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Presented by:
Name: Sharmila Ganguly
Roll No: 17011NB021
Third Semester
Masters of Architecture
Environmental Design
JNAFAU, Hyderabad

I profusely thank Professor Sudhakar for providing me with relevant

information to complete this research. His constant encouragement inspired
me to remain unbiased and motivated; helping me discover the importance of
this subject and in defining my role in this journey.
I thank my family and friends for their constant encouragement in my


Synopsis 4

Analysis of Data and Presentation of Findings 9

A Brief History of Radiant Cooling and Heating 10

Radiant Cooling Systems – Classification 12

Types of Radiant Cooling Systems 13

Basics of Slab Cooling System 17

Determining Cooling Capacity 24

Floor Heating 31

Zoning, Controls and Piping 32

Determining the Load Requirements 33

Control System 34

Control Strategies 35

System Design, Construction and Commissioning 40

Desktop Studies 49

YWCA Toronto ELM Centre, Ontario, Canada 50

Sweetwater Spectrum, California, USA 56

Cooper Union, New York, USA 60

Institute of Rural Research & Development, Gurgaon, India 64

Case Study 70

Infosys, Pocharam Campus, Hyderabad, India 71

Comparative Analysis of Desktop and Case Studies 89

Inferences and Proposals and Conclusion 90

Bibliography 91




Radiant cooling is the use of cooled surfaces to remove sensible heat by radiation
and convection. Radiant systems that use water to cool the radiant surfaces are
called hydronic systems. Conventional HVAC systems have several limitations.
The most significant draw back in conventional HVAC system are the
consumption of high energy and emission of green house gases like
Chloroflurocarbon. Also cold drafts can cause discomfort to occupants, the high
air turnover rate makes it is difficult to incorporate improved ventilation
effectiveness strategies such as displacement ventilation. Radiant cooling
systems overcome all of these limitations. In radiant cooling systems, chilled
water is circulated through metal ceiling panels or in concrete ceilings or floors.
Ventilation air is separately dehumidified to avoid condensation on the panels.
In Radiant Heating system hot water is circulated instead of chilled water. This
makes the Radiant cooling or heating system most sustainable for the
environment as greenhouse gas emission is avoided and comsumption of energy
and operative cost are also reduced.


A radiant cooling system is a temperature-controlled surface that cools indoor
temperatures by removing sensible heat and more than half of heat transfer
occurs through thermal radiation. Heat will flow from objects, occupants,
equipment and lights in a space to a cooled surface as long as their temperatures
are warmer than that of the cooled surface and they are within the line of sight of
the cooled surface. The heat is removed by the cool water flowing inside the slab
or panels.
Radiant cooling takes advantage of highest specific heat of water than any
substance. The circulating water needs to be 2 to 4 degree centigrade below the
desired indoor air temperature. Water has higher cooling capacity than air , so in
radiant cooling energy consumption is reduced, The process of radiant exchange
has a negligible effect on air temperature, but through the process of convection,
the air temperature will be lowered when air comes in contact with the cooled
Radiant cooling cools a floor or ceiling by absorbing the heat radiated from the
rest of the room. When the floor is cooled, it is often referred to as radiant floor
cooling; cooling the ceiling is usually done in homes with radiant panels.
Although potentially suitable for arid climates, radiant cooling is problematic for
homes in more humid climates.
Most radiant cooling applications have been based on aluminum panels
suspended from the ceiling, through which chilled water is circulated. To be
effective, the panels must be maintained at a temperature very near the dew
point within the house, and the house must be kept dehumidified. In humid
climates, simply opening a door could allow enough humidity into the home to
allow condensation to occur. The panels cover most of the ceiling. In all but the
most arid locations, an auxiliary air-conditioning system will be required to keep
the space’s humidity low. Structures built on concrete slabs are prime candidates

for radiant cooling systems, and radiant ceiling/floor cooling takes advantage of
the same principle using chilled water.
Typically designed in conjunction with radiant cooling, radiant heating works by
circulating hot water through the same network of pipes where cool water
circulates during summer in cold countries. The warmed surfaces evenly absorb
heat energy to create perfect comfort using little energy.
Early on, radiant cooling was best suited for arid regions, however, advances in
system design and control capabilities have led to successful installations in
various climate zones.


• The overarching goal of this project is to contribute to improved
understanding of applications, design, and optimization of radiant
• A thorough understanding of radiant cooling that is relevant to
architecture and their usage, because it enables architects to think about
the major aspects of radiant cooling and explore its potential for
architectural applications.
• To study a framework of design strategies to identify different radiant
cooling and heating based on the main issues concerning the design,
construction, energy efficiency, sustainability and maintenance.


The objective of this research is:
• To understand radiant cooling and determine its response to
sustainability and energy efficiency.
• To present the projects that were developed within clearly defined
market-driven conditions, varied as they may be, responding to the
programmatic needs of a wide range of clients and audiences and
concerned in varying degrees with tempering the interior environment
through innovative, alternately passive and active, design strategies.
• To prepare a conceptual framework for radiant cooling classification and
design efficiency.


The scope is to make a comprehensive assessment of radiant cooling with
respect to design strategies, applications, climates, thermal and energy
performance, acoustics, financial considerations, and interactions with both
building design optimization and other building systems.


Unlike forced air ventilation, which relies on moving large volumes of
air to control temperature, radiant cooling uses actively cooled surfaces to
absorb excess thermal energy and remove it from a space. Radiant systems have
several advantages over traditional forced air HVAC systems. Forced air HVAC
systems try to solve too many problems at once. They try to make the air
temperature comfortable, provide fresh air, and remove humidity. Implementing
radiant cooling lets each of these component problems be solved individually
and efficiently.
Typically, radiant cooling does not eliminate the use of forced air or other
ventilation strategies, it simply allows the ventilation to work in a way that is
much more efficient, and therefore less obtrusive.
With radiant cooling, engineers can reduce the size of the ductwork, and in some
cases significantly increase ceiling heights. This may make it feasible to adapt,
rather than demolish, existing buildings. Higher ceilings allow more light to
penetrate spaces, and can create more rentable and flexible spaces that justify
higher HVAC installation costs.
Another reason to consider radiant cooling is potential energy savings. Cooling
with radiant panels can reduce overall cooling energy by 25 - 50%. These energy
savings result from simple physics, moving thermal energy with water and
electric pumps takes less than 5% of the electrical energy required to move that
same thermal energy with air and electric fans. So the electricity consumption
cost can be reduced by more than 40%. So operating and maintaining cost is low
in this system.
Radiant cooling are allowed for smaller, and therefore less expensive, ducts and
equipment. Smaller ducts may allow for lower ceiling plenums and reduced
floor-to- floor height, leading to reduced cost construction materials in general.
Another potential benefit of radiant systems is an increased level of comfort for
occupants. Radiant cooling in rooms with relatively warm air temperatures can
result in greater comfort than that achieved with uniform conditions. In addition,
with a cooled ceiling a higher level of temperature stratification may be allowed,
while still providing a occupant comfort.
These systems can work even in humid climates. Well-designed applications
control humidity through other means, or simply use large cooled surfaces (and
not overly cold temperatures) to avoid condensation. As radiant cooling will be
used more widely, methods to prevent or to deal with condensation will be more
Another possible barrier is the concern for acoustical implications of radiant
systems. The reduction in ambient noise provided by radiant systems can be
good or bad in different situations. In spaces where low sound levels are
preferred, radiant systems may offer a good acoustical solution. In open offices,
designers may need to actively improve acoustics through other means, rather
than relying on the ambient HVAC noise levels to mask distracting sounds. There
is great potential for radiant cooling systems to be more widely used and better
The foremost purpose for this study of Radiant Cooling is to find out an
alternative method of air cooling instead of traditional HVAC system to control

the emission of greenhouse gases which are causing Global Warming and Climate

This research only explores the different techniques used by architects all over
the world in Radiant cooling and Heating and discuss their potentials but it does
not suggest any new design or technique for Radiant Cooling.


Hydronic radiant cooling uses active surfaces to absorb and remove heat. The
system takes advantage of the considerably higher heat capacity of water over
air. In a hydronic radiant cooling system, chilled water circulates through
embedded PEX-a tubing to control the slab temperature and manage a portion of
the sensible load, thereby reducing the air-system load. In addition, the same
tubing used for radiant cooling can also be used for radiant heating.
The research explores the approaches that innovative architects, engineers, and
consultants have taken with radiant cooling and heating which modulate the
internal environment of builing to various ends through studies. The research
presents a methodology for the definition and classification of different terms,
concepts, and approaches in radiant cooling.



A Brief History of Radiant Cooling and Heating

History of Radiant Systems says that it was first used by Chinese, Koreans &
Romans. Although many historians cite ancient Rome as the birthplace of radiant
heating, evidence from recent archeological digs in Asia and America shows that
radiant floor heating systems have actually been used for more than 3,000 years.
Inhabitants of the Northern Hemisphere during the Neoglacial and Neolithic
period heated their subterranean shelters by drafting smoke from fires through
stone-covered trenches excavated into the floor. The warmed stones would
radiate heat from the floor into the living spaces, creating relatively comfortable
indoor environments in very harsh climates.

Water-based radiant heating systems have been used extensively in Europe for
the past century. In these systems, warm water is circulated through a series of
piping loops embedded in the concrete floor slab. By controlling the water
temperature, the temperature of the slab can be controlled to provide superior
comfort. Also, because the heat transfer capacity of water is much greater than
that of air, a radiant slab can transfer energy much more efficiently than a forced-
air system.

For years, the most common systems were installed using embedded copper
tubing. At the time, copper was considered reasonably inexpensive and relatively
easy to work with. It was plagued, however, with problems such as kinks during
installation, corrosion, pitting and material build-up, which reduced the
effectiveness of the system over time and limited its useful life

In 1937 in-floor heating was developed by American architect Frank Lloyd
Wright. In 1968, a German engineer named Thomas Engel developed a method
to crosslink the oxygen molecules of polyethylene to create crosslinked
polyethylene or PEX. The following year, Wirsbo — a Swedish company, refined
the manufacturing process for PEX-a using the Engel method, and made PEX-a
tubing commercially available. Wirsbo tubing revolutionized the hydronic
industry by providing a flexible and durable high-quality alternative to copper.
Over the past few decades, the same principles that were used to design radiant-
based heating systems have been adapted to provide cooling as well. By utilizing
the same PEX-a tubing embedded in the concrete slab, a radiant cooling system
that circulates chilled water can be used as an engineered replacement for forced
air-only systems.


More and more jurisdictions and building owners are adopting stringent energy
standards and requiring higher building performance ratings to meet
the requirements of ASHRAE's Building Energy Label program or the United
States Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED® Certification program. Designers
are responding with radiant cooling as a cost- effective, energy-efficient solution.

What is PEX-a?
PEX-a is cross-linked polyethylene tubing manufacturer using the Engel method,
offering superior flexibility and kink repair. The other types of PEX are PEX-b
(silane method) and PEX-c (irradiation method).

Radiant Cooling Systems – Classification

Radiant cooling systems typically use chilled water running in pipes in thermal
contact with the surface. The circulating water only needs to be 2-4°C below the
desired indoor air temperature.Heat is removed by the water flowing in the
hydronic circuit once the heat from different sources in the space is absorbed by
the actively cooled surface – ceiling, floor or walls.

Majority of the cooling process results from removing sensible heat through
radiant exchange with people and objects and not air, occupant thermal comfort
can be achieved with warmer interior air temperatures than with air based
cooling systems. Combined with higher cooling capacity of water than air , and
the having a cooled surface close to the desired indoor air temperature, radiant
cooling systems offer significant reductions in cooling energy consumption.
The latent loads (humidity) from occupants ,infiltration and processes generally
need to be managed by an independent system. Radiant cooling can also be
integrated with other energy-efficient strategies such as night time flushing,
indirect evaporative cooling, or ground source heat pumps .


Types of Radiant Cooling Systems

There are primarily two types of radiant cooling systems:

Chilled Slabs:
These deliver cooling through the building structure, usually slabs, and is also
know as Thermally Activated Building Systems (TABS). Chilled slabs have more
thermal mass as compared to panels so can handle better the outside diurnal
temperature swings. They cost less and are more integrated structure. Radiant
cooling from a slab can be delivered to a space from the floor or ceiling. Floor
cooling is similar to floor heating that has been used in Europe since last few
decades. However, delivering cooling from the ceiling has several advantages:

- It is easier to leave ceilings exposed to a room than floors, increasing the
effectiveness of thermal mass. Floors have furniture, coverings and
furnishings that decrease the effectiveness of the system.

