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Prepared By
Ehthashamuddin. J. Sheikh, M.A., M.ED, IIST
# 116, T.K.A.R Building, G. Block,
Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields,
Kolar District, Karnataka State.
Mobile Number: - 9738483214


Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it: -
1. Years ago, in a small fishing village in Holland, a young boy taught the world about the rewards of unselfish
service. Because the entire village revolved around fishing industry, a voluntary rescue team was needed in
cases of emergency.

One night the winds raged, the clouds burst and a gale storm capsized a fishing boat at sea. The crew sent out
the SOS. The captain of the rescue rowboat sounded the alarm and the villagers assembled in the town square
overlooking the bay. While the team launched their rowboat and fought their way through the wild waves, the
villagers waited on the beach, holding lanterns to light the way back.

An hour later, the rescue boat reappeared and falling exhausted on the sand, the volunteers reported that they
had to leave one man behind as even one more man would have capsized the rescue boat and all would have
been lost.

The captain called for another volunteer team to go after the lone survivor. Sixteen-year-old Hans stepped
forward. His mother grabbed his hand pleading, “Please don’t go. Your father died in a shipwreck ten years
ago and your older brother Paul has been lost at sea for three weeks. Hans, you are all I have.”

Hans replied, “Mother, I Have to go. What if everyone said, ‘I can’t go, let someone do it’? Mother, this time
I have to do my duty. When the call for service comes, we all need to take our turn and do our part.” Hans
kissed his mother, joined the team and disappeared into the night.

Another hour passed and finally the rescue boat came back with Hans standing up in the bow. The captain
called out, “Did you find the lost man?” Barely able to contain himself, Hans excitedly yelled back. “Yes, we
found him. Tell my mother it’s my older brother Paul.”

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each.

a. What occupation was the entire village dependent on?

b. When was a voluntary rescue team needed?
c. Why did the villagers hold the lanterns?
d. How old was Hans?
e. Add prefix to the word ‘appear’ to form its antonym.
f. Whom did Hans join?
g. How long did the rescue boat take to bring back the lone survivor?
h. The word ‘lone’ in the passage means
a) far. b) only. c) older.
i. Name the lost man rescued by Hans and his team.
j. Hans couldn’t contain his _____________ (excite).
(Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets.)
Key Answers

1. The entire village revolved around fishing industry

2. A voluntary rescue team was needed in cases of emergency.

3. The villagers waited on the beach, holding lanterns to light the way back.

4. Sixteen-year-old

5. Disappear / Reappear

6. Hans joined the rescue team

7. An hour

8. Only

9. Paul

10. Excitement
2. The festival of cows is one of the most popular events of Nepal. The festival, known as Gai Jatra, is
generally celebrated in the Nepalese month of Bhadra (August-September). The present form of Gai Jatra is
a blending of antiquity and medievalism.

According to tradition, every family which has lost a relative during the past year must participate in a
procession through the streets of Kathmandu leading a cow.

The story goes that king Pratap Malla lost his son, and his queen was heartbroken. The king was very sad to
see his beloved queen’s condition; in spite of his best efforts, he could not lessen her grief. He announced that
whoever made the queen laugh would be awarded adequately. During the festival of Gai Jatra, the cow
procession was brought before the grief stricken queen. Then the participants began ridiculing the important
people of the society. Finally, when social injustice and other evils were highlighted and attacked mercilessly,
the queen could not stop laughing. This resulted in the king establishing the tradition of including jokes,
satires, mockery at the Gai Jatra festival.

After the procession is over, nearly everyone takes part in another age-old tradition in which the participants
dress up and wear masks. The occasion is filled with songs, jokes, mockery and humour of every kind and
becomes the order of the day until late evening.

The festival is considered a healthy one with people bringing to light the realities of life by acting them out in
a humourous way. However, the satirical plays and performances synonymous with the Gai Jatra came to be
observed in the medieval period of Nepal during the reign of the Malla kings, though this festival has its roots
in the ancient age when people feared and worshipped Yamaraj, the god of death.

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each.

a. Where is Gai Jatra celebrated?

b. When is Gai Jatra celebrated?
c. Who must participate in the procession leading a cow through the streets?
d. What was the reason for the queen to be heartbroken?
e. Nepal wears a ___________ (feasted/festive) look during Gai Jatra.
f. How long does the festival last?
g. Which word in the passage means ‘period of a king’s rule’?
h. During which period was the Gai Jatra started to be observed?
i. Add prefix to the word ‘justice’ to form its antonym.
j. Whom did the people of ancient age fear and worship?

Key Answers

1. In Nepal
2. In the Nepalese month of Bhadra
3. Every family which has lost a relative
4. Because she had lost her son
5. Festive
6. Until late evening
7. Reign
8. In the medieval period
9. Injustice
10. Yamaraj, the god of death
3. Rivers have played an important and life-sustaining role in human societies for thousands of years. Many
of the world's great cities lie on the bank of a great river.
We love our rivers and we abuse them. We use them as a source of water, for food, for transport, for recreation,
as defenses, as a source of power to drive machinery, and as a means of disposing of waste.

Rivers continue to be a very important source of food for societies around the world. Apart from being a rich
source of fish, rivers indirectly the agriculture with supply of water for the crops.
Rivers carry water and nutrients to areas around the earth. They play a very important role in the water cycle
because they act as drainage channels for surface water. Rivers drain nearly 75% of the earth's land surface.

River deltas shelter many different species of wildlife. Insects, mammals and birds use the delta for their
homes and for food.
River valleys and plains provide fertile soils. Farmers in dry regions irrigate their cropland using water carried
by irrigation canals from nearby rivers.

Rivers are an important energy source. During the early industrial era, mills, shops and factories were built
near fast-flowing rivers where water could be used to power machines. Today steep rivers are still used to
power hydroelectric plants and their water turbines.

In our culture, we do not see rivers as just water bodies. They are life-giving gods or goddesses. We never see
rivers as just geographical happenings. We always see them as life-making material because 72% of our body
is water. Whenever we look for life, we look for a drop of water first!

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each.

a) Where do many of the world’s great cities lie?

b) Mention any one of the things for which rivers are used.
c) Why do rivers play a very important role in the water cycle?
d) How much of the earth’s land surface is drained by rivers?
e) Name one of species of wildlife mentioned in the passage.
f) How do farmers in dry regions irrigate their cropland?
g) When were mills, shops and factories built near fast-flowing rivers?
h) What were life-saving gods or goddesses for us?
i) Add prefix to the word ‘continue’ to form its antonym.
j) Steep rivers are used to generate _____________ (electrical/electricity) energy.
(Fill in the blank with the appropriate word given in brackets.)

Key Answers
1. On the bank of a great river
2. Source of water / for food /transport / recreation / defense etc.
3. They act as drainage channels for surface water
4. 75%
5. Insects / mammals / birds
6. Using water carried by canals from nearby rivers
7. During the early industrial era
8. Rivers
9. Discontinue
10. Electrical
March – 2015
4. Long ago there lived a King who was very unhappy. The reason was simple he was growing bald. He had
lost much of his hair. Being a vain man, the king was very upset and wanted to find a cure for his baldness.
So he called his court physician and ordered him to prescribe a medicine.

However, the physician said, "Your Majesty, I am sorry but there is no medicine for baldness. It is hereditary.
‘You are a fool" said the King and threw him into prison.

Next, the King sent for all the eminent physicians of the land and commanded them to find a magic medicine
to make his hair grow. But they all had the same thing to say. Now the King was furious. He put all the
physicians under house arrest and announced "I'll give you exactly a month to come up with a remedy for my
baldness. If you don't have it at the end of that time. you will all be put to death."

All the physicians were terrified, and did not know what to do. Finally, one old man, wiser than the rest, said,
“Don't worry. We don't have to die. I have an idea that will cure the king of his madness, if not his baldness!"
Everyone sighed with relief. Exactly a month later, the King summoned the physicians and demanded, "Well?
Have you found the remedy?”

The old physician stepped forward and said. “Yes Sir, I have” . Bringing out a small bottle he said, "here is
my special new hair oil, guaranteed to cure baldness! You only need to use It for 10 days, applying it half an
hour before bathing. Within ten days you Will have a luxuriant crop of jet black hair.

‘Wonderful!" exclaimed the King as he took the bottle Then the physician added, "lust one condition sir if
you think of coconuts while applying this oil, it Will not work Please keep that in mind." “That's not a
problem”, said the king happily. The old physician was richly rewarded and all were freed. Early the next
morning, the King was all set to try the new oil. He took the bottle and opened It.

Now he remembered that he was not supposed to think of coconuts while applying the oil. Suddenly, a picture
of a coconut tree bearing a thick bunch of coconuts flashed in his mind's eye.

"Oh no!" thought the King. Try as he might, he could not get the picture out of his mind. Finally, he put the
bottle aside, saying, "I'll start tomorrow”. But, the next day, the same thing happened. He had hardly lifted
the bottle when he thought of a coconut. So he could not use it that day either.

Thereafter. every single day, whenever he took the bottle, he would remember something associated with
coconuts green coconuts, coconut water, or even coconut barfi! Earlier, he had never bothered about coconuts,
but now he seemed obsessed with them. By and by, he would automatically remember coconuts the moment
his eye fell on the bottle of oil. The bottle stood on the shelf, unused.

Finally, the King decided that he had had enough. He declared, “I'll never use this oil. But then. What is so
bad about being bald? Bald is Beautiful.’

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each.

a. Why was the King unhappy?

b. Who did he summon to prescribe the medicine?
c. What did the physician say, for which he was thrown into prison?
d. _________ stepped forward and said that he had a cure.
e. The King sent for all the physicians of the land. [eminent/prominent]
f. For how many days was the king supposed to use the oil?
g. What did the old physician tell the king while using the oil?
h. How many days did the King use the oil?
i. What did he think of whenever he wanted to use the oil?
j. Finally, what did the King declare?

Key Answers
a) The king was unhappy as he was growing bald.
b) He summoned his court physician,
c) The physician said that there was no medicine for baldness and that it was hereditary.
d) The old physician
e) Eminent
f) For ten days.
g) The old physician cautioned the king that if the king thought of coconuts while applying the oil, the oil
wouldn’t work.
h) The king didn’t use the oil at all because he couldn't stop thinking of coconuts when he looked at the oil.
i) Whenever the king wanted to use the oil, he thought of either coconuts or something associated with
j) Finally the king declared that he would never use the oil. He also declared that there was nothing wrong in
being bald and that bald is beautiful.
March – 2016

5. Since the beginning, trees have provided us with two of life's essentials, food and oxygen. As we evolved,
they provided additional necessities such as shelter, medicine and tools.

Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, making climate better,
conserving water, preserving soil and supporting wildlife. They take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
One acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon dioxide and produces four tons of oxygen. This is enough to
meet the annual needs of 18 people.

Both above and below ground, trees are essential to the ecosystems in which they reside. Far reaching roots
hold soil in place and fight erosion. They absorb and store rainwater and reduce runoff and sediment deposit
after storms. This helps the ground water supply recharge, prevents the transport of chemicals into streams
and prevents flooding. Fallen leaves make excellent compost that enriches soil.

