Neutron Radiation Testing

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Neutron radiography is a multidiscipline radiographic technique with numerous applications not
only in material sciences but also in life sciences. It is one of the non-destructive radiographic
techniques developed a little later than other radiographic techniques like X-ray and gamma-ray
radiographic techniques. Most of the neutron radiographic work published is based on thermal
neutron radiography however, few applications of high energy neutron radiography have also
been reported (Richardson, 1977). The initial work on neutron radiographic technique was
carried out by Germans, Kallmann and Kuhn (Kallmann, 1948). In 1960's neutron radiography
developed rapidly throughout the world with special interests in the inspection of nuclear fuels
and aerospace components (Berger et. al.,1985; Wall et. al., 1990). The activities like the
inspection of nuclear fuel for Europe's nuclear power programme and USA's aerospace
technology programme persisted on and helped develop the neutron radiographic technique. A
few years after the discovery of neutron by James Chadwick in 1932, H. Kallman and E. Kuhn
started their work on neutron radiography in Germany using neutrons from a small neutron
generator. Due to the second World War, their first publication was delayed until 1947.
However, the first report on neutron radiography was published by Peters in 1946, a year before
Kallman and Kuhn’s. After research reactors were available, in 1956 Thewlis and Derbyshire in
UK demonstrated that much better neutron radiographic images could be obtained by using
intense thermal neutron beam from the reactor. Specific applications of neutron radiography
were then started and expanded rapidly particularly where research reactors were available.
As long ago as 1938-1944 neutron radiographs had been already being obtained by using Ra-Be
source, and by means of an accelerator neutron source. However, it was not until 1950-1960 that
they became routinely used. The nuclear industry used NR for testing fuel elements and control
rods of atom reactors and routine industrial inspections were performed on turbine blades.
Over the two last decades there has been a considerable development of NR and such techniques
are increasingly used because of the demand for high level technology in materials research and
in industry. NR is employed in a wide range of investigations, including:
• Routine test measurements in quality control, e.g. nuclear fuel rods, pyrotechnical
materials, turbine blades, corrosion of aircraft, inspection of honeycomb structures in rotor
• Materials science and R&D of industrial products, e.g. environmentally friendly materials
(freon-R134a), heat tubes, oil flow in gas turbine engines and components, refrigerator and
compressor systems

• Hydrogen diffusion in metals, oil infiltration in petrophysical model systems,

thermodynamic properties of two-phase systems
• Investigation of works of art (paintings and ancient sculptures)
• Biological and plant physiological research, e.g. root growth, distribution of water and
heavy metals in plants.
The radiographic technique was originally based on metallic neutron converter screen/film
assembly. Neutron converter screen and film were gradually improved until early 1990’s when
computer technology became powerful and was available at low cost. Non-film neutron
radiography was then possible to be used for routine inspection of specimens. After 2005,
imaging plate specially designed for neutron radiography was available and could provide image
quality comparable to the best image quality obtained from the gadolinium foil/film assembly
with relative speed approximately 40 times faster. Nevertheless, neutron radiography has not
been widely employed for routine inspection of specimen in industry like x-ray and gamma-ray
radiography due to two main reasons. Firstly, excellent image quality still needs neutrons from
nuclear reactor. Secondly, neutron radiography is only well-known among the academic but not
industrial people. It is actually excellent for inspecting parts containing light elements in
materials even when they are covered or enveloped by heavy elements. Nowadays, neutrons
from small neutron generator and californium-252 source can give neutron intensity sufficient
for modern image recording system such as the neutron imaging plate and the light-emitting
neutron converter screen/digital camera assembly.
Also known as: Neutron Imaging, N-Ray Radiography, Neutron Tomography

The principle of neutron radiography is very simple that a beam of neutron passes through the
workpiece to be examined and exposes a suitable converter screen. The converter screen then
emits photographically detectable radiation to which a conventional X-ray film is exposed to
form a radiographic image (Hendry, 1968; Halmshaw, 1982). The radiographic image is revealed
on the radiograph after the films are processed in standard chemicals. Neutron radiography
mostly uses thermal neutrons as a source of radiation (Eastman Kodak, 1980; Mix, 1987). As,
neutrons are fundamental particles which are bound together with protons within the atomic
nucleus. Neutron is electrically neutral and has mass of nearly the same as a proton i.e. about 1 u.
Once a neutron is emitted from the nucleus it becomes free neutron which is not stable. It decays
to a proton and an electron with a half-life of 12 minutes. Neutron Radiography is an imaging
technique which provides images similar to X-ray radiography. Neutron interactions with matter
can be divided into scattering and absorption. Neutrons are able to detect elements containing
hydrogen atoms through metallic containers. The information provided by spatial and temporal
beam attenuation is recorded on magnetic media via analogic or digital signals.