- Greater convective heat exchange occurs through a chilled ceiling as
warm air rises, leading to more air coming in contact with the cooled

Radiant Cooling through Ceiling embedded pipes. Laying of PEx pipes in Slab for Radiant Cooling

Cooling delivered through the floor makes the most sense when there is a high
amount of solar gains from sun penetration, as the cool floor can more easily
remove those loads than the ceiling. Chilled slabs, compared to panels, offer
more significant thermal mass and therefore can take better advantage of
outside diurnal temperatures swings. Chilled slabs cost less per unit of surface
area, and are more integrated with structure.

Structure integrated systems: Slab cooling

The summary of comparison between Slab Integrated and Panel Systems


Ceiling Panels:
These deliver cooling through specialized panels. Systems using concrete slabs
are generally cheaper than panel systems and offer the advantage of thermal
mass while panel systems offer faster temperature control and flexibility.
Radiant cooling panels are generally attached to ceilings, but can also be attached
to walls. They are usually suspended from the ceiling, but can also be directly
integrated with continuous dropped ceilings. Modular construction offers
increased flexibility in terms of placement and integration with lighting or other
electrical systems. Lower thermal mass compared to chilled slabs means they
can’t easily take advantage of passive cooling from thermal storage, but controls
in panels can more quickly adjust to changes in outdoor temperature. Chilled
panels are also better suited to buildings with spaces that have a greater
variance in cooling loads. Perforated panels also offer better acoustical
dampening than chilled slabs. Ceiling panels are also very suitable for retrofits as
they can be attached to any ceiling. Chilled ceiling panels can be more easily
integrated with ventilation supplied from the ceiling. Panels tend to cost more
per unit of surface area than chilled slabs.

Basics of Slab Cooling System Design

• Radiant cooling is often part of a hybrid system that includes conditioning of
ventilation air to address internal latent loads (humidity) from occupants and
infiltration, plus sensible and latent loads associated with outside ventilation air.
• An actively controlled surface is considered a “radiant system” if at least 50%
of the design heat transfer is by thermal radiation (2004 ASHRAE Handbook)

Radiant system sizing


What is Active Area?
• Surface area available for heat transfer (cooling)
• Cooling capacity must be calculated with active area; not with the ceiling area
(particularly for radiant panels)

Radiant surface temperature
• Objective: Avoid condensation
• Minimum allowable surface temperature is decided w.r.t. dew point
𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 ≥ 𝑇𝑑𝑒𝑤𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 + 2𝑜𝐶
E.g. with 25oC air temperature & 55% RH; the dew point temperature is ~16oC.
𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 ≥ 18𝑜𝐶

Mean Radiant Temperature
ASHRAE Standard 55-2010 defines six factors that affect thermal human
comfort: air temperature, radiant temperature, humidity, air velocity, clothing
and metabolism. Since the latter two factors are occupant- dependent, only the
first four can be monitored and controlled by the HVAC system. Traditional air

conditioning systems typically only monitor and control three of these space
conditions, ignoring radiant temperature. Radiant heating and cooling systems
address mean radiant temperature (MRT), which is a key factor in thermal
comfort .
MRT is defined as the theoretical uniform surface temperature of an enclosure in
which an occupant would exchange the same amount of radiant heat as in the
actual non-uniform enclosure. Unlike in an air-only system, the MRT in a radiant
conditioned space recognizes the intimate relationship occupants have with the
surroundings via radiant heat transfer.
This relationship is a key component in thermal comfort when integrated with
air temperature to “operative temperature” indices as referenced in thermal
comfort standards.

Operative Temperature
The operative temperature is numerically the average of the air temperature ta
and mean radiant temperature tr, weighted by their respective heat transfer
coefficients. Most requirements for comfort are based on the operative
temperature in a space.
The operative temperature is calculated as:

ta = air temperature in reference point, °F (°C)
tr = mean radiant temperature in reference point, °F (°C)
hc = convective heat transfer coefficient for the human body,
Btu/h • ft2 •°F (W/m2 K)
hr = radiant heat transfer coefficient for the human body,
Btu/h • ft2 •°F (W/m2 K)
In most practical cases where the relative air velocity is small at<40 fpm (0.2
m/s) or where the difference between mean radiant and air temperature is small
at <7°F (4°C), the operative temperature can be calculated with sufficient
approximation as the average of air and mean radiant temperature.

However, if the mean radiant temperature is significantly lower or higher than
the air temperature, the convective and long-wave radiant heat flux should be
calculated separately.

The temperature of a uniform isothermal black enclosure in which the occupant
exchanges the same amount of heat by radiation and convection as in the actual
non-uniform environment.

For air velocities of 0.4 m/s (1.3 ft/s) and an MRT of 50°C (122°F) or less, the
operative temperature is approximately the average of the air temperature and

Heat Transfer Basics
Heat transfer occurs whenever there is a temperature difference between two
objects, and it continues until both objects are in thermal equilibrium. According
to a formulation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics known as the Clausius
statement, heat cannot naturally flow from a colder temperature to a hotter
temperature. In other words, heat will always naturally flow from hot to cold.
Heat is transferred in three ways: conduction, convection and radiation. A
radiant cooling system uses all three modes of heat transfer.

Conduction is heat transfer between two solids that are in direct contact with
each other. In radiant heating and cooling systems, conduction occurs between
the PEX-a tubing and the concrete slab. The heat transfer rate is based on the
conductivity of materials, the tubing surface, and the temperature difference
between the tubing and the slab. Conduction also occurs between the cooled slab
and the objects in the space that are in contact with the slab, including air film,
furnishings and occupants. If a person is standing on a cooled slab, then a
quantity of body heat will naturally flow via conduction to the slab. The heat
transfer rate is based on the cumulative R-values from footwear, the floor
conductivity, and temperature difference between the occupant and the floor
surface. To prevent discomfort due to temperature differentials, ASHRAE
Standard 55-2010 recommends that floor slab temperatures be above 66°F
(18.9°C) for occupants wearing normal footwear in occupied spaces.
It should be noted that in temperature ranges typical of radiant floor cooling
systems, and in consideration of footwear R-values, the amount of conductive
heat transfer from foot to slab is relatively low and, therefore, typically
considered negligible.

Convection is heat transferred through a moving fluid or gas. In the case of
radiant-based HVAC systems, natural or “free” air convection occurs due to
differences in air densities influenced through contact with warmed or cooled
surfaces. Natural convection is a design consideration with radiant-cooled
ceilings as the layer of air in contact with the cool ceiling will drop due to its
higher density, increasing air movement, and thus heat transfer, in the space.
Forced convection occurs in the air handler, where fans are used to force the
cooled air into the space. Because convection deals with heat transfer through
the movement of air, the air temperature is directly affected.


Not surprisingly, the sensible heat transfer in a radiant cooling system is through
radiation. Radiation is heat transfer through electromagnetic waves travelling
through space. When the incident waves from a warmer surface come into
contact with a cooler surface, the energy is absorbed, reradiated, reflected or
transmitted. An example of radiation is sunlight, which travels through the
vacuum of space as short-wave radiation to warm the Earth’s surface. The heat-
transfer rate is influenced by a number of factors, including the absorptivity,
reflectivity and emissivity of the surfaces; wavelength; temperature and the
spatial relationship between the cooled surface and the occupant (defined as the
view and angle factors). In radiant cooling, the electromagnetic waves from the
occupant are drawn toward the cooled surface, resulting in the occupant
experiencing a cooling effect.

The radiation within a space is usually separated into two groups: long-wave and
short- wave.
Long-wave Radiation: Long-wave radiation is the heat flux that occurs between
the conditioned surface and the unconditioned room surfaces; its quantity and
wave length are temperature- dependent.
Short-wave Radiation: The transfer of short-wave radiation upon room
surfaces from solar gains or high intensity lighting is not dependant on the
temperature of the absorbing surface. Energy at this intensity upon a surface at
room conditions will be absorbed, reflected and/or transmitted based upon the
color and optical characteristics (reflectivity, absorptivity, transmissivity) of the
receptor surfaces.
The short-wave radiation upon a cooled floor should be considered; its incident
energy will be absorbed, reflected and/or transmitted based upon the color and
optical characteristics of the receptor surfaces.


The first law of thermodynamics: a+t+ρ=1
Where, a = fraction of incident radiation absorbed (absorptance).
t = fraction of incident radiation transmitted (transmittance). ρ = fraction of
incident radiation reflected (reflectance).
The floor surface is opaque, so the transmittance of the floor surface t = 0. For a
black surface where a = 1, ρ = 0, t = 0, all short-wave radiation reaching the
surface will be absorbed by the black surface. For most surfaces, absorptance for
short-wave radiation (high-temperature radiation) is different than emittance
for long-wave radiation (low-temperature radiation).

Absorptances for Solar Radiation:

Solar absorptance can also vary with the size of windows. Absorptance can range
from 0.90 for dark-colored spaces with small windows to 0.60 or less for light-
colored spaces with large windows.

When using textile-based floor coverings, the slab temperature required to draw
down the floor surface temperature must be evaluated to ensure it does not
approach the dew point temperature.

Floor Cooling
Calculating the convective heat transfer coefficient for floor cooling [Δt between
5.4°F (3 K) to 12.6 °F (7 K)] gives a range of hcon between 0.19 to 0.25 Btu/h•ft2
°F (1.1 to 1.4 W/m2 K) and 0.14 to 0.18 Btu/h • ft2 •°F(0.8 to 1.0 W/m2 K) .
The formula from Recknagel/Sprenger gives only the natural convective heat
exchange factor, without consideration of the space air currents.
Experimental tests have been made to measure and calculate the natural
convective heat exchange coefficient with the result that a value of 0.18
Btu/h•ft2•°F (1.0 W/m2 K) can be used.
This result corresponds nearly with the variant calculation by using the
literature formulas.
Approach: hcon = 0.18 Btu/h • ft2 •°F (1.0 W/m2 K)
The space heat exchange coefficients above are a summation of hcon and hl,rad
(1.0W/m2 K + 5.5W/m2 K = 6.5W/m2 K).
The radiation heat exchange coefficient, hl,rad, remains fairly consistent at 0.97
Btu/h • ft2 •°F (5.5 W/m2 K) when surface temperature is in the range of 59°F to
95°F (15°C to 35°C). The convective heat exchange coefficient will vary, not only
due to the space and air- temperature difference, but also due to air velocity
(REHVA). Hence, in floor cooling, the space heat exchange coefficient can be
taken with reasonable accuracy as 0.97 + 0.26 = 1.23 Btu/h • ft2 •°F.
This simplification is physically correct if the air temperature of the space and
the surrounding surface temperature are the same. For common applications
like office spaces, the surface temperatures of the exterior elements (wall,
window and roof) in summer are above the air temperature, while the
temperature of the other surfaces are similar to the air temperature. This means
for the perimeter zones, a physical higher space heat flux can be achieved. For
the interior zones, the assumption of similar temperatures of air and
surrounding surfaces is nearly correct.

Determining Cooling Capacity


Estimating tubing length required per zone
• Length of tubing from supply to return ports in a zone is called tubing length.
• Typical tubing diameter ranges from 12.5 to 20 mm (0.5 to 0.75 inch )
• Tube spacing is the distance between two tubes (center to center), typically it
ranges from 150 to 450 mm (6-18 inch )
• Tube length per sq. ft. depends on tube spacing, it ranges from 2.2 to 6.6 m/m2
(0.67 to 2 ft/ ft2 )
• Total tube length = Available surface area x tube length per sq.m.


Example for finding tube length
• Zone area = 500 m2
• Available area = 400 m2 (@80%)
• Tube spacing = 150 mm
• Tube length = 6.6 m/m2
• Total tube length = 2625 m

Effects of long single piping layout:
– Higher temperature drop along the piping leads to uneven surface temperature
– High flow rates through pipes leads to higher pressure drop
– Dividing the total tube length into multiple loops as suited for Out zone

Selecting loop length and diameter
• Loop length & Tube Diameter
– Affects temperature drop of the chilled water (important from surface
temperature uniformity point of view)
– Affects pressure drop of the loop (pump energy)
Tube length and tube diameter decides Pump Energy and Slab Surface
Temperature Uniformity

Determining number of loops per zone
• No of loops = total tube length / single loop length
• No of loops depends on zone size, individual loop lengths and tube diameter
E.g. 16 mm tube diameter & 107 m tube length, No. of loops ~ 25



Loop layouts arrangements
There are several options for arranging the tubing in the slab:
• Serpentine layout
• Counter-flow layout
• Reverse return layout
• Radiant Rollout Mat
The method used will depend on a number of factors, including the size and
shape of the room, obstructions, and the heat gain in the space.

