AUV in Hybrid

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2017 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium

Work In Progress: Networked Control of

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Acoustic
and Radio Frequency Hybrid Communication
Mehrullah Soomro, Saeed Nourizadeh Azar, Ozgur Gurbuz, Ahmet Onat
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Sabanci University
Istanbul, Turkey,,,

Abstract—Underwater control applications, such as control of and permittivity of water resulting in a short working range.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV)s, have recently gained In this work, we propose an underwater networked control
significant interest, and there is a growing demand for high-speed system with acoustic and RF hybrid communication, where
wireless communication between AUVs and base station. Acoustic
communication provides low data rates and high propagation an acoustic link is employed for long range communication
delays, both of which are not suitable for employing high control and RF link in short range.
gains for the navigation of AUVs. On the other hand, Radio
Frequency (RF) communication provides high data rate, but it II. SYSTEM MODEL
is constrained by high attenuation due to high conductivity and
permittivity of water resulting in a short working range. In this
work, we propose an underwater networked control system with
The considered underwater system implements a docking
acoustic and RF hybrid communication, where an acoustic link is maneuver application, where a number of AUVs are navigated
employed for long range communication and RF link is applied towards a docking station, while transmissions of the nodes
in close range. Our performance results indicate that the acoustic are coordinated via different access schemes selected for the
and RF hybrid communication system takes up to 38.5% less time respective communication mode. Fig. 1 depicts this scenario,
to dock, up to 91% smaller steady state error and spends up to
39% lower communication energy as compared to the acoustic
where the docking station is located at the bottom of a fresh
only system at the expense of up to 22.35% higher motive energy. water lake/river and it is surrounded with multiple AUVs. The
docking station is equipped with an underwater positioning
Index Terms—Underwater Communication; Autonomous Un- system to find the positions of the AUVs and both are
derwater Vehicle; Control; Medium Access Control; Acoustic; equipped with acoustic and RF transceivers. The docking
Radio Frequency; Networked Control System.
station sends the position information to the AUVs via acoustic
or RF communication links, and the AUV uses the position
I. I NTRODUCTION information to control its thrusters. This networked control
Swarms of underwater robots have attracted significant system is illustrated in Fig. 2. Although the RF communication
attention, as the drive for understanding the hidden world link only works for shorter range, the control loop sampling
beneath the water and exploiting its resources. This interest has period is smaller as compared to acoustic communication.
motivated researchers in developing new technologies for the Therefore, control gains can be increased for faster response
underwater environment. Underwater applications range from in RF mode.
instrument monitoring and control to climate recording. There The communication links are modeled in terms of path loss
is a growing demand for high-speed communication between as follows: For the acoustic channel we consider the spreading
AUVs and base station. loss model, P Lspreading (r) = k10log(r), (where r is distance
Although the acoustic waves used in underwater acoustic in meters and k is the spreading factor) and absorption loss
communication can travel long distances for relaying informa- model, P Labsorption (r, f ) = 10log(α(f ))r, (where r is dis-
tion, they provide low data rates and high propagation delays, tance in kilometers and α is the absorption coefficient). Total
both of which are not suitable for employing high control gains path loss is given as sum of spreading and absorption losses as:
for the navigation of AUVs [1], [2]. Leveraging Radio Fre- P L(r, f ) = k10log(r) + α(f )r10−3 [3]. For the RF channel,
quency (RF) communication provides high data rate, however, the path loss is modelled as P L = R(γ)20/(ln(10))r, where
it is constrained by high attenuation due to high conductivity R denotes real part, r is distance; γ is propagation constant
given by γ = jω(Sqrt(μ − j(σμ/ω))), where ω denotes
The research leading to the presented results has been undertaken within frequency in rad/s,  stands for permittivity, μ is permeability,
the SWARMs European project (Smart and Networking Underwater Robots in
Cooperation Meshes), under Grant Agreement n. 662107-SWARMs-ECSEL- and σ is the conductivity of water [4]. On top of path loss,
2014-1, which is partially supported by the ECSEL JU. both channels are subject to fading.

1052-8725/17/31.00 ©2017 IEEE 366

DOI 10.1109/RTSS.2017.00051
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Fig. 1. Acoustic and RF regions around docking station for multiple AUVs. WUDQVPLWWHU

