luopan for many years before getting some "real knowledge". Today, this type of
fellowship/persahabatan is replaced by commodity economy -- paying a huge sum of
money to the master. There are cases of "guaranteed indoorship" without even looking
at the incoming student provided US$5000 or more is paid. It is like selling a franchise
to the student who will in turn market the same thing as soon as he "graduates". The
master has more incentive to "keep a hand" to maintain his "upperhand" because
people are more materialistic than those in the old days.

Some critics frequently use a simple math formula to discredit the lineage system. The
logic is simple: if every generation keeps 10% secrets from the next generation, a
lineage will have nothing left after 10 to 12 generations.

This argument is mathematically and even logically sound. It is an example of simplistic

or deceptive reasoning using numbers. It assumes:

1. the lineage's knowledge-base does not grow over generations

2. "keeping a hand" always happens, even between father and son situation
3. the junior generation will always be satisfied with whatever craps/omong kosong that
previous generation gave them
4. the junior generation will not THINK and develop their own solution when critical info
is witheld

If you do not believe my arguments, just look at how many different "varieties" of Flying
Star Feng Shui out there--- at least 10+ with variations from funny ways of flying the
stars, counting yang-yin, tai-ji, periods to mixing concepts with other schools. Most
come with their own re-interpretations of Feng Shui classics like the "Green Satchel
Classic". All claim to be "authentic". Same scenario with Bazhai Feng Shui.

Therefore, this "keeping a hand" practice actually simulates creativity and explorations
instead of killing or diluting/melarutkan the lineage system. People are always
curious/inginn tahu and trying to "figure out" if something are missing or witheld.
Whether the end results are positive or negative will be another long
discussion. Everything comes in a package of both good and not so good.
Ken Lai


"Heaven's secrets: No transfer to the morally decrepit/tua sekali"

Yesterday, I accidentally opened a digitally-scanned version of my Feng Shui sifu'shand-
written manuscript that I had received years ago but never read. The document has less
than 70 pages.

The first sentence of first page had this written: " XXXXXX School Yang Residence
傳 fěi rén wù chuá).

The manuscript lists the XXXXX School version of yin-yang, forms, tai-
ji, XKDG, shaneuralizations, sha-fighting, luopan design, water methods and even date-
selection with 30% space in diagrams --- all in less than 70 pages! It even specifies
which item is top lineage secret and warns about the indiscriminate/sembarangan
transfer to the "wrong" people will cut short your blessings or even your life.

In the "Sha-fighting" section, the writer repeatedly warns that about the possible fatality
if the sha-fighting is not done right. The procedures and techniques are very different
from those you found in books or most of the existing courses out there. My suggestion
is: do not fight sha unless/kecuali kalau your life is absolutely worthless/tdk
berharga. Your life worths more than the possible wealth that sha-fighting

The crown jewel of this school probably is how to convert an inauspicious region into
auspicious. The writer specifically warns, "do not publicize this; only teach to your
indoor student ......"

How do you know these so-called "lineage secrets" are for real?

The first thing is to observe your Sifu or teacher-- is s/he a righteous or honorable
person? Does s/he do what s/he preaches/ajarkan? How s/he treats people gives you a
general idea of how credible s/he is. But this has no guarantee either if s/he is a
charismatic person.

A real secret is like a lighting rod that suddenly illuminates/menerangi everything--

something that make you yell "Ah!" Suddenly everything makes sense after you
have "plugged" in the secret.

A not-so-real secret will complicate your mind even more instead of simplifying it. Real
secrets normally are simple and eloquent/penuh perasaan.

Most contents of this hand-written manuscript were published in books except the critical
components or "lineage secrets" are missing. It costs an arm and leg to become an
"indoor student" to get the "real thing".

"How about share your lineage secrets here?"

Good try! Pal. My old teacher still needs to make a living out of it. He has not given me
any dead-bed instructions yet.

The implication is: if any Feng Shui guy or teacher promises making you a
millionaire/billionaire without looking at your 4P or astrological chart, you may
be better off donate your tuition to charity and collect some positive karma
points. Your meng or fate/nasib has more influences on your well-
being/kesejahteraan than Feng Shui.
Ken Lai


3-Penalties dates

Xu month starts and runs till Nov. 16. Chou year (2009) and xu month already form
"semi-3-penalties". When it runs into awei day, the day becomes a "year-breaker" day
plus "3-penalties" day-- not suitable to make major decision or traveling
(susceptible/mudah kena to traffic accident). Xu dengan chou dengan wei
The following days are ram days, clashing ox and forming a "3-penalties day"
with xu month-- 10/29 (ding-wei day) and 11/10 (ji-wei day). You better stay home
and avoid traveling or doing anything important or making major decision.