Many animals, including elephants, koalas and giraffes eat leaves for nourishment. Flowers are eaten by
monkeys and nectar is a favourite of birds, bats and many insects. Animals also eat much of the same fruit
that humans enjoy. This process helps disperse seeds over great distances. Of course, hundreds of living
creatures call trees their home. Leaf-covered branches keep many animals such as birds and squirrels, out of
the reach of predators.

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each

a. Name one of life's essentials mentioned in the passage.

b. What do trees take in?
c. How much of oxygen is produced by one acre of forest?
d. Trees are essential to the ecosystems
i) only above ground ii) neither below nor above ground iii) both above and below ground.
e. How is soil erosion prevented by trees?
f. The part of a tree used to make compost is its
i) flower ii) leaf. iii) fruit.
g Where is nectar, liked by birds, bats and insects, found?
h. Who call trees their home?
i. Add a prefix to the word ’essential’ to form its antonym.
j. Trees provide ___________ (additional/addition) necessities of life.

Key Answers

a) Oxygen.
b) Carbon dioxide.
c) Four tons of oxygen.
d) (iii) both above and below ground.
e) The roots of trees hold the soil in place and thus prevent soil erosion.
f) (ii) leaf.
g) The nectar, liked by birds, bats and insects, is found in flowers.
h) Hundreds of living creatures.
i) Inessential.
j) additional.
March – 2017
6. Arunima Sinha is the first female amputee to climb Mount Everest. She also owns the credit of the first
Indian amputee to conquer the heights of Mount Everest.
Arunima was born in 1988 in Ambedkar Nagar of Uttar Pradesh. She has been a national volley ball and
football player. ln April 2011, she boarded the train Padmavathi Express at Lucknow for Delhi to take an
examination to join the ClSF. To snatch her bag and gold chain, she was pushed out of the general
compartment by thieves. Unfortunately, she fell on the parallel track and before she could get up, another train
crushed her leg below the knee. She was rushed to the hospital with serious leg and pelvic injuries. To save
her life doctors had to amputate the crushed leg. After this accident she was given compensation of mere
25,000 rupees by the Indian Sports Ministry, which caused national outrage. After this country-wide protest,
she received US $ 3,100 compensation and a job offer from Indian Railways She also got recommendation
for a job in the ClSF after she had qualified as a Head Constable in 2012 in the ClSF examination.
While her treatment was going on at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, she was inspired by cricketer
Yuvaraj Singh who had successfully battled cancer She also thought of doing something in life and her strong
mind determined to conquer the peak of Mount Everest. So, she contacted Bachendri Pal, the first Indian
woman to climb Mount Everest in 201 1, and joined her training programme. Sinha climbed island peak of
6150 meters in 2012 as preparation for her ascent of Everest. On 1 April 2013 Sinha and Susen Mahto, a
TSAF instructor, climbed Mount Everest under the instruction of Bachendri Pal and reached the summit of
Everest at 10:52 am. on 21 May 2013. She took 52 days to reach the summit. She received 25 lakh rupees
from the Chief Minister of UP at a function organized at 5, Kalidas Marg residence in Lucknow. Now she has
dedicated her life to social service and welfare programmes. She wanted to open a free sports academy for the
poor and disabled persons.
Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each
a. Where was Arunima Sinha born?
b. Name the train Arunima boarded ____________
c. How much compensation was given by the Indian Sports Ministry?
d. Arunima was inspired by _____________?
i) Bachendri Pal ii) Yuvaraj Singh iii) Susen Mahto.
e. Whom did she contact to climb Mount Everest?
f . When did they reach the summit of Mt. Everest?
g. How many days did they take to reach the summit of Mt. Everest?
h. Where was the function organised to honour her?
i. What did she want to do for the poor and disabled?
j. Give a suitable title for the above passage _____________

Key Answers
a) Ambedkar Nagar of Uttar Pradesh.
b) Padmavathi Express.
c) Rs. 25,000.
d) ii) Yuvaraj Singh.
e) Bachendri Pal.
f) At 10: 52 a. m. / 21 May 2013.
g) 52 days.
h) 5, Kalidas Marg residence in Lucknow.
i) to open a free-sports academy.
j) Physical disability is no barrier to success.
March – 2018
7. Stress is a disease of modern times. It afflicts people regardless of their situation in life. Stress is present in
the lives of the rich and poor, literate and illiterate, men and women. Stress is, however, more evident and is
probably more widespread in technologically advanced countries, and is common among their qualified

Stress is of various kinds: physical, emotional and intellectual and it is characterized by a feeling of being
burned of being unable to cope. At a physical level modern technology and facilities have actually increased
workloads and decreased relaxation. Mobile phones and laptops have made it easy to carry the office to the

Emotional stress increases when there is disharmony and friction in relationships. Unfortunately, the trends
today are to take the easy way out people prefer to break away from relationships rather than repair them.

The answer to stress can be found in the very letters of the word, stress, ‘S’ stands for strength: physical,
emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Physical and emotional weakness leads to irritability. A strong healthy
body developed through proper diet, exercise and pranayama techniques helps reduce stress at the physical
level. Love, compassion and friendship are values strength gives that help us cope with stress.

The scriptures say that knowledge of self cannot be gained without inner strength. Rabindranath Tagore, in a
poem, prays to the Lord not to remove all obstacles, but instead, he asks for strength to bear them. Before the
start of Mahabharata war Arjun was seized with doubts of emotional weakness and he refused to fight the
war. Lord Krishna rescued him by giving him emotional strength.

‘T’ stands for traffic control. We need to regulate and control our thoughts. We can cope with stress best if
our thoughts are orderly and methodical. Unnecessary accumulation leads to clogging of the mind. The key
lies in being able to love one moment at a time. Eat while eating, work While working, and leave the home at
home and the office at the office. Remember, however long we have to travel, we can only take one step at a

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each

(a) What is a disease of modern times?

(b) What are the kinds of stress mentioned in the passage?
(c) What has actually increased workloads and decreased relaxation?
(d) When does emotional stress increase?
(e) Name any one of the techniques which can develop our body strong and healthy?
(f) What does Rabindranath Tagore pray to the Lord in poem?
(g) Who rescued Arjun by giving him emotional strength?
(h) What does ‘T’ stands for in the passage?
(i) Add a suitable prefix to the word ‘control’ to make its antonym.
(j) How many steps, one can take, while we travel long?

Key Answers
(a) Stress (f) Not to remove all obstacles
(b) physical, emotional, intellectual (g) Lord Krishna
(c) Modern technology and facilities (h) Traffic Control
(d) When there is disharmony and friction in relationship (i) Un control
(e) diet/ exercise / pranayama (j) One step / one step at a time
March – 2019
Everyone needs a holiday, both to relax and to have a change of ' environment. The holiday makers feel
relaxed and refreshed at the end of the holiday and look forward to the resumption of their duties, be it at
school, office or factories, with renewed vigour. This is the reason why all establishments grant their
employees annual leave with the end of the Academic year. The Schools and Universities grant their pupils a
long holiday during mid-summer. This will last until early June when the new school term starts. Of course
the parents will like to take advantage of this and take their leave to coincide with the children’s vacation.
This has become a traditional holiday season in most Asian countries particularly in India.

With the coming of April, the traditional holiday season in India reaches its peak point and most of the holiday
resorts are packed to capacity. In order to avoid the crowd some, prefer to take their holiday a little earlier.
Those who have already taken their holidays can console themselves not only with reflections on the happy
days spent in the country, at the seaside or abroad but with the thought that holiday expenses are over and by
taking an earlier holiday they have missed the April rush.

The main thing, of course is the weather and whatever the weather is like, the essence of a holiday for most
is the carefree atmosphere in which it can be enjoyed. ‘Take all you need but leave your worries behind’ is
the sound advice for the holiday maker. Private worries are not ‘always easy to escape from. However, even
the pessimist would admit that for the moment things appear brighter than they have been.

Holiday time is surely a time for shedding serious preoccupations and seeking pleasures that appeal to us.

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each

a) Why does ever one need a holiday?

b) How do the holiday makers feel at the end of the holiday?
c) The holiday season lasts till ……………
d) When does the holiday season reach its peak?
e) What do some holiday makers do to avoid the holiday crowd?
f) Who feels happy having missed the April rush?
g) What is the sound advice to the holiday makers?
h) Add prefix to the word ‘advantage’ to form its antonym.
i) What time is surely meant for shedding serious preoccupations?
j) Children cannot control their …………….. (excite) with the coming of the holiday season.
(Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word in the bracket)

Key Answers
a) Both to relax and to have a change of environment.
b) Relaxed and Refreshed
c) June
d) With the coming of April
e) Prefer to take their holiday a little earlier
f) Those who have already taken their holidays
g) Take all you need but leave your worries behind
h) Disadvantage
i) Holiday Time
j) Excitement

‘Education costs money, but then so does ignorance’.



Read the following lines and answer the questions set on it: -
1. An blow by all the winds that pass,
And wet all the showers,
She walks amid the meadow grass,
(a) Who is referred to as ‘She’ in the above lines
(b) Where does she walk?
(c) What does she eat there?

Ans: - 1. The Cow

2. Amid the meadow grass.
3. Meadow Flowers.

2. The merry mice stay in their holes

And hide there all the day;
But when the house is still at night,
The rouges come out and play.
(a) Where do the merry mice stay?
(b) For whom much time do they stay there?
(c) What do they do at might?

Ans: - 1. In their holes

2. All the day.
3. They come out and play.

3. Young leaves grow green on the banyan twigs,

And red on the peepal tree,
The honey-birds pipe to the budding figs,
And honey blooms call the bee.
(a) What grows on the banyan twigs?
(b) What is the colour of the leaves of the peepal tree?
(c) To whom do the honey blooms call?

Ans: - 1. Young green leaves

2. Red.
3. They call the bees.

4. At the corner of Wood Street, when daylight appears,

Hangs a thrush that sings loud, it has sung for three years:
Poor Susan has passed by the spot, and has heard
In the silence of morning, the song of the Bird.
(a) Who has passed by the spot?
(b) What is the ‘Spot’?
(c) What has been heard and by whom?
Ans: - 1. Poor Susan
2. The corner of Wood Street.
3. Susan heard the song of the bird.

5. Lord, I am so tired
Tired I entered this world.
Far have I wandered since the cock crew,
And the road to school is steep.
Lord, I do not want to go into their school.
(a) Who is addressed by the speaker?
(b) What time of day does ‘Since the cock crew’ suggest?
(c) How is the road to school according to the poet?

Ans: - 1. Lord
2. Early Morning.
3. Steep.

6. Child, March - 2015

Child, how happy you are sitting in the dust, playing with a broken twig all the morning!
I smile at your play with that little bit of a broken twig.
I am busy with my accounts, adding up figures by the hour.
Perhaps you glance at me and think ‘What a stupid game to spoil your morning with!’
Child, I have forgotten the art of being absorbed in sticks and mud-pies.
(a) What is the child doing?
(b) What is the poet busy with?
(c) Who has forgotten the art of being absorbed in sticks and mud –pies?