Serpentine Layout
One strategy is to locate the coldest supply water as close as possible to the
highest heat gains. Because internal heat gains are often difficult to predict and
are subject to change over the life of the building, this strategy is normally
executed by locating the colder supply water close to the perimeter of the
building, where envelope loads are more concentrated.

Counter-flow Layout
For large areas or spaces with no exterior exposure, a counter-flow pattern is
usually used to maintain even temperatures across the entire surface area. In
many cases, a combination of patterns will be used to make the most efficient use
of tubing to cover the required space. Layout dictated by exterior exposure is
also not as critical for cooling applications, where the Delta T is only 5 to 10°F.

Reverse Return Layout
An alternative method for laying out tubing is the Reverse Return method. In this
arrangement, larger diameter supply and return headers are used with loops of
equal length connected in parallel. This arrangement results in equal pressure
drops throughout the system and can allow larger spaces to be covered with a
fewer manifolds. The larger diameter headers act as the distribution manifolds.

Radiant RolloutTM Mat
For large, open areas, the Uponor Radiant RolloutTM Mat solution can
dramatically reduce installation time and labor costs. The mat consists of a
custom- designed, prefabricated, pre- pressurized network of 1⁄2" or 5⁄8"
Uponor PEX-a tubing connected with ProPEX EP fittings, which are safe for burial
in the slab. The mat comes in 5-foot or 10-foot wide sections with lengths
customized between 40 and 225 feet. The mat layout is designed with tubing at 6
or 9 inches on center, with either a reverse-return in-slab header (similar in
principle to the Reverse Return method)or headers routed to a traditional wall
manifold. Contact your local Uponor representative for design assistance and
custom layouts using the Radiant Rollout Mat.


Multiple zones – Single manifold

Loop layouts for large zones

Multiple zones – Multiple manifolds

Use of controls to avoid condensation


Installation procedure
• Insulation installation
• Laying pipe layouts
• Pressure testing
• Connecting radiant cooling pipes to chiller • Commissioning the system

Floor Heating

Unlike the radiant heat exchange in a space which is relatively well defined,
natural convective heat transfer has several influences — many functioning
simultaneously on the air mass flow rate. Such factors include:
• Mean radiant temperature
• Differential pressures across the enclosure due directly to wind, thermal
buoyancy or mechanical systems
• The number and activity level of the occupants
• Interstitial differential pressures due to in-space fans, personal heaters or from
ventilation flow
• Room geometry and interference from furnishings and equipment
• Orientation of the radiant panel (vertical or horizontal with upward or
downward transfer)
• Its operating mode (heating or cooling)
• Percentage of the floor area which is actually conditioned
For heated floors, there are several papers referencing convective heat transfer
coefficients, and designers should note there are variances based on the above
While the radiant heat exchange coefficient is for all cases approximately 0.97
Btu/h • ft2 •°F (5.5 W/m2 K), the convective heat exchange coefficient will
change. In general applications, the convective heat transfer coefficient can also
be taken as a nominal 0.97 Btu/h/ft2 (5.5 W/m2), but detailed analysis using
sophisticated modeling tools may result in values as low as 0.58 Btu/hr/ft2 (3.3
W/m2 K).
Approach: hcon = 0.97 Btu/h • ft2 •°F (5.5 W/m2 K)
In floor heating, the combined hcon and hl,rad is 0.97 + 0.97 = 1.94 Btu/h • ft2.
The space heat exchange coefficient is correct when the average unheated
surface temperature (AUST) is lower than the air temperature. This is a correct
assumption for heated perimeter zones due primarily to conductive losses
through the enclosure. However, if the heat load is caused primarily by
infiltration, then either a lower space heat exchange factor should be used, or the

convective and long-wave radiant heat flux should be calculated separately as
described before.

Zoning, Controls and Piping

Zoning the System
As with any type of HVAC system, there are a number of factors to consider when
zoning a radiant heating and cooling system. Variances in envelope load, internal
load, occupancy and schedule are important considerations. The level of control
desired also needs to be assessed against the cost of the associated controls.
With radiant heating and cooling systems, the control system is used to manage
the slab temperature by controlling both the temperature and the flow of the
water circulating in the loops. A system can have single or multiple water
temperature zones, where water temperature is controlled. Each water
temperature zone can have single or multiple local zones, where water flow is
controlled. This system is analogous to a variable air volume (VAV) system. The
chilled water control valve for the air handler is modulated to maintain a
setpoint discharge air temperature; with local room thermostats controlling the
VAV boxes to hold target space temperatures.

Water Temperature Zones
For each water temperature zone, a series of sensors (space temperature,
operative temperature, relative humidity and slab temperature) is used to
evaluate space conditions to determine the optimum target supply water
temperature for the zone. A set of control valves (two- way or three-way) and
pumps then modulate to maintain that ideal water temperature in the loop.

Base and Peak (Trim) Loads
In some applications for multiple occupancies and uses, it serves to use a single
fluid temperature for a floor, parts of the building or the entire building; and to
designate the fluid flow to the radiant system for the base sensible load. The
ventilation system can then be fitted with the necessary primary coils and
secondary zone coils to condition the air for control of latent loads and
secondary (peak) sensible loads.

Local Zones
A building zone served by a target fluid temperature can be subdivided into
multiple space zones, where room thermostats can provide additional occupancy
and room use control. This is accomplished either by controlling the flow
through stand-alone control valves or the flow through one or more loops
connected to a zoned distribution manifold.

Determining the Load Requirements

As with any system design, determining the heating and cooling load
requirements of the building is one of the first steps to correctly size the system.
There are a variety of tools available to determine heating and cooling loads.
Regardless of the method used, it is important to identify the following
components that comprise the total load:
• Total heating load
• Sensible cooling load, including direct solar load
• Latent cooling load

Total Heating Load
Radiant heating systems are capable of effectively handling most heating loads.
Depending on system parameters (i.e., surface flux, floor covering, tube spacing,
etc.), surface temperatures, and design room temperatures, the capacity of a
radiant heating system can be upward of 25 to 30 Btu/h/ft2 (78.9 to 94.6 W/m2)
for offices and considerably higher for industrial and utility spaces.

Sensible Cooling Load
A radiant cooling system can manage all or part of the sensible cooling load.
Average capacities are between 12 and 14 Btu/h/ft2 for bare concrete
installations. Loads exceeding this base capacity will require supplemental
systems to handle the trim loads.

Latent Cooling Load
Since the radiant cooling is tasked exclusively to sensible loads, parallel schemes
are required for latent loads. These methods are typically part of the ventilation
strategy such as found in the use of dedicated outdoor air systems.

Direct Solar Load
In areas with high direct solar load, a radiant cooling system capacity can
increase up to 25 to 30 Btu/h/ft2 (78.9 to 94.6 W/m2).

By understanding each of these components, one can properly design the radiant
system to maximize its effectiveness with base building loads, while sizing the
secondary system to handle latent, ventilation and trim loads.

Control System

The control system is a critical component of any high-efficiency building system.
The radiant control system continuously monitors indoor temperature and
relative humidity to determine the optimal target supply water temperature for
maximizing the system’s performance while ensuring that condensation never
forms on the slab. Inadequate control strategies often lead to sub-par
performance, poor response times, energy inefficiencies, inconsistent operation
and condensation.
Over the years there have been many different control solutions for embedded
systems; most have been for heating. The advent of cooling systems has brought
different approaches. The control systems described in this section can be used
for both heating and cooling.
The control system should be designed to make efficient use of energy while
avoiding overheating or overcooling the building. This should include keeping
distribution losses as low as possible, e.g. reducing flow temperature when
normal comfort temperature level is not required.
To maintain the stable thermal environment, the control system is required to
manage the heat balance between enclosures losses/gain and the HVAC system
under transient occupant and outdoor climate conditions.
Without a doubt, the performance of the enclosure plays a major role in
stabilizing the inherent indoor climate oscillations due to transitory conditions.
When the building can solve a significant portion of the heating and cooling load
it, enables the radiant-based HVAC system to work within a considerably more
stable indoor environment, especially during the spring and fall. Cooled surfaces
further stabilize the indoor climate by absorbing uncontrolled and less
predictable short-wave and long-wave energy while shading and enclosure
strategies can manage periodic and predicable solar radiation.
Principally, the control strategy depends on the design characteristics, such as
building envelope, thermal inertia, the system response times and others. The
heating control modes are based on three system levels:
• Central control, where the heat supplied to the whole building is controlled by
a central system
• Zone control, where the heat supplied to a zone normally consisting of several
spaces (rooms) is controlled
• Local (individual) control, where the heat supplied to a heated space is

The control system classification is based on performance level:
• Manual — the heat supply to the heated space is only controlled by a manually
operated device
• Automatic — a suitable system or device automatically controls heat to the
heated spaces

• Timing function — heat supplied to heated space is shut off or reduced during
scheduled periods, e.g. night setback
• Advanced timing function — heat supplied to the heated space is shut off or
reduced during scheduled periods, e.g. daytime with more expensive electricity
tariff. Re-starting of the heat supply is optimized based on various
considerations, including reduction of energy use.
Decades ago, most of the controls were manual, i.e. the user could regulate a
water temperature or a water flow rate by manually adjusting a valve or, even
simpler, the system could be turned on or shut off. Today, automatic controls are
used everywhere and have in the last decade developed significantly (e.g., fuzzy
logic, wireless data transmission, introduction of protocols for data
communication, etc.).
For a floor heating and cooling system, the control is normally split up in a
central control and an individual room control. The central control will evaluate
the outside climate (based on the heating curve, which is influenced by building
mass, heat loss, and differences in heat required by the individual rooms) and
control the supply water temperature to the floor system.
The room control will then control the water flow rate or water temperature
individually for each room, according to the setpoint selected by the user.

Control Strategies

Central Control (Heating)
Instead of controlling the supply water temperature it is recommended to
control the average water temperature (mean value of supply and return water
temperature) according to outside and/or indoor temperatures. This is more
directly related to the heat flux into the space. If during the heating period, for
example, the internal space temperature rises due to occupant, lighting and
equipment loads, the heat output from the floor system will decrease and the
return temperature will increase. If the central control is controlling the average
water temperature, the supply temperature will automatically decrease due to
the increase in return temperature. This will result in a faster and more accurate
control of the heat input to the space and will provide better energy performance
than controlling the supply water temperature. If the heating system is operated
intermittently (night and/or weekend set-back) the central control is also
important for providing adequate water temperatures (boost effect) during the
pre-heat period in the morning (additional 10 to 15%; of course, the absolute
heat requirement compared to no night set-back will be lower). The energy
savings by night set-back in residential buildings are, however, relatively low
due to the high thermal insulation standard in newer structures.

Zone or Local Control
The installation of individual room temperature controls is recommended to
improve comfort and potential energy savings. It is also essential for the thermal
comfort of the occupants that they have individual control adjustment of the
room temperature setpoint from room to room.

The influence of the individual room control strategy for floor heating and
radiators has shown a 15 to 30% energy savings by using an individual room
control compared to central control only. Also, a study on the effect of night set-
back and boost by re-heating in the morning showed an advantage for a boost
heating, i.e. the water temperature is increased above the temperature
corresponding to the heating curve during the beginning of the pre-heat period
in the morning. This reduces the pre-heat time and makes a longer set-back
period possible.

Control of Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS)
Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS) engage the entire concrete mass as a
thermal battery using chilled or heated water to charge the system. Specifically
for TABS, individual room control using the floor is not practical. However, a
zoning strategy such as northside/southside or compass quadrants is suggested
for cases where supply water temperature, average water temperature or the
flow rate may differ from zone to zone.
Relatively small temperature differences between the heated or cooled surface
and the space are typical for TABS. This matter results in a significant degree of
self control. In specific cases with low heating/ cooling loads, a concrete slab can
be controlled at a constant core (water) temperature year round. If, for example,
the core is kept at 72°F (22.2°C), then the slab will be space heating when room
temperatures are below 72°F (22.2°C) and space cooling when room
temperatures are above 72°F (22.2°C).

