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Machine-related factors:

 Movement of personnel (automated production lines)

 Machinery from different sources and using different technologies
 Flow of materials or products between machines

Electrical Hazards:
Electrical injuries include shock, electrocution and electrical burns. Most accidents involving
electricity result from:
 Not isolating the electrical supply
 Working on live electrical equipment

General precautions for working with electricity involve a combination of insulation, earthing
and isolation. Other precautions should include:
 Portable power tools being grounded or double insulated
 Double adaptors being prohibited
 Immediate removal of equipment with frayed or damaged electrical leads
 System of work permits to ensure that the location of cables (overhead, underground,
under floor and other side of walls) are determined before digging, drilling, etc
 Systems of isolation and tagging procedures are in place. Tagging and lock out
prevents someone unwittingly turning the power back on while an electrician is
working on a piece of equipment
 Only cordless tools are used in damp or wet conditions
 Metal ladders are not used for electrical work
 Electricians wear correct clothing such as insulated safety boots
 All electrical equipment is designed and manufactured in accordance with Australian
Standards AS3000 and AS3100
 All electricians are trained in first aid treatment for electric shock

When discovering someone who has suffered an electric shock:

 Get someone to call for an ambulance
 Turn off the source of the power to the faulty equipment
 If this is not possible, try to remove the person from the source of the power by using
a non-conductive material:
o Pull them with a dry rope
o Push them with a piece of dry wood pr plastic tube
 On voltages 1000V or more, do not approach closer than 1.5m
 Once the person is removed from the source, check their breathing and if they are not
breathing, commence Expired Air Resuscitation (EAR). Check for a pulse and if there
is no pulse commence cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
 For electrical burns, apply a cold compress and seek medical attention

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