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Prepared by:
Ayhna mae q. nara
Pinky r. sebio
Ana joy s. gusto
Winston a. lescano
Daniel a. russiana
Gwyneth may q. badong
Mykee angela c. rocapor
Lovely j. Crisostomo
Hannylette n. eguac
Business name:

Poblacion, Maitum, Sarangani Province
Contact Number: 09461214942

Management Team:
Ayhna Mae Q. Nara
Pinky R. Sebio
Anna Joy S. Gusto
Daniel A. Russiana
Winston A. Lescano
Lovely J. Crisostomo
Hannylette N. Eguac
Gwyneth May Q. Badong
Mykee Angela S. Rocapor
Table Of Contents

 Executive Summary 1

 Vision/Mission Statement and Goal 1-3

a. Vision/Mission Statement
1.1 Vision
1.2 Mission
b. Goals and Objectives
c. Keys to Success

 Company Summary 3-6

a. Company Background
b. Resources, Facilities and Equipment
c. Marketing Methods
d. Management and Organization
e. Ownership Structure
f. Internal Analysis

 Products and/or Services 7

 Market Assessment 7
a. External Analysis
b. Customers

 Strategic Implementation 8-9

 Financial Plan 10
a. Financial Projections




a.) Vision/Mission Statement
The Archists Pharmacy main goal is to provide
prescription medications for our customer at the
lowest prices. We will be able to sell prescription at
reduce prices by carefully maintaining efficiencies in
our operations and by targetting a specific segment
of the market. Those customers who pay for their
prescription themselves.
The Archists Pharmacy will operate from one
store that will serve both mail order customers and
those who visit in person.
Our pharmacy makes sure that even though the
price of medication continues to skyrocket, we will
appeal more and more to the customer’s sense of
value and convenience.
The Archists Pharmacy will be led by Pinky
Rabago Sebio, an MBA with experience in the
pharmaceutical industry. Costs will minimized by
maintaining only one pharmacist and filling the void
with pharmaceutical techs.
We expect to reach profitability by our second
year and will generate in the third year.

The Archists Pharmacy is committed to patient
care, education and research and will have a
profitability business.

To provide safe, high quality patient care in an
atmosphere of professionism, respect, effective
communication and to sell drugs in a very low price.

b.) Goals and Objectives

1.) Exceed customer expectations with superior
2.) Increase the number of customer by more than
30% per year.
3.) Develop a business that survives off its own cash
4.) Satisfy our customers so they will return again
and again
5.) Maintain low overhead and operating costs
6.) Provide better prices than all our competitors

c.) Keys to Success

 Repeat customers.
 Low overhead and operating costs.
 Superior prices and service.

a.) Company Background
The founder of the Achists Pharmacy were the
Archimians which serves medicine to heal and
secure health of the people. Through our
interventions and management protocols, we’re
doing more than just providing medication but we
also help sick to get better.
The important milestones that we did is
improve our business by Establishing a Business
Model, Develop Marketing Strategy and we do our
best to maintain our Customer Loyalty.
b.) Resources, Facilities and Equipment
We recommend things that we have personally
tested and used or strongly believe in. Our products
came from the factory that we trusted so much.

c.) Marketing Methods

We promote our business by means of social
media by encouraging people to buy in our
pharmacy store which serves medicines in a very
low price.

d.) Management and Organization

Most of our team members graduated with an
honor in high school and pursued the medicine
track and graduated as cum laude, magna cum
laude and some are deans lister. Our team has a
potential and skills that is much more on what other
pharmacy has because we’re not just better, we’re
the best.

e.) Ownership Structure

Archists Pharmacy is a partnership of Pinky
R. Sebio and Ayhna Mae Q. Nara with the help of
their high school friends Daniel A. Russiana,
Gwyneth May Q. Badong, Lovely J. Crisostomo,
Mykee Angela C. Rocapor, Hannylette Eguac,
Winston A. Lescano and Anna Joy S. Gusto.
f.) Internal Analysis
 A unique, current business-environment-
appropriate business model.
 Excellent staff who are highly trained and very
customer attentive.
 Great prices.
 The ability to scale rapidly for the mail order
side of the business.

 The lack of visibility and brand equity of a start-
up business.
 Lack of true experience running a mail order
 Government intervention/regulation into
medicine is possible.

 Outside pressure on consumers to purchase
meds mail order.
 The constant growth of the number of people
taking medication.
 Newly formed alliances of insurance companies
and mail order pharmacies.

 The entry into the mail order market by an
established company.
 Regulatory legislation that curtails the mail
order medicine industry.
 Some event that cripples interstate commerce
in regards to shipping.

Competition takes many different forms in the
pharmacy industry.
 Chain pharmacies: These are state or national
chains such as Rite-Aid. The advantage to these
chains are better prices through economies of
scale as well as personalized service. The
personalized service takes the form of the chain
having a record of your medication purchases
as well as any allergies that you have disclosed
to them.
 Local pharmacies: These are the pharmacies
where you typically know the pharmacists and
they know your medical history. This option is
high in personalized service and convenience,
and high in price.

Archists Pharmacy offers a wide range

prescription drugs to patients. We provide a variety
of services, from refilling prescriptions, to creating
custom dosage, to providing expert advice and
individual attention.

a.) Examining the General Market
Our pharmacy is characterized with a low
pricing medicines, even though we have a lot of
competitors, we know that when the customers
tries to buy in our pharmacy we are very such that
they would come again and again.

b.) Customer Analysis

The customer of this pharmacy is not just the
sick people and who needs treatment but also the
people that who wants to be the best version of
their selves for we also sells beauty products. There
are no difficulties for us to retain our customers.
You’ll enjoy shipping to our pharmacy because
we’re just one call away.
a.) Production
We will produce our product through
connection on a well-known company. Our products was
affordable for every one and we can produce it by
purchasing it. Also we will create our own logo for our
business and for the products. Our anticipated timeline
depends on how far the location is.

b.) Resource Needs

a.) Human
Without human resources management, even
professionals such as pharmacists can lose
direction. The practice of pharmacy management
consists of a wide range of complex tasks that
involve either managing people or managing
nonhuman resources such as property and
b.) Financial
Poor financial management in pharmacy leads
to insufficient operating funds. So cash flow
formulas are used on company reports. Cash flow
tracking; Staffing; Pharmacy management;
Workflow management; CMS rating assistance.
Account reconciliation requires accuracy
throughout the entire year. To make the business
c.) Physical
Physical resources of an organization
include manufacturing equipment and tools,
inventories, production, assembly, storage, and
distribution facilities". At face value, the above
definition of physical resources would be fine for a
manufacturing business but it doesn't relate that
well to an equine business.

c.) Marketing Strategy

The following are the advertising and

promotions we will use to increase sale or

1. Set up booths at community events

2. Volunteer in your community
3. Use social media
4. Send proportional emails to new people
5. Use the pharmacy’s floor plan to our advantage
6. Train our pharmacy team to crass sell and
7. Build strong customer relationship
8. Stock related products closely and;
9. We will use open markets or contracts to
expand our business

Our business is not easy to raise but we did our

very best in order for us to raise our pharmacy
We raise a capital to run our business. We think
a strategies that best suits to our business for it to
grow. But in general we get ourselves ready to take
any risk to run our business in successful way.
The graph below shows our start-up budget:

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