Ans: - 1. Playing with a broken twig all the morning.

2. Busy with his accounts., adding up figures by the hour.
3. The poet.

7. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, March - 2016

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
(a) Where did the two roads diverge?
(b) The word ‘both’ in the second line refer to two
(i) Woods (ii) Travelers (iii) Roads
(c) What does the word ‘One’ in the fourth line refer to?

Ans: - 1. In a yellow wood

2. (iii) Roads
3. Road

8. That murmer, soon replies: ‘God doth not need March - 2017
Either man’s work or His own gifts’: Who best
Bear His Mild yoke, they serve his best.
(a) Who does the God not need?
(b) ‘Bear ‘His’ mild yoke’. ‘His’ refers to ……………
(c) How do they serve the God?
Ans: - 1. Either man’s work or His own gifts
2. God
3. By Bearing His Mild yoke / they serve him best.

9. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, March - 2018

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could …………….
(a) Where did the two roads diverge in?
(b) Why did the poet say sorry?
(c) What did he do being stood long?

Ans: - 1. In a yellow wood

2. Because he could not travel both
3. Looked down one as far as he could

10. A free bird leaps March - 2019

on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wings
in the orange sunrays.
(a) Who leaps on the back of the wind?
(b) How long does the bird float?
(c) The bird dips his wing in …………..
(i) orange sun rays (ii) blue sky (iii) dark cloud

Ans: - 1. A free bird

2. Till the current ends
3. orange sun rays

‘The Best way to predict your Future is to create it’.



Complete the following by filling the blanks using the right form of the verb given in
brackets: -
1. Cycles have become the most popular means of transport in Pudukkottai. Women ............... (See) cycling
to their work places. Their dependence on men ...................... (reduce). An all-women’s cycling rally ...............
(organise) as a part of this drive.

Ans: - can be seen, has been reduced, was organised

2. Ministers ..................... (summoned) and it ...................... (decide) to sentence the murderer for life and a
guard .................... (place) to look after him.

Ans: - were summoned, was decided, was placed.

3. The kingdom neither had a guillotine nor an executioner. Therefore, a council ..................... (call). It
(decide) to write a letter to the French Government. The letter ..................... (send)

Ans: - was called, was decided, was sent.

4. The criminal ..................... (sentence) for life. A guard ..................... (place) over him. Every day the food
..................... (bring) by the guard from the palace kitchen.

Ans: - was sentenced, was placed, was brought.

5. The king of Monaco was looking over the accounts. A new item of expenditure (notice) by him. In order
to reduce this expenditure, the guard ..................... (dismiss) and the criminal ..................... (ask) to run away.

Ans: - was noticed, was dismissed, was asked.

6. Roof ..................... (know) to everyone in Umuofia. The campaigner of POP party met him. No words
..................... (waste) between them. ..................... (give) five pounds to cast his vote for Maduka.

Ans: - was known, were wasted, was given.

7. The kingdom of Monaco was a peaceful and peace loving country. Once a murder..................... (commit)
there. They ..................... (force) to look for way to try and punish the criminal, at last, the criminal
..................... (punish) for his crime.

Ans: - was committed, were forced, was punished.

8. Roof’s Spirits ..................... (fall) but he let no one see it. All morning, he ..................... (mask) his deep
worry with a surface exertion which was unusual. By this time, the spring ..................... (go) clean out of his
walk. March - 2015

Ans: - had fallen, had masked, had gone.

9. The prince agreed to show mercy and so the matter ............... (arrange). The only problem was that there
was no suitable prison for a person who ............ (sentence) for life. However, there was a small lock-up where
people ...........(keep) temporarily. March - 2016

Ans: - was arranged, was sentenced, were kept.

10. The gaming houses ............... (keep) in German Sovereign, because the source of revenue ...............
(collect) from them, but a few years ago they ............... (forbid) to do so. March - 2017

Ans: - were kept, was collected, were forbidden.

11. Once a murder ............... (commit) in the kingdom of Monaco. The committee ............... (force) to look
for the ways to punish the criminal. Finally, the punishment ............... (give) to him. March - 2018

Ans: - was committed, was forced, was given.

12. Roof’s spirits feel when he …………….. (ask) to cast his vote. He ………….. (worry) and confused. He
took out his ballot paper from his pocket and looked at it. He ……………… (confront) by the car and the
head. March - 2019

Ans: - was asked, was worried, was confronted.

‘Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardour and diligence’.


Report the following conversation: -

1. Dona Laura : Are you coming Tomorrow?

Don Gonzalo : Most certainly, if it is sunny morning. And not only will I not scare away the
birds, but I will bring a few crumbs.
Dona Laura : Thank you very much. Birds are grateful and repay attention.

Ans: - Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo whether he was coming the next day.
Don Gonzalo replied that he would most certainly if it was a sunny morning. He also promised that he
wouldn’t scare away the birds, but would bring a few crumbs
Dona Laura thanked him and added that birds were grateful and repaid attention.

2. She sat thinking, ‘All this is none of my concern’.

The old man went on, ‘His name was not Sangoji, but Basavaiah. I am amazed at how facts take on such
varied guises when it is narrated as fiction’.

Ans: - She sat thinking all that was none of her concern.
The old man went on talking and said that his name was not Sangoji. He further said that he was amazed
at how facts took on such varied guises when it was narrated as fiction.

3. Don Gonzalo : I am fond of good verses. I composed some in youth.

Dona Laura : Were they good ones?
Don Gonzalo : Why do you ask me such a question?
Dona Laura : Don’t be angry.

Ans: - Don Gonzalo said that he was fond of good verses. He said that he had composed some in his youth.
Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo if they had been good ones.
Don Gonzalo asked Dona Laura why she asked him such a question
Dona Laura told Don Gonzalo not to be angry.

4. Petra : The guard is waiting for me.

Dona Laura : Do you like to chat with your guard?
Petra : He is not mine.
Dona Laura : Wait a moment.
Petra : What does the Senora wish?

Ans: - Petra said to Dona that the guard was waiting for her.
Dona Laura asked Petra if she liked to chat with her guard.
Petra said that he was not hers.
Dona Laura told Petra to wait a moment.
Petra asked her mistress what she wished for.

5. Dona Laura : Youth should have asked permission to sit on this bench.
Don Gonzalo : The bench here are public property.
Dona Laura : Why do you complain about the priests, then?
Don Gonzalo : Are you taunting me?
Dona Laura : Don’t grumble.

Ans: - Dona Laura told Dona Gonzalo that he should have asked permission to sit on that bench.
Don Gonzalo Said that the benches here were public property.
Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo why he had complained about the priests then.
Don Gonzalo asked Dona Laura is she was taunting him.
Dona Laura told Don Gonzalo not to grumble.

6. POP Campaigner : We went your vote

Rufus Okeke : How can I vote for Maduka?
POP Campaigner : Are you talking this money or not?
Rufus Okeke : Will it not be heard outside this house?
POP Campaigner : Don’t worry about it.

Ans: - The POP Campaigner told Rufus Okeke that they wanted his vote.
Rufus Okeke asked the campaigner how he could vote for Maduka.
The campaigner asked Rafus Okeke if he was talking that money or not.
Rufus Okeke asked the campaigner if it would not be heard outside that house.
The campaigner told Rufus Okeke not to worry about it.

7. Don Gonzalo : Are you speaking to me, Senora?

Dona Laura : Yes.
Don Gonzalo : What do you wish?
Dona Laura : You have scared away the birds. They were feeding on my crumbs.

Ans: - Don Gonzalo asked Dona Laura if she was speaking to him.
Dona Laura replied in the affirmative.
Don Gonzalo asked Dona Laura what she wished for.
Dona Laura said that he had scared away the birds. She said that they had been feeding on her crumbs.

8. Dona Laura : Do you use a shoe brush as a handkerchief? March - 2015

Don Gonzalo : What right have you to criticize my actions?
Dona Laura : A neighbour’s right.
Don Gonzalo : I do not care to listen to nonsense.
Dona Laura : You are very polite.

Ans: - Dona Laura asked Dona Gonzalo whether he used a shoe brush as a handkerchief.
Don Gonzalo retaliated asking what right she had to criticize his action.
Dona Laura replied that hers was a neighbour’s right.
Don Gonzalo retorted that he did not care to listen to nonsense.
Dona Laura sarcastically remarked that he was very polite.

9. Roof : I work for Marcus Ibe March - 2016

POP Campaigner : We have plenty of work to do tonight.
Roof : Will it not be heard outside this room?
POP Campaigner : We are after votes, not gossip.
Ans: - Roof expressed that he worked for Marcus Ibe.
POP Campaigner told him that they had plenty of work to do that night.
Roof expressed his anxiety by asking ‘If it would not be heard outside that room’.
POP Campaigner replied that they were after votes, not gossip.

10. Dona Laura : Will you go to your bench tomorrow? March - 2017
Don Gonzalo : No, I will come here.
Dona Laura : What will you bring for the birds?
Don Gonzalo : I will bring some crumbs for the birds.

Ans: - Dona Laura asked Dona Gonzalo whether he would go to his bench the next day.
Don Gonzalo replied negatively and said that he would come there.
Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo what he would bring for the bird.
Don Gonzalo replied that he would bring some crumbs for the birds.

11. Don Gonzalo : That bench over there is mine. March - 2018
Juanito : Three priests are sitting there.
Don Gonzalo : Rout them out. Have they gone?
Juanito : Still they are talking.

Ans: - Don Gonzalo told Juanito that bench over there was his bench.
Juanito informed him saying that three priests were sitting there.
Don Gonzalo asked him to rout them out. Then he inquired him if they had gone.
Juanito replied that still they were talking.

12. Alifano : what is blindness to you? March – 2019

Borges : It is a way of life. In my case the visible world has moved away from my eyes.
Alifano : Have you thought of writing book on the history of the book?
Borges : It is an excellent idea.

Ans: - Alifano asked Borges what blindness was to him.

Borges replied that it was a way to life. He further told that in his case the visible world had moved
away from his eyes.
Alifano asked him if/whether he had thought of writing book on the history of the book.
Borges told him that it was an excellent idea.

‘Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society’.



Complete the following dialogue: -

1. Student: Good Morning Sir, I want an application form to …………… (giving purpose of visit)
Bank Clerk: Good Morning, to open an account you have to ……………… (giving instruction)
Student: What else should I submit along with filled in form?
Bank Clerk: …………………………. (Instructing to submit address proof)
Student: ………………………… (giving thanks)

Ans: - Student: Good Morning Sir, I want an application form to open a bank account.
Bank Clerk: Good Morning, to open an account you have to fill in the application form.
Bank Clerk: You have to submit an address proof.
Student: Thank you very much sir, for your help.

2. Anitha: …………… (Greeting) May I come in?

Vinitha: ……………… (Responds to greeting)
Anitha: ……………… (Introduces herself) your next door neighbour.
Vinitha: ……………… (Introduces herself) Please sir down.