Neutron radiography is a nondestructive testing technique similar to X-radiography that can have
important advantages in many specific situations. Large thicknesses of some dense metals can be
penetrated; high sensitivity can be obtained for small details containing hydrogen and certain
other light elements; materials of similar density can be contrasted: and highly radioactive
objects can be neutron radiographed without interference from the gamma radiation. The special
features of neutron interaction with matter make it possible to inspect bulk of specimen and to
produce images of components containing light elements such as hydrogen beneath a matrix of
metallic elements, like lead or bismuth. The technique is complementary to X ray and gamma
ray radiography and finds applications in diverse areas such as the examination of nuclear fuels
and the detection of explosives. The industrial application of neutron radiography has grown due
to availability of suitable neutron sources, advancements of the techniques, and widening
appreciation of the capabilities. Under 50 centers are now performing neutron radiography. Most
use neutron beams of predominantly thermal energy from a nuclear reactor source, but there are
examples of dierent techniques, some using dierent neutron energies, and some using accelerator
or isotopic neutron sources.
The nondestructive inspection of a material using neutron imaging is very similar to the process
used in X-Ray NDT; however, unlike x-rays, n-ray radiography services allow the imaging of
organic materials inside a component. Metals in the subject component take on a transparent
appearance in neutron radiographic images. In many cases, x-ray and neutron radiography are
complementary NDT inspection processes, offering a complete picture not only the integrity of
the component, but also of the organics within that component.
To produce a neutron image, a source of neutrons, a collimator to shape the emitted neutrons into
a fairly mono-directional beam, an object to be imaged, and some method of recording the image
are required.
Neutron sources
Generally the neutron source is a nuclear reactor, where a large number of neutrons per unit area
(flux) is available. Some work with isotope sources of neutrons has been completed (largely
spontaneous fission of Californium-252, but also Am-Be isotope sources, and others). These
offer decreased capital costs and increased mobility, but at the expense of much lower neutron
intensities and significantly lower image quality. Additionally, accelerator sources of neutrons
have increased in availability, including accelerators with spallation targets and these can be
suitable sources for neutron imaging.
After neutrons are produced, they need to be slowed down (decrease in kinetic energy), to the
speed desired for imaging. This can take the form of some length of water, polyethylene, or
graphite at room temperature to produce thermal neutrons. In the moderator the neutrons will
collide with the nucleus of atoms and so slow down. Eventually the speed of these neutrons will

achieve some distribution based on the temperature (amount of kinetic energy) of the moderator.
If higher energy neutrons are desired, a graphite moderator can be heated to produce neutrons of
higher energy (termed epithermal neutrons). For lower energy neutrons, a cold moderator such as
liquid deuterium (an isotope of Hydrogen), can be used to produce low energy neutrons (cold
neutron). If no or less moderator is present, high energy neutrons (termed fast neutrons), can be
produced. The higher the temperature of the moderator, the higher the resulting kinetic energy of
the neutrons is and the faster the neutrons will travel. Generally, faster neutrons will be more
penetrating, but some interesting deviations from this trend exist and can sometimes be utilized
in neutron imaging. Generally an imaging system is designed and set up to produce only a single
energy of neutrons, with most imaging systems producing thermal or cold neutrons.
In some situations, selection of only a specific energy of neutrons may be desired. To isolate a
specific energy of neutrons, scattering of neutrons from a crystal or chopping the neutron beam
to separate neutrons based on their speed are options, but this generally produces very low
neutron intensities and leads to very long exposures. Generally this is only carried out for
research applications.This discussion focuses on thermal neutron imaging, though much of this
information applies to cold and epithermal imaging as well. Fast neutron imaging is an area of
interest for homeland security applications, but is not commercially available currently and
generally not described here.
In the moderator, neutrons will be traveling in many different directions. To produce a good
image, neutrons need to be traveling in a fairly uniform direction (generally slightly divergent).
To accomplish this, an aperture (an opening that will allow neutrons to pass through it
surrounded by neutron absorbing materials), limits the neutrons entering the collimator. Some
length of collimator with neutron absorption materials (Eg. boron) then absorbs neutrons that are
not traveling the length of the collimator in the desired direction. A tradeoff exists between
image quality, and exposure time. A shorter collimation system or larger aperture will produce a
more intense neutron beam but the neutrons will be traveling at a wider variety of angles, while a
longer collimator or a smaller aperture will produce more uniformity in the direction of travel of
the neutrons, but significantly fewer neutrons will be present and a longer exposure time will
The object is placed in the neutron beam. Given increased geometric unsharpness from those
found with x-ray systems, the object generally needs to be positioned as close to the image
recording device as possible.
Though numerous different image recording methods exist, neutrons are not generally easily
measured and need to be converted into some other form of radiation that is more easily
detected. Some form of conversion screen generally is employed to perform this task, though

some image capture methods incorporate conversion materials directly into the image recorder.
Often this takes the form of a thin layer of Gadolinium, a very strong absorber for thermal
neutrons. A 25 micrometer layer of gadolinium is sufficient to absorb 90% of the thermal
neutrons incident on it. In some situations, other elements such as boron, indium, gold,
or dysprosium may be used or materials such as LiF scintillation screens where the conversion
screen absorbs neutrons and emits visible light.
Image recording
A variety of methods are commonly employed to produce images with neutrons. Until recently,
neutron imaging was generally recorded on x-ray film, but a variety of digital methods are now


