Mosaic TRD1 U8 Video

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ar Unitt 7
1 Complete
C thee blog about a fashion show
s with 4 Rewrite th
he sentencess using The ere was / we
ere or
w were, th
here was or there were. There wassn’t / weren’’t so they meean the sam
I was at a fashion show la ast week. (1) _________ The queeues were loong.
ots and lots o
of clothes! Th
hey (2) _____ _____ There were
w long quueues.
amazing and the people (3) ________ __ really 1 The ride
es were exciiting.
ashionable. In fact it was so popular (4)
( ________ __ ______ ______________________ ___________
a very long qu ueue in the morning.
m Fasshion 2 The foo
od wasn’t dellicious.
designers Ste ella McCartne ey and Victoria Beckham m ______ ______________________ ___________
5) _________ __ at the showw. (6) _____
_____ TV 3 The cro
owds weren’tt big.
caameras at thhe show, too.. This (7) ___
_______ ______ ______________________ ___________
antastic for m
me because I (8) _______ ___ on the T
TV! 4 The water was cheaap.
M friends (9)) _________ _ very happy for me. It ______ ______________________ ___________
10) ________ ___ a great day. 5 The peoople weren’t friendly.
______ ______________________ ___________
2 You
Y were at a terrible fas shion show
w. Write
e sentences in the past
afffirmative and negative 5 Read the timeline.
t Theen complete e the senten
simple. using the verbs in thee past simplle.
the clothess / amazing  Key eventts of the 20thh century
The clothe es weren’t ammazing. 1911 Vinceent Peruggiaa walks out of
o the Louvre with
1 room / sma all and crowdded  the Mona
M Lisa.
________ __________ ______________________
__ 1926 Cocoo Chanel creaates the ‘Litttle Black Dress’.
2 clothes / innteresting  1930 American police ttake Al Capo one to the staation.
________ __________ ______________________
__ 1964 Maryy Quant desiggns the minis skirt.
3 music / cool  1965 Train
n robber Ronnald Biggs es scapes from
________ __________ ______________________
__ priso
on in London..
4 people / faashionable  1997 Andrew Cunanann kills designer Gianni
________ __________ ______________________
__ Versace.
5 Stella McC Cartney / at the show 
arrrest escapee invent (x2)) kill rob
________ __________ ______________________
6 tickets / exxpensive  Vincentt Peruggia roobbed the Lo
ouvre in 1911
________ __________ ______________________
__ 1 Coco Chanel
C ________________ _______ in 1926.
2 The police _______ ___________ ________ in 1930.
3 Write
W questio
ons about thhe sentence
es in exercis
se 3 Mary Quant ______ ___________ ________ in 1964.
2 and then annswer them.
4 Ronald Biggs _____ ___________ ________ in 1965.
Were the cclothes amazzing?
5 Andrew
w Cunanan __ ___________ ________ in 1997.
No, they w
1 ________
__ 6 Correct the informatio
on in the sentences.
__ Al Capoone created tthe 'Little Bla
ack Dress'.
2 ________
__ No, he didn’t. Coco Channel inv vented the 'Liittle
__ Black Dress'.
3 ________
__ 1 Mary Quant walked out of the Lo ouvre with a
__ painting
4 ________
__ ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
__ 2 The police took Gia nni Versace to the station.
5 ________
__ ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
__ 3 Vincentt Peruggia brroke out of prison.
6 ________
__ ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
__ 4 Ronald Biggs desig ned the miniiskirt.
______ ______________________ ___________ ____
5 Andreww Cunanan kiilled Al Capo one.
______ ______________________ ___________ ____

1 1
ocabulary Unit 7
1 Look at the ppictures. Lab
bel the cloth
hes with 2 Read the example
e desscription. Write
sixteen of the
e words. descriptions for the o
other peoplee in exercise
e 1.
booots cap ca ardigan colla
ar dress ho oodie jacke
et 1 He is a 1short man w with 2long, sttraight, 3brow
jeanns leggingss sandals tight shirt shoes
s shortts d 4big eyes. H
hair and He 5is wearinng a cap and d has
skirt sleeves ssocks sweattshirt top baggy
b trouse
ers got a moustache.
hirt 1
generaal appearancce 2hair style//type (x2) 3haair
4 5
colour eyyes special features
1 2 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
_________________ ___________ ___________ ____
_________________ ___________ ___________ ____
3 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
2 5 _________________ ___________ ___________ ____
_________________ ___________ ___________ ____
4 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
_________________ ___________ ___________ ____
6 _________________ ___________ ___________ ____

3 3 Complete the text wit h the correc

ct form of th
7 words.
breathe float glove
ves gravity helmet lan
4 orbit
o space station spa

We took offf from a basse in Russia this

t evening and
arrived at the
t Internatioonal (1) ____ ______________
six hours laater. In spacee, there's no
(2) ______ _________, sso you (3) __ ___________ ___
unless you u wear heavyy boots. We had h a
(4) ______ _________ too keep our body warm,
(5) ______ _________ too keep our hands warm and a a
8 4
(6) ______ _________ too help us
(7) ______ _________. W We (8) _____ ___________ the
Earth for foourteen dayss and then we went home e. We
didn’t visit the Moon. T he last astroonaut to
(9) ______ _________ oon the Moon was Eugene e
4 Complete the converssation between a shop
assistant (S)
( and a cu
ustomer (C)..
S Can I help you?
C Yes,, please. I’m looking for a top.
16 1 S ____ ___________ ___________ ___________
C I’m a Small.
2 S ____ ___________ ___________ ___________
1 _________
________ 9 ________
_________ C Do you
y have anyything in gree en?
2 _________
________ 10 ________
_________ S Yes,, how about tthis?
3 _________
________ 11 ________
_________ 3 C ____ ___________ ___________ ___________
4 _________
________ 12 ________
_________ S It’s on
o sale; it's ££30.00.
5 _________
________ 13 ________
_________ 4 C ____ ___________ ___________ ___________
6 _________
________ 14 ________
_________ S Sure e. The changging rooms are
a over here
7 _________
________ 15 ________
_________ 5 S (five
e minutes lateer) ___________________
___ ?
8 _________
________ 16 ________
_________ 6 C ______________ ___________ ___________
S Here e's a bigger ssize.

1 2

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