Ans: - Anitha: Hello, Good Morning. May I come in.

Vinitha: Good Morning, please come in.
Anitha: I am Anitha, your next door neighbour.
Vinitha: I am Vinitha. Please sir down.

3. Stranger: Excuse me, …………… (ask for direction)

Resident: ……………… (giving direction)
Stranger: Is it far?
Resident: ……………… (approximate distance)
Stranger: ……………… (express gratitude / leave taking)

Ans: - Stranger: Excuse me, may I know how to reach Bannerghatta Biological Park
Resident: Go straight and turn to the right at the circle. Immediately after the turn, you will find
Bannerghatta Biological Park on your left.
Stranger: Is it far?
Resident: It’s approximately 2 kms from here.
Stranger: Oh, Thank You very much. You have been very kind.

4. Patient: Hello, is it 240042?

Receptionist: ……………… (giving information)
Patient: Could I speak to the doctor?
Receptionist: ……………… (Confirms absence)
Patient: Who am I speaking to?
Receptionist: ……………… (giving introduction)
Patient: ……………… (fix an appointment for the same day)
Ans: - Patient: Hello, is it 240042?
Receptionist: Yes. What can I do for you?
Patient: Could I speak to the doctor?
Receptionist: I am sorry. He is not around.
Patient: Who am I speaking to?
Receptionist: I am Anandi, the receptionist.
Patient: Could I get an appointment for this evening?

5. Agent: …………… (Greeting)

Mrs. Dixit: ……………… (Seeking information regarding a trip to Greece)
Agent: ……………… (Giving information)
Mrs. Dixit: ……………… (Expressing gratitude)

Ans: - Agent: Good Morning, Ma’am. Please have a seat

Mrs. Dixit: Good Morning, I want to get information regarding a trip to Greece.
Agent: Fine. We have very attractive foreign tour scheme. For further details, go through this brochure.
Mrs. Dixit: Thanks a lot. Have a Nice Day.

6. Deepak: Rani, today my boss told me that I could take a vacation. March - 2015
Rani: Wow! ……………… (Congratulating)
Deepak: ……………… (Suggesting a place)
Rani: ……………… it will be too cold (Disagreeing)
Deepak: ……………… it will be lovely. (Giving an option)

Ans: - Deepak: Rani, today my boss told me that I could take a vacation.
Rani: Wow! Congratulations
Deepak: Shimla
Rani: No
Deepak: Nainital

7. Kiran: Good Morning. March - 2016

Javeed: ……………… (Greeting) What can I do for you?
Kiran: Is ……………… (asking for information)
Javeed: Yes, the flat is still vacant.
Kiran: What is the rent?
Javeed: The rent……………… (giving information)
Kiran: ……………… (Leave taking)

Ans: - Kiran: Good Morning.

Javeed: Good Morning.
Kiran: Is your flat vacant?
Javeed: Yes, the flat is still vacant.
Kiran: What is the rent?
Javeed: The rent is 3,000 rupees
Kiran: O.K. Thank you. Bye.

8.Baskar: Good Morning! Sir ………. (Introducing) in organic products company. March - 2017
Vishal: ……………… (reply greeting) ………….(offering help).
Baskar: I have brought some products of daily use. Could you please buy them?
Vishal: ……………… (agree) if they are available at a reasonable price.
Baskar: Sure Sir, I will reduce the price. ……………(expresses gratitude)

Ans: - Baskar: Good Morning! Sir I am Baskar working in organic products company.
Vishal: Good Morning. How can I help you?
Baskar: I have brought some products of daily use. Could you please buy them?
Vishal: Yes, I will buy. If they are available at a reasonable price.
Baskar: Sure Sir, I will reduce the price. Thank You.

9. Student: Good Morning Sir, …………… (introduces himself) March - 2018

Principal: Yes, what do you want?
Student: I have passed SSLC in first class, ……………… (seeking suggestion about combination)
Principal: …………….. (giving suggestion)
Student: No, I would like to join for science.
Principal: O.K. You can come and join tomorrow.
Student: ……………… (Expressing gratitude)

Ans: - Student: Good Morning Sir, I am Anthony

Principal: Yes, what do you want?
Student: I have passed SSLC in first class, which combination should I take.
Principal: You can join for commerce.
Student: No, I would like to join for science.
Principal: O.K. You can come and join tomorrow.
Student: Thank You Sir.

10. Mother : Can you book a car for me? March - 2019
Son : ………….. (agreeing) where do you want to go?
Mother : ……………… (giving information)
Son : At what time do you need the car?
Mother : …………… (mentioning time)
Son : Ok. I will book it.
Mother : …………….. (Expressing gratitude).

Ans: - Mother : Can you book a car for me?

Son : Yes mother, I can ( agreeing) where do you want to go?
Mother : I want to go to Mysore. (giving information)
Son : At what time do you need the car?
Mother : At 7 am (mentioning time)
Son : Ok. I will book it.
Mother : Thank you my dear son. (Expressing gratitude).

‘Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom’.



Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate expressions given in the bracket: -

1. Politics had ............... when Marcus Ibe was ............... being dismissed from his job as a mission school
teacher. (On the Verge of, to be in a fix, come to his rescue)

Ans: - come to his rescue, on the verge of.

2. The telephones are situated on a table or a counter in Japan. Anybody, any passer-by could ................ , but
nobody does. The telephone-receiver can be ............... . (one’s castle, all and sundry, listen-in)

Ans: - listen-in, one’s castle.

3. Blandford felt as though he were being ....................... when he saw the woman well past forty. But he felt
friendship was more precious than love. So he ....................... and saluted the woman holding the book "Of
Human Bondage.” (to get hold of, squared his broad shoulders, split in two)

Ans: - split in two, squared his broad shoulders.

4. Tansukh was a successful broker. He was able to ...................... on both the buyers and the sellers. He was
so skillful that he could ...................... or the other way round. (turn a pearl to a pebble, cast a spell, take into

Ans: - cast a spell, turn a pearl to pebble.

5. Julianne rubbed Vaseline on her body ...................... the maggots. But her efforts were ....................... So
she had to make a skewer to dig them out. (in vain, be equal to, to get rid of)

Ans: - to get rid of, in vain.

6. Rukmini Devi ...................... when Anna Pavlova walked away in hurry. Her ...................... when Anna
complemented her grace. (to feel a bit down, run out of, face lit up)

Ans: - felt a bit down, face lit up.

7. Baba Amte ...................... his job and decided to work for the welfare of the social outcasts who
...................... his support. (looked forward to, put up with, give up)

Ans: - gave up, looked forward to.

8. The owner of the farm became lazy and wasted all his wealth. His wife was ...................... and became
apprehensive. Their life was gradually getting ............... . (on cloud nine, out of hand, in a fix).

Ans: - in a fix, out of hand.

9. The young man ...................... on horseback every morning down the rose path under her window and
...................... to her balcony a bouquet of flowers which she caught. (toss up, set up, pass by)

Ans: - passed by, tossed up.

10. Hob was a big bully. Joe would be ...................... by him. But Joe thought about him that his brain was
...................... (no bigger than a nut, squared shoulders, crushed like a beetle)

Ans: - crushed like a beetle, no bigger than a nut.

11. A lot of women in Pudukkottai were unable to wait for ladies’ cycles. Therefore, they had to ......................
men’s cycle. They knew that bicycles ...................... time, wasted in waiting for buses. March - 2015
(Cut down on, put up with, Go in for)

Ans: - Go in for, Cut down on.

12. The number of motor vehicles in Brazil is growing by ...................... almost as if cars were distributed free
of charge to.......................(all and sundry, leaps and bounds, fair game) March - 2016

Ans: - leaps and bounds, all and sundry.

13. Cycling has ...................... Pudukkottai district. In this district all rural women used cycles, because
it....................... on time wasted in waiting for buses. (put in, cuts down, swept across) March - 2017

Ans: - swept across, cuts down.

14. After the arrival of the old man the owner of the Garden became lethargic and ...................... from hard
work. Then gradually he was addicted to adultery and other vices. His wife became helpless and had
to....................... him. (put up with, shield away, umpteen) March - 2018

Ans: - shield away, put up with.

15. Dirty remarks were passed by people when women …………cycling. Women like Jameela and Fathima
did not……... They zipped along the roads of Pudukkottai and continued to inspire others.
(make up, give up, took to) March - 2019

Ans: - took to, give up

‘Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope and confidence’.

Fill in the blanks with the right linker: -

1. The young man took refuge at Don Gonzalo’s house. He went to Servile, ………. then came to Madrid. He
wrote letters to Laura ………. they were intercepted by her parents. ………. In despair, he joined the army
………. he met a glorious death in the war. (but, and, at last, then)

Ans: - and, but, then, at last.

2. There was ………. a Guillotine for cutting the heads off ……… an executioner in Monaco. ……… the
ministers wrote a letter asking the French Government whether they could lend them a machine ……… an
expert to cut off the criminal’s head off. (and, neither, so, nor)

Ans: - neither, nor, So, and.

3. ……….., all this rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah looked like healthy competition. ………. It
took a new turn. ………. it rose to such a pitch that there was no land left in the village for them to buy. All
land belonged to ……… Tammanna or Basavaiah. (to begin with, however, gradually, either)

Ans: - However, Gradually, To begin with, either.

4. The Kingdom of Monaco was a peaceful and peace loving country. ………. they did not feel the need to
keep an army or a police force. ………. once, a murder was committed there. ………. they were forced to
look for ways to try and punish the criminal. ………. they decided to give him a pension and send him away.
(but, eventually, so, then)

Ans: - So, But, Then, Eventually.

5. ………. Roof would have out it. Then, he had received a stranger visit from the leader of the POP Campaign
team, ………. he and Roof were well – known to each other ……….. might even be called friends, his visit
was cold and business like. No words were wasted. He placed five pounds on the floor ……… roof.
(before, and, although, as) March - 2015

Ans: - As, although, and, before.

6. ……….. the old man came to the garden one day ………. walking hundreds of miles, the owner of the
garden was free and relaxed. ………. the owner’s wife was worried ……….. her husband became lethargic
and shied away from hard work. (but, when, because, after)

Ans: - When, after, But, because.

7. Our past is nothing ………. a sequence of dreams. Book are the great memory of all centuries of the past.
………. their function is irreplaceable. ……… books disappear, then ………. History would disappear.
(surely, but, therefore, if)

Ans: - but, Therefore, if, surely.

8. If Tammanna bought four acres of land, Basavaiah also followed suit. ………. one had ten friends, the
other got fifteen admirers. ………. all this looked like healthy competition. ………. it rose to a feverish pitch.
………. it led to unhealthy rivalry between the two of them. (gradually, initially, finally, if)

Ans: - If, Initially, Gradually, Finally.

9. Eating soup in Japan is more dangerous than anything else. ………. Eating soup, one must make a fearful
noise as it is a sign of appreciation. ………. a European who tries to make such a noise will be be considered
an ill – mannered lout ………. it is not liked by the Japanese hostess. ……… one must be careful in Japan if
she is offered soup. (while, because, therefore, however)

Ans: - While, However, because, Therefore.