• Testing air-cooled jet engine turbine blades for residual core material and other cooling
passage blockages.
• Reliability testing of detonators in explosive devices.
• The inspection of high-reliability explosives for presence of transmitters and receivers and
for explosive loading uniformity.
• Inspecting for internal flaws such as cracks, inclusions, voids, bubbles, foreign materials,
density variations and misalignments.
• Testing braze quality and the presence of braze materials in manufactured parts.
• Determining capacitor delamination.
• Determining bonding flaws in adhesives.
• Inspecting radioactive objects such as a gamma source in its shielding.
• Determining reliability of air bag or parachute initiators.
• Inspection of artifacts uncovered through archaeological digs.
• Inspecting for aluminum corrosion products.
• Testing for missing or misplaced O-rings.
• Testing for hydrogenous foreign substances in sealed units.
As, Neutron radiography has been employed for non-destructive testing of specimens. Parts of
test specimen containing light elements; such as rubber, plastic, chemicals; can be made visible
even when they are covered or enveloped by heavy elements. Nuclear reactor gives the best
thermal or cold neutron beam for neutron radiography as can be seen in Tables 3 and 6. The
cadmium ratio is normally greater than 10 and can be as high as 300 or even infinity if required.
The L/D ratio is always greater than 100 which indicate excellent image sharpness. Nuclear
research reactor generally provides excellent beam ports for neutron experiments including for
neutron radiography. All neutron converter screen/image recorder assemblies mentioned above
can be employed for inspection of specimens but the exposure times vary considerably. Neutron

exposure for some converter screen/film assemblies can be estimated by using the curves in
Figure 15.



Neutron radiography (N-ray or NR) and X-radiography (X-ray) are complementary non-
destructive testing techniques. In both cases, a form of radiation passes through the object
being imaged, and then exposes a photographic film. The type of radiation used in neutron
radiography is neutrons, while the type of radiation used in X-radiography is X-rays. Neutron
radiographs and X-radiographs show different characteristics of the object imaged due to
differences in neutron and X-ray interaction with the material that the object is made up of(see

The images shown below provide good examples of the differences between neutron
radiography and X-radiography.

Liquids, such as the lighter fluid shown in the lighter image, plastics, rubbers, ceramics and
lubricants show up very well in neutron radiographs, while metal components show up well in
X-ray images. Due to the relative invisibility of metals to neutrons, neutron radiography can be
used to effectively image items encased in metal. The variation in images produced using
neutron radiography and X-radiography makes the two complementary technologies, both
very useful
for particular applications.

Figure (a)
Liquids, such as the lighter fluid shown in the image above, as well as, plastic components,
rubbers, ceramics and lubricants show up very brightly in neutron radiographs, while metals
show up well in X-ray images. For this reason, neutron radiography is well suited to imaging
various materials encased in metals.

Figure (b)
Internal chambers, passage ways and details in metal parts, such as the quick-disconnect fitting
shown above, can be imaged very clearly using neutron radiography. x-radiography is more
suited to imaging metal inclusions in other materials.

Figure (c)
The internal structure, air pathways and blockages or inclusions in metal alloy turbine blades can

be imaged very clearly using neutron radiography. Even areas surrounded by several centimeter
thickness material, such as the turbine blade root holes shown in the image above, can be imaged
very effectively. X-radiography is more suited to imaging metals inside of other materials.


• Neutron radiography is used to detect corrosion products and examine complex castings
(such as turbine blades), explosive fillings (and particularly for continuity in detonator
cords), nuclear fuel elements, adhesive bonds and quality assurance checks for assembly of
critical components (such as those used in space applications).
• Neutrons interact through short-range nuclear interactions.
• They are very penetrating and do not heat up (i.e., destroy samples).
• Neutron wavelengths are comparable to atomic sizes and inter-distance spacing.
• Neutron energies are comparable to normal mode energies in materials.
• Neutrons are good probes to investigate the dynamics of solid state and liquid materials.


• Hazardous to operators and other nearby personnel.

• The process is generally slow.
• It requires a two-sided access to the component.
• Depth of discontinuity is not indicated.
• High installation and maintenance cost.
• Neutron sources are characterized by low fluxes and have limited use in investigation of
rapid time dependent processes.
• Large amount of sample [1mm thick and 1cm diameter] is required.





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