The chou-xu-wei combination is especially inauspicious for people with ram, ox and dog
animal sign. Even if you do not have these animal signs, but your spouse palace/teci
hari (day branch) has a wei (ram), chou (ox) or xu (dog), you should be extra careful
during this month too. It is not too late to get the Immortal Lu safe-driving metal
talisman or at least you put a protection symbol of your favorite deity or religion into
your car.

kesimpulan : bahaya kecelakaan pd 3 sanxing hari terutama apabila ada di pilar hari
Ken Lai


Translations of 4P or Bazi terms

There are no commonly agreed translations of 4P terms. Different schools or teachers
translate 4P terms according to his/her personal preferences. There are three major
rules used in translations:

1. Literal translations: This simply gives a faithful and very often, horrible (in terms of
culture shock) translations of the terms. For examples, “shi-shen” is translated as
“eating god”, “qi-sha” becomes “7-killings”, “shang-guan” becomes “hurting officials or
officers” and the likes. Problem with literal translations is that it may bias students’
perception towards certain terms as “bad” because it sounds horrible. In reality, every
one of the “10 gods” or ‘transformation stars” (my terminology) can be positive or
negative depending on the composition of the 4P chart. Another common misconception
is the ubiquitous/dimana2 uses of the term "god" in 4P, like "useful god" (yong shen),
"enmity/musuh god" (chou shen) and the like, making 4P sound "religious" when it is
actually more statistical in nature.

2. Pin-yin translations: This gives a transliteration of the 4P terms like “shi-shen”,

“zheng-guan” and etc. It takes some time to get used to these foreign terms. But it is
great when you go back to the original Chinese texts or switching teachers/school.

3. Translation based on interpreted meanings: This translates the 4P terms based

on the understanding of the translator. For example, shi-shen and shang-guanare
translated as “output” stars. But different people have different understanding of the
terms, so the translations can sometimes be confusing and shocking as well. Good
translations under this should be “value-free” or NOT “value-laden”. It should also give
meanings that are faithful or close to the original meanings of the terms. The translated
terms should not influence the perception of the readers and students.

4. Mixing of all of the above

The following examples are the common translations of 4P's "10 gods" or
"transformation stars":


Jie-cai 劫财

Ken: JC, +peer ("+" stands for polarity "yang")

Others: rob wealth, competitor, unfriendly parallel, contender/pesaing-star, unfriendly

Bi-jian 比肩

Ken: BJ, -peer ("-" stands for polarity "yin")

Others: friend, colleague, unfriendly parallel, friend-star, friendly buddy/teman baik

Ken: ZC, +weatlh
Others: direct wealth, income, regular weatlh, proper wealth, main income, expected wealth,


Ken: PC, –wealth

Others: indirect wealth, wealth, unbecoming wealth, unexpected wealth, unexpected
property, windfall/rejeki nomplok star, godsend/tak terduga wealth, unexpected


Ken: ZY, +resource

Others: direct resource, resource/education, proper resource, main funds, proper care,
mother-star, willingly nourished

Pian-yin 偏印

Ken: PY, –resource

Others: indirect resource, resource/education, unbecoming resource, unexpected funds,
unbecoming care, guardian star, unwillingly/dengan segan nourished/memberi makan


Ken: SG, +output

Others: hurting officer, intelligence/aspirations, drastic ouput, actor-star,
offending/menyerang-star, harsh/kasar output


Ken: SS, –output

Others: eating god, intelligence/aspirations, gracious/sangat ramah output, artist-star,
food-star, emotional IQ


Ken: ZG, +power

Others: direct officer, power/status, proper power, discipline, angel star, the obedience


Ken: QS, –power

Others: 7-killings, power/status, unbecoming power, unbecoming/tak pantas discipline,
evil star, the stern/jahat

My personal bias is trying to make the translated terms as neutral as possible, so as not
influencing the reader's perception. Each of these 10 "stars" or "gods" can be positive or
negative depending on the combination of the natal chart and luck periods.

I do not mean other translations are not as "good" or "horrible" as mine. Translations
reflect the worldviews, command of the Chinese language and mental conditions of the
Ken Lai

Eye problems and 4-Pillars

A friend told me that he has an eye surgery. Recently I also have problem with my right eye-- a big
floating particle blurs/remang2 my vision from time to time.

