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Hafsah Khan

Developing ASP.Net MVC Web Applications

1) It contains the UI template file that responsible for rendering

output such as HTML.

a. Models b. Views c. Content

2) It Contains data file that you need to write/read.

a. App Start b. Scripts c. App Data

3) Web Applications are typically divided into layers.

a. Four b. Two c. Three

4) A controller is responsible for intercepting incoming request and

executing the application code.

a. True b. False

5) An action method can’t return bool , int or string it can only

return Action Result.

a. True b. False
6) This default view engine started from MVC3.

a. Razor View Engine b. MVC3 default View Engine c. Web form View Engine

7) Use to pass data from controller to another view.

d. TempData and View e. TempData f. TempData and ViewBag


8) There are ____ ways to pass data from controller’s to view.

a. Two b. Three c. Four

9) Represents classes that do not process anything and provide

information passed between controller and view.

a. Data Model b. Default Classes c. View Model

10) Html.DisplayFor () is used to display the names and values of

model properties.

a. True b. False

11) There are ____ types of Models.

a. Two b. Three c. Four

12) The process of mapping data in an HttpRequest object to a

model object is known as.

a. Model Binding b. Model Request c. Data Binding

13) The ASP.NET MVC Framework provides a feature to create
views automatically called.

a. Create View b. Scaffolding c. Model View

14) There are ____ scaffolding templates in Visual Studio .Net.

a. Six b. Five c. Four

15) In Asp.Net MVC application we can manually validate data in

the controller action .

a. True b. False

16) ModelState is a _____ in the System.Web.Mvc namespace

that encapsulate the state of model binding in an application.

a. Class b. Model c. Action Method

17) The Entity Framework creates models , classes and

properties corresponding to the existing database objects in.

a. Code first approach b. Database first approach

18) Entity Framework creates database objects based on model

classes that you create to represent application data.

a. Code first approach b. Database first approach

19) API stands for .

a. Authorize Programming b. Authorize Protocol c. Application Program

Interface Interface Interface
20) Nested Layout can use @RenderBody() method multiple

a. True b. False
Programming ASP.Net AJAX

1) Ajax stands for:

a. Asynchronous Java and Xml b. Asynchronous JavaScript Xaml c. Asynchronous JavaScript Xml

2) Ajax improves performance of the page by enabling users to carry on with their
tasks after sending a request to the server.
a. True b. False

3) Web Pages use _______ to make asynchronous calls to web-based services that
return data in XML format.
a. JavaScript b. Html c. Xml

4) Dom is standard object model that represents _____ documents.

a. Xml b. Html c. Xml and Html

5) JavaScript use _________ object for communication with the server-side

a. XmlHttpRequest b. HttpRequest c. HtmlHttpRequest

6) Object is the main key component in Ajax application.

a. XmlHttpRequest b. Jason c. Ajax Client

7) This object is responsible for hosting and disposing the client components.
a. Application Object b. Client Object c. Components

8) Updating of a portion of page without refreshing the whole user interface is called.
a. Rendering b. Partial Rendering c. Rendering Update

9) The base class , extended by all visual and non-visual client controls , is ______
a. Base b. Component c. Application
10) Microsoft Ajax Client Library provides tools to create clients application that
depend on browser.
a. True b. False
Windows Store App Development I
1) Xaml belongs to this type.
a. Declarative markup b. Programming language c. Scripting language
2) Name the control which presents an inline list of items.
a. ListBox b. Combobox c. ToList

3) Name the stretch property which is the default value and the image is adjusted to
fit the output dimensions.
a. Fill b. Uniform c. UniformToFill

4) Which category Grid, Stack, Panel, and canvas belongs to?

a. Control Panel b. Framework c. Controls

5) Function which starts running based on the programming language is called:

a. Start Point b. Entry Point c. Default Point

6) The code can be factored into reusable components for windows store app which
are called:
a. Windows Store b. Components c. Windows Runtime
Components Components

7) Which method is used to display content in the Windows Frame?

a. Display b. Navigate c. DisplayFor

8) Which element helps to present more options in less space and provides
interactive controls?
a. Controls b. Menu c. Command

9) ____________ allows Windows Store Apps to display and interact with data.
a. Data Binding b. Data Connection c. Navigate
10) Which of these does a user need if they wish to display items in a list?
a. Items Controls b. Content Template c. ToString()

11) Which kind app data and user data belongs to?
a. App Data b. User Data c. Data flickers

12) App packages contain the files extension.

a. .apps b. .appex c. .appx

13) Each system of a grid system is equal to pixels.

a. 120 b. 350 c. 400

14) In this layout ,controls are located using x and y coordinates and the
positioning will not consider the size of the screen.
a. Absolute Layout b. Layout OverView c. Dynamic Layout

15) The distinct technologies used to create the windows store apps are:
a. Javascript,Xaml,Html5 b. Xaml,Html5,DirectX c. Xml,Xaml,Html5

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