10. The rains had failed. ………. all the wells and tanks had run dry. ……… overcome the problem the
municipal authorities sunk a number of bore wells ………. they could supply water to the citizens. ……….
the situation was brought under control. (Thus, so that, therefore, in order to)

Ans: - Therefore, In order to, so that, Thus.

11. Roof was a young and energetic man. He never left his village ……….. seek work in the towns ……….
decided to remain in the village to guide his people. ………. he was very popular. ……… he was an expert
in election campaigning. (moreover, but, in order to, so) March – 2016

Ans: - in order to, but, So, moreover.

12. ………. Tammanna bought four more acres adjacent to his land. Basavaiah ……….. followed suit. If one
had ten friends ……….. the other acquired fifteen admirers. All this looked like healthy competition. ……….
this competition turned to rivalry. (However, at first, also, then) March – 2017

Ans: - At first, also, then, However.

13. Rufus Okeke came back to his village ………. the completion of his bicycle repairer’s apprentice from
Harcourt. ………. he wanted to help and guide his people in the coming elections. Then he supported PAP
with all his heart and soul ……… had to change his mind in the end ………. vote for both the parties.
(but, after, and, because) March – 2018

Ans: - after, Because, but, and.

14. The General of Monaco asked each of his soldiers to cut the criminal’s head off. ………. no soldiers came
forward to do it. ………. the ministers of Monaco assembled a commission. ………. They, appointed a
committee and a sub – committee. ………. they decided that he best thing would be to alter the death sentence
to one of life imprisonment. (besides, but, at last, therefore) March – 2019

Ans: - But, Therefore, Besides, At last.

‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest’.



Read the following passage and make notes by drawing and filling the boxes given below: -
1. It is believed that the Indus Civilization was the joint creation of the Aryan and Pre – Aryan inhabitants of
India. This civilization was principally associated with the cities of Mohenjodaro and Harappa which were
first discovered. The people of this civilization were Multi – Ethnic. In the skeletal remains of this civilization
there is an evidence of the presence of Proto – Australoid, Mediterranean, Alpine and Mongoloid racial
elements who, no doubt, contribute to its growth. The civilization was urban and a very remarkable one.

Indus Valley Civilization

Inhabitants that Jointly created

1 2

Associated with cities

3 4

People were

Racial elements that contributed

6 7 Alpine 8

Ans: - 1. Aryan
2.Pre –Aryan
3. Mohenjodaro
4. Harappa
5. Multi – Ethnic
6. Proto – Australoid
7. Mediterranean
8. Mongoloid
2. At the core of Yakshagana is the himmela. This entourage of musicians includes a narrator, singer and
musicians, playing the Chande and maddale, drums and the harmonium. Their performance usually touching
on just one main story and a few sub stories is called a Prasanga.

The Core of Yakshagana

Includes Performance called

2 8


5 6 7

Ans: - 1. Himmela
2. A narrator
3. Singers
4. Musicians
5. Chande and Maddale
6. Drums
7. Harmonium
8. A Prasanga
3. Rajasthan boasts of its colourful culture, cheerful people and their extraordinary passion for kite – flying
or Patangbazi, a special cultural sport and pastime of the region. The kite – flying is celebrated to herald the
coming of spring. It is also a leisure sport and a passion among foreign tourists too. The people of Rajasthan
enjoy the rich tradition of kite – flying.

Rajasthan boasts of

1 2 3

Patangbazi is

4 and 5

Kite – flying celebrated to herald

To foreign tourists, kite – flying is

7 8

Ans: - 1. Colourful Culture

2. Cheerful People
3. Passion for Kite - flying
4. Special cultural sport
5. Pastime
6. Spring
7. Leisure Sport
8. Passion
4. The Mid – Atlantic ridge lies under the Atlantic Ocean covering an area of 1,60,000 kilometers. It lies
between the north Atlantic Ocean and the Antarctic Circle. It is the world’s largest mountain range. The ridge
has many high peaks. Some of the highest peaks form islands. The ice lands and the Azores are the two big
islands formed by the peaks. In comparison the largest mountain range on the surface is the Andes in South
America. Its length is only 7200 kilometers.

The largest mountain range under sea


Lies between

3 4

Big islands formed by the peaks

5 6

The largest mountain range on the surface


Ans: - 1. The Mid – Atlantic ridge

2. 1,60,000 kilometers
3. North Atlantic Ocean
4. The Antarctic Ocean
5. The Iceland
6. The Azores
7. The Andes in South America
8. 7200 km
5. There are three kinds of oil – animal, vegetable and mineral. A major portion of animal oil comes from
whales and some kind of fish. These oils may be bought from any medical shop. Vegetable oil is extracted
from the seeds of plants and is used for cooking. When an engineer refers to oil, he always means mineral oil
that drives motor cars, aero planes and tanks. This oil comes out of the earth and is very essential for our

Kinds of Oil

1 2 3

received from

4 5 6

used for

7 8

Ans: - 1. Animal
2. Vegetable
3. Mineral
4. Whales
5. Seeds of plants
6. Earth
7. Cooking
8. Driving
6. The term ‘Resource’ is derived from French, and it means tools. Natural resources are the raw materials
and the sources of energy present on the earth. They include the deposits of coal, crude oil, and natural gas.
The basic needs of our existence such as air, water and soil, which gives us food, also belongs to resources
that we may able to exploit in future. March - 2015

Term ‘Resource’ derived from

It Means
1 2

Sources of Energy
Present on the Earth Deposit

3 4 5

Basic needs of Existence

6 7 8

Ans: - 1. French
2. Tools
3. Coal
4. Crude Oil
5. Natural Gas
6. Air
7. Water
8. Soil
7. Paper was discovered in Chine by an official named Tsai Lun. He discovered it in about AD 105. Until
then most of the documents in China had been written on parchment and Vellum. Parchment was made from
the skin of goats or sheep. Vellum was made from the skin of a calf. A number of animals had to be killed to
make a book. However, now we do not have to do that. We use wood pulp, at present, for making paper.
March - 2016

Paper At present made from


Discovered by Discovered in Year of discovery

2 China 3

Documents before AD 105 written on

4 and 5

made from the skin of made from the skin of

6 7 8

Ans: - 1. Wood Pulp

2. Tsai Lun
3. AD 105
4. Parchment
5. Vellum
6. Goats
7. Sheep
8. Calf
8. Vertebrate animals can be either warm – blooded or cold – blooded. A cold – blooded animal cannot
maintain constant body temperature. The temperature of its body is determined by the outside surroundings.
Cold blooded animals are also called ‘Ectothermic’, which means outside heat. They are reptiles, amphibians
and fishes. Warm blooded animals are able to regulate their internal temperature. They have fur and feather
to keep them warm. They are also called ‘Endothermic’ meaning heat inside. They are birds and mammals.
March - 2017

Vertebrates either

1 Or 2

Also called Also called

6 6

They are They are

Birds 4 5 6

Ans: - 1. Warm blooded

2. Cold blooded
3. Ectothermic
4. Reptiles
5. Amphibians
6. Fishes
7. Endothermic
8. Mammals
9. Krishnadevaraya ruled the Vijayanagara Empire. He gave a good governance during this regime. Gold,
silver and diamond were sold on the streets of Vijayanagara. He respected men and women equally. In his
court, there was a clown called Tenali Rama who was known for his wit.
March - 2018

Krishnadevaraya ruled

During his regime sold

2 3 4

Respected Court Clown

5 6 7

Known for

Ans: - 1. Vijayanagara Empire

2. Gold
3. Silver
4. Diamond
5. Men
6. Women
7. Tenali Raman
8. Wit
10. The most complex of all tissues is the bone. It serves as a framework, giving form to the body, protecting
the vital organs and bearing weight and strain. It is also a storehouse for calcium, which is supplied to the
blood. March - 2019

Complex Tissue

Serves as Gives form to Protects

2 3 4

Store house for Bears

7 5 6

Supplied to

Ans: - 1. Bone
2. Framework
3. To the body
4. Vital Organs
5. Weight
6. Strain
7. Calcium
8. The blood

‘If the only tool you have is a hammer; you tend to see every problem as a nail’.


_________ (employee’s name)

__________ (employee’s address)

Date __________ (date of writing letter)


______________ (Your name)

______________ (Your address)

Dear Mr. /Ms_______ (name of the concerned person),

Sub: - Application for the post of ………………..

I have come across your advertisement regarding the post of ………………..(mention post)
in_________(mention where you saw the advertisement) dated_______(mention date of

I am a graduate in…………..(mention subjects) from ___________ University (name). Currently

I am working in ………………….(name of current employer) as a
…………………..(designation). I have around_____ years of work experience.

I am sending all my certificates including resume for your perusal. Please inform me through
email or call me on the telephone number given in the resume if I am short listed.

Your organization has good reputation in the industry and I want to be a part of this esteemed
organization. If I am selected, I shall put in all me efforts and become an asset to the

Looking forward to hear from you,

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

____________ (Your name)

Letter No: - 01

66 – B, Sector – 6,

20th April, 2018

The Principal,
St. Annes’ Global School,

Respected Sir,

Sub: - Application for the post of Head Master.

This is with reference to your advertisement in The Times of India Publication; Ascent
dated March 29rd, 2018. I wish to apply for the same.

I am currently the middle school in charge of a reputed convent school, a post that I have
successfully held for 4 years. I have gone through the job description and find myself suited for
the post.
I am a confirmed employee and would need to serve a three month notice.

I am enclosing my curriculum vitae for your kind perusal. I shall be glad to provide any
additional information in case you desire.

Yours faithfully,


1. Curriculum Vitae / Resume

2. Testimonials
Curriculum Vitae
Name : XXX

Father’s Name : YZ

D.O.B : 03 / 08 / 20XX

Age : ----

Permanent Address : 66 – B, Sector – 6,

Mobile Number : 97 - - - - - - - -

Email Number :

Nationality : Indian

Knowledge of Language : English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil

Educational Qualification

Examination Board / University Year of Passing Subjects Result

Eng, Kan, Hin,

S.S.L.C Bangalore 1996 Maths, Science and Distinction
Social Science

P.U.C Bangalore 1998 P.C.M.B, Eng and Distinction


Degree Bangalore 2001 Phy, Maths, Bio, Distinction

Eng and Hin

B.ed Bangalore 2002 Phy and Maths Distinction

P.G Bangalore 2004 Maths Distinction


 Working as Middle School Coordinator with St. Joseph’s High School, from Sept, 2011

 Worked as H.O.D English with Father Bedes High School, Dharwad from March 2004 till
August 2011

Salary : Negotiable

Hobbies : Reading, Painting, Listening to Music


Mrs. Anna Mason Brother Joseph

St. Annes’ High School, Father Bedes’ High School,
Bengaluru Dharwad

Declaration: -

I hereby declare that the information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge.

Letter No: - 02

B – 5 / 16, Sakat,

20th April, 2018

The Principal,
A.K.S International School,

Respected Sir,

Sub: - Application for the post of Nursery Teacher.