This friend encourages me to see an eye doctor ASAP. So I called an eye doctor for an appointment.
But I can't get in until 4 weeks later. The doctor is very busy!

Someone has canceled his appointment and I took over this morning. The doctor went through the
normal examination like dilating my pupil, checking the cornea and retina... etc. Dr. M found the
"floater" inside my eye.

Dr. M is around 60 years old and pretty friendly and casual.

Dr. M found the "floater" inside my eye. Floater is the falling debris inside one's eye due to the aging
of eye tissues.

"You did nothing to create that floater problem. It is simply that you are OLD! Older people have
problem like this" The doctor said.

Doctor M is darn honest. This hurts more than me being the culprit!

"Is there any medication to fix this floater problem?"

"Do I need any surgery to get rid of it?"
"Surgery is normally not needed, unless the floater/berganti2 bothers you. It normally disintegrates
after a month or two." The doctor replied.
"I'm into astrology. Do you have more patients this year than the average?" I asked the doctor
because I suspect there is correlation between a strong earth year (2009) and eye problems.

"I don't know. I just keep working everyday in the last few weeks." Doctor M replied. Age must catches
up with her too.

"So you think astrology has something to do with eye problems?" She curiously/curiga asked.

"Yes, I think strong earth energy cause more eye problems."

Well, to keep the story short, Dr. M said that I do not need to see her again unless something happen
to my eyes and gave me some free eye-drops sample.
In terms of 4P, current year ji-chou (earth-ox) is a strong earth year and my own chart has a pair
of earth (stem and branch) and fire. The strong earth drains my fire. Fire stands for eyes and heart.
So I think if one's chart has weak fire and strong earth and annual luck brings in more earth, one's
eyes may have problem.

If a chart has a lot of earth already, the likely health issues will be digestive system and skin for 2009.
Ken Lai


Question on wife beater/pemukul and Bazi

A question from my "4P Bootcamp' discussion list:

"Ken, is there anything in a 4P chart that could show whether a man is prone to violence
eg. domestic violence?"/kdrt

This is an interesting but complicated question. It involves legal system too. For
example, in Singapore, if you beat up your wife, the government will cane/pemukul your
ass, so husbands there will not beat up their wives even if their 4P show they may. For
other "civilized" countries, besides 4P factors, it will become educational (and social
class) question. Generally speaking, working class/kelas buruh husbands are more likely
to beat up their wives.

To figure out if a guy will beat up his wife or not, you need to check which stars affect
personality negatively. Man with too many peer stars (bi-jian/ jie-cai) is likely to be an
ass (selfish, stubborn) is one. Man with too many shang-guan (output or talent) is
another. Man with many qi-sha (power star) with no control is prone to violence too, not
only just beating up wife.

You also need to look at wife's chart-- chart with zheng-guan and qi-sha (power stars)
"mixing up"/campuran and is also "unfavorable"/tdk bagus , she is likely to be
bully/diganggu by man. Personally, I think the woman's chart determines if she will be
beaten or not. Certain female chart will attract specific type of man. You see it all the
time by observing celebrities.

This topic can easily fill a volume--- it will be treated in detail in:
"Applied 4P: wealth & marrige" .
Ken Lai

FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2009

Bazi and Shopping

Get your attention?

On June 6, I went shopping for stationary and craft materials. I had shopped 4 stores
and I had 50% off coupons for two of the stores.

In one store that no coupon can be used, I bought a color laser printer that normally is
sold for US$499 for $100. It is not an obsolete model. Other local stores still sell the
same model at $499.

The two stores that took 50% off coupon somehow gave me another 50% off at
checkout. I did not know why (and not argue either, is it my charm/pesona?).

I got no deal from one store.

When I went home, I have checked the calendar-- it was a ji-mao day. Mao is wood--
my wealth element. So here is a potential "top secret" for maximizing your
shopping dollars – shop/belanja during your wealth day.
Best of all, you can blame it on me when your spouse yelling/berteriak at all your
shopping bags.

See you in the shopping malls!

NOTE: In case you don't know your wealth element, here are the formula:

Your Day-Master element / wealth element

Metal==> wood
Wood==> earth
Water==> fire
Fire==> metal
Earth==> water

You may refer to my message on "How to enhance your chance of winning lotto", it has
presented a more detailed formula there.
Ken Lai

RIDAY, JUNE 26, 2009

Questions & Answers on "Feng Shui and 4P"

Below is taken from a message from my “4P Bootcamp” discussion list.

