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ar Unitt 8
1 Complete
C the
e text with th
he verbs in the past 3 Write nega nces with the past simp
ative senten ple.
simple. we / vis
sit / any museeums
We didn n’t visit any m
P singer Em meli Sandé became (bec come) famou us
n 2010. But b before that, she
s (1) _____ _ (have) a 1 she / go
o / on a junglle safari
problem with her name. Her H real name e is Adele, b ut _________________ ___________ ___________
2 they / do / anything dangerous
here (2) ____ __ (be) alreaady a famous s singer
named Adele, so she (3) ______ (use) her middle _________________ ___________ ___________
name, Emeli. Her songs Next N to Me, Heaven
H and 3 you / se
ee / the Pyra mids
_________________ ___________ ___________
C (4) ______ (sell) maany copies. She
S (5) _____ _
perform) at thhe London Olympics
O in 2012
2 and in 4 he / swim / in the seea in Egypt
2013, she (6) _____ (win)) two Brit awa ards and she e _________________ ___________ ___________
5 we / enjjoy / the foodd in the hotel
7) _____ (sin ng) for Presid
dent Obama at the White e
H In the same year, as well as her own song gs, _________________ ___________ ___________
she also (8) ______ (write)) songs for otther artists. 6 I / want / to come hoome
_________________ ___________ ___________
A she (9) _ _____ (get) married!
m She is clearly an n
artist with a promising futuure.
4 Write ques
stions with tthe past sim
you / the door / closse / ?
2 Read
R Grace’ss diary page
e. Then write
e affirmative
and negative
e sentences. Did youu close the dooor?
1 they / a good time / have / ?
______ ___________ ___________ ___________
M T W Th F 2 do / shee / what / on holiday?
 go to the
e write buy a make
m take e ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
gym emails DVD a cake photo os 3 last yea
ar / go / you / where / ?
 go to the
e watch meet play
p tidyy ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
cinemaa TV friends te
ennis room m 4 who / go / he / on hooliday / with / ?
______ ___________ ___________ ___________
5 get back / they / wheen / ?
______ ___________ ___________ ___________
6 travel / in January / why / you / ?
______ ___________ ___________ ___________
O Monday,
she went tto the gym. 5 Write quesstions to thee answers. Use
U the worrds
she didn’t go to the cin
nema. in bold to help you.
O Tuesday, What diid she lose?
1 ________ __________ ___________
__ She los st her purse..
2 ________ __________ ___________
__ 1 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
O Wednesda ay, We saw w a film.
3 ________ __________ ___________
__ 2 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
4 ________ __________ ___________
__ He bought a burgerr because he e was hungrry.
O Thursday,, 3 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
5 ________ __________ ___________
__ They went to Turkeey.
6 ________ __________ ___________
__ 4 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
O Friday, No, we travelled by train.
7 ________ __________ ___________
__ 5 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
8 ________ __________ ___________
__ I left at eight thirty..
6 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
We ate a sandwich h for lunch.

1 1
ocabulary Unit 8
1 Complete
C the
e text with th
he words. 4 Comp
plete the texxt with the words.
b co
oral reef de
esert island
ds mountain
ns goods grid ruins site stone undergroun
oceann rainforesst river waaterfall
More than 400,000 km of roads allo owed the
Q in Australia, looks out ov ver the Pacifi c Romans to o move armiees and goods s around the e
O And in n that sea lie
es the famous Empire. Th hey designedd the roads ofo the cities in na
(11) ________ _ called the Great
G Barrier Reef. Theree (1) ______ ___ pattern aand brought water
w into the
are a lot of sm mall (2) _________ where you can stop p cities via aqueducts. M Many Spanish h cities have
if you’re traveelling by boatt. As you reach the aqueducts. The (2) _________ of Se eville’s aqued duct
northern coasst from the se ea, the only thing
t you seee are still visible today. M
Most of the 177 km of
are the beautiful, white, sa andy (3) ___ ______, and Segovia’s famous
f Aqueeduct consissts of
hen you see the rich, green vegetatio on of the (3) ______ ___ channelss, and the (4)) ________
trropical (4) _________. Tra avel south an nd you cross arcade stilll dominates iits city centre
e. It's an ama azing
he waters of the Daintree e (5) _______ __ and see (5) ____ to o visit!
he Millaa Milllaa – the abo original word for
(66) ________ _. It’s not quitte Niagara, but
b it’s very 5 Match the animal to itts definition
pretty. Travel inland and you y soon rea ach the hot,
ant B
reed sands of tthe Tanami (7) ( ________ _. Take plentty
1 crab ___
of water! Or trravel south fo or a spot of skiing
s in
2 crocodile ___
A (8)) ________. There really is something g
3 elephan
nt ___
or everyone iin Australia.
4 mosquito ___
5 shark ___
2 Write
W the nam
mes of the la
andscape places. 6 squid ___
A hole in th
he side of a hill. cave
1 An area off low land beetween two hills. A a big fissh with a lot oof teeth
v________ _ B a small insect that liives undergrround
2 An area coovered in treees. f_______ __ C a reptilee that lives m
mostly in the water
w with a long
3 An area coovered in treees in a hot place. tail, a lo
ong nose andd a lot of teetth
j________ _ D a small flying insectt that likes blood
4 High rockss by the sea. c________ E a large animal with a long nose and big earss
F a shellfish with legs and claws
3 Complete
C the
e definitions
s with the na
ame of a
G a sea animal, like ann octopus, with
w ten armss
place in townn.
A place wh
here you … 6 Look at the map. Writte directions
s to the bank.
… buy breead is a bakeery. ________
1 … pray is a _____.
2 … put fuel in your car is
i a _____. ________
3 … buy swe eets is a ___
___. ________
4 … send paarcels and bu uy stamps is a _____.
5 … watch a film is a ______. ________
6 … buy shaampoo and medicine
m is a _____. ________
7 … can do fitness training is a ______.
8 ____.
… catch a train is a __
9 … go to re
ead and borro ow books froom is a _____

1 2

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