This is with reference to your advertisement in The Hindustan Times Publication; Ascent
dated March 29rd, 2018. I wish to apply for the same.

I would like to apply for the same. I am enclosing my Curriculum Vitae and promise to
serve the organization with loyalty and dedication if I am given an opportunity, I would be

Yours faithfully,


1. Curriculum Vitae / Resume

2. Testimonials

Curriculum Vitae
Name : XXX

Father’s Name : YZ

D.O.B : 03 / 08 / 20XX

Age : ----

Permanent Address : B – 5 / 16, Sakat,


Mobile Number : 97 - - - - - - - -

Email Number :

Nationality : Indian

Knowledge of Language : English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil

Educational Qualification

Examination Board / University Year of Passing Subjects Result

Eng, Kan, Hin,

S.S.L.C Bangalore 1996 Maths, Science and Distinction
Social Science

P.U.C Bangalore 1998 P.C.M.B, Eng and Distinction


D.ed Bangalore 2002 Psychology, Distinction

Curriculum, English


 Working as Primary School Teacher with St. Joseph’s High School, from Sept, 2006

 Worked in Father Bedes’ Primary School, Dharwad from March 2003 till August 2006

Salary : Negotiable

Hobbies : Reading, Painting, Listening to Music


Mrs. Anna Mason Brother Joseph

St. Joseph’s Primary School, Father Bedes’ Primary School,
Bengaluru Dharwad

Declaration: -

I hereby declare that the information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge.

Letter No: - 03

D – 5 / 16, Block,

20th April, 2018

The H.R Manager,

Shahi Export House,

Respected Sir,

Sub: - Application for the post of Customer Care Executive in BSNL

This is with reference to your advertisement in The Hindustan Times Publication; Ascent
dated March 29rd, 2018. I wish to apply for the same.

I have done my P.G Diploma in export management hence stand as the most suitable
candidate for the above said post. I felt happy to see that you welcome fresher also.

If given a chance in your organization. I can surely prove my dexterity with my hard

To detailing my profile. I have enclosed my C.V and look forward for a formal meeting
at your convenience where we can discuss the position in detail.

Yours faithfully,


1. Curriculum Vitae / Resume

2. Testimonials
Curriculum Vitae
Name : XXX

Father’s Name : YZ

D.O.B : 03 / 08 / 20XX

Age : ----

Permanent Address : D – 5 / 16, Block,

Mobile Number : 97 - - - - - - - -

Email Number :

Nationality : Indian

Knowledge of Language : English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil

Educational Qualification

Examination Board / University Year of Passing Subjects Result

Eng, Kan, Hin,

S.S.L.C Bangalore 1996 Maths, Science and Distinction
Social Science

P.U.C Bangalore 1998 P.C.M.B, Eng and Distinction


Degree Bangalore 2001 Phy, Maths, Bio, Distinction

Eng and Hin

P.G Bangalore 2004 Maths Distinction


 Fresher

Salary : Negotiable

Hobbies : Reading, Painting, Listening to Music


Mr. Annappa Mr. Santhosh Kumar

Rajaji Nagar, Indira Nagar,
Bengaluru Dharwad

Declaration: -

I hereby declare that the information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge.

1. Write a letter in response to the following advertisement which appeared in ‘The Times of India’ dated 12
April 2015. (Write XXX for Name and YYY for address.) March – 2015



Qualification: M.A. In Journalism

Mass Communication

Candidates with 3 years’ experience will be given preference.

Should have excellent communication skill. Apply within 10 days.

Apply: To The Editor, INDIA TODAY

No. 1, M.G. Road
Bangalore - 560006


13th April, 2015

The Editor,
No. 1, M.G. Road
Bangalore – 560006

Dear Sir,
This is in response to your advertisement in the ‘The Times Of India’, dated 12 April 2015 for the post
of Journalists.

Since I am a postgraduate in Mass Communication and have four years’ experience as a magazine
editor. I fulfill your requirements for the post. I hope you will consider me for the post as Journalism is a
passion with me.

I have enclosed my resume for the perusal.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,


1. Curriculum Vitae / Resume

2. Testimonials
Curriculum Vitae
Name : XXX

Father’s Name : YZ

D.O.B : 03 / 08 / 1992

Permanent Address : YYY

Mobile Number : 97 - - - - - - - -

Email Number :

Nationality : Indian

Knowledge of Language : English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil

Educational Qualification

Examination Board / University Year of Passing Result

SSLC KSEEB 2007 Distinction

P.U.C PUE Board 2009 Distinction

B.COM Bangalore 2012 Distinction

MICE Bangalore 2014 Distinction

Additional Qualification : ITI – Basics & ITI – Board

Experience : Editor of ‘Vikasana’ for four years

Achievements : Six publications in Sunday editions of ‘The Times of India’,

Best short story award by Alibi
Salary : Negotiable

Hobbies : Reading, Painting, Listening to Music

Bengaluru Dharwad
Declaration: -

I hereby declare that the information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge.

2. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement, which appeared in ‘The Deccan
Herald’ dated 7th March 2016. (Write XXX for Name and YYY for address.) March – 2016


Qualification: PUC with First Class

Computer Knowledge
Fluency in Kannada, English and Hindi
Experience Preferred.

Apply: The Managing Director

Shree Matha Technologies Ltd
377, Abhi Towers, KVK Layouts
Mysore Road
Bangalore - 560017


8th March, 2016

The Managing Director,

Shri Matha Technologies Ltd
377, Abhi Towers,
Mysore Road
Bangalore – 560017

Dear Sir,
I write this letter in response to your advertisement in ‘The Deccan Herald’, dated 7th March 2016 for
the post of Office Assistant.

I fulfill all the conditions laid down by you and hence I hope that I will be considered for the post. I
have enclosed my resume for you to get a complete idea about my credentials.

I hope to be called for an interview where I can provide you with more details and relevant documents.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,


1. Curriculum Vitae / Resume

2. Testimonials
Curriculum Vitae
Name : XXX

Father’s Name : YZ

D.O.B : 03 / 08 / 1996

Permanent Address : YYY

Mobile Number : 97 - - - - - - - -

Email Number :

Nationality : Indian

Knowledge of Language : English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil

Educational Qualification

Examination Board / University Year of Passing Result

SSLC KSEEB 2011 Distinction

P.U.C PUE Board 2013 Distinction

Experience : 18 months, as office Junior Assistant in Reliance Digitals, Bangalore.

Computer Skills : MS Word and Excel

Salary : Negotiable

Hobbies : Reading, Painting, Listening to Music

Bengaluru Dharwad
Declaration: -

I hereby declare that the information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge.

3. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement, which appeared in ‘The Indian
Express’ dated 10th March 2017. (Write XXX for Name and YYY for address.) March – 2017



Qualification: B.A / B. Com / B.Sc

Experience: Minimum two years, excellent communication Skill

Apply: The Secretary

Renuka Devi Institute
6th Main, 4th Block
Malleshwara Nagar


11th March, 2017

The Secretary
Renuka Devi Institute
6th Main, 4th Block
Malleshwara Nagar

Dear Sir,
I write this letter in response to your advertisement in ‘The Indian Express, dated 10th March 2017 for
the post of Hostel Wardens.

I fulfill all the conditions laid down by you and hence I hope that I will be considered for the post. I
have enclosed my resume for you to get a complete idea about my credentials.

I hope to be called for an interview where I can provide you with more details and relevant documents.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,


1. Curriculum Vitae / Resume

2. Testimonials
Curriculum Vitae
Name : XXX

Father’s Name : YZ

D.O.B : 03 / 08 / 1990

Permanent Address : YYY

Mobile Number : 97 - - - - - - - -

Email Number :

Nationality : Indian

Knowledge of Language : English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil

Educational Qualification

Examination Board / University Year of Passing Result

SSC A.P Board 2006 Distinction

Intermediate BIEAP 2008 Distinction

B.Sc Andhra University 2011 Distinction

Additional Qualification : Public speaking course / Java computer course

Experience : Assistant Warden at Bhuvana Hostel, Hyderabad for 3 years.

Achievements : Best Garden prize from the Horticulture Department for the garden at
Bhuvana Hostel.
Salary : Negotiable

Hobbies : Reading, Painting, Listening to Music

Bengaluru Dharwad
Declaration: -

I hereby declare that the information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge.

4. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement, which appeared in ‘The Deccan
Herald’ dated 25th May 2018. (Write XXX for Name and YYY for address.) March – 2018


Qualification: Any Degree

With Computer Knowledge
Fluency in English and Kannada

Experience: Preferred

Apply: The Executive Manager

Bindu Home Appliances Pvt. Ltd
P.B. Road


26th May, 2018

The Executive Manager,

Bindu Home Appliances Pvt. Ltd
P.B. Road

Dear Sir,
I write this letter in response to your advertisement in ‘The Deccan Herald, dated 25th May 2018 for
the post of Sales Manager.

I fulfill all the conditions laid down by you and hence I hope that I will be considered for the post. I
have enclosed my resume for you to get a complete idea about my credentials.

I hope to be called for an interview where I can provide you with more details and relevant documents.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,


1. Curriculum Vitae / Resume

2. Testimonials
Curriculum Vitae
Name : XXX

Father’s Name : YZ

D.O.B : 03 / 08 / 1989

Permanent Address : YYY

Mobile Number : 97 - - - - - - - -

Email Number :

Nationality : Indian

Knowledge of Language : English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil

Educational Qualification

Examination Board / University Year of Passing Result

SSLC KSEEB 2005 Distinction

PUC PUE Board 2007 Distinction

B.Com Bangalore 2010 Distinction

M.B.A Bangalore 2012 Distinction

Additional Qualification : ‘O’ Level computer course

Experience : Working with Ralco Industries as Assistant Sales Manager.

Salary : Negotiable

Hobbies : Reading, Painting, Listening to Music

Bengaluru Dharwad
Declaration: -

I hereby declare that the information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge.

5. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in ‘The Times of
India’ dated 15 March 2019. (Write XXX for name and YYY for address) March – 2019

‘The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet’.
Qualification: M.Com., Knowledge of Computer
Fluency in Kannada, English and Hindi Languages

Apply: The General Manager

J.V.S Motors
Central Towers
Hyderabad - 560001


16th March, 2019

The General Manager

J.V.S Motors
Central Towers
Hyderabad - 560001

Dear Sir,
I write this letter in response to your advertisement in ‘The Times of India, dated 15th March 2019 for
the post of Customer care officer.

I fulfill all the conditions laid down by you and hence I hope that I will be considered for the post. I
have enclosed my resume for you to get a complete idea about my credentials.

I hope to be called for an interview where I can provide you with more details and relevant documents.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,


1. Curriculum Vitae / Resume

2. Testimonials
Curriculum Vitae
Name : XXX

Father’s Name : YZ

D.O.B : 03 / 08 / 1989

Permanent Address : YYY

Mobile Number : 97 - - - - - - - -

Email Number :

Nationality : Indian

Knowledge of Language : English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil

Educational Qualification

Examination Board / University Year of Passing Result

SSLC KSEEB 2005 Distinction

PUC PUE Board 2007 Distinction

B.Com Bangalore 2010 Distinction

M.Com Bangalore 2012 Distinction

Additional Qualification : Diploma in Computer Science Aptech

Experience : Working with Lakshmi Motors as Customer Care.