Hi Ken and others,

Student Comment: It appears that feng shui has an influence at least on people’s
personality. I observed people living in different areas of the country or world behave

Ken: Yes, there are regional difference in macro Feng Shui which affect not only the
personality but also physical appearance of the people there. For example, people born
in China’s Soo Zhou and Hang Zhou regions, where water and mountains are pretty,
tend to be physically attractive too, not to mention there are many famous scholars and
poets born in those areas in the past thousand years or so.
Then we have micro level Feng Shui that affect individual households. From my
experience, I found that personal luck is likely to synchronize with Feng Shui . I told
people if they feel their current luck is great, then fire/pecat the Feng Shui master and
just grab/ambil a house. It will have good Feng Shui . But if you feel your current luck is
low, you need to find a Feng Shui guy/orang to help you.

Some people intentionally or unintentionally overblow/melebihkan the power of Feng

Shui. Feng Shui's basic premise is to live in harmony with nature. Everything else are
just by-products. It does not intend to make you rich, to have good relationship, to beat
recession or not getting sick. Even His Holiness Delai Lama gets sick from time to time
and consults a doctor. The richest man in the world is not a Feng Shui master. In fact,
many famous Feng Shui masters in history died poor. What did these mean? One's fate
or destiny is more important than Feng Shui, not to mention personal cultivation
and behaviors that also affect one's karma and luck.

Student Comment: My question is: does Feng Shui influence one’s luck?

Ken: Yes, a Hong Kong sifu of mine had found that people with good Feng Shui , when
they have traffic accident, their injury will be minimized or not severe. Another study in
Taiwan about air-crash victims showed that their house Feng Shui tend to have problem
like void line (no qi or energy coming into the house).

So it seems that the relationship between Feng Shui and 4-Pillars is like this: if personal
luck is bad, good Feng Shui will mitigate/mengurangi the negative effect. If one has
good luck but his house Feng Shui is bad, the negative effect will not be as severe/keras
or mitigated/dikurangi. With bad personal luck and bad Feng Shui — your life will be
very challenging/tantangan.

There are people who do not believe in San-sha (3-killings) and 5-yellow and dug in
those areas and bragged/membual about nothing negative happen. It did not happen
YET because their current luck is probably on the high side.

The negative effect may come a few years later— when your luck is low! Few
people can enjoy good luck all the time.
Some years ago Taiwan’s China Airline had a crash with many of its executives killed on-
board. Taiwan Feng Shui masters had traced back that the company had violated San
Sha a few years ago when they built their new headquarters.

Student Comment: For example, why there are more countries that suffer
poverty/kemelaratan, famine/kelaparan, and war than developed nations?

Ken: This has to do with the “earth luck” of those regions. It switches according to the
lao-shu (post-heaven bagua) theoretically. For example, now is Period 8 and the
auspicious region will be NE of any country or NE of the world.

Student Comment: Does it mean good 4P charts and bad charts are not evenly/datar
distributed around the world?

Ken: There is no study done about the distribution of good and bad 4P charts. There are
about a few hundred babies born every minute around the world with the same 4P
charts. Of course, they will not have same luck and life experience. Different geography
and birth environments (including social class background) will affect people with same
4P chart differently.

There is a 4P story about two babies born at the same time– one was born on a ship and
another born in the shop of a blacksmith. The one born on water became a major
government official while the blacksmith’s son become a blacksmith. Then someone
move this blacksmith son to the capital and study. He became an official too.

Their natal chart liked water. Temperature adjustment in a 4P chart is very important.
Very often, the difference between a rich man and a very rich man is the latter has
temperature adjustment.

Student Comment: Majority of people in a 3rd world country are born with bad charts,
or the ones with good charts managed to leave the country, or the ones born with good
charts will have bad luck as well if they live in a city/country with bad Feng Shui?

Ken: Everything is relative. What’s considered “poor” here may sound like paradise in
some other countries. The “poor” in USA still have cable TV and steady supply of food–
compare this lifestyle to some third world poor, it is not bad at all. I don’t think majority
of people in third world countries born with bad charts, just the ones with “good” charts
may suffer less.

Personally I think your “yun” or luck periods are more important than your Bazi natal
chart and Feng Shui . When you are in good luck period, you can pick a house with good
Feng Shui with your eyes blindfolded/tutup mata.