Condensation Control
An effective HVAC system must provide humidity management, including dew
point control for microbial control over pathogens and allergens. This promotes
respiratory and thermal comfort for occupants as well as dimensional stability in
hygroscopic materials like wood. When humidity is managed to enhance the
indoor climate for health of the environment and, by association, health of the
occupants, and for the dimensional stability of architectural materials, it enables
radiant cooling systems to operate at their peak capacity within acceptable
thermal comfort parameters.
Cooling control systems should set lower limits for supply fluid temperature and
limit surface temperatures for comfort to 62°F (16.7°C) and 66°F (18.9°C) for
walls or ceilings and floors, respectively (ASHRAE Standard 55-2010).
The indoor operative temperature should also be controlled so the standard
required temperature for Class A systems (as per ISO 7730) corresponding to
10% PPD is maintained within the range specified by ASHRAE Standard 55-
2010. This can be achieved with control I/O logic using if/then statements on
feedback from space conditions; including instruction to terminate fluid flow to a
cooled surface until space humidity and surface temperatures return to
acceptable conditions.

Dew Point Control
The surface temperature at any point on the floor is location dependant on the
fin efficiency of the slab. Fin efficiency being the thermal characteristics due to
the log mean temperature differential (LMTD), tube diameter, spacing and depth,
and conductivities of the materials in the slab. The dew point calculation and

location for surface sensor placement should be where the coldest temperature
ought to exist for acceptable control.
For radiant cooled, naturally ventilated spaces, bin- based climate data must be
used for a thorough assessment of potential space conditions imposed on the
conditioned surface.

Interior Zones
It is likely the interior zones of larger spaces may only need cooling. In this case,
the EWT can be fixed and the flow varied through control of valves or circulators
based on room temperature set-points.
During unoccupied times, there is no benefit in pulling the slab temperature
down lower than what is necessary to compensate for the next occupied load.
Control strategies should consider terminating flow to the slab when the core
temperature of the slab has been reached.

Perimeter Zones
Perimeter zones may be equipped with a radiant floor system that provides both
heating and cooling to the space. If the radiant floor is the only heating system,
the radiant floor must be designed for the entire heating load.
The EWT may be controlled by a weather- compensation control combined with
individual occupant controlled zones. In cooling mode, the EWT should be kept
In most cases, the radiant floor cooling system for a perimeter zone is combined
with either a mechanical ventilation or a natural ventilation system to provide
the remaining cooling capacity and the necessary fresh air and to reduce the
latent loads. It is important to avoid the cooling of a heated floor slab or the
reverse situation during normal weather situations.
The following strategy may be used: During periods where heating and cooling is
necessary during the same day, the radiant floor should provide only heating to
the space. The space cooling should be provided by the parallel system (may be
through natural ventilation).
This can be designed by using a delay element of at least one day to switch the
radiant floor system between heating and cooling mode. Outside temperatures
are usually not as high during periods that require heating and cooling during
the same day. So the parallel air ventilation system may be used in economizer
mode. During periods where usually no heating is necessary, the floor is used
only for cooling as the first cooling system in a same way as in the interior zones.

Controlling the Water Temperature Using Indoor Adaptive Reset
A combination radiant heating and cooling system can be effectively controlled
using an indoor adaptive reset strategy. This strategy determines the ideal target
water temperature by assessing the space conditions (temperature, operative
temperature and relative humidity), the water temperature (supply and return)
and the slab temperature.
The control system then continually adjusts the target water temperature based
on the rate at which the space temperature changes to maximize the
effectiveness of the slab while ensuring that the surface temperature never
reaches dew point or gets too cold or too hot.

Control Integration with the Air-side System
The radiant cooling slab is able to effectively handle all or a portion of the
building’s sensible load. A supplemental system — such as an air handling unit or
dedicated outside air system (DOAS) — is assigned to handle the balance of the
sensible load, the latent load and the ventilation load. It is important to control
these systems together so that they do not function in opposite modes of
operation. A common strategy is to operate the radiant system as an offset to
room setpoint, using the radiant slab to handle the base sensible load and relying
on the air-side system to manage the trim loads.
Using this two-stage approach, the radiant system setpoint could be set at 76 ̊F
(24.4°C), while the air- side system setpoint is set at 78 ̊F (25.6°C). If the space
temperature exceeds 76 ̊F (24.4°C), the radiant loop starts flowing chilled water
through the embedded tubing to control the slab and space temperatures.
As the load increases, the flow rate and supply water temperature would adjust
accordingly until the system is operating at maximum capacity. If the space
temperature continues to increase and exceeds 78 ̊F (25.6°C), the air-side system
comes on to handle the rest of the load.

Constant Flow, Variable Temperature
For illustrating this control concept, the water supply temperature to the floor
varies, and the floor surface temperature is maintained at 68°F (20°C). As the
cooling output to the space increases to maintain space setpoint temperature,
the water flow through the floor is constant. For this control option, the supply
water temperature to the floor varies from 61°F (16.1°C) to a minimum of 52°F
(11.1°C) which is proportional to the cooling output from the floor. As the supply
water temperature decreases to provide the cooling output from the floor, the
leaving water temperature from the floor decreases to a minimum of 63°F

Variable Flow, Constant Temperature
For illustrating this control concept, the entering water supply temperature to
the floor is kept at a constant 54°F (12.2°C), and the floor surface temperature is
maintained at 68°F (20°C). As the cooling output to the space increases to
maintain space setpoint temperature, the water flow through the floor is
increased. For this control option, the water flow rate through the floor is
proportional to the cooling output from the floor. As the water flow rate

increases to provide the cooling output from the floor, the leaving water
temperature from the floor decreases to a minimum of 61°F (16.1°C).

Constant Flow, Constant Temperature
For this control concept, the water supply temperature to the floor is kept at a
constant 55°F (12.8°C), and the floor surface temperature varies from 62°F
(16.7°C) to 71°F (21.7°C). As the cooling output to the space increases to
maintain space setpoint temperature, the water flow through the floor is
constant. For this control option, the leaving water temperature from the floor is
proportional to the cooling output from the floor. As the cooling output increases
to provide the cooling output from the floor, surface temperature is also

Note: From these three alternatives, the constant flow, variable temperature
concept provides the smoothest control.

Room Thermostats/Sensors
Wireless and wired thermostats/ sensors are available as standard offerings.
Regardless of the choice of temperature and humidity sensing for feedback
or feed forward, the receiving controller will process “if/then” logic to control
the flow entering the occupied zone via the water temperature zone by
regulating valves and circulators.
The sensing should always take place to best represent the controlled element
without interference from other aggravating influences. For example, outdoor
sensors for heating controls should best represent the outdoor dry bulb
temperature without interference from solar gains which would incorrectly feed
forward the wrong signal to the controller. Floor surface sensors should be
within the near surface of the floor to represent what the occupants sense.
Sensing for dew point with textile flooring should be done under the floor
covering instead of on top.
Additionally, space temperature control is about providing a reading to the HVAC
control system which best represents what the occupants are experiencing.
Therefore, the sensing should take place in the occupied area without influences
from other heat sources.
Follow good practice, such as keeping wall-mounted sensors off exterior walls.
Instead, place them on interior walls at a representative height for seated or
standing work, and away from high-intensity heat sources, such as lamps and
office equipment.
For wireless operative controls with specially designed radiant sensors, locate
the control in such a place which can take advantage of both the air and surface
temperature influences as well as direct solar gains. Ideally the best placement
would be near the occupant and in such a position to sense what the occupant is
thermally sensing.

System Design, Construction and Commissioning

Selecting the Construction Method
There are a variety of options for installing a radiant heating and cooling system,
depending on the building construction. It is important to discuss these
installation methods with the architect and structural engineer early during the
design process. The most common configurations for commercial construction
• Floor slab on grade
• Floor slab over steel deck
• Topping slab on slab
• Floor slab on wood subfloor
Installing Tubing in a Structural Slab — In most radiant system installations,
PEX-a tubing is embedded directly in the structural slab. This method transforms
the building structure into a controllable thermal mass. Depending on the design
and construction of the slab, coordination between the mechanical engineer and
structural engineer is required during the design phase. Some jurisdictions will
require structural calculations to show the strength of the slab with the
proposed tubing in place. During the construction phase, the mechanical

contractor should coordinate with the general contractor to ensure that the
manifold locations are properly prepared and that there are no interferences
between the PEX-a tubing and any reinforcing steel, post-tension tendons,
electrical conduits, etc. In many cases, the PEX-a tubing can be secured with wire
ties directly to the rebar.

Floor Slab on Grade
The most common installation method for commercial construction is slab on
grade, where the PEX-a tubing is embedded directly in the structural slab. A
vapor barrier, such as high- density polyethylene sheeting, is recommended
between the radiant slab and supporting layers.

Insulation — Insulation is crucial for proper and efficient operation of the
radiant floor system. Heat energy flows in the line of least resistance. Proper use
of insulation facilitates the flow of heat toward the intended space, which is
especially important in areas with high water tables and/or moist soil
conditions. Good insulation practices also increase the response time of the
system. In the absence of local codes, the insulation should have a minimum R-
value on the order of five times the R-value of the proposed floor covering
to minimize downward heat loss. Typical extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) has
an R-value of 4.5 to 5.0 per inch, so 1-inch insulation is adequate for most tile,
stone or wood flooring applications in mild climates. However 2-inch insulation
is recommended, especially in more severe climates. Under-slab insulation must
be rated for use in slab applications. Insulation below concrete slabs must be
able to withstand the weight of the slab along with any additional dead
or live loads. When concrete is applied over the insulation, the weight may
slightly compress some types. Although this compression reduces the insulating
effect of the foam, it presents little concern if the foam is properly selected and
installed. Consult your local Uponor representative for additional insulation
design assistance.

Securing the Tubing — The PEX-a tubing is looped at the prescribed spacing
and secured in place using one of the following methods:

• Plastic staples: Staples can be used to secure the tubing directly to the foam
insulation board. Staples should be placed a maximum of 3 feet along straight
runs, at the top of each 180-degree arc and once on each side 12 inches from the
top of the arc.
• Fixing wire: Wire ties can be used to secure the tubing onto a non-structural
wire mesh or rebar. Wire ties should be placed a maximum of 3 feet along
straight runs, at the top of each 180-degree arc and once on each side 12 inches
from the top of the arc.
• PEX rails: Tubing can be secured using plastic PEX rails. PEX rails should be
fastened to the subfloor perpendicular to the loop direction 12 inches from the
edge of the wall and every 36 inches thereafter.
Once the tubing is in place and connected to the manifold, the system should be
pressure tested at 50 psi for 24 hours. The system should be kept under pressure
until after the concrete is poured. There should be a minimum of 3⁄4 inch
concrete on top of the tubing. Slab thickness should be determined by the
structural engineer.

Slab on Steel Deck
Structural slab on metal deck installations are common for the upper levels of
multi-story buildings. The installation of radiant tubing is very similar to slab-on-
grade installation. The main difference is the insulation, which is typically
polyurethane spray foam applied to the underside of the deck. In some cases, the
contractor may wish to lay rigid foam board insulation on top of the metal deck
under the structural slab. Coordination with the structural engineer is critical to
ensure that such an installation does not affect the integrity of the slab.

Securing the Tubing — The PEX-a tubing is looped at the prescribed spacing
and secured in place using one of the following methods:

• Fixing wire: Wire ties can be used to secure the tubing onto a non-structural
wire mesh or rebar. Wire ties should be placed a maximum of 3 feet along
straight runs, at the top of each 180-degree arc and once on each side 12 inches
from the top of the arc.

• PEX rails: Tubing can be secured using plastic PEX rails. PEX rails should be
fastened to the metal deck perpendicular to the loop direction 12 inches from the
edge of the wall and every 36 inches thereafter.
Once the tubing is in place and connected to the manifold, the system should be
pressure tested at 50 psi for 24 hours. The system should be kept under pressure
until after the concrete is poured. There should be a minimum of 3⁄4 inch of
concrete on top of the tubing. Slab thickness should be determined by the
structural engineer.

Topping Slab on Slab
For installations on existing slabs, or where the structural engineer or local
jurisdiction prohibits the installation of tubing within the structural slab, the
tubing can be installed in a non-structural topping slab. This installation method
is very similar to a slab- on-grade installation. Since the topping slab does not
provide any structural support, it is typically thinner (approximately 2 to 3
inches) and is therefore considered a low-mass system. A topping slab has
shorter response times, but it also has less thermal mass due to the thermal
break of the insulation layer. Design of an unbonded topping slab should be done
by the project structural engineer. Consult with your local Uponor representative
for applications where bonded topping slabs may be permissible.

Securing the Tubing —
The PEX-a tubing is looped at the prescribed spacing and secured in place using
one of the following methods:

• Plastic staples: Staples canbe used to secure the tubing directly to the foam
insulation board. Staples should be placed a maximum of 3 feet along straight
runs, at the top of each 180-degree arc and once on each side 12 inches from the
top of the arc.