Salary : Negotiable

Hobbies : Reading, Painting, Listening to Music

Bengaluru Dharwad
Declaration: -

I hereby declare that the information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge.


‘You learn something every day if you pay attention’.



1. Imagine that you are the president of the students’ council of your college and you have to speak on
spreading awareness about cleanliness. Using the points given below, write a speech in about 100 words.
Need for cleanliness – individual responsibility – cleanliness at home and public places – health benefits –
beautification of nation.
Ans: - Good Morning and a warm welcome to every one present here on this momentous occasion.
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends.
I am honored to have been given an opportunity to speak on the ‘Sense of cleanliness’. We need
to practice cleanliness which is directly related health. Well maintained surrounding contribute not only to
physical health but also the peace of mind. So, it is the responsibility of every citizen to see to it that air are
not polluted. Fresh air and clean drinking water are as necessary as eating healthy food. Brushing teeth twice
a day, bathing every day and wearing clean clothes should be given priority. The kitchen is the central part of
any home.
The kitchen is the central part of any home. If it is not kept clean, it becomes the breeding center
for germs. It is highly essential to keep the utensils germ free. We need to dump garbage every day at the
designated dumping sites. People should be made aware of cleanliness through talks and campaigns. We
should be very careful about the cleanliness of public places. We should not litter here and there; garbage
should be thrown in dustbins.
I would like to conclude my speech by reiterating that one only talks about cleanliness but also
practice it. Only then will the beautification of nation be possible.

Thank you.

2. Imagine that you are the secretary of your college union. On the occasion of ‘Annual Day Celebration’,
you are required to introduce the Chief Guest whose is given below.
Chief Guest : Dr. Rajagopalan
Native : Mysore
Education : M.A. English, Ph. D from Cambridge University.
Profile : Worked as head of the Department of English, Bangalore University for ten years.
Authored many books on social and literary issues.
Recipient of Central Sahitya Academy Award. Based on the information, write a speech in about 100 words
to introduce the guest at the function.

Ans: - Good Morning and a warm welcome to every one present here on this momentous occasion.
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends.
I am honored to have been given an opportunity to speak on the ‘Annual Day Celebration of our
college’. It is my privilege to welcome a gem of literature – Dr. Rajagopalan. After completion of his post
graduate degree course in English, he accomplished his Ph.D. from Cambridge University. Therefore, he
served at Bangalore University as a teacher. Highly regarded for his expertise and intelligence, he soon
climbed up the ladder of success and became the Head of the Department of English and worked at this post
for ten years.
In addition to teaching, he had flair and lifelong passion for writing books. He has authored many
books on social as well as literary issues. For his excellent writings, last year he was honored with the Central
Sahitya Academy Award. Sir, you are requested to address the students.

Thank you.
3. Your college is celebrating ‘Sports Day’. You are required to speak on ‘The Importance of Sports in a
student’s life’. Write a speech in about 100 words. Your speech could include the following points:
Physical fitness. Mental well - being
Sound mind – sound body
Sportive spirit
Name and fame
Job opportunities

Ans: - Good Morning and a warm welcome to every one present here on this momentous occasion.
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends.
On the occasion of ‘Sports Day’ I would like to share with you the importance of sports in a
student’s life. Games are necessary for physical fitness as well as for our mental wellbeing. Hence, every
student should enthusiastically participate in one or another sports activity. They also help us to develop skills
needed for our future jobs as they make us popular not only among our friends but also among the other
players and therefore, among districts, states and countries also.
Many jobs opportunities come to us; even in the government sector, many seats are reserved for
players. So, I would like to request all of you to take part in at least once such activity of your interest.

Thank you.

4. You are the president of the student union of your college. You have invited the Deputy Commissioner of
your district to inaugurate the activities of the college union. Based on the information given below, write a
speech not exceeding 100 words to introduce the guest.
Name : Dr. Sridhar Pandey
Educational Qualification : MBBS, MD
Work Profile : Started career as a doctor in rural areas conducted several free medical
camps. Passed KAS in 2002
Worked as Assistant Commissioner at Hassan and Bijapur. Promoted to IAS in 2011.
Interest : Photography, Music and Social Work

Ans: - Good Morning and a warm welcome to every one present here on this momentous occasion.
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends.
It is my honour and privilege to introduce our distinguished Chief Guest, Dr. Sridhar Pandey,
Deputy Commissioner of our district. He has a post graduate degree in medicine. He started out as a doctor
serving in rural area and he has conducted a number of free medical camps. He passed KAS in 2002 and
worked as the Assistant Commissioner in Hassan and Bijapur districts. He was promoted to the IAS in 2011.
His other interests include photography, music and social work.
I would like to extend a warm welcome to him and request him to activities of the college union.

Thank you.

5. Imagine that you are a member of the Social Service Unit in your city / town. You are addressing a gathering
of students and lecturers of your college on ‘The Importance of Social Service in Life’. Write a speech in
about 100 words about it. Your speech may include the following points.
A Selfless service to fellow human beings.
Small, yet very significant.
Adds self – satisfaction and identity to life.
Useful to develop good character.
Remain in the memory of the public.
Ans: - Good Morning and a warm welcome to every one present here on this momentous occasion.
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends.
I am immensely pleased that I have been given the opportunity to speak before you on the
importance of social service of life. First of all, we may not know what is social service in life? It is a selfless
service to fellow human beings, without any motive of earning name or fame, without any temptation of
money. Though it may be small in its extent yet it is very significant.
It connects a man of the society to another man, increases love and empathy among them. It adds
to his / her self- satisfaction and gives identity to his life. He gets a purpose in his life. It is very useful to
develop a good character. A good and actual social worker always remains in the memory of the public due
to the service rendered by him / her. Let’s take oath that from today onwards we shall give a part of our day
to such noble causes.

Thank you.

6. Your college is celebrating ‘Road Safety Week’. You are asked to speak in your college assembly,
highlighting some of the traffic rules and mentioning the need to follow them. Write a speech in about 100
words. Your speech should include the following points. March - 2015
Road accidents
Use of Mobile phones
While riding / driving
Overtaking and speeding

Ans: - Good Morning and a warm welcome to every one present here on this momentous occasion.
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends.
Today I would like to share some of my thoughts on ‘Road Safety’ with you. Every day in
newspapers, we read reports on road accidents. Most of the accidents are caused by the negligence of impatient
drivers who are in a hurry and hence jump signals. Another cause for accidents is over speeding or trying to
overtake other vehicles. The youth, in particular, drive recklessly neglecting the traffic rules. Moreover, many
riders use mobile phones while driving. These people not only risk their lives but also the lives of the others.
I implore you to take an oath today to follow the traffic rules and make this ‘Road Safety week’ meaningful.

Thank you.

7. Imagine that you have organized a function to mark the ‘World Tourism Day’. You have to speak on the
importance of travelling. Use the following points and write a speech in about 100 words.
Travel – necessary – provides fun – entertainment – information – expands one’s understanding – mental
horizons – opportunity for visiting diverse places and people. March - 2016
Ans: - Good Morning and a warm welcome to every one present here on this momentous occasion.
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends.
Today we have organized a function to mark the ‘World Tourism Day’. Travelling is necessary
as it provides not only fun and entertainment but also gives us a lot of information about the language and
culture of different places. Travelling helps to expand one’s mental horizon. Travelling also provides
opportunity for visiting diverse places and people.
Thus, I would like to conclude my speech by saying that travelling is necessary especially for
today’s generation who are leading a highly stressed life and have less time for leisure and exercise. Travelling
provides the body a good exercise and fills the mind with peaceful and positive thoughts.

Thank you.
8. Imagine you are the College Union President. You are given the responsibility of introducing the guest on
the college day. Use the following information. March - 2017
Name : Dr. Jnana V.V
Educational Qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D.
Work Profile : Scientist in Astro physics, started career as a lecturer
Interest : Public awareness programmes on science.

Ans: - Good Morning and a warm welcome to every one present here on this momentous occasion.
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends.
I Bharath, as the College Union President take the golden opportunity to introduce the Chief
Guest for today’s College Day Progamme. Our Chief Guest is Dr. Jnana V.V who after the completion of his
M.Sc., Ph.D., started his career as a lecturer. Presently he is working as a scientist in Astro Physics. His
interests along with other scientific activities, is specifically in organizing public awareness programmes on
science. We are immensely grateful to have Dr. Jnana V.V with us today. On behalf of our college authorities,
staff and students, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our Chief Guest and thank you for taking time
from his busy schedule to be with us.

Thank you.

9. Imagine that you are the General Secretary of your college union. You have to introduce the guest in the
Annual Day function in about 100 words. His personal details are as below. March - 2018
Name : Mr. Vedamurthy
Native : Davangere
Educational Qualification : M.A. English, KAS 2008 batch, served as lecturer in Chitradurga
Present : Asst. Commissioner Food and Civil Supply Bellary.

Ans: - Good Morning and a warm welcome to every one present here on this momentous occasion.
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends.
As the General Secretary of our college union, I am glad to welcome one and all present here in
the Annual Day function of our college. It is an honour and privilege to welcome our Chief Guest, Mr.
Vedamurthy, who has spared his precious time for us from his busy schedule. Mr. Vedamurthy, a native from
Davangere, is a man of selfless service. He has done his M.A English. Then he started his career as a lecturer
in Chitradurga.
But he is a personality who never wants to stop. Being ambitious to serve the society, he appeared
in administrative exams and passed the same under KAS 2008 batch. It is our good luck that he has been
appointed as Assistant Commissioner, Food and Civil supply of our district, Bellary. His other interests are
photography, music and social work.
Sir, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you. I also thank you for being with us. We feel
ourselves very fortunate to have you here.

Thank you.

10. Imagine you are the secretary of your college. On the occasion of college day, you are given the
responsibility of introducing the chief guest to the audience. Write a speech in about 100 words Using the
points given in the profile. March - 2019
Chief guest : Mrs.Sudha Murthy
Native : Shiggaon (Karnataka)
Education : B.E in Electrical Engineering from BVB College, Hubballi
Profile : First female engineer hired by TELCO–Chairperson of Infosys
Foundation–Member of public care initiatives of the Gates Foundation A
teacher, Philanthropist and a writer in Kannada and English awarded
Padmashri in 2006

Ans: - Good Morning and a warm welcome to every one present here on this momentous occasion.
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends.
We have gathered over here on the occasion of college day. I being the secretary of our college
am proud to stand before you to introduce the chief guest of today’s function to this august gathering. We are
extremely happy to have Mrs. Sudha Murthy as our chief guest. She is a native of Shiggoan of Karnataka. Her
educational qualification is B.E. in Electrical engineering from BVB College, Hubballi. We are proud to know
that she is the first female engineer hired by TELCO.
She became the Chairperson of Infosys Foundation later. She is the member of public health care
initiatives of the Gates Foundation. She is a teacher, philanthropist and a writer in Kannada and English.
She is awarded with Padmashri in 2006. We extend our wholehearted welcome to the great personality.