To conclude, 4P interacts with Feng Shui , geography (hot or cold climate), birth
environments, your personal choices and perhaps, your past lives too (if you believe in

Student Comment: I ask this because people are always looking to change aspects of
their lives i.e.) better job opportunities, less stressful life, etc. by moving to a different
area. But is it really helpful?

Ken: Yes, if your chart dislikes fire and you live in say, Malaysia (hot area), your luck
will be better if you move to Minnesota (cold place). I have tested this out myself!
Ken Lai


"How to pick up woman with Bazi (4P)?"

A 4P friend responds to my "winning lotto" post:

Hi Ken,

After reading your blog article on "How to enhance your chance of winning lotto", I have
the following questions:

1. Seems to me that the "secret" does not consider the strength of the day-master (DM,
wealth favorable or not) – is this important or not since the lotto prize would be only a
small amount which can maybe be "handled" even by a weak DM?

Ken anwers: You are observant. Blog article is for general public and cannot be too
specific due to the readers' diverse backgrounds. You probably are able to figure out
which day and hour for a weak (DM)to buy the lotto (what stands for wealth for weak
DM?). This is why I tell people to buy only one $1 lotto ticket.

2. For a male DM, considering that his Pian-cai (non-regular income) also represents his
female lover, could he meet a lover / potential girlfriend during his trip to buy a lottery
ticket (joking …. )?

Ken answers: Wow! You have inspired me to write, "How to pick up/mengambil woman
with 4P?". You will get 10% commission if it becomes a NY Times best seller. Anyone
wants to pre-order?

I guess the guy either hitting the lotto or meeting a lover and may lose his shirt on the
woman. Man with multiple pian-cai (non-regular wealth) in his chart tends to be a
womanizer too-- keep your daughters away from him.

Pian-cai also stands for father, so the man may pick up another father on his way to buy
the lotto--- just hope the old man is a rich guy or you may get stuck with his nursing
home bills.

To know whether you will hit the lotto or pick up a woman or an old man, you may want
to take my "4P Bootcamp" video correspondence course.
Ken Lai

SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 2009

Grief/kesulitan counselling with heaven-earth time differentials

Yesterday I saw a sad news about a 10-year old terminally ill girl's dying wish. Here is
some excerpts from the news:

"HUNTINGTON BEACH – Colby Curtin, a 10-year-old with a rare form of cancer, was
staying alive for one thing – a movie.
After a family friend made frantic calls to Pixar to help grant Colby her dying wish, Pixar
came to the rescue.
The company flew an employee with a DVD of Up, which is only in theaters, to the
Curtins' Huntington Beach home on June 10 for a private viewing of the movie.
Colby died about seven hours after seeing the film."

You may check this link for more details and photos:

This news story makes me think of ways to make this "departure" process easier for the
sick children.
In some classic Chinese legends about people who had travelled to heaven and backed
to earth, they had always mentioned about the time differential between earth and
heaven, like a few days in heaven is equivalent to a few hundered years on earth. But
there were no exact figures about the ratio.
A few years ago I ran into a book written by a respected Chinese monk. In November 3,
1967, "Living Buddha" Kuan-jing (宽凈) went to a mountain cave in China to zen-

meditate. He was "disappeared" and his body was not found.

When the monk "came" back from his meditation May 1, 1973, he said he was always
inside the cave, just people could not see him somehow. He said that he was led by a
deity to do a visit of Nirvana (Buddisht name for heaven).
He reported that he felt that he had been in Nirvana for about 20 hours. By the time he
returned, earth time had "moved" about 6 years and 5 months.
From these numbers, we can figure out that one day in heaven is equal to 7 years and
10 months of earth time.
Using Colby Curtin's case as example, adults may tell her that Heaven is fun and
painless, but separating from her parents will be a big concern for almost any child.
Nothing beats telling her that her parents will come within 2 weeks (heaven's time) and
definitely not more than a month.
Two weeks of heaven's time is 2 x7 days x 7.83 or over 100 earth years. Colby's parents
will be over 120 years old by that time if they live that long.
Same principle can also be used to comfort our departing aged parents. We can tell
them to wait for us at heaven gate in a week (of heaven time). It will be a short
separation and quick reunion in heaven.
"Ken, how can you be sure that one will go to heaven and not hell?"
According to this respected monk, unless one has done something very bad like murder,
one is likely to go to at least the lowest level of heaven. The important thing is "getting
into the door" and work our way up later. You don't want to be reincarnated or going to
hell. Even in the lowest level of heaven, you can still really "think and get it!" (that's why
it is heaven).
RIP Colby.
Ken Lai
NOTE: updated the time differential to 7.83 years after locating the original book


How to enhance your chance of winning lotto

I have won a small prize in lotto last month. Here is my little secret of using 4P (Bazi)
knowledge to win.