III. PROPOSED HYBRID COMMUNICATION Fig. 2. Block diagram of AUV and docking station navigation systems.
In an effort to combine the best properties of acoustic S IMULATION PARAMETERS
and RF communication, we propose a hybrid communication
Parameters Acoustic RF
framework, which employs acoustic communication for long Frequency, f 100 KHz 10 MHz
range and switches to RF communication for short range Data rate 10 Kbps 3 Mbps
transmissions, while serving to carry the messages of the Frame time 0.7635 s 0.01 s
Max signal power 4.5 W 3W
underwater networked control system shown in Fig. 2.
Circuit power, Pc 1.1 W 4.5 W
The position of the AUV, as measured and transmitted by the DS Packet time, tDS 3.84 ∗ 10−2 s 1.28 ∗ 10−4 s
docking station is used as the plant output for the control algo- Sampling period, h 0.7635 s 0.01 s
rithm on-board, to calculate the position error and the desired Proportional gain, K 1.5 10
motion. The thrusters are activated accordingly to navigate RF mode, a small number of AUVs share the upstream RF
towards the docking station. One position message must be channel. Furthermore, since the data rate is high, the packet
received at each sampling time of the control algorithm. If not, transmission delays are small. As a result, the probability of
the previous thruster values are preserved. Note that, the high collisions in the upstream channel is low.
latency of acoustic communication enforces low control gains In both acoustic and RF modes, the docking station sends
to ensure stability, but RF mode enables high gain control for the first packet with a predefined initial transmission power. If
precise positioning in the short range. the received power level at the AUV is below a threshold
For the networked control system to implement docking ma- level due to fading, the AUV drops the message and it
neuver successfully, the docking station and the AUVs should calculates a transmission power level to compensate for the
communicate reliably. For this purpose, specific medium ac- channel and sends it to the docking station. The docking
cess control (MAC) schemes for the acoustic and RF modes station, increases its transmission power, so that reliable packet
have been designed for this hybrid underwater communication reception is guaranteed. For switching between acoustic and
and control system. In the acoustic mode of the proposed RF communication, our proposed system acts as follows:
framework, the frame time is divided into two periods, where When the AUVs are far from the docking station, they use
the first period is for the broadcast downstream channel from only the acoustic communication, and the RF link is off. The
the docking station to the AUVs, and the second period is for RF mode becomes active when an AUV sends a ”start RF”
the upstream channel shared by the AUVs, so that they can message as soon as it comes within a predetermined range of
send ”power control” or ”start RF” messages to the docking the docking station.
station. The collision-free TDMA scheme has been chosen
for the downstream acoustic channel, and three alternative IV. PERFORMANCE RESULTS
MAC protocols, namely TDMA, Slotted ALOHA and Waiting We have implemented our model in MATLAB Simulink
Room are considered for the upstream channel. For the RF and TrueTime, which is a hybrid systems simulator incor-
mode of the proposed framework, since the channel has high porating continuous domain dynamics, real-time system and
data rate and small propagation delay, we have chosen to use network simulation add-on for MATLAB. Table I represents
the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance the simulation parameters. In order to simulate the underwater
(CSMA/CA) type access for both downstream and upstream channels, the path loss models given in section II for acoustic
channels. For downstream channel, the docking station gets and RF links have been implemented. After path loss, Rayleigh
hold of the channel via CSMA/CA periodically, hence the fading is applied to obtain the instantaneous received power
downstream is contention free. Since only the AUV nodes level. The AUV is represented by a one degree of freedom
that are within short range of the docking station operate in double integrator.




Fig. 3. Position of AUV w.r.t time. 

The approach of one AUV to the base station is shown in
Fig. 4. Time to dock of AUV.
Fig. 3. The goal is to reach 50m quickly with no overshoot
and steady state error despite varying head currents. During the hybrid systems spend more energy (up to 13.9% more)
the first 3 seconds, the AUV receives no messages from in communication. To achieve the better steady state and
the docking station and drifts away while transmitting power time to dock performance, the hybrid system spends up to
messages. Control is applied from 3 to about 15 seconds 22.35% more motive energy than the acoustic only system.
using the acoustic link with low gains. From about 18 seconds We also infer that although in comparison of performances,
onwards, RF communication is established with higher gains the three MAC protocols are similar to each other, S-ALOHA
providing a faster approach to the docking station. The gray and Waiting Room protocol perform slightly better under
shaded area in the figure is called the ”cumulative error”, increasing time dependent disturbance and increasing position
which is calculated as the area between the reference position dependent disturbance respectively.
(the line at 50m) and the AUV’s current position. From Fig.3 Currently, we are in the process of testing the proposed
we can conclude that using RF links in close range give fast hybrid framework in a continuous state physics simulation
and steady control. Time to doc, which denotes the time to where the underwater environment is realistically modeled.
reach 2% of the target distance is measured as marked on this V. CONCLUSION
figure. In this work, we have developed a novel underwater acoustic
Fig. 4 shows the time to dock performance, against in- and radio frequency hybrid networked control system that
creasing head current strengths considering three MACs. It fulfills all requirements of an underwater docking maneuver
can be seen that the time to dock for AUVs using acoustic application and we have investigated its characteristics and
only system is 26 seconds when there is zero disturbance, performance. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to
but as disturbance is strengthened, the AUVs do not reach combine acoustic and RF communication links in underwater
the docking station in 30 seconds, which means the AUV is environment for the control of an AUV system. For our
not able to overcome the head currents with the weak control proposed model, we have performed various simulations to
gains. The AUVs using the proposed Acoustic and RF hybrid observe the effects of disturbance caused by water currents
system, on the other hand, reach the docking station after 15 and different number of AUVs. We have shown that it is not
seconds. Although the time to dock increases with increasing only possible, but more advantageous to use acoustic and RF
disturbance, even with the highest disturbance, we see that hybrid communication rather than acoustic only, for the control
the control gains can be set high enough without causing of underwater AUV systems. We have observed that under
instability. In comparison of MAC protocols, we observe that zero disturbance, the hybrid system takes 38.5% less time to
TDMA is the most stable protocol providing the best time to dock than acoustic only system and with increasing time and
dock under increasing time dependent disturbance. position dependent disturbance, the hybrid system is able to
On our simulation platform, we have performed several overcome head currents and reach the 2% error mark, while
experiments to examine the proposed hybrid networked control the acoustic only system is unable to complete the docking
system in comparison to the acoustic only system, observing maneuver.
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