• Fixing wire: Wire ties can be used to secure the tubing onto a non-structural
wire mesh or rebar. Wire ties should be placed a maximum of 3 feet along
straight runs, at the top of each 180-degree arc and once on each side 12 inches
from the top of the arc.
• PEX Rails: Tubing can be secured using plastic PEX rails. PEX rails should be
fastened to the insulation perpendicular to the loop direction 12 inches from the
edge of the wall and every 36 inches thereafter.

Slab on Wood Subfloor
Installation of radiant tubing on a wood subfloor is similar to the low-mass
topping slab installation. Fiberglass batt insulation is typically installed on the
underside of the wood subfloor between the floor joists.

Securing the Tubing — The PEX-a tubing is looped at the prescribed spacing
and secured in place using one of the following methods:

• Staples: Staples can be used to secure the tubing directly to the subfloor.
Staples should be placed a maximum of 3 feet along straight runs, at the top of
each 180-degree arc, and once on each side 12 inches from the top of the arc.
• PEX Rails: Tubing can be secured using plastic PEX rails. PEX rails should be
fastened to the subfloor perpendicular to the loop direction 12 inches from the
edge of the wall, and every 36 inches thereafter.
• Quik Trak®: For a low-profile installation on a wood subfloor, 5⁄16" tubing
can be installed, a pre- manufactured 1⁄2-inch thick plywood panel solution with
aluminum heat transfer sheets and pre-cut grooves 7 inches on center. The
panels are screwed directly onto the wood deck and the tubing is snapped in
place prior to installation of the flooring.
• Fast TrakTM: Tubing can be snapped into a knobbed mat for quick and easy

Control Joints – Control joints allow the concrete to fracture along
a controlled line. Depending on the depth of the concrete, the control joint may
penetrate from 1⁄2 inch to depths greater than 1 inch. Ensure that the tubing is
secured from the reach of the saw blade and cannot be harmed. It is
recommended to secure the tubing 6 inches on each side of the control joint. It is
important to mark where the joint can be made after the pour.

Expansion/Isolation and Construction Joints – If the PEX-a tubing must pass
through expansion or isolation joints in the slab, tubing should be wrapped with
pipe insulation for 6 inches on both sides of the joint. Alternately, the tubing can
be positioned to dip below the slab at the joint locations.

Radiant Cooling Benefits

Over the past decade, the number of radiant cooling systems designed, installed
and commissioned in North America has increased dramatically. Radiant cooling
systems are gaining exposure and popularity for a variety of reasons:
• Energy efficiency
• Superior comfort
• Greater architectural exibility
• Reduced operating and maintenance costs
• More effective control of ventilation

Energy Efficiency
A radiant cooling system can help dramatically reduce the energy consumption
of a building through lower transport energy usage, more efficient operating
modes, higher room setpoints, and lower transmission losses.
Lower Transport Energy Usage: Because the heat-transfer capacity of water is
much higher than that of air, a radiant system that uses a circulator to move
water (in lieu of a fan to move air) can achieve the same heat transfer using
significantly less energy.

More Efficient Operating Modes:
In addition to reducing energy consumption by utilizing pump power in lieu of
fan power, a radiant cooling system can also lower overall energy use by
allowing the chiller to operate at more optimum modes. Typical chilled water
temperatures for a radiant cooling system are between 55°F (12.7°C) and 63°F
(17.2°C). Higher return water temperatures may allow the chiller to operate

within a more efficient range. These higher operating temperatures also allow
greater flexibility in chilled water source. Potential alternative sources for chilled
water may include fluid coolers, geothermal heat pumps or lake/bay water.
Higher Room Setpoints: Because of the way the human body reacts to its
surrounding environment, comparable levels of comfort can be achieved
with a radiant cooling system at higher room temperatures (e.g., 78°F/25.6°C)
than with a forced-air system at lower room temperatures. Therefore, a radiant
cooling system, coupled with a smaller forced-air system (for ventilation, latent
loads and supplemental sensible loads) can reduce a building’s total energy use
by operating at higher setpoints.

Lower Transmission Losses:
With a conventional forced-air system, transmission losses can occur due to
inadequate or poor insulation, and duct leakage. Distribution systems typically
experience lower transmission losses.
As a result of these factors, the total energy consumption of a building can be
significantly reduced. Recent studies have shown total energy conservation for
typical office buildings using radiant cooling on the order of 17 to 53% below
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010.
The number of projects in North America incorporating radiant cooling to
achieve higher energy performance ratings continues to grow. Recently
completed projects that have incorporated radiant cooling as part of an energy-
efficient design solution are shown throughout this manual.

Superior Comfort
ASHRAE Standard 55-2010, Thermal Environmental Conditions for
Human Comfort lists six factors that affect thermal human comfort: air
temperature, radiant temperature, humidity, air velocity, clothing and
metabolism. Forced-air systems attempt to maintain comfort by controlling air
temperature and indoor relative humidity, ignoring the impact that radiant
temperature has on human comfort. In typical settings, during low activity with
light clothing and moderate air velocities, the human body transfers more of its
sensible heat through radiation.
Controlling floor temperatures and reducing surface temperature differentials
results in reduced stratification and radiant asymmetry. Therefore, a thermal
mass system that relies on radiation heat transfer can create a more comfortable
environment compared to a system relying exclusively on convective heat

Greater Architectural Flexibility
With a radiant cooling system embedded in the floor slab, the visible
components, such as air handlers, ductwork, grilles, diffusers, etc. can be much
smaller, allowing greater flexibility in the aesthetic architectural design. The
space requirements for the mechanical system (e.g., mechanical room, roof
space, ceiling space for ductwork) can be compacted, potentially reducing
building floor-to-floor heights.
Additionally, because a radiant slab can much more effectively deal with direct
solar loads, temperatures in areas with high fenestration (e.g., lobbies, atria, etc.)
can be more easily controlled with less noise and draft.

Reduced Operating and Maintenance Costs
The embedded tubing within the concrete slab requires no maintenance. The
radiant cooling system, including the chilled water source and distribution,
requires no more maintenance than typical fluid-based systems. The smaller
forced-air system — made possible by the radiant cooling system — translates to
lower operating and capital costs (e.g., reduced fan horsepower, smaller
filtration, smaller dehumidification equipment, etc.).

More Effective Control of Ventilation
In many heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems today, the air
handling systems are sized to deliver airflow based on the total cooling and
ventilation requirements of the spaces and occupants they are serving.
These airflow rates are rarely the same, and controls are often ineffective in
delivering the proper amount of airflow to satisfy both requirements
simultaneously. For example, in some cases rooftop units are used to cycle on
and off based on cooling demand, ignoring the continuous demand for
ventilation air. In a radiant cooling system, these two functions are decoupled.
Decoupling these functions allows more exact ventilation control, ensuring that
the occupants always receive the proper amount of outside air.



YWCA Toronto Elm Centre, Ontario, Canada

Location: Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Type of Project: Mixed Use
Year: 2011
Type of Construction: Mixed use construction, completed 2011
Scope of Project: - 212,000 ft2 (20,000 m2)
- 236,000 ft (72,000M) of RAUPEX pipe
Mechanical Contractor: Nekison Engineering and Contractors
Mechanical and Electrical Engineer : Lam and Associates
Supplier and Designer: Klimatrol Environmental Systems, Ltd.
Architect: Regional Architects with Hilditch Architects
REHAU Systems Used - Radiant Heating (RAUPEX® pipe, EVERLOC® fittings,
PRO-BALANCE® manifolds)


Since opening its doors in 1873, YWCA Toronto has worked to improve the lives
of women and girls by providing training, educational opportunities and housing,
while advocating for systematic change. As part of this effort, the organization
has recently completed construction of the YWCA Elm Centre, an $80 million,
302-unit affordable and supportive permanent housing complex for women and
women-led families, located in the downtown Toronto core. The complex,
designed by regional Architects with Hilditch Architects, opened in November of
2011. It spans an entire city block and includes 5-, 10- and 17-story residential
towers, a restaurant, boutique, auditorium and other commercial space, as well
as the new YWCA Toronto corporate offices.
The YWCA Elm Centre’s design incorporates a variety of sustainable construction
elements, including: five green roofs, two rooftop gardens,outdoor community

recreation space, an indoor waste sorter system for garbage, recyclables and
compostables located on each residential floor and Energy Star-rated appliances
in each residential unit.
Closely aligned with the City of Toronto’s energy efficiency and energy
consumption targets, the building complex also features a multi-stage heat
recovery system, and a geothermal water-to-water heat pump system integrated
with an innovative thermally-activated slab radiant heating and cooling system
manufactured by REHAU. The system, designed to deliver 3 million Btu/hr, is fed
by a geothermal well field of 90 500-foot (152 m) deep vertical boreholes located
under the parking garage structure.


This type of system was selected as it is estimated to reduce carbon emissions by
415 tons – or 45 percent – per year, which far exceeds the energy savings
achieved when compared with conventional mechanical systems.
Identified as highly compatible with a geothermal system in respect to its
moderate fluid temperature requirements, a radiant system was also sought as
the primary heating and cooling source in all three residential towers. Lam &
Associates subsequently approached Klimatrol Environmental Systems, a
Toronto-area specialist in radiant heating and cooling system design and supply,
to assist on the project.

The REHAU FEA modeling software recreates the floor structure positioning of
pipes as specified to determine actual floor and ceiling output capacities. When
designing floor heating and cooling systems, every project is unique in some way,
and this critical information allows the mechanical consultant to correctly
engineer a system that can effectively maintain optimum occupant comfort
throughout both the heating and cooling seasons.
Requiring moderate fluid supply temperatures ranging from 90 to 110°F (32 to
43°C) in the heating mode and 58 to 65°F (14 to 18°C) in the cooling mode, a
radiant system can be ideally integrated with a geothermal system, which
typically supplies fluid temperatures below 120°F (49°C). Thus it was realized
that specifying a radiant system for this particular project, which was centrally
focused around a large-scale geothermal energy source, would further enhance
the overall efficiency of the HVAC system.

The system, which was designed by a team including Lam & Associates, Klimatrol
and REHAU, featured an optimized thermally activated slab design.
According to Tan, the in-slab installation of a radiant system would provide
additional benefits by increasing usable floor space in the residential units, and
by eliminating the potential for damage to the floor registers or radiators
associated with other types of HVAC systems. Also, as a non forced-air system,
radiant heating would minimize the circulation of airborne particulates such as
dust and other allergens.
With all mechanical equipment located outside the suites, except for a bathroom
exhaust fan, residents are not exposed to HVAC equipment noise, nor is there
need to worry about replacing air filters or fan belts. Maintenance requirements
are thus very minimal in the suites, which reduces overall building operation and
maintenance costs – from labor all the way down to eliminating the purchase of
1,200 air filters each year.

The thermally activated slab system
for heating and cooling of the YWCA Toronto's Elm Centre.

Thermally activated slab designs, also known as thermally activated building
systems (TABS) or thermally activated concrete, have increased in popularity
due to a significant number of existing installations in other parts of the world,
and particularly in Europe. Also known as BKT in Germany and BATISO in areas
like Switzerland, these systems are ideal in multi-level structures, where the
same concrete slab can be activated for heating from the upper side, and cooling
from the underside, depending on the time of year. European installations have
offered proof to the North American construction industry that thermally
activated slab designs can provide enhanced energy distribution in hydronic
radiant applications. We are seeing more and more such applications in the U.S.
and Canada.
In order to create a thermally activated slab, flexible yet strong crosslinked
polyethylene (PEXa) pipe such as REHAU’s RAUPEX® is embedded in a series of
circuits within the thermal mass of a building, constituted by the slabs between
each level of the structure.

This type of system includes all the basics of a uni-directional, conventional in-
slab radiant floor heating system configuration. Unlike a conventional radiant
slab however, insulation is not used between internal levels of a building and
suspended ceilings are removed, thus yielding an exposed concrete floor and
ceiling. By facilitating the circulation of heated or cooled fluid through pipes
embedded within the slab, and removing any added thermal resistance from
plenum spaces associated with suspended ceilings, one can effectively create a
radiant surface both above and below, while only requiring one layer of PEXa
circuits per slab, usually spaced between 6 and 12 inches on-center.