Firstly, find out your own day-master (DM) element and its correspondent wealth
element or pian-cai ("non-regular income"). For example, I am a Geng-metalDM,
my pian-cai will be Jia-wood or yin-wood element.

May 19, 2009 was Jia-zi day. Zi is water and feeds the Jia-wood. So it is pretty strong
wealth energy for a Geng-metal day-master person. If you do not know your DM
element, you can go to my website to use the "4P Calculator" to find out. The day
element (the top one of the day pillar) will be your DM element.

Secondly, find out a day that is rich in your pian-cai (non-regular wealth). In my case, a
Jia-wood or Yin-wood day. You can use the same "4P calculator" by entering the date to
find out its elemental nature by checking the day pillar.

You may further enhance the wealth energy by choosing your own wealth hour. Like in
my case, choose a yin or tiger hour (yes, very early, but there are 24 x 7 convenience
stores here).

After you have all the above info, you go to a store during your wealth day and wealth
hour and buy a lotto ticket. There is no need to buy more than one ticket.

The followings are the wealth day and hour for different day-masters.

DM: WOOD DM: WEALTH ELEMENT (non-regular wealth)

Jia DM: Wu-earth, chen and Xu earth
Sample date: Wu-wu (fire), wu-chen, wu-xu; bing-chen, bing-xu
Sample hour: chen, xu
Where to buy: SE or NW side from your location (chen or xu mountain)

Yi DM: Ji, chou, and wei earth

Sample date: Ji-si, ji-chou, ji-wei, ding-chou, ding-wei
Sample hour: chou, wei
Where to buy: SW or NE side from your location (chou or wei mountain)

FIRE DM: WEALTH ELEMENT (non-regular wealth)

Bing DM: Geng and shen metal
Sample date: Geng-shen, geng-chen, geng-xu, wu-shen
Sample hour: shen
Where to buy: west or SW side from your location (geng or shen mountain)

Ding DM: Xin and you metal

Sample date: Xin-you, xin-chou, xin-wei, ji-you
Sample hour: you
Where to buy: west side from your location (xin or you mountain)

EARTH DM: WEALTH ELEMENT (non-regular wealth)

Wu DM: Ren and zi water
Sample date: Ren-zi, ren-shen, geng-zi
Sample hour: zi
Where to buy: north side from your location (ren or zi mountain)

Ji DM: Gui and hai water

Sample date: Gui-hai, gui-you, xin-hai
Sample hour: hai
Where to buy: north and NW side from your location (gui or hai mountain)

METAL DM: WEALTH ELEMENT (non-regular wealth)

Geng DM: Jia and yin wood
Sample date: Jia-yin, jia-zi, Ren-yin
Sample hour: yin
Where to buy: east and NE side from your location (jia or yin mountain)

Xin DM: Yi and mao wood

Sample date: Yi-mao, yi-hai, gui-mao
Sample hour: mao
Where to buy: east side from your location (yi or mao mountain)

WATER DM: WEALTH ELEMENT (non-regular wealth)

======================================= =====
Ren DM: Bing and wu fire
Sample date: Bing-wu, bing-yin, jia-wu
Sample hour: wu-horse
Where to buy: south side from your location (bing or wu mountain)

Gui DM: Ding and si fire

Sample date: Ding-si, ding-mao, yi-si
Sample hour: si
Where to buy: south and SE side from your location (ding or si mountain)

If you win, send me 10% or to your favorite charity will keep the winning coming.
Ken Lai


Billionaires and their month of birth

The Forbes magazine has conducted a study about the characteristics of the world's 657
self-made billiionares in last February.

The study examines: "Are billionaires born or made? What are the common attributes
among the uber/-wealthy? Are there any true secrets of the self-made?"

In this message I just focus on the birth month correlation with wealth potentials. You
may check out the entire article if you are interested in other factors.