Thank you.

Note 1. Mark for greeting

2. Marks for correct language usage
1. Mark for format
1. Mark for leaving taking

‘Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow’.


What do the underlined words in the following Extract refer to?

1. Tom Riddle was a student of Hogwarts and a part of the house Slytherin. His earliest of activities was
opening the chamber of secrets which belonged to Salazar Slytherin. The chamber was accessible to the people
who could only speak in Parsel Tongue. It was used by Tom to practice his dark magic and eventually kill
muggle born children. They were killed because Tom thought magic was supposed to be practiced by pure
bloods only. This became a matter of concern for the ministry of magic who ordered for the killing of Tom
His: - …… It: - ……
They: - …… This: - ……

Ans: - His: - Tom Riddle It: - Parsel Tongue

They: - Muggle born children This: - Dark Magic

2. Basavaiah shrunk in humiliation. Nevertheless, he started filling his house with material wealth. But still it
still looked empty. Tammanna continued with the story. The owner’s wife did not stop him from continuing
with it.
He: - …… It: - ……
Him: - …… It: - ……

Ans: - He: - Basavaiah It: - Material Wealth

Him: - Tammanna It: - Story

3. Born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany, Anne Frank lived in Amsterdam with her family during
World War II. Fleeing Nazi persecution of Jews, the family went into hiding for two years; during this time,
Frank wrote about her experiences and wishes. She was 15 when the family was found and sent to the camps,
where she died. Her work, The Diary of Anne Frank, has gone on to be read by millions.

Her: - …… This: - ……
She: - …… Where: - ……

Ans: - Her: - Anne Frank This: - Word War II

She: - Anne Frank Where: - Camps

4. Work done by an individual produces output which benefits others in the society. It helps to fulfill the needs
and purpose of life. A person who does the work feels happy and contended when his achievements brings
appreciation brings appreciation and satisfaction for his quality work. This provides interest to do further
Which: - …… Who: - ……
His: - …… This: - ……

Ans: - Which: - Outputs Who: - A person

His: - A person This: - Quality work
5. Scientists have studied the surface of the moon. They have used a big telescope. It is used to make the
accurate map of the surface of the moon which helps to show the mountains and valleys on the moon. Thus
we can acquire knowledge about the moon and the earth.

They: - …… It: - ……
Which: - …… We: - ……

Ans: - They: - Scientists It: - Telescope

Which: - Accurate Map We: - Scientists

6. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was born on 15th October 1931. He was elected as the 11th president of India. His
contribution to the field of Missile Technology was immense. The Second Nuclear Test was conducted in
Pokhram. It was a very successful mission. Pokhram became a very famous place all over the world, where
the nuclear test was conducted.

He: - …… His: - ……
It: - …… Where: - ……

Ans: - He: - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam His: - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
It: - Second Nuclear Test Where: - Pokhran

7. The Capulets and Montagues were noble families in Verona. They were dead enemies. Romeo and Juliet
had love at first sight. He compared her to a snowy dove. She compared Romeo to a new snow.

They: - …… He: - ……
Her: - …… She: - ……

Ans: - They: - Capulets & Montagues He: - Romeo

Her: - Juliet She: - Juliet

8. A step ladder is something that every family needs the women in the family will find it extremely convenient
when they wash the windows, and their dust. The gentleman of the house too will require a step – ladder when
he hangs picture on the walls, when he fixes the curtains.

It: - …… They: - ……
Their: - …… He: - ……

Ans: - It: - Ladder They: - Women

Their: - Windows He: - Gentleman

9. Rumini Devi Arundale learnt Sadir. It was the art of Devadasis. She learnt it for two years. She gave her
first performance under a banyan tree. George Arundale was her husband. He presented the dance as a spiritual
art. Rukmini Devi’s first student was her niece. Her name was Radha.

It: - …… She: - ……
He: - …… Her: - ……

Ans: - It: - Sadir She: - Rukmini Devi Arundale

He: - George Arundale Her: - Radha
10. Sheela Rani Chunkath encouraged the rural women in her district to buy the bicycles. She ordered the
banks to sanction loans to them. Most of the women bought the bicycles. The bicycles help them a lot. It is
the symbol of progress. Sheela Rani was honoured for her support.

She: - …… Them: - ……
It: - …… Her: - ……

Ans: - She: - Sheela Rani Chunkath Them: - Rural Women

It: - Bicycles Her: - Sheela Rani Chunkath

11. Luisa’s parents did not approve of her marriage to a telegraph operator, and her son Gabriel, the oldest of
twelve children, was sent to live with his maternal grandfathers. Marquez later said that his love of story –
telling came from his grandfathers. After the riots he went to the university in Cartagena where he took up
journalism to support himself.

Her: - …… His: - ……
Where: - …… Himself: - ……

Ans: - Her: - Luisa’s His: - Gabriel Marquez’s

Where: - University in Cartagena Himself: - Gabriel Marquez’s

12. Ravi designs the trophies handed over to the winners. These are presented to them with a grand ceremony.
Though Ravi was not a sports man, his passion for designing the trophies are outstanding. He has his workshop
in West Bengal where he has been living since childhood. March - 2015

These: - …… Them: - ……
His: - …… Where: - ……

Ans: - These: - Trophies Them: - Winners

His: - Ravi Where: - West Bengal

13. Trees are essential to the ecosystem in which they reside. They absorb and store rainwater. This helps the
ground water supply recharge. Fallen leaves make excellent compost that enriches soil. March - 2016

Which: - …… They: - ……
This: - …… That: - ……

Ans: - Which: - Ecosystem They: - Trees

This: - Rainwater That: - Compost (Manure)

14. Arunima Sinha was inspired by cricketer. Yuvraj Singh who had successfully battled cancer. She also
thought of doing something in life and her strong mind determined to conquer the peaks of Mount Everest. It
was climbed by Bachendri Pal at first in 2011. March - 2017

Who: - …… She: - ……
Her: - …… It: - ……

Ans: - Who: - Yuvraj Singh She: - Arunima Sinha

Her: - Arunima Sinha It: - Mount Everest
15. Rabindranath Tagore, is a poet who prays to the Lord not to remove all obstacles, asks for strength to bear
them. Before the start of Mahabharata war. Arjun was seized with emotional weakness. Therefore, he refused
to fight the war. But Lord Krishna rescued him by giving emotional strength. March - 2018

Who: - …… Them: - ……
He: - …… Him: - ……

Ans: - Who: - Rabindranath Tagore Them: - Obstacles

He: - Arjun Him: - Arjun

16. Everyone needs a holiday. It relaxes our minds. Holiday makers who go on a holiday feel refreshed.
Parents take their leave to coincide with children’s vacation. April which is a traditional holiday season invites
all holiday makers. March - 2019

It: - …… Who: - ……
Their: - …… Which: - ……

Ans: - It: - Holiday Who: - Holiday Makers

Their: - Parents’ Which: - April

‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest’.



Rewrite the Jumbled Segments to form a meaningful sentence: -

1. Change / is / the / in / world / password / that / unlocks / doors / driven / by / technology

Ans: - The change in the world password unlocks door that in driven by technology.

2. Went / Gandhi / Africa / as a lawyer / to south / work / to

Ans: - Gandhi went to south Africa to work as a lawyer.

3. divided / countries / continents / the / is / into / and / world

Ans: - The world is divided into continents and countries.

4. critics / Tammanna’s work / started / analyzing / and translating

Ans: - Critics started analyzing and translating Tammanna’s work.

5. peace / between us / the snuff / has made

Ans: - The snuff has made peace between us.

6. Joy / source / the / of / and / forest / beauty / is

Ans: - Forest is the source of beauty and Joy.

7. Went / Gandhi / Africa / as a lawyer / to south / work / to

Ans: - Gandhi went to south Africa to work as a lawyer.

8. write / be / intend / history / kind / me / I / to / for / to / will

Ans: - History will be kind to me, for I intend to write.

9. nature / the duty / conserve / of / human beings / is to

Ans: - The duty of human beings is to conserve nature.

10. conscience / accusation / a / at / false / clear / laughs

Ans: - A clear conscience laughs at false accusation.

11. to cycling / Arivoli / gave / sanction / social

Ans: - Arivoli gave social sanction to cycling / Arivoli gave to cycling social sanction.

12. plays / democracy / an important / in / role / the / media.

Ans: - The media plays an important role in democracy.

13. in a / flash / conceived / I / this / story

Ans: - I conceived this story in a flash.

14. one day / know that / Basavaiah / Tammanna was ill / came to
Ans: - One day Basavaiah came to know that Tammanna was ill.
15. built / that / around / a fence / land / was
Ans: - A fence was built around that land.

16. every five years / held / their leaders / one in / to elect / elections are
Ans: - Elections are held once in every five years to elect their leaders.

17. terrible / to get / you want / Delhi’s / don’t / heat? / away from
Ans: - Don’t you want to get away from Delhi’s terrible heat?

18. be / water / used / should / Judiciously

Ans: - Water should be used Judiciously.

19. forest / the / of beauty / joy / is / source / and

Ans: - Forest is the source of beauty and Joy.

20. application / my resume / I / with this / have / enclosed

Ans: - I have enclosed my resume with this application.

21. extensions / our sight / is an / the microscope / of

Ans: - The microscope is an extension of our sight.

22. is located / on the / a / banks of / the river / huge temple

Ans: - A huge temple is located on the banks of the river.

23. knowledge / not just / the source of / was / and freedom / the forest
Ans: - The forest was not just the source of knowledge and freedom.

24. performance / our / well – known / its / for / team / is

Ans: - Our team is well – known for its performance.

25. to identity / competitions / in students / are held / talents / and appreciate

Ans: - Competitions are held to identity and appreciate talents in students.

26. the / was / I / traffic / of / because / delayed

Ans: - I was delayed because of the traffic.

27. own/ every / its / language / country / has

Ans: - Every country has its own language

28. old people / helpful / kind / and / to / should be / one

Ans: - One should be kind and helpful to old people.

29. humility / a lot / simplicity / has / with / to do

Ans: - Simplicity has a lot to do with humility

30. sports / and / business / world / in the / also / rife / is / corruption / of

Ans: - Corruption is also rife in the world of sport and business.
31. extremely / expensive / in Brazil / motor cars / are March - 2015
Ans: - Motor cars are extremely expensive in Brazil

32. to us / given / all things / for a purpose / have been March - 2016
Ans: - All things have been given to us for a purpose.

33. is / our imagination / an extension / only the book / of / and memory March - 2017
Ans: - Only the book is an extension of our imagination and memory

34. seven thousand / in Monaco / there are / only / men March - 2018
Ans: - There are only seven thousand men in Monaco.

35. peace loving / was a / kingdom / monaco. March - 2019

Ans: - Monaco was a peace loving kingdom

‘Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself’.

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