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Reg Edit...................................................................................................................................3
Example :-.................................................................................................................................4
Distributed Testing..........................................................................................................5
Type 1 – Load Generator from Single Machine.......................................................................5
Type 2 – Load Generator From Multiple Machines....................................................................5
Parameterization in OPENSTA:...............................................................................6
Next Passwd..............................................................................................................................6
Checkpoint in OPENSTA...............................................................................................8
TEMP FOLDER...................................................................................................................13
Retry :- We can use Retry command for any Request........................................................14
LOCATE Command:.............................................................................................................14
Returns an integer value.........................................................................................................14
Case Blind (optional).................................................................................................................14
Reg Edit

Create the TCP parameters in Reg edit for reducing OPENSTA issues like
10048,10054,10038 …

Step 1 – Go to Reg Edit

Step 2 – Hkey_Local_Machine\System\Current Control Set\Services\Tcpip\Parameterd

1.Create a new Reg_Dword Value named as

KeepAliveInterval 10000(decimal)
KeepaliveTime 7200000(Decimal)
Maxuserport 32768 (Decimal)
TcpKeepTries 20 (Decimal)
TcpMaxConnectAttempts 20 (decimal)
TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions 10 (decimal)
TcpMaxDataRetransmissions 10 (decimal)
TcpTimedWaitDelay 30 (decimal)
TcpWindowSize 64240 (decimal)
Example :-
Error 10048 Address already in use "in the error log for the execution:
We must change the TCP / IP as the system prevents OpenSTA to allocate more sockets
for the connections. It is possible to act on 2 parameters and modified in the registry:

Description: Sets the port number is greater than TCP / IP can be allocated when an
application requires a user port available on the system.

* How to view and define:

1. Use the command regedit, go to the registry subkey

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ TCPIP \ Parameters

and create a REG_DWORD value named MaxUserPort.

2. Choose a decimal value greater than or equal to 32,768.

3. Stop and restart the system.

Description: it is more advantageous in terms of cost to reopen the connection on the
client and server to establish a new connection. If you reduce the value of this entry, TCP
/ IP can release soon closed connections and provide more resources for new connections .

* How to view and define:

1. Use the command regedit, go to the registry subkey

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ TCPIP \ Parameters

and create a REG_DWORD value named TcpTimedWaitDelay.

2. Choose the decimal value 30, which corresponds to the hexadecimal value
0x0000001e. This sets the timeout to 30 seconds.

3. Stop and restart the system.

Distributed Testing
Type 1 – Load Generator from Single Machine

Step 1 – Select the NameServer Active / Inactive Icon in Right Nav Bottom of the System
Step 2 – Right Click The Configure menu. & By default it is showing IP or Computer Name

Type 2 – Load Generator From Multiple Machines

Step 1 – Select the NameServer Active / Inactive Icon in Right Nav Bottom of the System
Step 2 – Right Click The Configure menu
Step 3 – Enter the Repository Host as Parent Level Machine IP or Computer Name
Step 4 – Restart The NameServer

Parameterization in OPENSTA:

1.In Script modeler Locate the Primary Post URI where login details are passed.

2.Insert mutex locking before the Primary Post URI in which login details are passed.

Acquire mutex “Login”

Next Username
Next Passwd
Set My_username=Username
Set My_password= Passwd
Log My_username
Log My_Password
Release mutex “Login”
3.Declare My_username and My_password as LOCAL variables in the Definitions section.

Character*512 My_username, Local

Character*512 My_password, Local

4.Declare Username and Passwd as SCRIPT variables in the Definitions section.

Character*512 Username(“wilfred_d”), Script

Character*512 Passwd (“rich_11”), Script

5.Replace the hard coded username password values with the Local variables.

6.Compile the script and do syntax check. Replay the script in script modeler to verify
whether values username and password are assigned to Local variables.

7.To fetch username password from File list

In script modeler Navigate to Variable menu click on Create submenu. Enter Variable
Name, select scope as script and Value source as File. Enter Data File name and click on
Edit button. Enter the values in the Notepad and save the File. Click on Finish button. A
character Variable Username with scope as script will be created. It takes the values from
the FVR file “mem” located in
C:\Program Files\OpenSTA\Repository\Data .


Checkpoint in OPENSTA
To verify the response returned back from the server
1. Place the cursor on the Primary Post or Get URI from which you want to capture
the response and click on URL details button in script modeler.

2.On the right side HTML view of the response will be loaded. Select Html Tree pane
and search for the string “Start Date” by right click on the pane.
3.Click on the corresponding HTML DOM Element and right click and select address.
4.Enter a variable name for the DOM element and click OK.

5. A character variable “Start Date” is automatically created and start date string response
is loaded into the variable by the Load response_info command.
6.Insert Checkpoint to check whether the DOM element variable contains “Start Date” and
report Pass or Fail status.
7.Compile the script and Replay in script modeler to verify the Test Results which can be
seen in Replay Log.
Step 1 : Shutdown the Nameserver.
Step 2 : Goto Opensta\Engines\Temp\
Step 3 : Delete All files except in Temp folder
Step 4 : Restart the Nameserver


NT PERFORMANCE – Monitoring for Windows platform

Step 1 : Goto Collectors>NT performance
Step 2 : Double click NT performance collector
Step 3 : Click on Browse Queries button in the Edit Query window
Step 4 : Enter Server IP in Select counters from computer dropdown.
Step 5 : Select Performance object and counter list

SNMP Monitoring for Linux Platform

Step 1 : Goto Collectors> SNMP
Step 2 : Double click SNMP performance collector
Step 3 : Click on SNMP Server Scan icon and enter From and To IP address and click
Scan button.
Step 4 : Click + icon and Edit Query window is displayed
Step 5 : SNMP agent running IP’s are shown in Address dropdown list
Step 6 : Click on Browse Queries button in the Edit Query window

Retry :- We can use Retry command for any Request

Example :-If the login Request is failed .We can use this command for attempting the
Login Request for n-number of times

Syntax : - "Retry: n", &

Pragma:-We can use Pragma for without getting request in cache.It is sending a
request directly to server

Syntax:- "Pragma: no-cache", &

LOCATE Command:

Syntax :

Returns an integer value

If the substring is not found it returns –1.If it is found it returns the integer offset value of
the substring in the source string

The character variable or quoted character string to be searched for in the string

The character variable or quoted character string in which substring is to be searched

Case Blind (optional)

If Case Blind is not specified the matching will be case sensitive. To override this Case
Blind is used.


Eg.1 Set offset=~Locate (Str1, Str2), Case_Blind

Str1 = character variable to be searched

Str2 = Character variable in which str1 is to be searched

Eg.2 Set offset=~Locate (“example”, ”This is an example”), Case_Blind

Offset= -1 , if not found
Offset = 11, if found (11 being the offset value of the substring in the string)

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