Month of birth is important in "4-pillars of Destiny" because it determines the

temperature of a natal chart. Extreme temperature like excessive hotness, dryness,
coldness or dampness has severe consequence on major aspects of life like fertility and

Here are the parts about months of birth in the study:

"Consistent with the rest of the population, more American billionaires were born in the
fall/musim gugur than in any other season. However, relatively few/sedikit billionaires
were born in December, traditionally the month with the eighth/kedelapan highest birth
rate. This anomaly/keganjilan holds true among billionaires in the U.S. and abroad."

"Of the 380 self-made American tycoons who have appeared on the Forbes list of the
World's Billionaires in the past three years, 42 were born in September--more than in
any other month. "/unsur logam monyet atau bulan ayam
December is around Zi-water winter month of the solar calendar. Water energy is strong
and cold in this month. The probability of getting a "cold" chart is much higher than
other months since the important month branch is taken by a cold element already.

September is around the shen-metal autumn month of the solar calendar. Shenmonth is
the first month after the wei-earth summer month. It is not too cold or hot even if there
are few fire elements found in a natal chart.

Today is your lucky day---- here is a big secret on how to differentiate

a "rich" chart and an "ultra-rich" chart-- it is all in the temperature of the

The temperature of a "rich" chart is not as well-adjusted/penyesuaian as an "ultra-

rich" chart. "Well-adjusted" means the balance between hot vs. cold and dry vs. wet.

This Forbes study seems to give face validity/kebenaran to this theory of temperature
Ken Lai


Why 2009 has so many plane crashes?

Now is late March and it seems the current year has an unusually high number of plane

Newspaper reports that there are 2 new plane crashes in last weekend.

People ask me why all the crashes? Here is my attempted answer:

2009 is Ji-chou or earth-ox year. The 5-element nature of ox is also earth. So earth
energy is very strong this year.

Chou is the "tomb" or storage/gudang of metal element. Si-you-chou (snake-rooster-

ox) is the 3-unity metal combinations in the Chinese stem and branch system.
"You" is rooster (bird) and metal in nature. It can be interpreted as airplane.

In post-heaven bagua or lao-shu chart, west is occupied by the 7-metal star. You-metal
is also located in the same area.

For year 2009's annual star chart, 2-sickness (earth) star flies to the west direction. This
has two implications:
1. it adds more earth to the region
2. in Chinese numerology, 2-7 means fire, so the fire adds more earth to the region.

In short, there are excessive earth energy in 2009. In 4-Pillars, there is a term called
"too much earth will bury metal".

With 2-7 fire in the you-metal region and the strong chou metal-tomb energy, some
"flying birds" crashed and burned and ended up in the metal tomb.
Ken Lai


4-Pillars Perspective on Mate-selection/memeilih pasangan

The following is a common 4-Pillars question on marriage:

"According to 4 Pillars, can a person ( male ) born inthe year of Ox marry a person (
female ) born in the year ofs heep, even though there is a direct clash ? I have observed
several such cases wherein such married couple get along very well with each other !"

Chou (ox) and Wei (sheep) are basically the same--- earth, so clashes between the two
are not that antagonistic like monkey (shen-metal) clashing tiger (yin-wood).

Also Chou is "metal storage" and Wei is "wood storage". If a person or DM needs such
storage, it will work well with a spouse who brings it to the pot.
I also found, in some rare cases, a person's clashing animal sign may also be the
"nobleman" of the person.

Besides, animal clash is only part of the equation. You still have to look at the day pillars
between the potential couple-- to see if there are clashes or combinations. You prefer
combinations in this case. It means attraction and getting along between the two.
Clashes mean fighting.

Then come to the most important part-- (contents are posted in "4P Bootcamp"
discussion list).

This 4P principle on mate-selection can also be applied to business partner selection and
hiring of employees/karyawan or looking for your "helpful people"/kui jin.
Ken Lai


4-Pillar Reading of the latest Octuplets

(Click on
picture to enlarge it)

A woman in California has given birth to octuplets/ in the first day of the Chinese New

How do you read the 4P of octuplets? Will all the babies have the samefortune and luck?

