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B3 L42 Love Street, St. Anthony, San Fernando, Pampanga

Securities and Exchange Commission Registration No. CN201114829
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC-CPD) Accreditation No. 2017-119

January 18, 2019


Dear ____________:

The Southeast Asian Institute of Educational Training, Inc. is an accredited CPD training provider for Professional
Teachers. Our programs are also accredited by Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC). We have conducted
trainings in the Philippines and some cities in Southeast Asia and have tapped the following foreign experts as our
trainers: Dr. Ho Thanh My Phuong- Director, SEAMEO RETRAC, Ho Chi Mihn City, Vietnam; Dr. Ida Karnasih-
Former Deputy Director, SEAMEO QUITEP, Jakarta, Indonesia; Dr. Dennis Berg- Professor, California State
University Fullerton/ Fulbright Scholar, China University of Hong Kong; Dr. Stephanie Phillip- National University of
Singapore; Dr. Radhika Haydev Ramachantanh- National University of Singapore; Engr. Timothy Wooi-
Innovations, Malaysia; Josephine Gu Lao- Ministry of Education, Malaysia; Laura Riavitz, Austria; Dr. Ng Khar
Thoe-SEAMEO-RECSAM. Penang, Malaysia; Dr. Piere Chong, University of Scien, Malaysia; Dr. Lawrence Buck,
United Kingdom; Firth McEachern of SEAMEO-Innotech and Caitlin Manning Riley, USA. Dr. Lorna D. Dino, Dr.
Erico Habijan, Dr. Celina Sarmiento, and Dr. Von Anthony Torio are some of local speakers that also serve as our
resource persons on select projects.

Realizing the importance of trainings to your professional development and advancement, we are inviting you to
attend the following events.


(37.5 Total CPD Units))
May 1- 5, 2019 – Hotel Henrico- Legarda, Baguio City
Early Registration- 4,280 / Onsite Registration 4,780

These CPD Accredited trainings are open to teachers, school heads, supervisors, and coordinators from all levels.
Participants are also open to present a paper or perform demonstration teaching. For early registration, please
deposit registration fee to any branch of Metrobank at least 10 days before training date. Account Name is
Southeast Asian Institute of Educational Training Inc. with Current Account No. 522-7-52290976-5. We offer 1
free for every 11 registered participants in one school/ district. Registration is inclusive of lunches and snacks, soft
copies of materials and PowerPoint presentations, training kits and certificates. For details, please call or text
09081744462 and 09175142715 or visit Facebook Page Southeast Asian Institute of Educational Training, Inc and
website Thank you very much.


Maria Evelyn A. Soliman


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