Traditional radiant floor heating systems have fundamental advantages over
ceiling heating installations due to the natural buoyancy of warm air, which
directly improves a slab’s thermal output through an approximate 60-percent
higher heat transfer coefficient for floor applications versus ceiling applications.
This subsequently yields a greater system capacity, or associated heat flux from a
warm surface to the conditioned space measured in Btu/hr∙ft2 or W/m2. The
reverse is true for radiant cooling ceiling systems, where embedding the pipe to
be used as a cooled ceiling surface yields an approximate 60-percent advantage
in heat transfer coefficient compared to a chilled floor surface system. A
thermally activated slab inherently uses both systems, maximizing the output of
the ceilings and floors in either mode.
A comparison of traditional radiant floor heating and cooling system outputs
versus those achievable with a thermally activated slab illustrate the potential
benefits of this type of system. While a radiant floor system can achieve up to 32
Btu/hr∙ft2 (101 W/m2) in the heating mode and 16 Btu/hr∙ft2 (50 W/m2) in the
cooling mode, both under ideal conditions, a thermally activated slab, because of
its bidirectional output, can achieve output in the range of 50 Btu/hr∙ft2 (158
W/m2) in the heating mode, and 30 Btu/hr∙ft2 (95 W/m2) in the cooling mode.
The thermally activated slab system designed for Elm Centre was installed in a
total of 212,000 square feet (20,000 m2) of floor area throughout each level of all
three towers. A total of 236,000 feet (72,000 m) of 1/2-in. RAUPEX O2 Barrier
pipe was used throughout the building, embedded in the center of each of the
suspended 8-inch concrete slabs using an efficient pipe layout pattern.
A counterflow spiral pipe loop design was used within each of the slabs to ensure
even surface temperatures during both heating and cooling. This is the most
effective piping pattern for maximizing system control, achieving uniform
surface temperatures and ultimately providing occupant comfort.

The building was also designed to concentrate all the major pipes and ancillary
ductwork of the building’s other systems into the structure’s core, which allowed
for maximum exposure of each slab’s ceiling and floor surface.
A total of 110 5- to 12-circuit REHAU PRO-BALANCE® manifolds were installed
in the corridor on every other floor of each building, inside mechanical cabinets
that also house the system’s pumps and mixing valves. The manifolds’ circuit
control valves allow for precise flow balancing to each circuit to match the zone’s
heat load calculations, while low-voltage valve actuators provide electric flow
control to each of the residential suites.
To accommodate for the suspended slab design of the project, the PRO-BALANCE
manifolds were used for temporary pressure tests onsite during the concrete
pour, then mounted in their final positions in the mechanical cabinets and re-
pressurized to ensure no leaks occurred throughout the entire construction

The circuit/zone configuration of the radiant heating and cooling system also
facilitated the ability for each suite to be individually controlled by thermostats
integrated with the building automation system (BAS). Lam & Associates was
able to configure the BAS in such a way as to “reverse” the thermostats based on
the desire to either heat or cool the space. Thus, the thermostats would allow for
occupant-dictated temperature-controlled cooling from the ceilings in summer,
and heating from the floors in winter.
Residents will undoubtedly experience maximized comfort in being able to
adjust their individual suites for ideal warmer or cooler temperatures.
The BAS (building automation system) was additionally programmed with an
algorithm to provide heat anticipation from weather changes that triggers
automatic compensation for the thermal lag of the concrete slab. The energy
consumption for the entire geothermal system, including the radiant in-slab
system and vertical boreholes, are monitored by the BAS in real time, with data
recorded every five minutes. This information is then compiled for reference in
modeling and simulating future project designs.
To heat and chill the water circulating throughout the radiant heating and
cooling system’s piping configuration, a 25-percent antifreeze fluid is fed from
the water-to-water geothermal system’s braised plate stainless steel heat
exchangers located in each mechanical cabinet.
Lam & Associates additionally designed a system of downsized ventilation
ductwork leading to each residential suite in order to meet fresh air and

ventilation requirements, while also dehumidifying the air and regulating surface
dew points.
In total, the complete thermally activated slab system provides 300 tons of
heating and cooling capacity, including for the office administration areas in the
lower floors of the residential towers.


YWCA Toronto is the largest provider of women-focused housing options in
Canada, and the new YWCA Elm Centre more than doubles the agency’s
permanent housing capacity. Since residents began occupying units in November
of 2011, available space has filled fast, and a range of programs have also been
launched to provide residents with additional support. An official grand opening
is planned for Elm Centre this March.
The YWCA Elm Centre was designed to be a safe haven, a place where women
and their children can heal and grow. The building’s radiant heating and cooling
system plays an important role in creating this safe haven by providing an
exceptional level of comfort and ease of use for the residents, as well as notable
energy-efficient operation will provide visible cost savings in both summer and
winter months.
The system installation process, which began in the fall of 2009 and was
completed in the fall of 2011, was streamlined by the quality of the materials
used, as well as the ongoing technical support Klimatrol and REHAU provided in
the field.
REHAU expects that advantages including thermal comfort, energy efficiency and
cost will further compel engineers and architects to use hydronic radiant
systems in the thermal mass in an increasing number of buildings via thermally
activated slab designs.

Sweetwater Spectrum, California, USA

Location: Sonoma, California, United States
Type of Project: Residential
Customer: Sweetwater Spectrum
Architect: Leddy Maytum Stacy (LMS) Architects
REHAU System: Radiant Heating and Cooling, Energy Transfer Piping
Year: 2013
Site Area: 2.8-acre


Recognizing a need for housing support as their children with autism advanced
into adulthood, a group of Northern California families combined forces to
conceptualize the Sweetwater Spectrum community for adults with autism. The
residential community, created in 2009 as a pilot that could be replicated

throughout the U.S., was designed to help residents establish a familiar,
comfortable and manageable environment that would also nurture their
independence. Shared housing, a community center featuring several amenities,
indoor and outdoor gardens, and a welcome and volunteer center were
combined into the Sweetwater Spectrum community concept to provide a
comprehensive long-term living environment for residents.
Sweetwater Spectrum is a new national model of supportive housing for adults
with autism, offering life with purpose and dignity. The 2.8-acre site provides a
permanent home for 16 adults and their support staff. The four 3,250-square-
foot four-bedroom homes include common areas as well as a bedroom and
bathroom for each resident. Sweetwater Spectrum also incorporates a 2,300-
square-foot community center with exercise/activity spaces and a teaching
kitchen; a large therapy pool and spas; and an urban farm, orchard, and

The Sweetwater Spectrum community design also incorporates several
sustainable building, renewable energy and general resource management
elements that additionally reflect the goals of minimizing sensory overload for
residents while creating a peaceful environment that connects them to the
natural cycle of the day. Maximized daylighting, solar-thermal systems and non-
VOC building materials were among numerous elements specified by the
project’s San Francisco-based architecture firm, Leddy Maytum Stacy (LMS)
Architects, to achieve the melding of universal design and sustainable building


Combined radiant heating and cooling systems were specified for the 3-acre
property’s four 4-bedroom, 3,250-square foot homes, which would

accommodate all 16 residents in the community. A similar system was also
specified for the 2,290 square foot community center.

Mechanical contracting firm Reid Heating & Energy expanded on mechanical
engineer Timmons Design Engineers original specification for radiant heating
systems across all buildings on the property by incorporating a hybrid radiant
heating and cooling system from REHAU. The updated design called for 9-ton
hybrid heating and cooling systems with RAUPEX® crosslinked polyethylene
(PEXa) pipe from REHAU, as well as REHAU INSULPEX® energy transfer pipe for
the distribution of heated and chilled fluid generated from two air-to-water heat
pumps installed in each individual home and in the community center. The
project was also designed with actuators that would facilitate customized, zoned
climate control, providing heating or cooling only when a pre-programmed
thermostat in each zone senses its need.

Reid Heating & Energy installed a total of 18,312 feet of 1/2-inch O2 Barrier
RAUPEX pipe in the four residences, along with eight REHAU PRO-BALANCE®
manifolds to accurately balance circuit flow rates and facilitate the zoned control
of each system. The firm additionally installed a total of 3,515 feet of 1/2-inch O2
Barrier RAUPEX pipe and seven PRO-BALANCE manifolds in the community
center building.

It was their first time integrating it with an air-to-water heat pump energy
source. REHAU provided a piping circuit layout that ensured the accurate and
timely installation of the radiant piping system.
The sustainable elements of the project extend beyond its construction and into
areas including an on-property orchard and garden, which will be used to
supplement the community’s food needs.
The Sweetwater Spectrum construction project was completed in late December
of 2012, with residents moving in beginning in 2013.


Designed to the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED® Gold standards,
the community at-large is expected to consume 30 percent less energy than Title
24 requirements.
If additional solar PV system leased from California Clean Energy is factored, it is
expected that the property’s total electric bills to be less than $25 per month per
resident. The total combination of energy-saving technologies, including the
automated HVAC control systems that will also make life easier for residents and
staff, has facilitated Sweetwater Spectrum’s selection by PGE as a pilot
community for its Net Zero Energy program.

Controlling all sensory aspects of the living environment to the best of their
ability was key to this project, particularly as they wanted to establish a
successful model that could be replicated to address the need for this type of
community across the country. Including quiet, efficient HVAC systems in the
residents’ living spaces and recreation area was part of the way in which they
sought to achieve this goal.

Cooper Union, New York, USA

Location: 41 Cooper Square, New York
Area: 175000 sq.ft.
Cost of Construction: $111 million
Date of Construction: 2009
Architect: Thom Mayne of Morphosis Architecture with associate architect
Gruzen Samton


The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art has been a force for
change and critical thinking in education, art, engineering and architecture for
150 years.
The academic building serves several purposes beyond scholastic achievements:
It is an energy-conserving building integrated into its urban surrounding,
connecting students to each other and its location in the East Village. The nine-
story, 175,000-square-foot building came with a $111 million price tag and is
considerably larger than the two-story, early-20th-century academic building
previously on the site.
A new classroom, laboratory, and studio facility designed by Thom Mayne of
Morphosis Architecture with associate architect Gruzen Samton completed
construction in Summer 2009, replacing the aging Hewitt Academic Building at

41 Cooper Square. In contrast to the Foundation Building, 41 Cooper Square is of
modern, environmentally "green" design, housing nine above-ground floors and
two basements. The structure features unconventional architectural features,
including a full-height Grand Atrium, prevalent interior windows, a four-story
linear central staircase, and upper-level skyways, which reflect the design
intention of inspiring, socially interactive space for students and faculty. In
addition, the building's design allows for up to 75% natural lighting, further
reducing energy costs. Other "green" features in the design include servo-
controlled external wall panels, which can be swiveled open or closed
individually in order to regulate interior light and temperature, as well as
motorized drapes on all exterior windows. In 2010, 41 Cooper Square became
the first academic and laboratory structure in New York City to meet Platinum-
level LEED standards for energy efficiency. The building was funded in part by
alumni donations, materialized in nameplates and other textual recognition
throughout the building.

LEED Platinum Certified
The building earned LEED Platinum certification under the U.S. Green Building
Council’s ratings based on green design and construction features. Radiant
heating and cooling were used in the building with its perforated aluminum steel
panels that reduce the impact of heat radiation during summer months and
insulate the interior during winter.


Primarily designed to house the Cooper Union's School of Engineering and
School of Art, the new building's first eight above-ground floors are populated by
classrooms, small engineering laboratories, study lounges, art studio space, and
faculty offices. The lowest basement level consists almost completely of the
school's large machine shops and design laboratories, as well as much of the
HVAC and supply infrastructure.
Connecting the first four floors of 41 Cooper Square is the linear Grand Staircase,
which is used both for transportation and as a recreational space for students.
Higher floors are connected by floating interior skyways, in addition to two
standard corner staircases and three passenger elevators. At the peak of the
Grand Staircase is the Ware & Drucker Student Lounge, which houses a small
cafeteria service for students as well as a relaxed, naturally lit study location.
The engineering lab is significantly more efficient than other, similarly sized
buildings and boasts a few advanced environmentally friendly features:

− Innovative radiant heating and cooling technology, the first used in the
U.S, to conserve energy and increase efficiency.

− An outer layer of semitransparent mesh screen to cool the building during
the summer and warm it in the winter by controlling daylight, energy use,
and natural ventilation.

− Carbon dioxide detectors throughout the building to automatically dim
power and ventilation when rooms are unoccupied — saving on energy
and costs.
− A cogeneration system to produce power for the new building, reducing
the need to tap into the outside electrical grid.

− A green roof covered by a layer of low-maintenance plantings, to reduce
city “heat island” effects, as well as stormwater runoff, noise, summer air
conditioning cost and winter heat demand.

− Low-flow plumbing devices, which, along with the green roof, will save
more than 600,000 gallons of water annually.