No 4P classic has mentioned even how to handle triplets. There are simpleways to
handle twins 4P. But 8...?
Anyway, I ran the 4P charts of the octuplets. You may notice the year branch is still zior
mouse. The solar new year will arrive at Feb. 4th as usual. Quality of the charts are on
the borderline of below average. The kids may jinx/mencelakakan the parents, especially
the father. Their luck is below average in their middle ages. Girls' teen luck is better than
the boys.
YEAR: wu-zi (earth-water)
MONTH: yi-chou (wood-earth)
DAY: xin-wei (metal-earth)
HOUR: gui-si (water-fire)
If their mother had consulted a 4P reader and pushed the delivery time by 9 hours (xu
instead of si hour), the luck will be much much better for her kids.
YEAR: wu-zi (earth-water)
MONTH: yi-chou (wood-earth)
DAY: xin-wei (metal-earth)
HOUR: WU-XU (earth-earth)
What if the hospital cannot mobilize 46 workers after 7pm (xu hour)? No problem-- if the
mother can delay the births by 3 days to Jan. 29 at the same si hour, the kids' luck will
also be much better and no jinx to parents.
YEAR: wu-zi (earth-water)
MONTH: yi-chou (wood-earth)
DAY: JIA-XU (wood-earth)
HOUR: gui-si (water-fire)

It's fate-- that could possibly be changed if the mother has some 4-pillars knowledge.
PS: Methods of reading multiple births are posted in my "4P Bootcamp" discussion list.

Ken Lai

Grand Duke, 4-Pillars and Feng Shui

Year of Ox is approaching and there will be a new Grand Duke taking over the year.

Grand Duke (GD)/tai sui is a Daoist creation about an annual deity who controls the
human affairs for the year (like the annual luck concept in 4P). There are 60 binomials
(jia-zi) in the 60-years cycle of the Chinese calendar, so there are 60 distinct GDs taking
turns to "rule" the human world.

These GDs are Chinese historical figures who were righteous, pious/saleh and loyal to
their country. Most are from the Ming Dynasty (around 1600's), so we know the
personification of GD started around that time.

There are many ways to "violate"/melanggar GD,depending on one's Chinese zodiac

animal sign. These ways are based on the rules governing the interactions between the
earthly branches or animals signs-- the same rules used in 4-Pillars of Destiny.

Here are some comparisons:

* 4P: "Fu-yin"-- when the branches from two pillars are the same; can be positive or
negative (depending on the elemental nature of the fu-yin)
* GD: "Zhi GD"-- when the animal sign of the year is same as yours; normally means
obstacles or obstructions/halangan in life.
People who were born in 1913,1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997

* 4P: "Fan-yin"-- when the branches from two pillars are the antagonistic to each
other, e.g. chou vs wei (ox vs. ram); normally negative
* GD: "clash GD"-- same as above, when your animal sign is antagonistic to GD's;
normally means bad luck, sickness or accidents. This is the most severe/gangguan GD
People who were born in 1919,1931,1943,1955,1967,1979,1991,2003

* 4P: "Penalty"/xing/hwat-- when the branches from two pillars are from one of the
3-penalities combinations, e.g. mouse and rabbit, ox and dog, ram and dog, tiger and
snake, snake and monkey, etc; normally negative and affecting close relatives of the
person involved
* GD: "Penalize GD"-- same as above, when your animal sign "penalizes" GD's;
normally means accidents, legal problems and injuries/luka2.
People who were born in 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

* 4P: Break or "Po"-- when the branches from two pillars are from one of the following
combinations: mouse/rooster, tiger/pig, dragon/ox, snake/monkey, horse/rabbit,
ram/dog; "Po" stands for damage and breaking away; this is relative minor event
* GD: "Po GD"-- same as above animal sign combinations; relatively minor
People who were born in 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

* 4P: Harm or "Hai"-- when a branch stops the combination partner of another
branch; e.g.: wei (ram) "harms" zi (mouse combines with ox); "harm" stands for
disharmony and hurting. It's effects are not significant/berarti
* GD: "Hai GD"-- same as above; relatively minor offense

People who were born in 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

In Feng Shui, if GD is at the facing of your house or office, it will mean difficulty or
problems for the year. You should NOT do construction on GD's direction either UNLESS
you take the appropriate precautions/tindakan pencegahan and rituals. For year of
Ox, Chou mountain is at NE-N (around 22.5 to 37.5 degree).

You can sit with GD at your back, but not in front of you. Supposely in a war,
the side with GD at their back will likely win.
There are rituals for "appeasing"/memenangkan GD which are popular in Hong Kong and

There are also 4P fixes/perbaikan for clashing GD. For example, you may carry a Mickey
Mouse figure or a rooster to combine away the GD Chou.

There are also secret Daoist rituals that make GD your good friend and help you in
business and health matters and overcome danger. But that can be another course in

Ken Lai

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