Radiant Panels & Loops
A radiant heating and cooling solution was proposed to reduce airflow
requirements in the spaces during the winter and, therefore, reduce total
building operating costs. In the end, about two-thirds of the building relies on
some form of radiant cooling and heating solution. Most of these spaces are
heated and cooled with custom-designed radiant ceiling panels. A more typical
radiant floor was installed in locations where ceiling panels were not
appropriate. Calculations done early in the design predicted that the building
would consume 34 percent less energy than allowed by the 2004 version of
ASHRAE 90.1.
The ceiling system is pretty unique. Each radiant panel measures nominally 2
feet wide, 5 feet long, and about 2-1/2 inches deep. Loops of hot and cold water
copper pipes are sandwiched between each panel's exposed perforated
aluminum surface, which doubles as the ceiling finish, and an acoustical mat
backing that also provides thermal insulation. Taken together, these panels,

which are secured with wire clips to a steel grid system, create a very large
radiant surface.

For the floor systems, PEX tubes were embedded in a 4-inch polished concrete
topping slab, above a 1-inch layer of insulation resting on a structural slab.
Assuming that some outside humid air will penetrate the building's entrance in
the summer, the designers specified only heating beneath the lobby's polished
concrete floor. Tucked further within the interior of the building, other radiant
floors provide both heating and cooling.


The Cooper Union building for the Advancement of Science and Arts is a
spectacular example of how green building solutions can enhance a building's
design, reduce costs and improve the indoor environment for its occupants.

Institute of Rural Research and Development
(IRRAD), Gurgaon, India

Project: IRRAD Office
Client: Sehgal Foundation
Size: 35,000 sqft
Scope: HVAC Design
HVAC Design: dbHMS, Noida
Status: Completed 2012
Green Rating: LEED Platinum


Sehgal Foundation’s headquarters “green” building in Gurgaon, Haryana, was
constructed according to the Platinum standards of Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) set by U.S. Green Building Council and the Indian
Green Building Council. The founders, Dr. Suri Sehgal and Mrs. Edda Sehgal,
envisioned the use of “green” design, construction, operation, and maintenance
of the building to be in keeping with the organization’s mission to promote
sustainable development and reduce the building’s impact of human health and
the environment.
The Institute of Rural Research And Development (IRRAD) office building is a
sustainable building designed to meet the extremes of the composite climate.
Noida-based dbHMS, Green Building Consultants, that has a strong base in
building engineering fundamentals, used advance computing methodologies and
extensive energy simulations to design the building's HVAC system, India's first
Radiant cooling project. A radiant cooling system refers to a temperature-

controlled surface that cools indoor temperature by removing sensible heat and
where more than half of heat transfer occurs through thermal radiation.
The headquarters of the Institute of Rural Research and Development (IRRAD)
exemplify this. IRRAD’s premises in Sector 44, Gurgaon houses two platinum
certified green buildings. The first phase of the IRRAD building received the
highest platinum recognition by the US Green Building Council in 2010.

The two-story phase one building is presently occupied by IRRAD and Indian
Institute of Public Health, a training arm of the Public Health Foundation of India.
Constructed on similar lines, the second phase of the IRRAD Green Building was
constructed in 2012.


A solar PV (photovoltaic) rooftop generation unit with 35 KWP of electricity
meets 100 percent of the building’s basic electricity needs directly from solar
energy, for computers, lighting, fans, and mechanical ventilation. Energy
generated from renewable energy is 13.8 percent, (Rs. 1,24,500 for energy
generation of 24,900 kWh) of the total energy cost of Rs 9,04,290 for 1,30,744
kWh of electricity consumption per annum and 171 MBtu).

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) energy cost savings have been
realized from the Phase-II building with the use of a cool radiant slab system that
reduces the need for cooling by reducing fan energy and space cooling energy
(thus accounting for 9 percent of the total ~41.6 percent energy cost savings).

Innovative shading devices that prevent sunlight from hitting the glass windows
account for 5 percent of total energy savings by improving the U value of the wall
(0.079 against the baseline 1.24 Btu/ft2.F.h), well-designed shading devices and
double-glazed glass (0.49 as against 1.27 Btu/ft2.F.h) reduce the overall building
load. Ceiling fans reduce the need for air conditioning. Natural light is maximized

by placing offices, classrooms, board rooms, and exhibition areas in proximity to
Rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, and zero waste begin with
collecting rainwater from the rooftop for reuse and groundwater recharge. An
underground storage tank holds 800,000 liters of harvested water. Harvested
water fulfils water requirements for the cooling tower of the air-conditioning
system. Annual rainwater collection can last at least 97 days for building use.
Gray and black water is treated onsite and recycled for irrigation and flushing.
Low-flow fixtures and 100 percent gray water treatment reduces the use of
potable water by 77 percent. No potable water is used to irrigate the landscape
(comprised of native plants). Using treated water for landscape irrigation saves
8,657 liters. With zero runoff from the site, on an average rainfall day, almost
41,900 liters of discharge is collected, filtered, and guided to recharge the

The ecological footprint and carbon dioxide emissions are minimized due to the
choices of building materials and the use locally sourced materials. Wood was
used instead of aluminum for doors, windows, and AC grills. The use of burnt
brick was limited. Excavated soil was reused for making in-situ bricks for the
building itself, resulting in about 30 percent reduction in CO2 emissions as
compared to similar-size buildings. Using leftover materials in creative ways
helped to reduce waste. The overall result is cost-effective, creative, simple, and
sustainable. After comparing various HVAC systems through simulation studies,
an innovative Radiant Cooling was used as a primary cooling mode for the
project. The unique features of the HVAC system have enabled this project to
achieve 35 -40% less operating cost. dbHMS used the following strategies for the
designing and implementation:

Use of energy simulation in HVAC design
Extensive energy simulations were performed to select the appropriate cooling
system and accurately size the HVAC system, and to accurately factor in
occupancy, weather variations, diversity factors and then compare it with
various other options. Energy simulations and HVAC design was done using
advance computing methodologies.

Integration of Phase I & II
The HVAC design integrates previously completed Phase I with new design of
Phase II. This allows an effective use of diversity in design and subsequent
optimization of equipment sizing.

Radiant cooling
Major part of heat exchange from a human body happens through radiation.
Hence, any cooling strategy which cools using radiation is the most efficient
option for cooling the space. Radiant cooling has been used as a primarily cooling
mode for the project.

Chilled water pipes inside slab
Flexible pipes are embedded in the slab which carries chilled water through the
slab. All the cold is stored in the slab, which eventually exchanges the cold with
the occupants.

Air supply at occupied zone
Air supply for the latent cooling is delivered at floor height. Supply of cool air at
the lower level return air at higher level allows most efficient way of air

VAV boxes & VFD
The office has been divided into different thermal zones. Each zone has an
individual VAV box, thereby allowing increasing or decreasing the air flow as per
occupancy and load. VFD in the AHU reduces the fan speed accordingly, thus
reducing the operational electricity consumption.

Night cooling
Use of radiant cooling inside slab allows chiller to operate at night and store all
the cold inside the building structure. This reduces the chiller operation during

day. As ambient temperatures are low at night time, higher efficiency is achieved
at chiller energy consumption.

High efficiency chiller
High Efficiency Semi Hermetic Rotary Screw chiller is used for the project. The
chiller has non CFC R-134 refrigerant which is environment-friendly. The high
efficiency chiller helps in reducing operation cost for the project.
Both the green buildings use solar energy, harvest rainwater and recycle waste.
Endangered species of plants have been planted around the building periphery.
The building generates 35 kWP from an array of solar photovoltaic panels placed
at the rooftop. The produced solar power caters to all electrical requirements of
the building except air conditioning. The insulation in the building walls reduces
the need for air conditioning, which is run only for few hours of a day, saving
energy upto 30%. The building has an underground storage tank of over 700,000
litres that suffices for water requirements for over four months. The overflow in
the rainy season goes to the recharge well in the premises, enabling percolation.
The second phase of the building depicts an interesting green feature of radiant
cooling system as water from the air conditioning chillers runs below the floor
through radiant cooling slabs to keep the floor warm in winters and cool in
Natural light plays a very important role in all functional spaces of IRRAD’s
buildings. Shading devices are designed in such a way that enables the winter
sun to enter the working spaces and keep the summer sun away.
Timber has been used instead of aluminium since it is renewable and helps
reduce energy consumption. The timber used on the building has come from
managed forest resources. For aesthetics too, materials such as timber and the
bamboo have been used in their natural form instead of artificial colours. Clay
tiles and open grid pavers allow rainwater to seep into the ground thus making
the campus a zero runoff site.
Most of the materials for the construction were sourced from within a 500 km
radius and required little processing energy to make them suitable for the
building. The onsite sewerage treatment plant recycles wastewater, which is
used for plantation and in toilets. Waste materials like packing and shuttering
wood and broken tiles have been used creatively at the reception backdrop,
auditorium and atrium benches. Waste (broken) tiles have been used at the roof
to make it highly reflective. Segregated biodegradable and non biodegradable
dustbins on each floor leverage the sustainability of the building whereas
waterless urinals reduce the overall water consumption. The other green
features include low volatile organic compounds in paints, adhesives and
sealants that emanate less air pollutants, and an efficient building monitoring
system that displays building diagnostics.


Though relatively higher priced, radiant cooling systems give value for money
over the long-term by way of significant energy cost savings. The additional
investment made on the IRAAD building to make it more energy efficient was
around Rs.150/sqft in 2012 when the pipes were not available in India and had

to be imported. But with pipes available in India now, the cost is set to reduce
further. Payback is the time taken to recover the additional investment made in
the building to make it more energy-efficient. For IRAAD, the payback was 1.5
As we all know that heat transfer happens through Conduction, Convection and
Radiation. Radiation contributes to more than 67% of heat transfer from a
human body. Radiant Cooling or Heating is the most efficient way of heat
exchange as it requires no medium. The same advantage is used in radiantly
cooled buildings. Surface temperature of wall and roof is reduced. Human body
then exchanges heat with that low temperature surface radiantly without
requirement of circulating large amounts of air. This reduces energy
Radiant cooling offers advantages such as lower carbon emission, smaller chiller
size, smaller AHU, smaller fans, chillers can run at night when their performance
is higher, chilled water supply from chiller is typically at 15 deg C compared to 7
deg C for conventional HVAC, lower operating cost by 30-40%, and equal cooling
in area with no hot spots.



Infosys, Pocharam Campus, Hyderabad, India

SDB-1, Infosys Hyderabad campus




Site Area - 450 acre campus
Built up area - 38 lakh sq.ft. (80 -100 sq.ft. area is provided per person).
Number of users is 15000, Cars used are 2000, 2 wheelers used is 3500.
GRIHA rating : 5 Stars;
LEED – Platinum Rating
Energy consumption reduction : 56% reduction from GRIHA benchmark
Water consumption reduction : 56% reduction from GRIHA benchmark
EPI : 51.85 kWh/SqM/year
Occupancy hours : 8.5 hrs/day
Renewable energy installed on site : 44 KWp

Building number 1 (SDB1) made in 2010-11 where Radiant cooling is done in
one wing and conventional HVAC cooling in the other wing. In SDB 4 and 5 the
same Radiant Cooling technology has been repeated.
SBD2 and 3 has conventional cooling.

Building: Software Development Block (SDB) -1
• North-South orientation, East –West -longer axis of building.
Building floor plate : 16m
• Total buildup area: 240,000 sqft (excluding central wing, which is not
− Conventional side: 120,000 sqft, Radiant side: 120,000 sqft
− Total occupancy: 2600
− Conventional side: 1340
− Radiant side: 1260
Conventional side
Radiant Side

Cement concrete blocks are used for the walls.
German tiles called Venoburg tiles which are half inch thick has been used on the
external façade of the building over the cavity walls for cooling. Between the tiles
and wall 10 mm gap is given for insulation and they are held by Interlocking
system. In the Cavity wall the external layer is 8” thick and there is a gap of 50
mm filled with styrofoam insulation in between and the internal layer is 6” thick.
External heat gain in building to be less than 0.75 W/sq.ft
- Wall insulation with R value of 10
- Roof insulation with R value of 15
• Window-wall ratio < 30%
– Low SHGC of 0.2 with low e glass. Double glazed unit with argon gas to
achieve R value of 5.5 – Glazing completely shaded

Radiant Panel Based Cooling
• First in India to implement the radiant panel based cooling system.
• Pipes are embedded on slab below panels of modular sizes ceiling tiles.
• These panels are interconnected to allow chilled water flow beneath them.
• Cooling is achieved when the hot sources radiate directly to the cold ceiling.
• Fresh air is supplied through an air system that maintains pleasant indoor air


Window wall ratio is 30 %. In the window SCG DSU double paned low E glasses
are used filled with inert gases. These controls 80% heat. Sensors are used for

artificial lighting when daylighting is less. The window glasses are tinted glass.
These are all 6mm glasses.
Horizontal alluminium chajjas and vertical glass fins cut the outside glare in the
windows. Above the standard window a light shelf has been designed with
alluminium which reflects the external light coming through the fixed glass
window pane on the top and throws the light 10 mts deep into the hall and
artificial light is not required.

400 lux level is maintained inside the office for lighting purpose which is
provided by sufficient Daylighting.Weather station has been designed to forecast
the weather.

Natural light in offices
• Provides pleasant office space
• Improves employee health
• Improves employee productivity
• Addresses Vitamin D deficiency

Solar Power
This campus is a greenfield project with 6.6 megawatts of solar power plant.
65% energy requirement comes from solar energy. RE 100 Renewal energy used.
Solar field is 26 acres. Per month energy consumption required is 12-13 lakh
units .

Solar energy provides 8.5 to 9 lakh units. For conventional system 250 units of
power was consummed per person but now it is reduced to 150 units per person
after going with radiant cooling and solar energy. Grid is given to the Telengana
Government. There are 29000 panels. Thin film polycrystaline solar panel with
tracking mechanism are used which changes its orientation with change in sun
path. They are meant for morning time and high radiation heating. Thin film big
solar panels are used and they are meant for high heat of afternoon and low
radiation heating.
Big solar panels are 2m x 2m. Solar panels give approximately 6.5 lakh units in
monsoon months like August and 11 lakhs unit in summer months like April.

For landscaping they have used local plants like mango, guava, sapota, palm etc.
Planted 1,20,000 trees in 2009-10. There are many different variety of birds in
the campus. All the trees uprooted in building construction has been replanted in
the campus. Top soil was preserved and reused during landscaping.

• This campus follows a zero waste policy.
• There is a Scrapyard in the campus where the segregation of dry waste
takes place in different rooms.

Water and Catchment Area
Catchment area has been designed as per contour level with waterbody of 9
crore lt. holding capacity in the campus. Water from the hillocks are collected in
the catchment area. Water recycled within the complex is 78%.

The STP water is used for landscaping. Near the catchment area a dry bed of
sludge has been made. There is a glass house beside it where there is a robotic
machine that churns the dried sludge. Thus the sludge turns into black powder
and is used for compost for landscaping. Exhaust fans take out the gas from these
glass houses. The trees which have been uprooted have been replanted here.

There are 7 lakes in the campus. Swales covered with pebbles carry the surface
water run off below, from the roof terraces, platforms, roads etc and run around
the campus to rejuvenate the water table and also brings the water to the lakes.

Biogas Plant

Biogas plant Eye and body wash is done by the handling staff in the shower.

• Foodwaste first goes to the Hydrolyser Tank, then to Digester Tank, then
to Compressor Tank.
• Organic waste convertor is used.

The balloon shows how much Biogas is generated.

Swerage Treatment Plant

• Sludge Digester machine capacity is 1.1 million ltr/ day.
• 50% of it is utilised now.
• Ingoing waste - 450 kl is filled in the machine every day.
• Outcome - 445 kl. Comes out per day.

• Almost 100% efficiency.
• Filtration of rings , stone etc is done from the raw sewage first as Sludge
Digester only takes human waste.

• Process – raw sewage goes to mixer tank, then to aeration tank, then to
membrane bio reactor MDR.
• Conventional Sand Filter only filters 10 ppm.
• MDR produces 10mg/lt of suspended solids.
• Then water is treated with RO and UV treatment. The treated STP water
is used in the Cooling Tower which is then supplied in the chilled
water pipelines for Radiant Cooling.

Radiant Cooling
• Passive Cooling by Radiant Cooling has been designed by Peter Ramsay.
• The treated STP water which is used in the Cooling Tower is then
supplied in the chilled water pipelines for Radiant Cooling at 16
degC. The rooms gets cooled to 24 degC through Radiant Cooling.
• In the building number 1 of the campus one wing of the building is done
by conventional HVAC cooling and the other wing of the building.
• They achieved 33%-35% energy savings by Radiant Cooling through slabs
of floors . So they adopted the technology in building number 4 and 5.


Radiant cooling is done by passing chilled water after RO filtration through 18
mm. diameter polythene HDPE pipes which are embedded in the concrete slab
which are desined in grids of 8m X 4m. Both inlet and outlet of pipes are
manifold and they are connected to the header line. Pressure maintained inside
the pipe is 6 bar / 6 PSI. AHU is not used in this cooling method.

Building Management System
Water at 16 degC from Chiller through HDPE pipes embedded in the concrete of
thr floor or roof slab goes to building through Dedicated Outdoor Air System
(DOAS) and 20 – 25 degC is temperature is maintained in the building and then
the warm air goes back to chiller throough DOAS.
In conventional HVAC the chilled water temperature is to be maintained at
8 degC, so more energy is spend for cooling as opposed to Radiant Cooling
where chilled water temperature is required only at 16 degC. Beyond 1000
ppm of Co2 level the economiser supplies the fresh air through DOAS system.
The DOAS and AHU units are located in the terrace of the building.
For Radiant Cooling centrifugal chiller is used with oil type transformer.

Advantages of Radiant Cooling through DOAS are:
1. Use automated energy saving strategies/logics
- every single electrical motor in the building uses an energy saving strategy.
2. Manage energy by detail – for lighting, computing and plug loads
- floor-wise and wing-wise energy monitoring for lighting, computing and plug
loads for granular energy control, identification of wastage.
3. Continuous Monitoring and Ventilation, continuous commissioning
- measures energy as well as efficiency for all hvac and ups for continuous
verification and improvement.
4. Deliver highest standards of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
- Demand controlled ventilation to maintain IAQ with minimal energy
5. Provides data to optimize future building designs
- records peak value of W/sqft on hvac, lighting, computing and main incomer to
migrate from thumb rule engineering to performance data driven engineering.
6. Allow equipment and system level diagnostics and corrections

- e.g. extensive measurement on AHUs allow identification of low flows,
malfunctioning valves, fans, coils, filters, etc.
7. Enables trending and data analytics
- e.g. trends to analyze historical operation of VAVs, AHUs, Chiller plants.
8. Water efficiency
- monitors water consumption on hourly, daily and monthly basis for
9. Reduced emission of Greenhouse gases to the atmosphere reducing Global

Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS)
• There is a Heat Recovery Wheel in the DOAS to reduce the ambient
temperature and CO2.
• Ambient CO2 + 700 or 500 ppm = Total 1000 or 1200 ppm.
• Enthalpy and Dew Point Temperature has to be reduced to prevent
condensation of pipes in concrete slab.
• There are 2 coils:
• LT – Low Temperature 7 – 8 degC( used for HVAC system)
• MT – Medium Temperature 16 degC (used for Radiant Cooling System).
• They remain in the same temperature for all seasons so that condensation
in the concrete slab doesn’t happen. For that Dew point Temperature is
important. It has to be maintained between 14 degC to 18 degC.
• Set point is 12 degC.


Example of demand controlled ventilation. Building only uses as much fresh air
as required based on occupancy / CO2 sensing.


Radiant pipes Radiant slab

− Requires 75% less air compared to conventional systems
− 30% more efficient than conventional HVAC systems
− Higher thermal comfort on account of better mean radiant temperature
− Highest indoor air quality
− Radiant system equipment requires lesser space
− Radiant cooling for the first time in India

Use of simulation software for designs





Key Points in Implementing Radiant Slab
• No condensation has happened in last 5 years.
• Average water temp to control the manifolds
• Room dew point is over ride for manifold control
• Space temp to control PIBCV
• Condensation sensor installed in the shaft override
• Dehumidified air to control the dew point in space with
VAV/thermafusers/slot diffusers.
• Only 2 Punctures recorded in last 5 years. (Initial period)
• Capex and Opex is lower.

Learnings - Radiant Slab
− Radiant pipes to be kept under pressure of 3 – 4 kg/cm2 always during
installation Manifolds to be preferably at the peripheral area.
− Two separate controls for peripheral area near glass and work station
− No radiant slab for meeting rooms/cabins – Design with air.
− Not very Flexibile - All services to be planned during designed stage.
Additional drilling is difficult.
− Acoustics is a taken care of.
− Flexible in design when compared to slab.
− Piping/ joints/ pressure drops are very high.
− Expensive when compared with Slab

Integrated Design Approach by Infosys
• Panels should be very flexible
• Piping and joints should be minimal
• Acoustics is addressed
• Should not be expensive than Slab.
• Ease of installation and maintenance
• Indoor air quality
• Thermal comfort
• Visual comfort
• Acoustic comfort
• Sustainable solution

Industry leadership
• 5.3 million sqft of highest rated green buildings in India -14 buildings
have achieved LEED platinum rating, making us no.1 in India for office
buildings. (Platinum is highest level in LEED green building rating).
• 4 buildings have achieved GRIHA 5-star rating (highest level in the MNRE
National rating for Green Buildingsin India)
• 2.6 million sqft of Radiant cooled buildings
• Infosys buildings have an annual Energy Performance Index of 80
kWh/m2/year, lowest in the industry
• Filed for a patent on a new cooling technology developed in-

Key features of this Platinum rated building include:
Water Efficiency: A 48% reduction in overall water consumption has been
achieved in the building through the use of efficient plumbing fixtures and by
water recycling. 100% of waste water from the campus will be treated on site,
helping in the reduction of potable water consumption.

Energy Efficiency: The building is 40% more efficient than the globally accepted
ASHRAE standard. This has been achieved through an efficient building envelope
including high performance glazing and adequate shading, radiant cooling
system, efficient chillers, pumps and fans, efficient lighting system and smart
building automation.

Day lighting: Over 90% of the office space has natural light, reducing the need
for artificial lighting during daytime. The design includes light shelves along all
windows to ensure that the natural light travels as deep into the building as

Efficient Material Selection and Management: Recycled materials account for
18% of the total value of materials in the building; these include aluminium,
glass, steel, plywood and tiles among others. 38% of the total project material by
cost was manufactured regionally thereby reducing pollution due to

Green power: A 400KW solar plant installed in the Pocharam campus generates
7 lakh units per annum; thereby reducing reliance on the grid.
Biodiversity: More than 6,000 native trees were planted last year to improve the
biodiversity of the campus.


Inferences and Proposals
Radiant cooling technology is an emerging efficient technology in HVAC industry.
It may be the technology of the future and may redefine the way cooling is done
in India. The following points can be concluded from the Infosys study:
· Radiant cooling system is easier to build since it requires fewer equipments and
the overall cost of the system is slightly lower than the conventional air-
conditioning system.
· Radiant cooling system occupies just one-third of the space compared to
conventional air-conditioning system.
· The efficiency of radiant cooling system is about 33% better than a highly
efficient conventional air conditioning system.
· Radiant cooling system provides a better indoor air quality and thermal
comfort compared to conventional air-conditioning.
Comparison of two cooling technologies at such scale has provided us an
opportunity to make a clear conclusion of the advantages of radiant cooling.
Indian context.

Radiant cooling system may be designed in three ways: ceiling mounted
suspended metal panels, lay-in panels in T-bar ceilings, or tubing embedded in
concrete ceilings or floors. Panel systems - either suspended type or T- bar lay-in
type may offer more design flexibility. However the radiant slab system, in which
heating and cooling tubing is embedded in the exposed structural concrete slabs,
may be less costly to build and add the major benefit of significant thermal
storage. The air must be dehumidified either by chilled water coil in air handling
unit, desiccant dehumidifier and a gas-fired dehumidifier.
Ventilation Strategy: Because the function of cooling has been separated from the
ventilation function, ventilation systems can be designed to be more effective.
Acoustics : Better acoustical insulation in builings because of this system.
Energy Efficiency: All the case study buildings demonstrate significantly reduced
energy use, excellent comfort and no significant operating issues. No harmful gas
emission makes the design sustainable and of low carbon footprint.
Water Efficiency – As treated waste water is used for radiant cooling excess
water is not required for this process.
Indoor Environmental Quality: The radiant panels can be easily zoned to provide
good temperature control. In addition, radiant cooling is more comfortable and
allows higher temperature settings for the same comfort. Radiant panels can
even be used to enhance daylighting.
System Costs: Radiant systems are no more costly than forced air systems when
the full building cost is considered. As this system takes less space it leads to
more rentable space in the building.
Two third of India of 2030 is yet to be built (McKinsey report). For 10 billion
sq.ft. of commercial space expected by 2030 in India. Infosys Pocharam Campus
design standards can save 45,000 MW of installed capacity of power plants
which can reduce exploitation of natural resources and global warming and
create a pollution free build ecosystem.



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